Innovatiiviset ja epätavalliset taktiikat

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Vaikka meillä ei ole varsinaisia lentoratatutkia niin meillä on jonkin verran tutkia jotka näkevät rakettien/ohjusten reittejä (katvealueen yläpuolella).
Hirveän tarkkaa sijaintia noista ei saa mutta entä jos ammuttaisiin sirotemiina keskitykset alueesta pois lähteville reiteille ja laitetaan lennokki katsomaan tarkka sijainti?


There are no urban warfare units in the US Army—not a single unit designed, organized, or equipped specifically for the challenges of operating in cities. There are no research centers dedicated solely to the study of military operations in cities. There are no schools or training sites where Army units can experience, experiment, or train for the challenges of operating in places like Mosul, Aleppo, or Raqqa, where we have seen US and Iraqi forces engaged in high-intensity combat. Without a specialized unit, research center, school, or training site, taking steps to develop new ways or tools of approaching military operations in cities is nearly impossible.

In 2008, I conducted offense, defense, and stability operations in the dense urban environments of Sadr City and Adhamiyah, Iraq. For the past few years I have had the opportunity to study the history of urban warfare, conduct research on the challenges of future operations in dense urban environments, and—most importantly—creatively think through the tactical challenges of fighting in cities.

Having had that opportunity to develop a better understanding of the unique challenges posed by dense urban environments, if I was sent back into a city to conduct military operations today, I would do things differently. Below is a list of tools that general-purpose Army units do not have, but I would want. In the spirt of the holiday season I limited my list to items that can fit under a combat Christmas tree.

1. Industrial foam thrower

Tunnels, subway entrances, and sewer manholes are major problems for soldiers. I personally would not want to go down (or send soldiers down) into any of these urban subterranean environments. But in high-intensity combat, each opening has to be addressed. Each one poses a means for enemy forces to escape or come up behind soldiers as they clear building to building. Instead of going into the tunnels or holes, I want an industrial foam-throwing gun that will seal each opening as I find and move past them. Foam is already used to lift concrete house foundations, streets, and sidewalks in the private sector. Adapting this tool to the needs of the urban warrior would pay huge dividends.

2. Speaker drones

A megaphone attached to a quadcopter drone could give soldiers the ability to do a tactical callout to direct people within a building to exit before a search of it—or, depending on the situation, an attack on it—begins. A speaker drone could also tell displaced personnel where to go to get aid or to avoid combat areas.

3. Keys to a mining robot

Something I regret from my urban combat experience is not considering going through buildings rather than exposing myself and my troops approaching by street or alleys. The practice of boring holes, commonly referred to as “mouse holing” has appeared in almost every major urban battle I have studied. In Nablus in 2002 , the Israel Defense Forces planned a majority of their movement through holes in walls, ceilings, and courtyards. I would want a mining robot that could drill or punch holes in walls in advance of my movements. The robot would have the software, data, and sensing capability to know where to go through walls most easily and with the least amount of damage.

4. Rapid barrier emplacement wheels

The use of concrete walls in urban combat was one of the most effective weapons used in urban operations during the last twenty years. We used them extensively to reduce violence in the Battle of Sadr City in 2008. Despite the wide use of concrete in Iraq, no new methods for their employment were developed. Concrete had to be placed on flatbed trucks and lifted by commercial cranes one at a time. I’d like to see a wheel system (think Egyptians moving stones to build the pyramids) that allows concrete walls to roll directly off of a flatbed truck into position. This might have changed the maximum number of barriers we averaged a night from sixty to hundreds. A properly planned mission might be able to effectively siege enemy forces overnight.

5. Grenade launcher–deployed curtains

When soldiers stand on the street in urban operations they can be seen or shot at from great distances. A curtain between two buildings would help prevent them from being seen. Local civilians in Aleppo used this technique by hanging giant curtains across buildings so they could walk from building to building without being targeted by snipers. In the past, I’ve written about the possibility of doing this using an anchoring system that is shot out of a grenade launcher, designed by West Point cadets in 2012, and some durable curtains.

