Juttua EU:n tankkiarsenaaliprojektista, joka ajoi kiville. Leo 2 A7 ei ole myynyt kuin Saksassa. Vain Puola ja Saksa päivittävät Leo 2 vaunujaan tällä hetkellä.
Lisäksi mainitaan että Leo 2 päivitykset ja varaosien hinta tai saatavuus ovat ongelma Saksassakin. Alle puolet 244 vaunusta on operatiivisessa kunnossa!
Tässä nopeat kommentit Einomiehen linkkiin: Euroopan tannkiarsenaalin idea on, että Leopardeja omistavat maat vuokraisivat niitä maille, joilla niitä ei ole, vaunun modernisointikustannusten hinnalla:
...the EDA came up with the idea that states with Leopard 2 tanks, the most frequent tank model in the EU, should modernize their older versions to the newest standard A7. These would include Germany, Finland, Greece, Italy, Austria, Poland, Sweden and Spain. After the completed modernization, these states should rent them to EU member states, which do not have modern MBTs. The detailed funding concept has been still to be determined, but it seems that the tank lessors should take over the investments for the modernization of the Leopard 2 tanks and could recoup these costs with the rents of the leaseholders over a time of ten years.
The main problem of the KMW/EDA concept is that after ten years, either the lessor state takes back the Leopard 2 from the leaseholder state or these tanks would build the core of an EU tank fleet. If an EU tank fleet will ever be implemented cannot be foreseen, yet. Nevertheless, from the viewpoint of the lessor the spent money for the modernization of the old Leopard 2 version to the newest standard does not represent a defence investment for the future.
Näkisin, että tästä olisi Suomen puolustukselle hyötyä vain, jos joku suostuisi liisaamaan noita tankkeja meille. Mikäpäs siinä, jos Espanjaa, Italiaa tms. kiinnostaa antaa tankkinsa vuokralle. Mutta Suomi ei ole tähän lähdössä. Hanke taitaa olla liian epärealistinen. Louksi artikkelissa on yleispoliittista pöhinää:
There are pros and cons from a German perspective. The project could be a favourable platform to offer the planned German-French MBT to participants of the “EU tank arsenal” and could promote the implementation of the upcoming technology as an “EU standard”. That would serve Germany’s general interest to place itself as a main coordinator of a European-wide defence network. However, the concept does not fit to Germany’s military strategy for Europe, which is based on the approach that small, specialized armies should lean on frame forces with a broader range of capabilities, such as Germany. The idea behind this approach is the better long-term allocation of the shrunken, only slowly recovering, military resources of European states.
Jos Saksalla on tosiaan tällainen idea, Saksa voisi kasvattaa sitä hauistaan.