Trump -psykoosi

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Poisto (Johnny Rotten on hyvä jäbä, mutta ei siitä sen enenpää)
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Nostetaanpas tätäkin ketjua välillä ylös ja tehdään lyhyt katsaus Trumpin hallinnon nykymenosta.

Trump sai hetkeksi median huomion kaikkoamaan kabinettinsa ongelmista Syyrian iskun ja Pohjois-Korean tilanteen kärjistymisen jälkeen, mutta tosiasiassa mikään ei ole edelleenkään muuttunut: lähes puolet hallinnon virkamiehistä on edelleen nimeämättä ja sisäiset valtataistelut hankaloittavat päätöstentekoa. Etenkin Steve Bannonin ja Jared Kushnerin sekä heidän taustajoukkojensa välillä on ollut suuria erimielisyyksiä ja tämä johtikin Bannonin poistamiseen kansallisen turvallisuuden neuvostosta. Tuo tapahtui pari päivää ennen iskua Syyriaan, mitä Bannon tiedettävästi vastusti.

Lisäksi Valkoisella Talolla on edelleen vaikeuksia saada senaatin ja edustajainhuoneen republikaaneja taakseen demokraateista puhumattakaan. Terveydenhuollon uudistus ei mennyt läpi ja verosuunnitelmankin hyväksyttämisessä sanotaan menevän vähintään vuoden loppuun asti jos se ikinä sellaisenaan toteutuukaan. Meksikon rajalle suunnitellulle muurille ei ole vielä haettu edes rahoitusta kongressilta ja monet muutkin vaalilupaukset ovat olleet vastatuulessa. Kausi on toki vasta alussaan ja aikaa lupausten lunastamiseen on vielä vuosia, mutta Trumpin kannattajapohja tuskin tykkää jos ennen pitkää ei ala tapahtumaan.

Venäjä-kytköksistäkin tuntuu paljastuvan päivittäin lisätietoja ja vaikka Trump itse tuskin on mikään Kremlin käsinukke, presidentinkampanjan taustajoukoissa on edelleen henkilöitä joita saattaa uhata vyyhdin auetessa jopa maanpetossyyte. Etenkin Carter Page, eräs silloinen neuvonantaja on ollut viime aikoina suurennuslasin alla koskien hänen kontaktejaan venäjän tiedustelupalveluihin.

Donaldia itseään on kritisoitu myös lomailustaan Mar-a-Lagossa ja siitä että ei ole vieläkään suostunut julkaisemaan verotietojaan syystä tai toisesta. Nämä ovat kuitenkin sivuseikkoja ja siinä missä jonkun toisen presidentin kohdalla ne olisivat etusivun uutisia, Trumpin tapauksessa ne hukkuvat kaiken muun alle.

Viime viikot ovat vahvistaneen käsitystäni Trumpista impulsiivisena ja arvaamattomana johtajana, joka muuttaa linjaansa heti kun kokee siitä olevan hyötyä itselleen. Taustalla pyörii monta eri ryhmittymää jotka pyrkivät kääntämään laivan ruoria milloin mihinkin suuntaan ja POTUS luovii näiden välillä kuten parhaaksi näkee. Tällä hetkellä eniten sananvaltaa näyttäisi olevan ns. perinteisillä republikaaneilla ja se on jossain määrin lisännyt äänestäjäkunnan luottamusta hallintoon mikä on heijastunut myös galluplukemissa. Nykyisen linjan jatkuessa Trump tulee tuskin ainakaan saamaan mitään täyskatastrofia aikaan, mutta vaikeuksia on joka tapauksessa näköpiirissä enemmän kuin tarpeeksi.

Tämä on ihmetyttävä juttu. Herättää monia kysymyksiä. Trump ilmoitti lähettäneensä lentotukialusosaston kohti Pohjois-Koreaa. Samaan aikaan se kuitenkin oli todellisuudessa suuntaamassa poispäin Pohjois-Koreasta, kohti Australiaa. Tämä sekava tilanne kesti useita päiviä.

As Trump warned North Korea, his 'armada' was headed toward Australia

When U.S. President Donald Trump boasted early last week that he had sent an "armada" as a warning to North Korea, the aircraft carrier strike group he spoke of was still far from the Korean peninsula, and headed in the opposite direction.

It was even farther away over the weekend, moving through the Sunda Strait and then into the Indian Ocean, as North Korea displayed what appeared to be new missiles at a parade and staged a failed missile test.

