Miehistön kuljetus

Joskus vuosituhannen vaihteessa kun keskusteli tuntemattomien äijien kanssa armeijajuttuja niin huomasi että todella moni oli palvellut ilmatorjunnassa. Sergeitä kun oli tuhatmäärin. Nykyjään työporukoissa huomaa että erittäin moni on PASI-kuski. Liekkö sattumaa? Mutta joskus jopa puolet äijistä sanoo olevansa Pasi kuski. Toki eri aselajeista. Ehkä niitä vaunuja sitten on niissä loputtomissa luolissa,heh.

Pasi-kuskit ajavat varmaan oikein hyvin myös maastokuorma-autoja.
Sodan ajan sijoituksistaan ei tiedä "about kukaan", se voi olla eri juttu kuin mitä intissä puuhattiin.

En tiedä, ylikoulutetaanko Pasi-miehistöjä edelleen, mutta yksi viime vuosina kotiutunut sai ilmeisesti sijoituksen muuhun ajohommaan. Sitä en osaa sanoa, miksi näin toimitaan, mutta syitähän riittää. Ehkä kyse on reservistä? Vaunuja saadaan lisää kuuluisassa harmaassa vaiheessa? Ajaja kuolee, mutta vaunu säilyy korjauskelpoisena? Plus kouluttamalla ylimääräistä voidaan sijoittaa vain porukan särmin osa Pasin rattiin ja loput muihin hommiin.
Ihan perusjuttu, että on hieman särkymävaraa, jos vaikka jollekulle tulee omatunnontuskia ihmisten tappamisen ajattelu tai ajaa korttinsa kuivumaan kesken palveluksen.
Porukka saattaa olla sodanajan sijoitukseltaan pasi-kuskeja muutaman vuoden, sitten tipahtaa muihin tehtäviin. Parempi sitten kouluttaa esim. paseilla jos niitä riittää hyvin varusmieskoulutukseen.

Ei kellekään tällä foorumilla pitäisi tulla yllätyksenä että se "sodanajan sijoitus" mitä ehkä luulitte omaavanna jossain vaiheessa muuttuu hyvin pian reservissä.

The T-15 and T-14 Armata family tanks and heavy APC are also on display at Army Forum 2018. According to UVZ, the new vehicles will be accessible to all visitors for the first time. Previously displayed with the 30mm turret, the T-15 was shown here for the first time with a 57mm cannon and two missile launchers on the side. The tank on display retains its Afganit active protection system but is shown without the special side armor, showing a full view of the tracks and suspensions.

The turret seems to be a variant of UVZ AY-220M that was already displayed on other platforms. In this configuration, the T-15 adds a more powerful and versatile direct fire weapon that can be used to defeat heavy APCs, as well as against aircraft and drones. It also retains the anti-tank weapons (guided missiles).

UralVagonZavod (UVZ) has developed two variants of the 57mm automatic cannon weapon system. The two configurations – 2S38 and AY-220M share a common automatic gun, firing 57mm high explosive, airburst or kinetic ammunition.

The research conducted at the country's National Laboratories is usually highly classified and specifically aimed at solving national security problems. But sometimes you get a swords-into-ploughshares moment. That's the case here, as a startup called WaveSense looks to apply technology originally developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory to detect buried mines and improvised explosive devices for use in self-driving cars.

If you want a car to drive itself, it has to know where it is in the world to a pretty high degree of accuracy. Until now, just about every variation of autonomous vehicle we've come across has done that through a combination of highly accurate GPS, an HD map, and some kind of sensor to detect the environment around it. Actually, you want more than one kind of sensor, because redundancy is going to be critical if humans are going to trust their lives to robot vehicles.

Most often, those sensors are a mix of optical cameras and lidar, both of which have pluses and minuses. But is a combination of lidar and camera truly redundant, if both are relying on reflected light? Other solutions have included far infrared, which works by detecting emitted light, but WaveSense's approach is truly photon-independent. What's more, it's the first sensor we've come across that should be almost completely unfazed by snow.

