Trump -psykoosi

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President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY: President Donald J. Trump has done more to stop the Government from interfering in the lives of Americans in his first 100 days than any other President in history.

  • President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions in his first 100 days, more than any other President. These resolutions nullified unnecessary regulations and block agencies from reissuing them.
    • Since CRA resolutions were introduced under President Clinton, they’ve been used only once, under President George W. Bush.
  • The Wall Street Journal editorial: “So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history.”
TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt.

  • President Trump will have signed 30 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Obama signed 19 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton signed 13 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan signed 18 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter signed 16 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon signed 15 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson signed 26 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy signed 23 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower signed 20 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman signed 25 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 9 executive orders during his first 100 days.
A SLEW OF LEGISLATION SIGNED: Despite historic Democrat obstructionism, President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.

  • President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
    • President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

Saturday will be the 100th day of the Donald Trump Presidency. And while when talking about the first 100 days the MSM has been talking about the failure of the Obamacare repeal and replacement, and now the fact that the continuing resolution probably will not include funding for the border wall the President has accomplished a historic amount in his first 100 96 days. The administration issued a press release explaining how much they’ve gotten done domestically since January 20th, and the list is massive. To their list we’ve added some very major foreign policy accomplishments.

The “big picture” is

  1. President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA’s) resolutions over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  2. President Trump has signed 30 executive orders over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  3. President Trump has signed 28 new laws over the first 100 days, more than any other President, except for Truman.
  4. President Trump has taken steps to reestablish the credibility of America in the world.
While we cheer the President’s hard work on working with Congress to pass new laws and CRA’s, particularly when they will get government out of our way, the amount of executive orders signed is concerning. There are mitigating factors to be remembered, of course. Most of the executive orders that President Trump has signed simply counteract previous orders signed by President Obama, which so it’s not as if the President is ignoring the separation of powers like his predecessors, he’s actually got rid of Obama’s overreach. However doubtful, we should keep a close eye on the administration in an effort to ensure that President Trump doesn’t fall in love with using Executive Orders, and that he works with Congress to push his agenda.

Here’s the rest the list of President Trump’s historic accomplishments:

GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY: President Donald J. Trump has done more to stop the Government from interfering in the lives of Americans in his first 100 days than any other President in history

  • Since CRA resolutions were introduced under President Clinton, they’ve been used only once, under President George W. Bush.
    • TheWall Street Journal editorial: “So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history.
    • President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions in his first 100 days, more than any other President. These resolutions nullified unnecessary regulations and block agencies from reissuing them.
TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt

  • President Trump will have signed 30 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Obama signed 19 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton signed 13 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan signed 18 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter signed 16 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon signed 15 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson signed 26 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy signed 23 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower signed 20 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman signed 25 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 9 executive orders during his first 100 days.
A SLEW OF LEGISLATION SIGNED: Despite historic Democrat obstructionism, President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.

  • President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
    • President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.
And lets not forget that he also secured the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

On the foreign policy front he was just as successful. President Trump took bold steps to restore the United State’s position as leader of the free world.

When Syrian despot Assad used chemical weapons against his own innocent men, women and kids, he enforced the Obama redline that Obama never did. That act served to restore America’s credibility on the world stage that his predecessor threw away. And a week later he reenforced that message by dropping the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB) on and ISIS tunnel network in Afghanistan.

His action against the Assad regime was perfectly timed…at the very moment he was sharing some chocolate cake with the president of China. The timing may have allowed Trump to accomplish something three previous presidents failed to do: get China to pressure North Korea on its nuclear program. Already China has refused coal shipments from North Korea.

And at the United Nations the Trump administration has put North Korea on notice, criticized Russia, and told the world body that the Jew-hating anti-Israel policies of Barak Obama were over.

President Trump and his administration should stand up and take a bow for its first 100 days, but make it quick there is plenty more on their agenda.
Saksaa koskevissa lausunnoissa (jäsenmaksu ja pakolaiset) on kyllä Trump oikeassa, sen myönnän minäkin vaikken muuten fanita Trumpia.

Natolla jäsenmaksu on hyvin pieni. Sen tehtävä on kattaa Nato-organisaation kulut. Tietääkseni yksikään jäsen ei ole jättänyt sitä maksamatta.

Trumputin puhuu siitä että suurin osa jäsenistä ei käytä sotilasmenoihin 2% BKT:sta. Tämä ei ole jäsenmaksu. Kun on sovittu että näin tehdään, kritiikki on oikeutettua jos tätä poliittista lupausta ei täytetä. Se ei kuitenkaan ole mikään jäsenmaksu.

Vielä enemmän feikkiä on puhua siitä että joku olisi velkaa Yhdysvalloille jos tuo ei täyty.

Vuonna 2014 Walesin kokouksessa Nato sopi, että kaikki maat nostavat budjettiosuuden tuohon 2%:iin vuoteen 2024 mennessä. Tämä on siis yksimielisesti sovittu. Natosta päätetään vain yksimielisen sopimisen kautta. Siis tämä pätee.

Trump voi aina esittää mielipiteitä, että rahaa pitäisi allokoida nopeammin, mutta se ei tee siitä Naton päätöstä eikä kukaan ole velkaa Yhdysvalloille tämän johdosta.

