Korean Sota Osa II ?

Kiinalaiset ajeli 5 pommikoneen laivueella USAn Okinawan lentotukikohdan vierestä. Mitähän meinaavat?

Y-8 on kuljetuskone. Tai tuossa konfiguraatiossa varmaankin merivalvontakone. Tuo H-6:n kuva on joko vinossa tai sitten kone lensi tarkoituksella hitaasti esiintyäkseen tervehtimään tulleille hävittäjille? Tuskin se noin nokka pystyssä normaalisti lentää.
Tehokkaita pakotteita mitkä eivät vaikuttaisi siviiliväestöön ei käytännössä ole ja mitä on, toimivat huonosti.

Joskus vain pitää myöntää se että rapatessa roiskuu jos meinaa omia etuja ajaa. Hyvin näette Venäjä Ukraina casesta. Swiftistä kun olisi laitettu ulos niin voisi itä-ukraina olla vapaa. Pelleily näennäispakotteilla vain pitkittää prosessia

Two minor tremors detected on Saturday from North Korea were probably aftershocks from the country’s massive nuclear test in early September, a US Geological Survey official said.

The aftershocks were magnitude 2.9 and 2.4, said the USGS and Lassina Zerbo, executive secretary of the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

A tweet from Zerbo said analysts had confirmed the activity was “tectonic” in origin.

South Korea says it is imposing a new round of economic sanctions on its neighbour North Korea, going above and beyond the measures of its international partners.

The foreign ministry in Seoul said that adding another 20 North Korean companies and 12 individuals to its blacklist would stem the flow of “illegal funding” going towards Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes, Yonhap reported.

The new measures will go into effect on Monday, the news agency reported.

They come just days after Seoul put 18 North Korean banking officials on a blacklist after its foreign ministry said they had “worked overseas, representing North Korean banks and getting involved in supplying money needed to develop weapons of mass destruction”.

Firms targeted by the new restrictions included Korea Daebong and Yusong shipping companies, Koryo Commercial Bank, Agricultural Development Bank and Cheil Credit Bank. The individuals targeted by sanctions included a spy and several bankers.
The Trump White House talking about North Korea sounds eerily and increasingly like the George W. Bush administration in the run-up to the Iraq War. Officials make similar arguments about the necessity of acting against a gathering storm; proudly claim understanding of the adversary’s motivations; express frustration at countries that should be likewise alarmed at the problem not supporting American policy; and believe the sand is running out in the hourglass before military attacks are required. They admit no alternative interpretation of the facts. They are blithely dismissing enormous damage their policy would incur for regional allies. They seem innocent of understanding the disastrous and isolating consequences for America’s role in the world to choose preventive war rather than the moral heights of restraint in the face of threats.

President Trump’s National Security Adviser, Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, repeatedly indulges the same apocalyptic rhetoric: North Korea’s nuclear program is “the most destabilizing development, I think, in the post-World War II period;” the threat is “increasing every day;” the leadership is “undeterrable.” Others on the National Security Council staff compare North Korea to World War II Japan: a mobilized and militarized society, inherently and belligerently expansionist, constrainable solely by the exercise of superior military force.

The lines of argument employed by the Bush Administration in 2003 and the Trump Administration in 2017 both rely on the same basic elements:
  1. The adversary’s actions are increasingly threatening;
  2. It would be irresponsible to continue the policy trajectory of prior administrations;
  3. The adversary leadership cannot be considered rational;
  4. Their intent is not merely regime survival but attacks on the U.S. and allies;
  5. International cooperation is inadequate to the threat; and
  6. Retaliation after a first strike from the enemy is insufficient—either to deter or to punish.
And, as Mira Rapp-Hooper has emphasized, the Trump administration argues that the U.S. must act before North Korea attains even more dangerous capabilities. They are reprising the argument made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Cuban missile crisis.
Sotilasmestaaja varustautuu.

Media: Etelä-Korea varautuu nitistämään Kim Jong-unin salaisessa operaatiossa - ”mestausyksikön” uusien aseiden budjetti hyväksyttiin

Itsemurhalennokkeja, tiedustelulennokkeja ja kranaattikonekiväärejä. Muun muassa näillä aseilla Etelä-Korea aikoo varustaa armeijansa erikoisjoukkojen "mestausyksikön", jonka tehtävä olisi sotatilanteessa tuhota Pohjois-Korean ylin sotilaallinen johto.

