Tarkka-ampujatoiminta sekä TA-parin varusteet

Eikös edellinen ykkös-kanukki joka ampui .50 kiväärillä A-maassa, käyttänyt jenkeiltä saatua tuunattua TA-patruunaa, koska kanukeille jaettiin KK-kuteja joilla ei tehnyt juuri mitään yli kilsan matkoille...?
Eikös edellinen ykkös-kanukki joka ampui .50 kiväärillä A-maassa, käyttänyt jenkeiltä saatua tuunattua TA-patruunaa, koska kanukeille jaettiin KK-kuteja joilla ei tehnyt juuri mitään yli kilsan matkoille...?

Saattoi olla se sitä edellinen kanukki. Ja kyse ei ollut ammuksien tarkkuudesta, vaan siitä että kanukeilta loppui ammukset ja saivat jenkeiltä lisää. Nämä ammukset olivat sitten hieman jykevämpiä latauksia, tiedä siitä sitten oliko huomattava vaikutus.
Saattoi olla se sitä edellinen kanukki. Ja kyse ei ollut ammuksien tarkkuudesta, vaan siitä että kanukeilta loppui ammukset ja saivat jenkeiltä lisää. Nämä ammukset olivat sitten hieman jykevämpiä latauksia, tiedä siitä sitten oliko huomattava vaikutus.

Nimenomaan. Furlong itse kertoi haastattelussa jenkkipaukun erilaisen ballistiikan tuoneen lisähaastetta ampumiseen. Ihan tehdasladattua match gradea muuten molemmat.
Lähdettä sen kummemmin arvioimatta, ilmeisesti kaarevuus aiheuttaa heittoa 8 cm per kilometri. Eli tuossa 28 senttiä.

Pitkänmatkan gurut on analysoineet nyt tuon siivun. Irakin leveysasteella A-maxilla 3500m matkalla sivusuuntainen coriolis 5.05 MRAD, eli 17,67m. Pystysuuntaisen corioliksen täysi arvo 0.84 MRAD eli 2,94m, riippuen laakin suunnasta toki. Spin drift eli luodin kiertopoikkeama 2.38 MRAD eli 8,33m. Kokonaiskoro arviolta 84.4 MRAD ja lentoaika 9,7s, luoti tulee kohteeseen 30- asteen kulmassa! :eek:

Sofrepin mukaan tuo laaki olisi tosin ammuttu Raufossin tuotteella, joka muuttaisi jonkin verran noita arvoja. Mutta antaa tuo jo käsityksen noin pitkän laakin matikasta.

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SOFREP Exclusive: The inside story of Canada’s JTF2 record-breaking sniper kill

BY JACK MURPHY 06.22.2017

The Canadian snipers had carefully chosen their hide site. From an elevated position, the Special Operations sniper looked through his scope at a stationary human target leaning against a cement wall over two miles away. The four-man sniper team had been pushing their shots out further and further into Mosul over the course of several days, taking down ISIS terrorists in long-range engagements. Now, they were about to make history.

Three Canadian sniper detachments have been active in Mosul, Iraq. Two of those sniper detachments hail from Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) and one from Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), both units falling under Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). CSOR handles tasks commonly associated with American units such as Special Forces and Rangers while JTF2 is Canada’s counter-terrorism unit, filling a role similar to Delta Force. That CSOR is in Kurdistan conducting an advise and assist mission is public knowledge. JTF2 was accidentally exposed in theater by a video released in 2015. What the Trudeau administration doesn’t want people to know is that Canadian troops are actively involved in combat. Like many other western governments, the advise and assist mission is used as a politically neutral term to disguise what is really happening on the ground.

The record-breaking shot was taken by the JTF2 sniper team nearly a month ago, but is just being publicized now, largely because the Canadian military is proud of what their men have accomplished despite what hand wringing politicians might think. Let’s get one thing straight, the record-breaking shot was not at a distance of 3,450 meters as the press has reported, but 90 meters further at a range of 3,540 meters. This smashes the previous record-setting distance for a sniper kill which was 2,475 meters held by British sniper Craig Harrison.

Canadian snipers are known to be amongst the best in the world and the JTF2 sniper detachment had been training for ultra-long range engagements prior to their deployment in preparation for Mosul. From their sniper hide, a number of factors lined up making the record-breaking shot possible. Using Kestral wind meters and ballistic software, the guess-work has been removed from ballistics. This truly makes sniping a science, as successful shots are based on math. On this particular day, there was little wind and no mirage. Through their scope, the sniper and spotter saw the target remaining still long enough for them to hit from 3,540 meters away.

The McMillan Tac-50 was hardly a new rifle, but would do the job. The round fired was a match grade armor-piercing incendiary (API) round. JTF2 mostly utilizes Schmidt and Bender scopes, but also some made by Night Force. Which optic used that day remains unknown at this time. The rifle had been customized in order to gain the mil elevation needed to reach a target at such great distances by attaching special rails to the weapon. The adjustments dialed into the scope by the JTF2 sniper were 113 mils of elevation and 6.5 mils of windage. To learn more about the mil-dot system and how snipers use it to adjust for distance and wind, take a look at the following website.

The JTF2 sniper fired, and the target went down, felled by a .50 caliber bullet from over two miles away. The episode was actually recorded by a Predator drone circling overhead. SOFREP has also seen confirmation of the shot from CANSOFCOM.

Minutes later, the same sniper/spotter team noticed a group of three ISIS terrorists standing close to each other at about 3,200 meters away. It would have been another record-breaking shot. The sniper fired at the group and all three hit the ground. One shot, three kills? Unfortunately not this time, the three terrorists sprung up and ran away. The bullet most likely passed right in between them. For the Canadian hunter/killer team it was still an amazing day. Chalking up a record-breaking sniper kill is one thing, having video evidence of it puts the shot into a whole other league.

The JTF2 snipers cannot be named for security purposes.

SOFREP previously reported exclusive information about another record-breaking sniper kill. In the past we broke the story about the 6th longest range kill pulled off by a South African Special Forces sniper in the Congo at a range of 2,125 meters.

Se oli sellainen laukaus että minä luulen että hän vain pani silmät kiinni, lausui insallah, ära vare gud i himlen ja jumala suokoon ja laukaisi.
Se oli sellainen laukaus että minä luulen että hän vain pani silmät kiinni, lausui insallah, ära vare gud i himlen ja jumala suokoon ja laukaisi.

Vastustan käyttämääsi sanaa "vain". Kyllä tuollaisessa tapauksessa on täytynyt hieman auttaa...


Varustelekalta löytyy nyt tämä. Tasmanian Tiger Wrist Office. Tilasin, katsotaan onko siitä mihinkään.
Jep veli @ctg , oli hieno video nähdä kun osaan kieltä ja olen Ian- fani.... mutten edelleenkään ymmärrä ranskalaisten aseita! MAS, FAMAS.... kaikki outoja valintoja, todellakin.