That's because it uses ground-penetrating radar (GPR), mounted underneath the vehicle, to sense the road beneath—now you can see where the military application was. The GPR scans the ground underneath it to a depth of around 10 feet (3m), running at a little over 120Hz to build up a picture of the subterranean world beneath it. As the car drives along, it compares that data to a map layer of already-collected GPR data for the road network and can place the car to within a couple of centimeters.

Yes, this requires pre-mapping, but so does lidar. And WaveSense says that remapping should be far less frequent as conditions under the road are less subject to change than they are above ground.

It shouldn't even be particularly costly; WaveSense CEO Tarik Bolat told Ars that the sensor should cost around $100 per vehicle, and the technology is already pretty rugged thanks to its first career working in the military. Bolat also said that talks are ongoing with some OEMs and autonomous vehicle programs; although, as is always the case with tech suppliers, he was unable to tell me who at this point.

It's certainly a rather neat application of military technology for civilian use and one that I can see having some added benefits should it be deployed at scale. A near-real-time 3D map of the state of the ground underneath the streets—and all the stuff buried there—should be highly valuable to utility companies and municipalities, if the extent of roadworks around my neighborhood is anything to go by.
Joskus vuosituhannen vaihteessa kun keskusteli tuntemattomien äijien kanssa armeijajuttuja niin huomasi että todella moni oli palvellut ilmatorjunnassa. Sergeitä kun oli tuhatmäärin. Nykyjään työporukoissa huomaa että erittäin moni on PASI-kuski. Liekkö sattumaa? Mutta joskus jopa puolet äijistä sanoo olevansa Pasi kuski. Toki eri aselajeista. Ehkä niitä vaunuja sitten on niissä loputtomissa luolissa,heh.

Sattumaa varmaan matkassa. Omassa työpaikassa yks jos toinenkin on ollut korohorossa.
Tämä on mielenkiintoinen koska uskon vahvasti että sähkömoottori on myös vaihtoehto perinteisen voimansiirron sijaan jos nämä iskun kestävät lithium kennot eivät maksa hunajaa.

To make lithium-ion batteries safer, researchers have come up with a novel solution: a liquid electrolyte that becomes solid on impact. The electrolyte could keep batteries from heating up and bursting into flames when they are in a car crash or take a hard fall. And it could be cost-effectively and easily employed in today’s battery production lines, its developers say.

Lithium-ion battery cells contain two electrodes separated by a thin plastic sheet and submerged in a liquid electrolyte. If the plastic separator breaks, the electrodes can “touch” each other, shorting the battery and heating it up, which could cause the volatile liquid electrolyte to ignite.

For years, researchers have been trying to make batteries safer with nonflammable solid electrolytes. But these solids, typically plastics or ceramics, don’t conduct ions as well as their liquid counterparts. Some groups are also making batteries with paste-like semi-solid electrolytes and glassy electrolytes.

Gabriel Veith and his colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory instead made an electrolyte that is normally a liquid but becomes solid when subjected to strain. So if a battery is crushed or penetrated, the electrolyte would harden, keeping the electrodes from coming in contact. The researchers are presenting their work at the American Chemical Society’s meeting in Boston.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä on mielenkiintoinen koska uskon vahvasti että sähkömoottori on myös vaihtoehto perinteisen voimansiirron sijaan jos nämä iskun kestävät lithium kennot eivät maksa hunajaa.


Onko sähköinen voimansiirto ollut käytössä muissa vaunuissa? Tämän muistin lonkalta.

Voimansiirto oli moderni. Vetopyöriä pyöritti kaksi Siemens–Schuckert-sähkömoottoria, joita käytti kaksi generaattoria kahden vesijäähdytteisen 12 litran V-12 Maybach HL 120 TRM -bensiinimoottorin välityksellä. Bensiinimoottorit kehittivät kumpikin 300 hevosvoimaa 3 000 kierroksella minuutissa. Vaunun polttoainetäyttö oli 1080 litraa. Vaihteistossa oli kolme vaihdetta eteen ja kolme taakse, joita vaihdettiin sähköisesti. Ohjaus oli sähköinen ja vaunussa oli Porschen kehittämä sauvajousitus. Jousitus oli järjestetty niin että kutakin kahta saman puolen vierekkäistä telapyörää kohden oli yksi lyhyt pituussuunnassa oleva sauvajousi rungon ulkopuolella olevassa kotelossaan, johon telapyörät oli kiinnitetty.
Tämä on mielenkiintoinen koska uskon vahvasti että sähkömoottori on myös vaihtoehto perinteisen voimansiirron sijaan jos nämä iskun kestävät lithium kennot eivät maksa hunajaa.