Lehti kertoo, että vaikka osasto on perustettu ja sille on määrätty budjetti, mestausyksikkö ei ole vielä täydessä valmiudessa. Etelä-Korealla ei lehden mukaan ole riittävän kehittyneitä matalalla lentäviä ilma-aluksia, jotka pystyisivät kuljettamaan yksiköt tarpeeksi syvälle Pohjois-Korean alueelle.


Mutta tärkein vielä puuttuu.


Tuossa muuten tulee hyvin esille yksi syy miksi tuollaisia yksiköitä ei käytetä tuota useammin. Tuo homma kusi siksi, että diplomaattinen tilanne laittoi yksikön tehtävän jäihin ja tehtävän suorittava porras tuskastui odottamiseen. Eikä ihme, koska porukka oli koottu juuri sellaisesta sakista jolta ei yleensäkään voi odottaa hyvää impulssikontrollia.
Kylläpäs on kömpelöä propagandaa Etelä-Korean pojilla.

Aina ennen kuin USA hyökkää/iskee jonnekin, tulee semmoinen muutaman viikon viiva muutaman kuukauden pätkä, jonka aikana tulee julkisuuteen ties mitä harjoitusta, yksikköä sun muuta.

Näiden julkisuuteen tulevien juttujen tarkoituksena on sotkea ja häkellyttää vähän sitä, että miten, mihin, millä ja milloin on tarkoitus iskeä.

Jotkut varmaan muistavat vielä Irakin ja Persianlahden sodan alla kaiken maailman maihinnousuharjoitukset ja erikoisyksikkötreenit, joita media oli seuraamassa. Ja kun taistelut alkoivat, niin ainuttakaan sen tyyppistä operaatiota ei ollut kuin ne julkisuuteen hehkutetut.

Jos/kun näitä erikoisspesiaali sinnetänne -yksiköitä ja niiden toimintaa tuodaan median eteen, niin ainoa melko varma asia on se, että yhteenotto on sinä päivänä tullut kaksi päivää lähemmäs. Eikä sekään ole varmaa.

Sodan sumua tehdään tahallaan etukäteen.
Kiina varautuu. Ehkä. Jotenkin tuoksahtaa sumutukselta tämä valtiollisen teleoperaattorin "vuoto".

KIINA valmistautuu jo Pohjois-Korean diktatuurin luhistumiseen suunnitelmilla pakolaisleirien rakentamiseksi maiden raja-alueelle. Asia ilmenee The New York Timesin (NYT) mukaan valtiollisen puhelinoperaattorin China Mobilen vuotamista asiakirjoista.

Tiedot Kiinan varautumisesta Pohjois-Koreasta tulevaan pakolaistulvaan on merkittävä, koska Kiina ei tunnusta Pohjois-Koreasta paenneita pakolaisiksi, vaan on palauttanut maasta tulleet takaisin diktatuurin viranomaisille maiden välisen sopimuksen mukaisesti.

China is quietly building a network of refugee camps along its 880-mile (1,416km) border with North Korea as it braces for the human exodus that a conflict or the potentially messy collapse of Kim Jong-un’s regime might unleash.

The existence of plans for the camps, first reported in English by the Financial Times last week, emerged in an apparently leaked internal document from a state-run telecoms giant that has apparently been tasked with providing them with internet services.

A former US sergeant who defected to North Korea and became Pyongyang's prisoner for nearly 40 years has died.

Charles Jenkins, 77, lived in Japan where he had settled with his family after his 2004 release.
He was among four US soldiers who defected in the 1960s and later became North Korean film stars, but was the only one who was released.

The others reportedly died in North Korea, including James Dresnok who was said to have died of a stroke in 2016.

Charles Jenkins died on Sado island on Monday, where he was living with his wife Hitomi Soga, also a former prisoner of North Korea.