6. Tear gas

Tear gas was used heavily in past urban battles such as the WWII Battle of Aachen or the Battle of Hue in Vietnam. It workedwell to chase enemy troops from within buildings and ambush spots in the urban environments. This would require a policychange, since in 1997 the United States signed an international treaty banning wartime use of chemical weapons, which includes tear gas. But including it in a unit’s urban combat kit bag could save both soldiers’ and civilians’ lives.

7. Ballistic shield

Soldiers call the doorway of a new building or room the “fatal funnel.” It is a single point that the enemy can shoot at and know they can hit someone. Similarly vulnerable are rooftops, where soldiers can be easily targeted by sniper fire. Soldiers are sometimes required to use the low walls found on roofs to pop up to return fire or look out only a few seconds. Some police conducting urban raids in the United States use ballistic shields that can stop 7.62-caliber bullets (the bullet of choice of non-state actors around the world wielding AK-47s). Soldiers will still have to pass through doors and position themselves on rooftops, and I want a shield to protect them.

8. Car battery recharging cable

The next revolution in military affairs will be in energy, not weapons. The biggest resupply needs of soldiers in the high pace of urban battle include water, ammo, and food, but also, critically, batteries. Abandoned cars often litter urban battlefields. I would love to have a cable that I could hook to a car battery and charge any system I carry into combat.

9. Disposable drone swarms

Drone swarms have the potential to change many of the fundamental challenges of urban warfare. They could be used to distinguish between civilians and the enemy, make it harder to see attacking soldiers by creating a smoke cloud, and possibly form a wall that would protect soldiers from bullets as they move to a target.

10. A credit card and an amazon prime account

Some of these tools may work, some may not. The force that is more flexible and can more rapidly adapt to emerging conditions during an urban fight has an immense advantage. I would want the freedom to buy and experiment with tools such as these as problems present themselves on the battlefield.

I believe strongly that urban battlefields represent the future of warfare. With that in mind, this holiday season I’m wishing for tools that soldiers fighting in urban environments today and those that will fight there tomorrow can use to solve the unique problems cities pose.
Olen miettinyt jos käytettäisiin kaupallisia kyttäyssuojia tähyllä vähän muokattuna? (IR-jälki on tarkistettava ja tarvittaessa korjattava sekä lisäksi suojattava navella sekä/tai kasvillisuudella.)
Lämpöjälki on nykyään sekä mikä paljastaa ensin ja lämmön puolesta ympäristöön sulautuva puskakasa spotataan vasta paljon lähempänä.
Lisäksi jos on hyvin tehty ilmanpoisto niin vastapuolen koirakin ei havaitse tähyä niin helposti.
Ja näistä voisi myös tehdä jatkuvasti lämmitettyjä valetähyjä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Laitan tänne koska kyberhyökkäykseen vastaaminen fyysisesti on omasta näkökulmastani sallittu, mutta kansainväliset kuviot on arveluttavia. Homma menee vaikeaksi mutta ei mahdottomaksi jos kohde sijaitsee aivan toisessa maassa.

When conducting a kinetic military response to a cyberattack, it’s better to explain why and how you are doing so.

A month ago, the Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, responded to a Hamas cyberattack with an online counter-attack against the hackers followed by an airstrike that destroyed their building in Gaza. It remains unclear whether any Hamas cyberspace operators died in the operation.

This was the first time that a military has conducted a kinetic operation directly in response to a cyberattack in real time. It occurred in the context of decades-long hostilities between Israel and Hamas, and amid the worst fighting between the parties since 2014.

The operation may have been warranted. Unfortunately, the IDF didn’t explain much about it, so the world cannot tell. We don’t know what Hamas was trying to achieve, why the IDF felt that the strike was justified, or just what Israel’s policy is for countering cyberspace operations.
Mitä kauempana ontelo laukeaa tankista sitä vähemmän se läpäisee kuten raakalauta sopivassa kohdassa heikentää tehoa.
Venäläisethän käyttävät jalkaväkeä lisäpanssarina.

