Lennokkien torjunta


U.S. Army announced a major milestone in its anti-drone efforts this week, claiming it achieved its first “air-to-air non-kinetic defeats” using Coyote Block 3 drones. The recent demonstration saw the Coyotes take down a hostile swarm of 10 drones using a non-specified electronic warfare system or directed energy weapon of some kind. In addition to proving the Coyote's anti-swarm capabilities, the demonstration also proved that the drones can be recovered and redeployed on the battlefield.

The tests of the Block 3 Coyotes were conducted by the Army's Indirect Fires and Rapid Capabilities Office (IF/RCO) at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona. IF/RCO is concerned with developing a "systems-of-systems concept to ensure integration and interoperability are achieved between U.S. Army programs." It's unclear exactly when the tests took place, but Raytheon announced the successful demonstration on July 21.

the Coyotes used either an electronic warfare "jammer," or a form of directed energy like high-powered microwaves. In some ways, drones carrying non-kinetic counter-UAS (C-UAS) solutions have an advantage over drones armed with traditional munitions in that they can be reused, as opposed to being destroyed by onboard explosives. In addition, some of these non-kinetic solutions can engage multiple targets without needing to be rearmed.
The latest experiment was reportedly conducted by the China Electronics Technology Group. The aircraft that was brought down was flying at 1,500 meters (4,920ft) above sea level when it was neutralized by the EMP attack.

The outlet also reported that China is researching an 80GW EMP weapon.
Mitäs se budjetti -22 tuo tullessaan?

Puolustusvoimien materiaalinen kehittäminen (PVKEH 2022) -tilausvaltuus

Meripuolustuksen taistelujärjestelmän kehittämisohjelmassa kehitetään Merivoimien valvontajärjestelmää ja rannikkojoukkojen vaikuttamista.
Maapuolustuksen taistelujärjestelmän kehittämisohjelmassa kehitetään Maavoimien tulenkäyttöä ja joukkojen liikkuvuutta.
Ilmapuolustuksen taistelujärjestelmän kehittämisohjelmassa kehitetään Ilmavoimien kykyä hajauttaa normaaliolojen kriittiset toiminnot sekä kykyä väistää tiedustelua ja maalittamista. Lisäksi kehitetään kykyä torjua pieniä miehittämättömiä ilma-aluksia kaikissa olosuhteissa.


Utilising Milrem Robotics' THeMIS unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) integrated with MSI-DSL' Remote Weapon Systems (RWS) and Electrical Optical Sensor Systems, the companies are offering a step-change in countering mini-UAV, loitering munitions or other small difficult-to-detect airborne targets. The highly mobile, unmanned C-UAS systems will be capable of carrying weapons from 7.62 to 30mm, as well as the Northrop Grumman M230 cannon and Thales LMM missiles. It will also be able to find and engage larger air threats as well as ground targets, even if armoured, all without the operator being exposed to the threats.

konesota lähestyy
U.S. Marine Corps is acquiring a number of SMASH 2000 computerized optical sighting systems, which can be used on a variety of small arms. These "smart sights" are designed to help shooters spot targets and then show them the most optimal aiming point to engage, even when they're moving. The SMASH 2000's manufacturer, Israeli firm Smart Shooter, has also secured a deal to work with the U.S. Navy to see how this technology could be employed on ships. In both cases, the focus is on exploring new defenses against the growing threat posed by small unmanned aircraft.

Starting this fall, Smart Shooter will supply an unspecified number of SMASH 2000s to the Marine Corps Rapid Capabilities Office (MCRCO), which is part of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL), for testing and evaluation. A press release from the company did not lay out any specific timeline for the work it will do with the Navy through the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane), which will be conducted through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). A CRADA is a novel contracting mechanism that allows elements of the U.S. military to partner with industry and academia on various projects, and typically involves sharing resources in lieu of traditional payment.

Repellent-Patrol anti-drone EW vehicle


USA:n konetykki pudotti itsemurhalennokkeja Irakissa​

Antti Kirkkala | 05.01.2022 | 07:40- päivitetty 05.01.2022 | 07:08

Iskujen tekijäksi epäillään Iranin miliisijoukkoja.

Yhdysvaltain asevoimat ilmoittaa torjuneensa lennokkien hyökkäysyrityksen Irakin pääkaupunki Bagdadin kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla.

Pommeilla lastatut itsemurhalennokit havaittiin maanantaiaamuna kello 4.30. Ajankohta on tuskin sattumaa, sillä Yhdysvallat surmasi kaksi vuotta sitten ilmaiskulla Iranin Quds-joukkojen kenraali Qassem Soleimanin.
Hänen uskotaan koordinoineen maan ulkopuolella toimivia miliisijoukkoja ja niiden tekemiä hyökkäyksiä myös länsimaisia joukkoja vastaan.