He collapsed outside his home, Japanese media reports said, and later died of heart problems in hospital. His wife said in a statement that she was "very surprised" by his death and "cannot think of anything", according to AFP news agency.
Viimeksi muokattu:

13 governments including Cuba, Egypt, Iran and Syria were involved in military violations, which as Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, includes either receiving military training from North Korea or being involved in the import and export of military equipment.

The range of nations involved in breaching non-military sanctions is much broader.
Those violations include importing and exporting sanctioned goods and minerals or aiding shipments by re-flagging vessels. Other instances include the involvement of front companies as well as other business activities like financial transactions. The list of nations violating sanctions non-militarily includes China, France, Germany and Japan.

13 other countries violated sanctions in a manner that seems completely inadvertent.
North Korea targeted countries including the Canada, Switzerland and the U.S. in an attempt to buy equipment which could potentially have military applications. This strategy has proven successful in the past, with the most famous example occurring in the 1980s when Pyongyang duped U.S. aerospace manufacturer McDonnell Douglas in order to illegally obtain 87 civilian MD-500 helicopters. The North Korean military later modified them to carry Susong-Po anti-tank missiles and these aircraft are still in active service today.
Suspicions are growing that North Korea has resumed forging $100 dollar bills that are so realistic that they are virtually indistinguishable from genuine currency.

It took a team of forgery specialists at South Korea's KEB Hana Bank to confirm that a single $100 bill found at a branch in Seoul in November was a fake. The discovery has triggered alarm because authorities have no idea how many similar "supernotes" - named because they are so similar to real banknotes - are now in circulation.

While previous "supernotes" were dated either 2001 or 2003, the new forgeries are dated 2006 and are even more sophisticated in the ink, the printing processes and the material that they use.
The forgeries also change colour when they are viewed from a different angle, just as genuine notes should, while the slightly rough texture of the note has also been accurately copied, a spokesman for Hana Bank told South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper.

The quality of the forgeries has immediately led to suspicion falling on North Korea, which has a track record of forging foreign banknotes in order to earn hard currency for the regime.
Kiina varautuu. Ehkä. Jotenkin tuoksahtaa sumutukselta tämä valtiollisen teleoperaattorin "vuoto".

Vähän samaa luokkaa kuin Israelissa tapahtuvat "vuodot". Ne on yleensä suunniteltukin informaatiovaikuttamiseen.
Vuodettuja asiakirjoja tulee yleensä Taiwanin kautta tietoon (PK ja Kiinalaisia upseereja, bisnesmiehiä yms. joita kiinnostaa enemmän raha kuin mikään muu), mutta tässä tapauksessa Weiboon postaus on varmaankin "diplomaattinen" tapa sanoa, että valmiina ollaan.

Parhaan Korean May Day stadium.

All football teams in North Korea are attached to different industries, factories or government departments. Given that North Korea has an estimated one million-strong standing army and a highly militarised public space, the army has dominated North Korean football. The most successful side has been 4.25, which is named after April 25, the day Kim Il Sung founded his army. But league matches are a mystery. Fixtures are not published. Games are announced outside the stadium the day before. And, besides, for many years, there has not been a league in the traditional sense. Instead, both the men's and women's domestic games are a series of tournaments, held every two months year-round, usually taking place around big public holidays, like Kim Il Sung's birthday or Army Day. The teams are then ranked according to their performance over the six tournaments.

Today, Sobaeksu—a subsidiary team of 4.25—play Amrokkang Sports Club, the team of internal security, in a match featuring four players who have been capped by the full women's national team. The vast stadium of close to 120,000 seats is almost empty. A few hundred supporters have turned up, mainly the players from their corresponding men's teams. Their chants echo around the vast stadium:

"Cheer up, cheer up, Amrokkang!'

"Sports play a very important role in consolidating a nation's strength, adding lustre to a country's prestige and honour, inspiring people with national pride and dignity and imbuing the whole society with revolutionary mettle."

More importantly, sport in general and football in particular should be approached no differently to preparing for war:

"Sportspeople should regard their training programmes as combat orders given by the party and their training arena as a battlefield for implementing the Party's ideas and defending their country."

Hyvä ja pitkä artikkeli jalkapallon historiaan PKn sisällä.