"Redundancy" olisi ainakin mahtava, kun esim. AMV:n jokaisella pyörällä olisi oma moottorinsa. Samaten akustokin voitaneen hajauttaa sillä tavalla, että kaikki varastoitu energia ei tuhoudu kertalaakista. Huima edistys verrattuna siihen, että polttomoottori ja/tai voimansiirto ottaa osumaa ja matka katkeaa.

Miten lie sitten painonlisäys, siitä eivät välttämättä kaikki ole innoissaan, ja kentällä lataaminen? Perinteinen sähköverkko voi olla matalana suurelta osin ja isolta alueelta, ABC:n pikalaturi ei välttämättä toimikaan. Liikuteltava ydinreaktori (mallia sukellusvene) lienee suurvalloille mahdollinen vaihtoehto, amerikkalaiset ja patongin purijat voivat ladata vaikka satamassa olevasta lentotukialuksesta, mutta välttämättä pieniä reaktoreita ei ihan heti viedä pieniin valtioihin...
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"Redundancy" olisi ainakin mahtava, kun esim. AMV:n jokaisella pyörällä olisi oma moottorinsa. Samaten akustokin voitaneen hajauttaa sillä tavalla, että kaikki varastoitu energia ei tuhoudu kertalaakista. Huima edistys verrattuna siihen, että polttomoottori ja/tai voimansiirto ottaa osumaa ja matka katkeaa.

Ehkä kaikkein paras viritys olisi hybridi. Ei sen voimakoneen tarvitse olla älyttömän kokoinen, mutta sellainen millä akut täyttyy nopsasti ja lisää varmuutta saadaan ulos koneesta.
En tiedä, ylikoulutetaanko Pasi-miehistöjä edelleen, mutta yksi viime vuosina kotiutunut sai ilmeisesti sijoituksen muuhun ajohommaan. Sitä en osaa sanoa, miksi näin toimitaan, mutta syitähän riittää. Ehkä kyse on reservistä? Vaunuja saadaan lisää kuuluisassa harmaassa vaiheessa? Ajaja kuolee, mutta vaunu säilyy korjauskelpoisena? Plus kouluttamalla ylimääräistä voidaan sijoittaa vain porukan särmin osa Pasin rattiin ja loput muihin hommiin.

EIköhän niitä kouluteta edelleen jonkun verran. Ei muuten taida liikkua Pasit harjoituksissa
Onko sähköinen voimansiirto ollut käytössä muissa vaunuissa? Tämän muistin lonkalta.

Ruotsissa BAE Hägglunds kehitti SEP miehistönkuljetusvaunua, jossa oli vaihtoehtoina joko perinteinen veto tai säköinen jossa joka pyörää pyöritti sähkömoottori. Kulkuneuvo oli myös oikeasti modulaarinen ja ajatuksena oli että sitä tuotettaisiin sekä teloilla että pyörillä.


Sähköversio osallistui samaan hankintaan jonka AMV voitti. Muistaakseni SEP tippui koska se oli protoasteella, ja täytyy olla vaatimuksena oli että vaunu on tuotannossa. Tuossa ruotsikielisessä wikissä kerrotaan kuinka BAE Hägglunds valitti ja FMV joutui uusimaan hankinnan. BAE Hägglunds osallistui sitten perinteisellä vedolla varustetulla Alligator vanulla, joka kai oli SEP versio, mutta AMV voitti taas.
Huikea tarina yhdestä Ruotsin Puolustusvoimien Pasista.