The U.S. military's Pacific Command explained on Tuesday that the strike group first had to complete a shorter-than-initially planned period of training with Australia. But it was now "proceeding to the Western Pacific as ordered," it said.

The perceived communications mix-up has raised eyebrows among Korea experts, who wonder whether it erodes the Trump administration's credibility at a time when U.S. rhetoric about the North's advancing nuclear and missile capabilities are raising concerns about a potential conflict.

"If you threaten them and your threat is not credible, it's only going to undermine whatever your policy toward them is. And that could be a logical conclusion from what's just happened," said North Korea expert Joel Wit at the 38 North monitoring group, run by Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

The U.S. military initially said in a statement dated April 10 that Admiral Harry Harris, the commander of Pacific Command, directed the Carl Vinson strike group "to sail north and report on station in the Western Pacific."

Reuters and other news outlets reported on April 11 that the movement would take more than a week. The Navy, for security reasons, says it does not report future operational locations of its ships.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis initially appeared to play down the deployment on April 11, saying the Vinson was "just on her way up there because that's where we thought it was most prudent to have her at this time."

The U.S. aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson transits the Sunda Strait, Indonesia on April 15, 2017. Picture taken on April 15, 2017. Sean M. Castellano/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS

"There's not a specific demand signal or specific reason why we're sending her up there," he said.

But even Mattis initially misspoke about the strike group's itinerary, telling a news conference that the Vinson had pulled out of an exercise with Australia.

The Pentagon has since corrected the record, saying the ship's planned port visit to Fremantle, Australia, was canceled - not the exercise with Australia's navy.

On April 15, the U.S. Navy even published a photo showing the Vinson transiting the Sunda Strait. here

From April 16-18, the website reported that the Vinson was in the Indian Ocean.

A U.S. military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Vinson carried out the exercises after passing through the Sunda Strait and wrapped them up this week.
Tässä voi olla aika merkittäväkin asia. Foxin Bill O'Reilly sai fudut. Hän oli isossa roolissa työstämässä sitä ilmapiiriä, jonka johdosta Trump nousi presidentiksi. Siksi ei ole myöskään yllättävää, että Trump asettui presidentin asemassa puolustamaan Billiä. Heillä on myös paljon yhteistä: populismi, räävittömyys ja erikoinen tapa suhtautua naisiin. Toivotaan, että tämä johtaa jenkkien keskusteluilmapiirin paranemiseen ja poliittisen kahtiajaon heikkenemiseen. Pitkä matka siihen on, joka tapauksessa.

How Bill O'Reilly created Donald Trump

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Etelä-Koreassa ei ole otettu Trumpin haamuarmadaa erityisen hyvin vastaan. Maan suurimpiin kuuluva sanomalehti JoongAng Ilbi kutsui sitä otsikossaan Carl Vinson-valheeksi, lehdissä sitä on verrattu Pohjois-Korean paraateissa esiteltäviin ohjusten kuoriin. Parlamentin toisiksi suurimman puolueen presidenttiehdokas on sitä mieltä että jos Trump valehteli, Etelä-Korea ei enään usko Trumpin lupauksiin.
US President Donald Trump said he was sending "an armada" to Korean waters to potentially deal with threats from Pyongyang.
But its no-show has caused some South Koreans to question his leadership and strategy regarding their unpredictable neighbor in the north.

And as the country prepares to vote for a new president on May 9, the claim could have far-reaching implications for the two countries' relations.
"What Mr. Trump said was very important for the national security of South Korea," Presidential candidate Hong Joon-pyo told the Wall Street Journal.
"If that was a lie, then during Trump's term, South Korea will not trust whatever Trump says," said Hong, who is currently trailing in the polls.

One newspaper headline called it Trump's "Carl Vinson lie," and speculated that the Russian and Chinese leaders must have had a good laugh at its absence.
Meant to present a robust defense against a potential nuclear test by Pyongyang, the report likened the bluff to North Korea's shows of force, where "fake missiles" are paraded through the streets of the North Korean capital.
"Like North Korea, which is often accused of displaying fake missiles during military parades, is the United States, too, now employing 'bluffing' as its North Korea policy?" it asked.
WASHINGTON — President Trump has let the military know that the buck stops with them, not him. The Pentagon, after eight years of chafing at what many generals viewed as micromanaging from the Obama White House, is so far embracing its new freedom.