War Zone -sivuston mukaan lennokit tuhottiin amerikkalaisella Centurion C-RAM -lähitorjuntajärjestelmällä, joka on varustettu 20 millimetrin konetykillä.

Hyökkäys torjuttiin ilman loukkaantumisia tai lentokentälle aiheutuneita vahinkoja. Lennokkien kerrotaan lähestyneen amerikkalaisten sotilasneuvonantajien käyttämää aluetta lentoasemalla.

Erään lennokin siipeen oli kirjoitettu teksti ”Soleimanin kosto”. Taustalla uskotaan olevan Irakissa toimiva Iranin miliisiryhmittymä.
Two suicide [kamikaze] drones, most likely launched by #Iran-backed militias, targeting Baghdad Int'l Airport (Camp Victory), #Iraq, were shot down by US defense systems (C-RAM) at around 4:30 am local time.
Written on the wings:
“Leader’s revenge”
“Soleimani’s revenge” pic.twitter.com/bhQbNXVxqp
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) January 3, 2022


The video, shared to YouTube today, shows the Raytheon Coyotes defeating a number of fixed-wing drones during testing at the U.S. Army's Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona last year. The blast-fragmentation warheads on the Coyotes explode with a ring-shaped blast pattern radiating out from their longitudinal axis, producing quite the fireworks show. Two of the clips in the 1:40 video feature captions declaring the demonstrations were of a “High Altitude Test” and a “Low Altitude Test.” According to the video’s title, Raytheon claims this system “proves counter-UAS effectiveness against enemy drones.” Another shows a purely hit-to-kill engagement where the Coyote impacts the drone without exploding.
The Air Force Research Laboratory has awarded a contract for Mjölnir, a next-generation counter electronics weapon system, to defend against adversarial drone activity, to Leidos Inc.

Building upon the success of the Tactical High-Power Operational Responder (THOR) technology demonstrator, Leidos will build an advanced high power microwave (HPM) weapon system to bring the newest technology to bear against the growing threat from unmanned aircraft.

“The new prototype will be called Mjölnir, the mythical Norse God Thor’s mighty hammer,” said Adrian Lucero, THOR program manager at AFRL’s Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. “Because THOR was so successful, we wanted to keep the new system’s name in the family.”

The AFRL team, working from Kirtland Air Force Base, are experts in High Power Electromagnetics technology. The THOR demonstrator used bursts of intense radio waves to disable small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) instantly.

“The lessons learned from our successful overseas operational testing, now define the new requirements for the Mjölnir program, and will be the baseline configuration for future systems to be deployed around the world,” Lucero said.

The $26 million Mjolnir prototype, will use the same technology as THOR, but will add important advances in capability, reliability, and manufacturing readiness.

“We are transitioning AFRL technology to our industry partner Leidos, who has the knowledge and capability to build multiple systems in the future,” said Lucero. “Mjölnir will focus on creating a detailed blueprint for all future cUAS HPM systems with enhanced range and technology for detecting and tracking UASs. This will ensure the U.S maintains our electromagnetic spectrum superiority.”

AFRL is working closely with cross-service partners to field these systems for base defense.

“As the danger from drone swarms evolves, all services are working closely to ensure emerging technologies like Mjölnir, will be ready to support the needs of warfighters already engaged against these threats. The program will begin this spring with a delivery of the prototype weapon in 2023,” said 1st Lt. Tylar Hanson THOR deputy program manager.


Akusto syttynyt tuleen.


UA Weapons Tracker. Tonttiin tullut Ukrainan A1-AM Furia.
Milläs konstilla ne parveiluälydronet seuraavatkaan ja väistelevätkään toisiaan? Oliskohan niillä jo tuo osumisongelma siis ratkaistu. Seuraavaksi pitää päättää, mikä on toimiva osuma, mieluummin sellainen, joka ei säre hyökkääjää.
Ehdotan alkajaisiksi sopivan verkon ampumista ropelien riesaksi. Toiseksi ehdotan, että drone-keskustelu siirretään ao. lankaan, eli Lennokkien torjuntaan. Siis tänne :)
Mä olen mietiskellyt jotain kevyttä ja siivekästä lennokkia johon joku 60GHz alueen AESA tutka (alkavat varmaankin muutaman vuoden sisään olemaan ihan inhimillisissä hinnoissa kun kuluttajaelektroniikka kaipaa tuolle kaistalle keilanohjausta) johon joku simppeli ase kiinni. Ammukseksi on paljonkin vaihtoehtoja, mutta joku pieni "lankakerä" josta lähtee joku pitkä, ohut ja kestävä kuitu ammuksen perässä (nylon? kevlar?) voisi olla hyvä. Sellaisella ei tarvitse osua kohteeseen, riittää kun ampuu suhteellisen läheltä yli, naru sitten päätyy propeleihin ja jumittaa ne. Ei tarvitsisi edes kauheasti voimaa laukaisupäähän, eli ampuva ase voisi olla aika yksinkertainen ja kevyt.
A radio control system for drones is vulnerable to remote takeover, thanks to a weakness in the mechanism that binds transmitter and receiver.

