German authorities are reportedly “sounding the alarm” over a sharp rise in child marriages after noting that more and more girls are disappearing from school. Justice Minister Heiko Maas has announced “drastic” new measures to tackle the problem.
The girls are usually married to older men, and the trend is being linked to the new wave of migrants who entered the country over the past 18 months. The state has logged over 1,000 child marriages, but reports that the number of unreported cases may dwarf this number.
In the Welt am Sonntag newspaper, Mr. Maas said he would be setting up a new working group which will begin its work on September 5th.
Merkelin vieraat: Pakolaisten työllistämiskokeilu meni saksilaisessa Waldenburgissa perusteellisesti pieleen.
Kaupungin pormestari kertoo paikkakunnan lehdessä, miten miespuolisille pakolaisille järjestettiin yleishyödyllisiä töitä, joista maksettiin työministeriön päätöksellä 1,05 euroa tunnilta. Töitä oli tarkoitus tehdä 20 tuntia viikossa.
Ensimmäisen viikon jälkeen pakolaismiehet kuitenkin kieltäytyivät jatkamasta työntekoa sillä perusteella, että he ovat "Merkelin vieraita" eikä heidän tarvitse tehdä siksi töitä. He muistuttivat myös, että minimituntipalkka on Saksassa 8,50 euroa
Malmö sees spike in summer car burnings
A string of car fires in Malmö have made headlines in Sweden this week, and fresh statistics from the country's emergency services show that the number of vehicle being burned in the southern city has soared during the summer.
According to numbers from the southern branch of Sweden’s fire and rescue service reported in newspaper Sydsvenskan, 64 vehicles were set alight in the region between June 1st and August 9th.
Around half of those fires took place in Rosengård, a Malmö district with a reputation for social problems and gang-related issues. Almost all of the car burnings were deemed to be intentional.
“The figure is higher than normal when it comes to vehicle fires. It’s a worrying trend we’re seeing now,” Ulf Nilsson, a manager a South Rescue Service told daily Svenska Dagbladet.
Jo yli 2 000 poltettua autoa tänä vuonna: Ruotsin hallitus tiukentaa otteita