Taloustieteellinen keskustelu


Turhaa vouhkaamista. USD on jatkossakin maailmankaupan tärkein valuutta.
Nykyinen vai kultakantaan tai kryptoon sidottu?
Minäkin toivon että olisi mutta nykyinen on kuollut.
Nykyinen. Höpöhöpö. Ota viestini talteen ja tule katsomaan asiaa jonkun ajan kuluttua. Tulet näkemään, että Tetra oli tämänkin asian suhteen oikeassa. Ei ole merkkejä siitä, että joku muu valuutta olisi korvaamassa dollarin.

And as a side note, dollarin heikkous on tietenkin haitallinen asia vientivetoisille euromaille.
Nykyinen. Höpöhöpö. Ota viestini talteen ja tule katsomaan asiaa jonkun ajan kuluttua. Tulet näkemään, että Tetra oli tämänkin asian suhteen oikeassa. Ei ole merkkejä siitä, että joku muu valuutta olisi korvaamassa dollarin.

And as a side note, dollarin heikkous on tietenkin haitallinen asia vientivetoisille euromaille.

Pakko tosiaan ottaa talteen, mikä on muuten oma positiosi kullassa ja hopeassa?
Veikkauksia paljonko rahaa painetaan lisää? Oma veikkaus on minimissään x10, eli pelkästään tästä uudesta mekanismista tulisi vähintääön 70 miljardia piikkiä Suomelle.
Kokonaisuudessaan euron väkisin pystyssä pitäminen tullee maksamaan 300-500 miljardia Suomelle kun päästään vauhtiin.

To summarise the problems now faced through the creation of the Eurosystem:

• The national central banks in the PIIGS are now using the Target2 settlement system as a means of their own balance sheet funding in excess of their capital key, which has the effect of burdening the central banks of Germany, Luxembourg, Finland and the Netherlands with excess liabilities in the event of a partial or complete systemic failure.

• Instead of non-performing loans being dealt with at a national level, banks are encouraged to continually finance them and carry them on their balance sheet as being solvent. These loans are then used as collateral for funding from the Italian and Spanish central banks as well as those of Portugal and Greece, which are in turn financed through Target2 imbalances.

• This situation surely should not be tolerated by the Bundesbank in particular, being exposed to close to a trillion euros in a settlement system that is being progressively corrupted by its users.

• Funding government deficits, being the ECB’s primary and now exclusive objective, has led to extreme levels of operational gearing for the eurozone’s commercial banks, which can only result in an eventual collapse of the whole system. Share prices for the region’s GSIBs are in effect trying to discount this outcome.

The Eurosystem is unsuited to deal with a systemic shock on the scale it now faces and, on its realisation, can be expected to collapse.

The principal losers are Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Finland.
Excepting Luxembourg, which can be expected to just go with the flow, the others could be determined enough to form the nucleus of a new currency area; but they are unlikely to do so before the Eurosystem implodes. To do so would actively destroy it, and the balance sheets of their own central banks as well.

The collapse of the Eurosystem would bankrupt the PIGS, and possibly other member states, cutting off all monetary financing.

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