Lukusuositus! Jos ruåtsi ei taivu, lukekaa google translatella:


Ensimmäinen kappale:

Det är en blåsig sensommardag i augusti 2018. Det är mycket folk, för det var länge sedan Försvarsmakten anordnade flygdag i Uppsala. Jag navigerar genom folkhavet tillsammans med min familj.

Vi släntrar runt och tittar förstrött på markutställningar av lastbilar, pansarfordon, artilleripjäser, radaranläggningar, traktorer och kringutrustning. Och så ser jag dig stå där på gräset. En märklig känsla kommer över mig, och det är som om allt stannar upp.

Jag känner igen dig.

Jag går närmare, och kväver ett litet glädjetjut när din registreringsskylt bekräftar min pirrande känsla. ”13005”.

Ja, det är du.

Du har fått ny färg, och en hel del har du fått ombyggt och renoverat. Men det är fortfarande du – Ragnarök.

Du står där, helt anonym i folkvimlet.

Om ni bara visste, tänker jag.

Om ni visste hur många liv just den här anonyma, bortglömda pansarbilen har räddat.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Huikea tarina yhdestä Ruotsin Puolustusvoimien Pasista.

Lukusuositus! Jos ruåtsi ei taivu, lukekaa google translatella:


Ensimmäinen kappale:


Odottamaton kohtaaminen.

About an unexpected meeting

It's a windy sensational day in August 2018. There are a lot of people, because it was a long time since the Armed Forces organized a flight day in Uppsala. I'm navigating through the sea along with my family.

We drag around and look stubborn at field exhibitions of trucks, armored vehicles, artillery jets, radar facilities, tractors and peripherals. And then I see you standing there on the grass. A strange feeling comes upon me, and it's as though everything stops.

I recognize you.

I go closer and choke a little joy when your signpost confirms my irritating feeling. "13005".

Yes you are.

You have got a new color, and a lot have you been remodeled and renovated. But it's still you - Ragnarök.

You stand there, completely anonymous in the crowd.

If only you knew, I think.

If you knew how many lives just this anonymous, forgotten armored car has saved.

I know that you remind them all, Ragnarök.

On a summer day 1993 we picked you up at Frihamnen in Stockholm. You were shining new. Delivered directly from the factory in Finland to a bunch of eager escorts and escorts soldiers at BA01 - the first armored battalion that would soon be in Bosnia's war.

Me and my group manager borrowed you to buy goodies for the plot after a tiring day on P10 in Strängnäs. The admiration certainly impressed at the local terrain car club there outside the kiosk, but not on our managers. That boy's line got me home like this before we even came to Bosnia.

We had not had you many days before we thought you needed a gungun. We still had so many so we did not know where we would do of them. We escorts and escorts soldiers therefore chose not to put the pluton's favorite fare on pizza and a beer. Instead, we rented - black - a mechanical workshop in Västerås. One night when we should all have slept, you and the other three SISU wagons in the platform rolled out through the gates. In the wreckage it was cut and welded, and when you rolled back in through the founders early in the morning, you had a new, fresh and nice killer whip in the stern. It did not impress at the vehicle's vehicle manager at the time, but was still so successful that it became standard on all SISU wagons in the Armed Forces.

We practiced hard there in Strängnäs. So hard we got barked by the poor drivers. We threw hand grenades a bit too close so the expensive puncture-proof tires were replaced and we tried to shoot a huge grenade rifle from the roof of one of your three SISU friends in the platform. It went well, except that the antennae blew off and a gap for the pressure. And we got more bark.

The ups and downs in Strängnäs were exchanged seriously. In spite of all the playfulness here at home there was a war we were going to have. And you went first of all. Already in mid-September 1993, you flew alone in a Hercules plane down to Sarajevo. You almost did not get a seat, but with the help of an arc saw cut some of the railing on the roof, and then you could get back into the airplane. Together with the battalion manager Ulf Henricsson, you were the very first of the battalion's vehicles who betrayed Bosnian land - a couple of weeks before we even crossed the front.

You were the first vehicle in the battalion that was spilled. At Tuzla Airbase already first or second then. Then you became the first of our vehicles hit by shells like that too. It was in Olovo, already a couple of weeks after we got in place.