Officials say that much of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s plan to defeat the Islamic State, which Mr. Mattis delivered to the White House in February but has yet to make public, consists of proposals for speeding up decision-making to allow the military to move more quickly on raids, airstrikes, bombing missions and arming allies in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. Commanders argue that loosening restrictions — as Mr. Trump has already done for American operations in much of Somalia and parts of Yemen — could lead to a faster defeat of Islamic State militants in not only the Middle East but also the Horn of Africa.

Yet with the new freedoms come new dangers for the military, including the potential of increased civilian casualties, and the possibility that Mr. Trump will shunt blame for things that go wrong to the Pentagon. Mr. Trump already did that after the botched raid in Yemen in January, which led to the death of Chief Petty Officer William Owens, a member of the Navy SEALs known as Ryan, despite having signed off on that raid himself.

“They explained what they wanted to do, the generals, who are very respected,” Mr. Trump told Fox News after the raid. “And they lost Ryan.”

Beyond that, many foreign policy experts point out that giving the military freedom over short-term tactics like raids and strikes means little without a long-term strategy for the region, including what will happen after the Islamic State is routed, as the Pentagon expects, from Iraq and Syria.

“Moving decision-making on small tactical issues from the White House to commanders in the field is positive, but commanders’ autonomy doesn’t help accomplish strategic goals,” said Jon B. Alterman, director of the Middle East Program for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

During the Obama administration, the military had to follow standards set by the president in 2013 to carry out airstrikes or ground raids in countries like Somalia, where the United States was not officially at war. Those rules required that a target had to pose a threat to Americans and that there be near certainty that no civilian bystanders would die. Under the Trump administration’s new rules, some civilian deaths are now permitted in much of Somalia and parts of Yemen if regional American commanders deemed the military action necessary and proportionate.

The Obama administration process frustrated many in the military.

Assange on jenkkien uusi ykkösvihollinen

United States attorney-general Jeff Sessions says the Trump administration will make it “a priority” to arrest leakers, including Julian Assange.

Sessions on Thursday toured the US/Mexico border and later gave a press conference in El Paso.

Towards the end of that conference, at about the 15:40 mark of the video below, Sessions was asked whether the Trump administration and his department intends to target leakers such as Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.

Sessions responded by saying “We are going to step up our effort and already are stepping up our effort on all leaks.”

“This is a matter that's gone beyond anything I am aware of ,” he added. “We have professionals who have been in the security business in the United States that are shocked by the number of leaks and some of them are quite serious.”

“So, yes, it is a priority,” he concluded. “We have already begun to step up our efforts and we may seek to put some people in jail.”
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Kuten @sarkaudar joskus kirjoitti, "psycho the rapist" on päässyt laukomaan älyttömyyksiään lehteen. Arvostan kovasti psykoterapeuttien tekemiä diagnooseja, ilman lääketieteellistä pätevyyttä saati sitten potilaan tapaamista. :rolleyes:

Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference
Mental health experts say President is 'paranoid and delusional'





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Mental health experts claimed the President was 'paranoid and delusional', and said it was their 'ethical responsibility' to warn the American public Getty / Chip Somodevilla
Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.

Mental health experts claimed the President was “paranoid and delusional”, and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country.

Speaking at the conference at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday, one of the mental health professionals, Dr John Gartner, a practising psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, said: “We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump's dangerous mental illness.”

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Dr Gartner, who is also a founding member of Duty to Warn, an organisation of several dozen mental health professionals who think Mr Trump is mentally unfit to be president, said the President's statement about having the largest crowd at an inauguration was just one of many that served as warnings of a larger problem.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was President. If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional,” he added.

Chairing the event, Dr Bandy Lee, assistant clinical professor in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, said: “As some prominent psychiatrists have noted, [Trump’s mental health] is the elephant in the room. I think the public is really starting to catch on and widely talk about this now.”

James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, told the conference he had worked some of the “most dangerous people in society”, including murderers and rapists — but that he was convinced by the “dangerousness” of Mr Trump.

“I’ve worked with some of the most dangerous people our society produces, directing mental health programmes in prisons,” he said.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists. I can recognise dangerousness from a mile away. You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

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Dr Gartner started an online petition earlier this year on calling for Mr Trump to be removed from office, which claims that he is “psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President”. The petition has so far garnered more than 41,000 signatures.

It states: “We, the undersigned mental health professionals (please state your degree), believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.

“And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office'."

The claims made in the conference have drawn criticism from some in the psychiatric establishment, who say they violate the American Psychiatric Association’s “Goldwater rule,” which states psychiatrists are not to give professional opinions on people they have not personally examined.

