Onko näin?
Jos katsot nyt vaikka thalesin tuotteita, niin ne on kaikki jäähdytettyjä. XP,FC,MP ja muutkin tuosta mallistosta.
Myös täällä mainittu Attica on jäähdytetty.
Ja tuossa yllä mainitussa Fennek kaupassakin oli jäähdytetty.
Yhden tunnetun (Flir)merkin markkinointi materiaalia.
"Thermal imaging cameras with a cooled detector offer some advantages over thermal imaging cameras with an uncooled detector. However, they are more expensive. A modern cooled thermal imaging camera has an imaging sensor that is integrated with a cryocooler, which lowers the sensor temperature to cryogenic temperatures. This reduction in sensor temperature is necessary to reduce thermally-induced noise to a level below that of the signal from the scene being imaged.
Cryocoolers have moving parts made to extremely close mechanical tolerances that wear out over time, as well as helium gas that slowly works its way past gas seals. Eventually a rebuild for the cryocooler is required after 10,000-13,000 hours of operation."
Katso liite: 51994
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