Then everything lost seriously. In Vares. And of course you went there, fast as the eye.

The village of Stupni Do is subjected to a massacre, but you save him the survivors from their pursuers. True, we did not really get it, because it was "taking a stand in the conflict," thought a pear to UN heights. But we broke in, and you filled your entire trailer with save, broken people who just got their lives crushed. More than that actually took place. You remember that girl, Ragnarök. She with the long hair. She who had her nearest murdered before her eyes, and exposed to all that unimaginable, wretched. I never forget her story, and I never forget her.

You were the first to force a roadblock in the battalion too. In Vares. Do you remember that, Ragnarök? So save we were, but we did. And you took us out safely and safely. You forced five roadblocks under BA01, Ragnarök. I think no other vehicle we had in the battalion hit it.

And when we decided to go into Stupni Do, even though they tried to stop us with their weapons. Then you rolled in, first of all, with battalion manager Ulf Henricsson on board. We revealed that what she told the girl with the long hair that it was true. It was terrible. All these dead. Young, old, women, children. Yes, not even the kids, they had been spared. Do you remember that yellow baby boyfriend lying abandoned in the sled, Ragnarök. Fy fan. I still do not know what to say other than that. Fy fan.

Do you remember when we would help the UNHCR to seek refugees outside Doboj in January -94? When they suddenly started shooting grenades on us. And how many bullets. We had a local guide who got a splitter in the lung there outside of your safe armor, but both he and our soldier colleagues were safe and you protected me. Those bullets fell from your sides as if they were just fists of gravel. You did not even complain when one of the grenades hit the right front wheel and scraped the rear mirror. You took us away from there, although it was a bit slow with two wheels fewer. The guide apparently made him, too.

When that artillery grenade killed 68 people and injured 144 on the market in Sarajevo on February 5, 1994, you quickly went there and helped. Those who went by the way went on the shelter in SISU, but their relatives, they brought you. You protected them from grenades and bullets from the sniper. And you ended up in CNN. Do you remember that child sitting in her mother's knee on the bench in your backpack? His father went on a back in the hospital SISUn behind. They were so worried, but that little boy hurried no longer to fear the bangs outside. It was too much. He had stopped feeling. You let them go to Sarajevo Airport, and then they flew to a hospital in Europe. I wonder how it happened to that boy, Ragnarök. I wonder what he's doing today and how he's doing.

And all those exchanges you protected. Lord, all the human insanity you have seen, Ragnarök.

You would have been to Gradacac to help make a bridge, but at that time the group borrowed another SISU. Why do not I remember. But she did not have the same trip as you, Ragnarök. She got a break in the middle of the front line and was later shot off by everything. She is in pieces after being met by two armored military robots. The group was lucky and departed, but it should have been you who stood there completely burned out, Ragnarök.

But it was not. Because you've always been lucky with you. And it has infected everyone who went with you.

Do you remember the girl we saved, Ragnarök? She with the long hair. For all years, I did not know if she lived, but she contacted me via Facebook three years ago. And I met her last spring. She is amazing. She lives in Stupni Do and has created a really good life. She has married and has two nice children now. Just like me, Ragnarök. A boy and a girl. I've met them too. I follow them on Facebook. Two amazing youngsters struggling with studies and work in Bosnia. Just today they are on vacation in Dubrovnik. But they had not existed at all if we had not first come and found their mother that time twenty-five years ago.

This year, I even wrote a book about our adventures together. It's called Half a year, a whole life. You are in it. It describes your first year on earth. Think so much you must have done in the twenty-five years since you and I shared half a year - and one whole life - together.

Here you are now in the middle of the people's sea, and none of the nearly 100,000 people who are here right now have a clue about how unique you are. But I know, Ragnarök, anyway. And I want to introduce you to my children. A girl of fourteen and a boy of ten. They are the best I know, and they had not been without you, Ragnarök. I intend to tell you all about who you are for them, what we experienced together and what you meant to me and so many others.

Thank you, Ragnarök.