The popular protocol for radio controlled (RC) aircraft called ExpressLRS can be hacked in only a few steps, according to a bulletin published last week.

ExpressLRS is an open-source long range radio link for RC applications, such as first-person view (FPV) drones. “Designed to be the best FPV Racing link,” wrote its authors on Github. According to the report the hack utilizes “a highly optimized over-the-air packet structure, giving simultaneous range and latency advantages.”

The vulnerability in the protocol is tied to the fact some of the information sent over via over-the-air packets is link data that a third-party can use to hijack the connection between drone operator and drone.
The ExpressLRS protocol utilizes what is called a “binding phrase,” a kind of identifier that ensures the correct transmitter is talking to the correct receiver. The phrase is encrypted using MD5 – a hashing algorithm that’s been considered broken (PDF) for nearly a decade. As noted in the bulletin, “the binding phrase is not for security, it is anti-collision,” and security weaknesses associated with the phrase could allow an attacker to “extract part of the identifier shared between the receiver and transmitter.”

The core of the problem is tied to the “sync packets” – data communicated between transmitter and receiver at regular intervals to ensure they are synced up. These packets leak much of the binding phrase’s unique identifier (UID) – specifically, “75% of the bytes required to take over the link.”

That leaves only 25% – only one byte of data – left open. At this point, the report author explained, the remaining bit of the UID can be brute forced, or gathered “by observing packets over the air without brute forcing the sequences, but that this can be more time consuming and error prone.”

If an attacker has the UID in hand, they can connect with the receiver – the target aircraft – and take at least partial control over it.

The Mobile – Acquisition, Cueing and Effector (M-ACE) vehicle is equipped with a command and control system with open network architecture to detect, track, identify and defeat targets.

The M-ACE utilizes three-dimensional (3D) radar, Radio Frequency (RF) sensors, electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) cameras, global position systems (GPS), and secure radio for transmitting data over command and control (C2) networks. All sensors and effectors are high technology readiness level (TRL) as currently implemented, many having been fielded in operational environments around the world. Systems can be swapped out or adapted to meet any end-user’s requirements.

The M-ACE uses M-ACE C2, an NG-developed open architecture software system that supports all major industry protocols, integrates with hundreds of sensors and cameras, and has exceptional reliability.

The M-ACE C2 is exportable and has a software development kit (SDK) available so that partners could assist in managing the system and its integrated sensors/effectors. M-ACE C2 leverages advanced man-in-loop autonomy and Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML) plug-ins to compress the decision cycle, identify targets, classify threats, and cue effectors.

The Bushmaster chain gun mounted on a mobile platform is used to defeat smaller, closer targets. The M-ACE platform “cues” the exact target location to the gun truck, which is armed with Northrop Grumman proximity ammunition. When used together, Northrop Grumman CUAS capabilities provide precise accuracy to identify, track and defeat moving unmanned systems.

The XM1211 30x113mm High Explosive Proximity (HEP) round can sense ground and air targets using an onboard proximity sensor. These advanced munitions provide enhanced lethal effects that greatly increase effective ranges against ground targets.
Ehkä nuo ilmatoruntaohjukset pitäisi ajatella uudelta kantilta dronejen kannalta: Hitaasti etenevä ja useimmiten väistöliikkeisiin kykenemätön maali eli esimerkiksi riittävän korkealle lentävä ohjus alkeellisella hakupäällä riittäisi. Suorituskyvyn ei tarvi olla mitään AMRAAM-tasoa.

The Stryker Leonidas adds counter-electronics capabilities to the Stryker family of vehicles via Epirus’ Leonidas high-power microwave array. Stryker Leonidas’ unlimited magazine depth for counter-electronics missions – counter-UAS among them – adds a key level to layered, mobile short-range air defense (M-SHORAD) for armed forces.

Developed in under a year, Stryker Leonidas was recently field demonstrated at a U.S. government testing site successfully disabling individual drone targets and swarms of drones. The integration of Leonidas, the world's most powerful HPM phased array, with Stryker, the U.S. Army's largest and most reliable combat vehicle fleet brings counter-electronics capabilities to the frontlines – providing a proven and cost-effective layered defense solution for the maneuver force.

Leonidas' counter-swarm effectiveness fills a pressing short-range air defense (SHORAD) capability gap for the joint force as the threat of swarming drones continues to endanger troops and civilians overseas and in the homeland.