Ontelokärjet hyötyvät sopivasta stand-off -etäisyydestä. Tuossa esimerkki:


Lähteenä sivu jossa varsinaiseksi lähteeksi mainitaan "1989 book 'Fundamentals of shaped charges' by W.P Walters and J. Zukas."
Raskas kylkkäri olisi hyvä asentaa vaikka tierumpuun ja käyttää ikäänkuin pohjamiinaa. Tekee siten pahempaa jälkeä. Kun tulppaa, kannattaa varman päälle vaikkapa 3-4 tellua tähysteisenä laukaista ;) Muutenhan tuota perusideasi voi varioida pidemmälläkin urapätkällä, tulppaamalla ja pakottamalla jalkautumaan. Epäsuoran maalipisteitä valmiiksi riittävästi niin rskrh tekee tuhon. Tulppavahteina riittää partiot ja tuhoojina ohj ryhmät, tjpartiot tähyssä. EDIT: +viuhkapartiot lihajahtiin

Ei ole takuita, että metallisuihku pääsee läpi ehjänä sen rummun ja hiekan läpi. Menee vain kylli hukkaan. Fiksumpaa on haudata kylli pohjamiinaksi ohuella naamioinnilla. Ja silloin riittää kevyempikin kylli.
Liekkö yhteyttä "tinaamiseen" näillä sanoilla?

Mutta asiaan, tosiaan eli idea on täyttää trotyylillä ne reiät ja räjäyttää tiehen messevät reiät ennen vihollisen paikalle saapumista.

Miksi helvetissä ennen viholisen saapumista?!?

Fiksuinta on päästää tiedustelutankki läpi. Ja jälkipartio täräyttää kärjen ilmaan samalla. Tai miinoitusta tutkimaan tulleet pioneerit.
Lyhyt artikkeli yllä olevasta Portugalin yksiköstä:

Portugal’s navy reveals “tech guerrilla” unit creating tech toys that kill

You don't need a huge budget like the US Department of Defense's to harness emerging technology for mayhem. During NATO's Recognized Environmental Picture Maritime Unmanned Systems (REPMUS) event last month—an uncrewed systems exercise held on the coast of Portugal—the Portuguese navy revealed its own in-house robot and drone capabilities, including some developed by the navy's Unmanned Vehicle Experimentation Cell (Célula Experimentação Operacional de Veículos Não Tripulados, or CEOV). This unit—made up of a handful of sailors with extensive technical training and talents in hardware hacking and engineering—has built prototype weapons using off-the-shelf hardware.

Modified radio-controlled cars configured with cameras and grenade launchers were among the devices shown off for journalists—one of whom was James Rands of Jane's Defence Weekly. The deadly RC racers are part of CEOV's effort to "fight asymmetric threats with asymmetric thinking," according to Portuguese Navy Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo. Commanded by Lieutenant Tiago Mendes, CEOV reports directly to the fleet commander.

Citing "Martec's Law"—a proposal by tech executive Scott Brinker that technologies change exponentially while organizational change is a lot harder and slower (and at best logarithmic)—Lt. Mendes told journalists that the Portuguese navy's procurement process was too slow to bring in cutting-edge technology. As a result, he said, sailors' cell phones had more computing power than the ships they sailed on. Smaller organizations, such as terrorist cells, could exploit new technologies much faster—as was seen when ISIS turned off-the-shelf quadcopter drones into grenade-dropping bombers.
The things developed by CEOV aren't necessarily intended to be used by the Portuguese navy against enemies. Instead, they are intended as a way to explore what an asymmetric, innovative enemy could do so that the military can develop countermeasures. "We're like the flu vaccine," Mendes said. "We don't do the change—we start the process."
Menisikö tämän topicin alle tällainen:
Potkukelkka kamaa! Tulevaisuuden erikoisjoukkojen käyttöön menee melko varmasti.
On tuossa vielä hiottavaa, esim aseenkäyttö. Pitäisi olla valmis aseenkäyttöön heti kun laskeutuu (ehkä jo lennon aikana) mutta nyt kädet kiinni moottorissa.
Mutta on tuo fantastinen laite. Siviilikäyttöön vaikkapa hankalien paikkojen korjaus ja tarkastus. Vuoristossa ja muualla hankalassa maastossa kadonneiden etsintään?
Viimeksi muokattu:
Miten taistelualueelle tuleva kuski toimii jos kaikki liikennemerkit on poistettu teiltä?