Greatest Leader
Iranko sikailee vai onko false flag?
Tästä on tullut vastaan juttuja jo somessakin, ettei ole Debkan yksinoikeus.
Four cargo ships were hit by “sabotage operations” on May 12 near UAE Gulf of Oman waters off the Fujaira emirate. The UAE Foreign Ministry in Abu Dhabi reported that no injuries or spillage of harmful chemicals or fuel had occurred, indicating that the ships were fuel tankers. Work continued as usual at Fujairah port, the statement said.
The UAE had denied an earlier report by local media of “heavy explosions” at the port of Fujairah early Sunday. According to first reports, US and French warplanes were flyng overhead at the time and from 7 to 10 oil tankers were in flames. The UAE is currently expanding the port to hold the world’s largest crude oil storage facility, capable of storing up to 14 million barrels of oil.
Tästä on tullut vastaan juttuja jo somessakin, ettei ole Debkan yksinoikeus.
Four cargo ships were hit by “sabotage operations” on May 12 near UAE Gulf of Oman waters off the Fujaira emirate. The UAE Foreign Ministry in Abu Dhabi reported that no injuries or spillage of harmful chemicals or fuel had occurred, indicating that the ships were fuel tankers. Work continued as usual at Fujairah port, the statement said.
The UAE had denied an earlier report by local media of “heavy explosions” at the port of Fujairah early Sunday. According to first reports, US and French warplanes were flyng overhead at the time and from 7 to 10 oil tankers were in flames. The UAE is currently expanding the port to hold the world’s largest crude oil storage facility, capable of storing up to 14 million barrels of oil.

Two Saudi tankers with oil for US among 4 ships “sabotaged” in UAE waters off Fujairah - DEBKAfile
Two of the four cargo ships sabotaged on Sunday, May 12, off Fujairah were oil tankers, said Saudi energy minister