Respected Leader
ctg kirjoitti:Britain’s armed forces are stepping up contingency planning for potential military action against Iran, amid mounting concern about Tehran’s nuclear enrichment programme, a media report said today. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) believed the US may decide to fast-forward plans for targeted missile strikes at some key Iranian facilities, it said.
The Guardian daily quoting British officials said that if Washington presses ahead it will seek, and receive, UK military help for any mission, despite some deep reservations within the coalition government.
The British military planners of a potential attack are examining where best to deploy Royal Navy ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles over the coming months as part of what would be an air and sea campaign, the report said.
The US would ask permission to launch attacks from Diego Garcia, the British Indian Ocean territory, which the Americans have used previously for conflicts in the Middle East.
US officials are likely to seize on next week’s report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is expected to provide fresh evidence of a possible nuclear weapons programme in Iran.
Quoting Whitehall officials, the paper said Iran has proved “surprisingly resilient” in the face of sanctions, and added that sophisticated attempts by the west to cripple its nuclear enrichment programme had been less successful than first thought.
Officials now believe Iran has restored all the capacity it lost in a sophisticated cyber attack last year.
Kyllä hirveästi ihmettelen että mistä Mr. Cameron on löytänyt varoja näidän sotasuunnitelmien täyttämiseen, kun ei MoDilla ole varaa edes pitää pientä osaa sen laivastosta merellä. Joten olisikohan tässä taas yksi propaganda uutinen sillä Parlamentissa tätä ei ainakaan ole puitu vaan lehdistö on pitänyt tätä pinnalla aivan kuin se olisi fakta, että Obama lähtee iippojen kanssa leikkiin mukaan. Toisaalta en olisi mitenkään hirveän yllättynyt jos Amerikkalaiset oikein odottaa, että Irani kostaa ja siten saa heidät mukaan matsiin.
Huomatkaa miten sanat on järjestelty sopivasti osoittamaan, että IAEAn raportti olisi jotakin muuta kuin mitä se on ollut tähän mennessä eli ei niillä ole ydinaseohjelmaa, vaan iipot on pitkään yrittäneet junailla valheen todeksi. JOS Iranilla olisi niitä aseita, niin se olisi lähi-idässä toinen valtio iippojen jälkeen, jos mukaan ei oteta turkin nato-paukkuja.
Niin, hämmästyttävää oli sekin miten tässä talousahdingossa Britannialla, Ranskalla ja muilla mailla oli rahaa pommittaa kuukausitolkulla Libyaa. Samassa mätettiin menemään huippukalliita risteilyohjuksia.
On 22 March 2011, BBC News presented a breakdown of the likely costs to the UK of the mission.[219] Journalist Francis Tusa, editor of Defence Analysis, estimated that flying a Tornado GR4 would cost about £35,000 an hour, so the cost of patrolling one sector of Libyan airspace would be £2M –£3M per day. Conventional airborne missiles would cost £800,000 each and Tomahawk cruise missiles £750,000 each. Professor Malcolm Charmers of the Royal United Services Institute similarly suggested that a single cruise missile would cost about £500,000, while a single Tornado sortie would cost about £30,000 in fuel alone. If a Tornado was downed the replacement cost would be upwards of £50m. By 22 March the US and UK had already fired more than 110 cruise missiles. UK Chancellor George Osborne had said that the MoD estimate of the operation cost was "tens rather than hundreds of millions". On 4 April Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton said that the RAF was planning to continue operations over Libya for at least six months.[220]
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