They have also been condemned by Republicans, including Connecticut Republican Party Chairman JR Romano, who accused the group of “throwing ethical standards out the window because they cannot accept the election results.”

Responding to the criticism, Dr Gartner said: “This notion that you need to personally interview someone to form a diagnosis actually doesn’t make a whole lotta sense. For one thing, research shows that the psychiatric interview is the least statistical reliable way to make a diagnosis.”

A spokesperson for Yale University told The Independent the panel at the conference abided by the Goldwater rule during the discussions, but that the organiser was "troubled" by the "silencing of debate".

“The panel at Yale School of Medicine abided by ‘the Goldwater rule'. Eminent psychiatrists were invited to speak about whether there are other ethical rules that override it, as in ordinary practise," said the spokesperson.

"The organiser, Dr Bandy Lee, agrees with the Goldwater rule but is troubled by its recent expansion (as of March 16, 2017) and the silencing of debate. She hopes that the public and politicians will understand that mental health issues are not to be used as a weapon, just as other health issues are not.

"Dr Gartner was invited as an activist and was not on the actual panel. The organiser emphasises that the event was independently organised and did not represent the views of Yale University or Yale School of Medicine.”

The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued
The doctors have said that even if it is in breach of tradition ethical standards of psychiatry, it was necessary to break their silence on the matter because they feared “too much is at stake”.

It is not the first time Mr Trump's mental health has been called into question. In February, Duty to Warn, which consists of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, signed an open letter warning that his mental state “makes him incapable of serving safely as president”.

The letter warned that the President’s tendency to “distort reality” to fit his “personal myth of greatness” and attack those who challenge him with facts was likely to increase in a position of power.
Itsellä on mennyt hermot näihin psykoterapeutteihin (psycho the rapist) ja psykologeihin. Ovat usein enemmän sekaisin kuin "potilaansa". En oikein viitsi kutsua heidän asiakkaitaan sinänsä potilaiksi, kun ko. henkilöillä ei ole lääketieteellistä koulutusta tarvittavissa määrin.

Luotan lausuntoihin siinä vaiheessa kun allekirjoittajan titteli on psykiatrian erikoislääkäri.
Erityisesti pitää olla tarkkana jos "tohtoroija" on samalla myös poliitikko. Kuten eräskin Suomessa.

Neuvostoliitossa ja DDR:ssähän noita menetelmiä suosittiin aivan erityisesti.

Trump on lähinnä trollaaja. Muistuttaa hiukan Alexander Stubbia noissa möläytyksissään.
Itsellä on mennyt hermot näihin psykoterapeutteihin (psycho the rapist) ja psykologeihin. Ovat usein enemmän sekaisin kuin "potilaansa". En oikein viitsi kutsua heidän asiakkaitaan sinänsä potilaiksi, kun ko. henkilöillä ei ole lääketieteellistä koulutusta tarvittavissa määrin.

Luotan lausuntoihin siinä vaiheessa kun allekirjoittajan titteli on psykiatrian erikoislääkäri.
Itse luotan lausuntoon vasta kun tekijä on psykiatri ja hän on haastatellut henkilökohtaisesti tutkittavan. Yhdysvaltojen psykiatrien liitolla on ns. Goldwater-sääntö, joka otettiin käyttöön Fact-lehden tekemän jutun jälkeen jossa kysyttiin lukuisilta psykiatreilta presidenttiehdokas Barry Goldwaterin psyykkistä kykyä toimia presidenttinä. Alla kyseinen sääntö.
On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.
Itse luotan lausuntoon vasta kun tekijä on psykiatri ja hän on haastatellut henkilökohtaisesti tutkittavan. Yhdysvaltojen psykiatrien liitolla on ns. Goldwater-sääntö, joka otettiin käyttöön Fact-lehden tekemän jutun jälkeen jossa kysyttiin lukuisilta psykiatreilta presidenttiehdokas Barry Goldwaterin psyykkistä kykyä toimia presidenttinä. Alla kyseinen sääntö.


Ei voi tehdä mitään diagnooseja moisista asioista tapaamatta potilasta. Kyse kun ei kuitenkaan ole mistään nyrjähtäneestä nilkasta, jonka voi diagnosoida vaikka online.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Ei voi tehdä mitään diagnooseja moisista asioista tapaamatta potilasta. Kyse kun ei kuitenkaan ole mistään nyrjähtäneestä nilkasta, jonka voi diagnosoida vaikka online.

