Mainitsemieni tapaisia (AWACS, AAR-tankkerit) maaleja vastaan, kun ne tietysti yritetaan pitaa taaempana, mutta joku raja siinakin tulee, jotta pystyvat tayttamaan tehtavansa
Puhuin kyllakin ilmasta laukaistavasta AWACS-killerista, on ihan hyva jos tuot mukaan tuon kuplaa luovan, eli taistelukoneiden operointia lahempana... err, taisteluvyohyketta vaikeuttavan kaukotorjuntajarjestelman
- jonka piirissa ilmavoimien operointipaallikko sanoi meidan jo nyt valmistautuvan/ pystyvan toimimaan
Kokonaisuushan se on se joka ratkaisee.
Kiistin vaitteesi, etta esimerkkitapauksessani maalittamisen pitaisi tapahtua tulenjohtotarkkuudella heti (vs. ohjukset, joiden lentoaika lasketaan sekunneissa) laukaisun yhteydessa. Otetaan sitten toinen tappaus (jos sen ensimmaisen osalta "katsotaan , sanoi laakari"... eika vastannut vaan lahetti vaaralle erikoslaakarille):
- eli talla kertaa kiinalaisten "Meteor" - sekin pitkan kantaman juttuja, eli liittyy suoraan tahan "case'en":
Most modern AD systems are
underpinned by Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft, or their poor cousins, Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) aircraft. Any adversary would obviously be keen to get rid of these highly capable and expensive planes. For instance, the Russian Novator K-100 is an AAM specifically designed as an “AWACS killer” at ranges up to 200 km. It can also engage other lucrative targets like Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) aircraft, maritime patrol ...
- eli ihan sama skenaario, sitten niihin suorituskykyihin:
it is believed the PL-15 has improved propulsion systems, an advanced rocket motor and... a ramjet engine that significantly increase its maximum range.
- Since the PL-15’s predecessor, the PL-12, has a range of about 100 km,
- it is presumed that the new missile can fly much farther, perhaps 150 to 200 km. If this is true it would pose a grave threat to US aircraft because it could be launched while flying out of range of many of America’s current missiles.
The PL-15 also has an improved active radar seeker and jam-resistant data links. Although Chinese aircraft like the J-11B and forthcoming stealth fighters such as the J-20 and J-31 do not yet have long-range radars it is possible that China’s KJ-2000 AEW&C aircraft would assist them. The KJ-2000 could
communicate the location of the target aircraft to the attacker and provide minor course corrections to the PL-15’s advanced radar so as to guide it [unerringly - sic!] to the target.
Moral of the story: volume search/ valvonta toiminnon puolelta hand-off samalle tasolle tai homing-tasolle kahdessa eri vaiheessa, kummatkin jotka hoidetaan niin korkealta, etta mainitsemani esimerkin yksikertaistaminen, eli maapallon pyoreyden vaikutus, jaa pois rajoittavana tekijana - toki kaikilla tutkilla on omat rajoituksensa.