Korean Sota Osa II ?

Taitaa olla niin että Trump sopi jo Kiinan kanssa etupiirijaosta. En ihmettelisi vaikka Kiina ylittäisi PK:n rajan ensimmäisenä ja venäläiset koukkaavat samaan syssyyn idästä.
Mä en koskaan usko Usan ja Kiinan väliseen sotaan. Tarvitsevat toisiaan jatkossakin. Kiina Usan markkinoita ja USA Kiinan hikipajoja:
Mä en koskaan usko Usan ja Kiinan väliseen sotaan. Tarvitsevat toisiaan jatkossakin. Kiina Usan markkinoita ja USA Kiinan hikipajoja:
Venäjää tarvitaan tietenkin myös, maailma tarvitsee pahiksensa :rolleyes:
What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.
TASS:in mukaan Venäjä ei ole keskittämässä joukkoja Pohjois-Korean rajalle, vaan kysymys on 29.4. asti jatkuvista valmiusharjoituksista...

Russian army official says media mistook exercise for pooling units along Korean border

Movements of army units in the area of the Korean border, which a number of mass media outlets have mistaken for an amassing of troops, are scheduled ones, as the units return to their permanent bases after a major military exercise in Buryatia, eastern Siberia, the official spokesman for Russia’s Eastern Military District told TASS.

Pohjois-Korea uhkailee nyt myös Kiinaa veljeilemästä Yhdysvaltojen kanssa.

North Korea warns China of ‘CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES’ if it continues economic sanctions
The KCNA commentary also warned that China would face a catastrophe in its relationship with North Korea as long as it continued to apply sanctions in tandem with the US.

The commentary read: “If China keeps applying economic sanctions to the DPRK while dancing to the tune of the US after misjudging the will of the DPRK, it may be applauded by the enemies of the DPRK.

“But it should get itself ready to face the catastrophic consequences to its relations with the DPRK.”
Pohjois-Korea uhkailee Australiaa ydinaseilla


Pohjois-Korea on uhannut iskeä Australiaan ydinaseillaan, jos Australia ei lopeta Yhdysvaltojen sokeaa hännystelyä. Pohjois-Korean ulkoministeriö antoi tiukkasanaisen lausunnon, jonka mukaan Australian ulkoministerin Julie Bishopin puheita Pohjois-Korean luomasta ydinuhkasta ei voi koskaan antaa anteeksi.
Njoh, koska tämä homma voi nyt mennä miten vain tässä hieman skenaariota (linkki koko juttuun, liian pitkä): http://thediplomat.com/2017/04/what-would-the-second-korean-war-look-like/

What Would the Second Korean War Look Like?

What would a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula look like? To many, this question might trigger a severe case of apocalyptic anxiety, where, on the one hand, we assume that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is willing to embrace Götterdämmerung-like catastrophic violence to defend its Stalinist regime, whereas, on the other hand, we seem to be incapable of genuinely fathoming the carnage any military conflict between Seoul and Pyongyang would cause.

One explanation for this may be that estimates of casualties and physical destruction on the Korean Peninsula (and possibly Japan) under any war scenario are so exceedingly high. Should Pyongyang live up to its threat of turning Seoul into a “sea of fire,” casualties in the larger Seoul metropolitan area alone may surpass 100,000 within 48 hours, according to some estimates, even without the use of North Korean weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. Department of Defense assessed that a Second Korean War could produce 200,000-300,000 South Korean and U.S. military casualties within the first 90 days, in addition to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths.

I will briefly outline how a war between North and South might unfold. My analysis will not try to sketch out all possible war scenarios and instead focus on one hypothetical sequence of events: A conventional North Korean surprise attack across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) following an assessment by the supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) that a preemptive strike against nuclear weapons facilities is imminent.
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Pohjois-Korea uhkailee Australiaa ydinaseilla


Pohjois-Korea on uhannut iskeä Australiaan ydinaseillaan, jos Australia ei lopeta Yhdysvaltojen sokeaa hännystelyä. Pohjois-Korean ulkoministeriö antoi tiukkasanaisen lausunnon, jonka mukaan Australian ulkoministerin Julie Bishopin puheita Pohjois-Korean luomasta ydinuhkasta ei voi koskaan antaa anteeksi.