Off topic. Jotenkin kuvittelisi, että Trumppia kyllä pystyisi analysoimaan tapaamattakin. Aineistoa ja historiaa kun on saatavilla yllin kyllin. :rolleyes:

Sen sijaan en tiennyt että nyrjähtäneen nilkan voi diagnosoida online. Itsellä on ollut yksi jalkavamma nilkassa (tuli talvella) ja sitä on käyty kahteen otteeseen näyttämässä lääkärillä. Pitää vissiin mennä röngteniin, jos ei tokene.

Disclaimer. En ole lääkäri enkä sisäisenkallonkutittelija.
Off topic. Jotenkin kuvittelisi, että Trumppia kyllä pystyisi analysoimaan tapaamattakin. Aineistoa ja historiaa kun on saatavilla yllin kyllin. :rolleyes:

Sen sijaan en tiennyt että nyrjähtäneen nilkan voi diagnosoida online. Itsellä on ollut yksi jalkavamma nilkassa (tuli talvella) ja sitä on käyty kahteen otteeseen näyttämässä lääkärillä. Pitää vissiin mennä röngteniin, jos ei tokene.

Disclaimer. En ole lääkäri enkä sisäisenkallonkutittelija.

Se on rutiinia kuulemma tulevaisuudessa. Siis nyrjähtänyt nilkka. Lääkäribussi tai tms. jossa lekuri on online.

Vaihteeksi luottamusta herättäviä uutisia Trumpin hallinnon linjauksista. Yhdysvallat ei kuulemma aio antaa Exxonille erityislupaa porata Venäjällä öljyä pakotteiden ollessa voimassa, mitä pidettiin hyvinkin todennäköisenä skenaariona siitä lähtien kun Rex Tillerson (Exxonin entinen toimitusjohtaja) valittiin ulkoministeriksi. Linjanmuutos kertonee osittain siitä että Trumpin taustajoukoisssa on valtatasapaino kallistunut perinteisten republikaanien suuntaan niin kuin edellisessä viestissä uumoilinkin.
USA:n oikeusministeri luonnehti Havaijia vain ”saareksi Tyynellämerellä” – raivo repesi sosiaalisessa mediassa

Yhdysvaltain oikeusministerin Jeff Sessionsin Havaijia koskeva lausunto on herättänyt raivoa sosiaalisessa mediassa, kertoo uutistoimisto Reuters.
Sessions luonnehti maan 50. osavaltiota vain ”saareksi Tyynellämerellä” aiemmin tällä viikolla The Mark Levin Show’ssa.

Tässä perusteellinen analyysi, mikä kaikki meni pieleen tässä "kadonneen lentotukialuksen" tapauksessa.

Peiliin katsomisen paikka niin Trumpin hallinnolla, Pentagonilla/Navylla kuin myös mediallakin.

Juurisyy koko caselle on Trumpin ja Trumpin hallinnon toimintatapa ja viestintä, joita kai parhaiten voi kuvata sanalla "arvaamaton".

Carried away: The inside story of how the Carl Vinson's canceled port visit sparked a global crisis


Jerry Hendrix, a retired Naval Flight Officer and now analyst with the Center for a New American Security, said the fact that the announcement came on the heels of the Syria strike, and that subsequent use of the “mother of all bombs” in Afghanistan, framed what was a reasonable and routine Navy move of sending the carrier where the crisis is seem like a bigger deal than it was.

“What you are seeing here is a reaction to a more activist foreign policy with the Trump administration,” he said.

Obama’s more cautious approach to foreign policy made moving a carrier into a contentious region seem less threatening than it does under Trump, especially since Trump has made seapower and growing the Navy a key part of his defense strategy Hendrix argues.

“Moving a carrier means something very different today than it did under a more cautious, lead-from-behind Obama administration.”
Viimeisimmässä Trumpin haastattelussa AP:lle Trump kertoi että terrorismia ei ollut edes olemassa kun NATO perustettiin.
They had a quote from me that NATO's obsolete. But they didn't say why it was obsolete. I was on Wolf Blitzer, very fair interview, the first time I was ever asked about NATO, because I wasn't in government. People don't go around asking about NATO if I'm building a building in Manhattan, right? So they asked me, Wolf ... asked me about NATO, and I said two things. NATO's obsolete — not knowing much about NATO, now I know a lot about NATO — NATO is obsolete, and I said, "And the reason it's obsolete is because of the fact they don't focus on terrorism." You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.