Olen niin vanhanaikainen, että pitää oikein kysyä, mitä lisäarvoa tulee siitä, että J. Niinistö paljastaa koko käden ennen viimeisten korttien jakamista?
Ihmettelin samaa. Tällä ja aiemmalla tykistönhankinta uutisoinnilla haluttiin ensisijaisesti viestiä jotain Venäjälle/muulle maailmalle. Mitään positiivistä lisäarvoa ne eivät tuo itse sopimusten neuvotteluun. -Voi olla jopa haitallista kailottaa maailmalle että "Me ollaan hankkimassa tämmöstä!!". Jenkit/Korealaiset tietää nyt vaatia meiltä enemmän palveluksia/rahaa..
Puolalaiset kirjoitelleet meidän PV tulevasta väenvähennyksestä (google käännös):
Finland: Modernization at the expense of reducing the army? "The budget puts pressure"
The Finnish authorities intend to carry out staff reductions in the armed forces - writes Yle Uutiset. Instead they will be able to continue the process of modernization despite the poor budgetary situation.
As reported Yle Uutiset, the Finnish Ministry of Defence provides for the reduction of armed forces personnel.According to the minister Jussi Niinistö cuts may cover up to 200 positions.Funding for equipment purchases but have to be increased by EUR 30 million. Finns so take into account the implementation of limited cuts in the armed forces, despite increasing military readiness and eg. Expansion of military cooperation with the United States.
The activities of Finland are a reaction to the poor state of public finances and the economic slowdown in the country - the level of public debt exceeds 60 percent GDP and growing, although the deficit is at a level of 2.5 percent GDP. Authorities in Helsinki aware of the need to strengthen the defense readiness of the country in the changed security environment. Therefore still it plans an increased range of training reservists (18,000 per year in 2015).
They will be realized or modernization programs - including, for example, shopping missiles artillery GMLRS heads odłamkowo-burzącymi and Alternative Warhead - intended for the purpose of destruction area. Finns also modernizing owned cars BMP-2, including by equipping them with mobile camouflage Polish company Lubawa.
Finns are also putting in place the equipment on tanks Leopard 2A6, acquired in the Netherlands, we acquired a JASSM missiles for fighter F / A-18. The term also provides for the purchase of patrol ships and fighters of the new generation. Helsinki increase the budget for modernization, but the bad situation of public finances may force conducting further reduction of armed forces personnel.
In Finland, a few years ago it was carried out reform of the armed forces, assuming the reduction of their number in times of peace and war (after mobilization - from 350 000 to around 230 000 - 250 000), naturally has dropped a number of professional soldiers and military employees. The idea was to allow for the continuation of technical modernization of the army, while maintaining an appropriate level of mobilization capabilities. After the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine increased degree of readiness of the army, including the Air Force, also increased the number of training provision.
Reports of planned further small reductions in staff (which can affect eg. Civil servants) in Finland are proof that the situation of the budget and the economy has an impact on the process of modernization and development of the armed forces - even in the changed security environment and in countries that have a system mobilization. Noteworthy is also the low level of participation of defense expenditure in GDP - about 1.37 percent. in 2016. In contrast, Finland's defense budget is about 2.88 billion euros.