Tämäpä mahtipontinen uhkaus. Saisi pullapoika nyt sen ohjuksensa ensin lentämään edes laukaisualustaa pidemmälle, niin voisi uhkauksella olla jotain katettakin.

Valitettavasti tätä ei ollut aussi aksentilla

Australia’s foreign minister, Julie Bishop, says North Korea should look after its “long-suffering citizens” rather than developing weapons of mass destruction after the regime pointedly warned Australia of a possible nuclear strike if Canberra persists in “blindly and zealously toeing the US line”.

Bishop issued a statement on Sunday declaring North Korea’s threats of nuclear strikes against other nations “further underlines the need for the regime to abandon its illegal nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs”.

“These present a grave threat to its neighbours, and if left unchecked, to the broader region including Australia,” the foreign minister said. “The North Korean government should invest in the welfare of its long-suffering citizens, rather than weapons of mass destruction.”

Kim hakee pelikortteja neuvotteluihin

An American citizen has been detained in North Korea as he tried to leave the country, South Korean media say.

The man was identified only by his surname, Kim.

He becomes the third American to be detained by the North; one has been sentenced for spying, the other for trying to steal a sign from a hotel.

The latest detention comes amid high tension on the peninsula, with the US warning its "strategic patience" on the North's nuclear programme is over.

A US naval battle group headed by an aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, and described by President Donald Trump as an "armada", is expected to reach the Korean peninsula later in the week.
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Pohjois-Korea uhkailee Australiaa ydinaseilla


Pohjois-Korea on uhannut iskeä Australiaan ydinaseillaan, jos Australia ei lopeta Yhdysvaltojen sokeaa hännystelyä. Pohjois-Korean ulkoministeriö antoi tiukkasanaisen lausunnon, jonka mukaan Australian ulkoministerin Julie Bishopin puheita Pohjois-Korean luomasta ydinuhkasta ei voi koskaan antaa anteeksi.

Oppilas opettajalle: jumaliste, perk..le saat..na, jos et lopeta aiheetonta syyttelyä kiroilusta, niin alan kiroilla.
Pohjois-Korea on seuraavaksi uhannut upottaa USS Carl Vinsonin aseellisena voimannäyttönä.

North Korea says ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier
"Our revolutionary forces are combat-ready to sink a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a single strike," the Rodong Sinmun, the newspaper of the North's ruling Workers' Party, said in a commentary.

The paper likened the aircraft carrier to a "gross animal" and said a strike on it would be "an actual example to show our military's force".
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Huvittavaa kyllä, oli muistaakseni tapaus muutama vuosikymmentä takaperin jossa PK kommandoja oli jäänyt kiinni yrittäessään tunkeutua Etelä-Koreaan. Yksi näistä sankareista oli kiinniottotilanteessa eri mieltä ja onnistui hakkaamaan vakavasti muutaman rajavartijan, kunnes saatiin rauhoittumaan. Tämä johti EK:n puolella lähitaistelukoulutuksen uudistukseen. Mitä jotkut entiset PK upseerit ovat sanoneet, niin rankka lähitaistelukoulutus on pitkälti kunnon, moraalin ja itseluottamuksen kasvattamista (resurssipula), mutta pahassa pinteessä PK:n porukat olivat oikeasti fyysisesti aika kovia. Veikkaan, että nykyään tuollainen on harvojen ja valittujen hommia.
Lentopallokisat loppuivat äkisti. Asiantuntijat epäilevät että Pohjois-Korea on valmis uuteen ydinkokeeseen. Otollisin hetki on ensi tiistaina, jolloin P-K juhlii näyttävästi asevoimien perustamispäivää.

Volleyball Over, North Koreans Go Back to Work at Nuclear Site, Analysts Say


On Friday, the analysts Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. and Jack Liu posted new satellite images of the nuclear test site in Punggye-ri, in northeastern North Korea, on 38 North, a website affiliated with the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

From the commercial imagery dating from Wednesday, they noted what looked like trailers near the portal of a tunnel where they said North Korea appeared to have been preparing for a nuclear test, which would be its sixth. They also noted mining carts along the tracks leading to a spoil pile and a net canopy, presumably concealing equipment.

The North Koreans appeared to have stopped pumping water out of the tunnel. In an earlier report, the analysts said this might mean that the tunnel had been sealed for a possible test.
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