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Vanhempi kuva ja artikkeli vuodelta 2015.
Sea tests of China’s indigenous electromagnetic railguns are under way, Chinese papers have revealed, quoting delegates of the People’s Liberation Army who are attending the annual parliamentary session in Beijing.

This has been further confirmed by a feature on the PLA-run news portal bout a female lead engineer who was the brains behind a repeating pulsating direct current power system that could charge the railgun.

Zhang Xiao, associate research fellow at the Wuhan-based PLA Naval University of Engineering, said the breakthrough was a hard-won result after hundreds of failures and more than 50,000 tests.

She also led a team that scaled the technical hurdles of installing shipborne electromagnetic launching systems, believed to be planned for use in future Chinese aircraft carriers.

The Global Times quoted commentators as saying that the United States used to maintain a lead in developing such state-of-the-art power systems, but the breakthrough could bring the PLA Navy into the same league as the US in railgun development and trials.
The official U.S. review reportedly says the Chinese electromagnetic cannon can hit targets nearly 125 miles away and fires projectiles at more than seven times the speed of sound. If accurate, this would mean the weapon would be able to strike targets out to its maximum range in a timeframe best measured in seconds.

This is significantly further than the maximum range of any modern naval guns and way faster than even advanced anti-ship and land-attack cruise missiles. It also means that it is capable of lobbing projectiles faster than the U.S. Navy’s own prototype design, which has yet to go to sea.

It’s the kind of potentially game-changing capability that has made the idea of a practical railgun attractive for navies and ground forces around the world for decades. Chinese ships with these weapons would be able to engage targets across a much broader area, potentially increasing the vectors of attack an enemy force at sea or on land might have to worry about and disrupting their plans.

The ships would also be more flexible and better able to quickly shift their attention to emerging threats and fleeting targets. In theory, electromagnetic guns are especially well suited to that latter category of time-sensitive strikes, since they are so hard to defend against, striking with almost no warning and giving an opponent little chance to move critical assets or evacuate from key sites.

Given the high speed of the projectiles they fire, the weapons could potentially take on other roles in the future, too. The U.S. Navy has envisioned its ships using railguns to shoot down manned and unmanned aircraft and incoming cruise and ballistic missiles.

If the PLAN's fleets actually include any significant number of railgun-equipped ships by 2025, as the U.S. intelligence assessment warns, it is even more likely that the era of near total United States naval supremacy in any prospective conflict, especially in Pacific Region, will have come to a close.
Tyyppi-15 varustuksen testailua venäjän vastaisella rajalla. Kiinan armeijan maajoukot on kutistunut suurin piirtein 800.000 vahvuiseksi ja ilmeisesti leikkauksia on tulossa lisää vähintään 200.000 ukon verran (kiinassakin yksityistetään ruuanlaittoa yms)... tällä hetkellä maailman suurimmat maavoimat löytyvätkin Intialta.
Kiinassakin tajuttu että "suurimmat asevoimat" eivät aina missään nimessä tarkoita tehokkaimpia.

Monet länsimaalaiset uutissivustot (varsinkin kotimaiset) antavat ymmärtää että maavoimiin kuuluu noin kaksi miljoonaa etulinjassa sotivaa ukkoa. Intialaisilla uutissivustoilla"cheenien" sotilasjoukkojen leikkauksia juhlistettiinkin voittona Intialle ja kohta kuulemma lyövät kiinalaiset pois vuoristoalueilta koska omaavat ylivoiman...

Muutama hyvä artikkeli aiheesta.
The 10 force reductions in the PLA focused on the following areas:

  • Strengthening the PLAN, PLAAF, and Second Artillery
  • Reducing the officer-to-enlisted-member ratio
  • Increasing the NCO-to-conscript ratio
  • Replacing officer billets with NCO billets
  • Reducing the number of headquarters
  • Reducing the number of administrative organizations within each headquarters
  • Streamlining the operational, logistics, and administrative chains of command
  • Abolishing or merging operational units
  • Transferring certain units to non-PLA organizations, such as the railway troops in 1978
  • Strengthening the warfighting capability for grassroots units in an informationalized environment
  • Reforming the professional military education system

The size of the PLA ground forces suggests that continued modernization would remain slow, deliberate, and limited through 2010. By 2020, infantry, airborne, armor and army aviation units will comprise a much larger percentage of the force. The army is supported by a large reserve-militia force numbering more than 1.5 million personnel and a one million man armed police force.

China will complete the reduction of its military personnel by 300,000 by 2017, spokesman for the Chinese Defense Ministry Yang Yujun said on 03 September 2015. "China will reduce its military personnel by 300,000 by 2017," the Chinese central television quoted Yang Yujun as saying. The personnel cuts will primarily affect units armed with outdated weaponry and administrative staff. "The Chinese armed forces will be downsized, but will become more efficient," Yang Yujun said. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced further military personnel cuts at the opening of the parade held earlier to mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory in World War Two and the end of the war of resistance against Japanese invaders. The Chinese military personnel had been reduced three times since 1980.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army numbered about 2.3 million servicemen by one count. The PLA would cut its ranks by 300,000 to 2 million troops by 2017.

The PLA is officially the armed wing of the Communist Party. For years its main jobs were to keep order at home and protect against an invasion across the border with the Soviet Union. Now Mr Xi wants it to project force abroad, requiring joint operations with the navy, air force and other services. As a government white paper put it in 2015, “the traditional mentality that land outweighs sea must be abandoned.”

This year Mr Xi has initiated a second phase of the shake-up, which the Chinese call “below the neck” reform, affecting combat troops, mid-ranking officers and operational units. In April the defence ministry announced that five “group armies”, or army corps, would be disbanded, cutting the total to 13 (a group army has roughly 50,000 troops). The PLA, the ministry said, is being reorganised into 84 units, although it did not say how these differ from what existed before. The PLA is also turning its divisions (roughly 10,000 troops) into brigades, which are smaller and in theory operationally more flexible.
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Hyvää kamaa. AESA-tutka JF-17:ään on siis nyt todellisuutta. On puhuttu että Kansanarmeija tilaisi niitä sitten kun niihin saadaan AESA-tutka. Itse epäilen, järkevämpää lienee ostaa vain lisää J-10:jä.

#toisaalla vilahti myös nähtävästi sivuantenneilla varustettu hävittäjätutka:
Hyvää kamaa. AESA-tutka JF-17:ään on siis nyt todellisuutta. On puhuttu että Kansanarmeija tilaisi niitä sitten kun niihin saadaan AESA-tutka. Itse epäilen, järkevämpää lienee ostaa vain lisää J-10:jä.

#toisaalla vilahti myös nähtävästi sivuantenneilla varustettu hävittäjätutka:

Tuo sivuantenneilla varustettu on KLJ-7A tutkan uusin variantti.

Näytteillä oli myös vanhempi malli missä ei ole sivupaneeleja mutta löytyy mahdollisuus kääntää tutkaa eri suuntiin.