Sitten, jos katsoo Yhdysvaltain koko sotilasbudjettia ja sen osuutta BKT:sta, tulee muistaa että Yhdysvallat profiloitua sotilasmahtiaan maailmanlaajuisesti, ei vain Natosta. Suhteellisen pieni osuus menee suoraan toimintaan Euroopassa ja osa siitä liittyy myös toimintaan esim. Lähi-idässä ja Pohjois-Afrikassa.


Saturday will be the 100th day of the Donald Trump Presidency. And while when talking about the first 100 days the MSM has been talking about the failure of the Obamacare repeal and replacement, and now the fact that the continuing resolution probably will not include funding for the border wall the President has accomplished a historic amount in his first 100 96 days. The administration issued a press release explaining how much they’ve gotten done domestically since January 20th, and the list is massive. To their list we’ve added some very major foreign policy accomplishments.

The “big picture” is

  1. President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA’s) resolutions over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  2. President Trump has signed 30 executive orders over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  3. President Trump has signed 28 new laws over the first 100 days, more than any other President, except for Truman.
  4. President Trump has taken steps to reestablish the credibility of America in the world.
While we cheer the President’s hard work on working with Congress to pass new laws and CRA’s, particularly when they will get government out of our way, the amount of executive orders signed is concerning. There are mitigating factors to be remembered, of course. Most of the executive orders that President Trump has signed simply counteract previous orders signed by President Obama, which so it’s not as if the President is ignoring the separation of powers like his predecessors, he’s actually got rid of Obama’s overreach. However doubtful, we should keep a close eye on the administration in an effort to ensure that President Trump doesn’t fall in love with using Executive Orders, and that he works with Congress to push his agenda.

Here’s the rest the list of President Trump’s historic accomplishments:

GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY: President Donald J. Trump has done more to stop the Government from interfering in the lives of Americans in his first 100 days than any other President in history

  • Since CRA resolutions were introduced under President Clinton, they’ve been used only once, under President George W. Bush.
    • TheWall Street Journal editorial: “So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history.
    • President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions in his first 100 days, more than any other President. These resolutions nullified unnecessary regulations and block agencies from reissuing them.
TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt

  • President Trump will have signed 30 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Obama signed 19 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton signed 13 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan signed 18 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter signed 16 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon signed 15 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson signed 26 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy signed 23 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower signed 20 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman signed 25 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 9 executive orders during his first 100 days.
A SLEW OF LEGISLATION SIGNED: Despite historic Democrat obstructionism, President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.

  • President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
    • President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.
And lets not forget that he also secured the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

On the foreign policy front he was just as successful. President Trump took bold steps to restore the United State’s position as leader of the free world.

When Syrian despot Assad used chemical weapons against his own innocent men, women and kids, he enforced the Obama redline that Obama never did. That act served to restore America’s credibility on the world stage that his predecessor threw away. And a week later he reenforced that message by dropping the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB) on and ISIS tunnel network in Afghanistan.

His action against the Assad regime was perfectly timed…at the very moment he was sharing some chocolate cake with the president of China. The timing may have allowed Trump to accomplish something three previous presidents failed to do: get China to pressure North Korea on its nuclear program. Already China has refused coal shipments from North Korea.

And at the United Nations the Trump administration has put North Korea on notice, criticized Russia, and told the world body that the Jew-hating anti-Israel policies of Barak Obama were over.

President Trump and his administration should stand up and take a bow for its first 100 days, but make it quick there is plenty more on their agenda.

Kyllä wanha kansa tietää. Määrä ei korvaa laatua. ;)
Kyllä wanha kansa tietää. Määrä ei korvaa laatua. ;)
Hehehe, hauska juttu. Etkö keksinyt parempaa? No jos pipilää katsoo niin ei sitä laatua näytä tulevan ilman määrääkään. :confused:

Onkos nyt joku kevätpäivän tasaus kaikille putinisteille vai mikä on kun punikkidemarit innostuu taas kirjoittelemaan?
Mistä lähtien ovat kaikki punikkidemari jotka eivät fanita Trumpia?
Siis minä henkilökohtaisesti suosin ennemmin punikkidemokratiaa kuin konservatiivista kapitalismia ja riistoporvareita muttaa noin niin kuin yleisesti ajateltuna?
Trump ei tainnut saada kavereita Euroopan vierailulla... Eihän kukaan kohta uskalla edes tulla kosketusetäisyydelle. Kai tuo vain kertoo siitä, että Trump kaipaa kovasti hellää kosketusta.

Mistä lähtien ovat kaikki punikkidemari jotka eivät fanita Trumpia?

Niin, eivätkös Trump-fanit ole niitä putinisteja?

Ei sillä, että ketään olisi tarve nimitellä. Mutta tuollainen kuva siitä on enemmänkin ollut.
Älkää viitsikö kommentoida @STI_Tactical9mm :n lähettämiä linkkejä. Nehän olivat pelkkää propagandaa. Täältä löytyy ihan oikeat tilastot siitä, että kuka on antanut minkäkin verran Executive Orderseja:

Sadan ensimmäisen päivän ykkönen on FDR ja kakkonen on Truman. Jos katsotaan koko virkakauden aktiivisuutta (Executive orderseja per vuosi) niin kärjessä on FDR (307), Herbert Hoover (242) ja Woodrow Wilson (225).

Saturday will be the 100th day of the Donald Trump Presidency. And while when talking about the first 100 days the MSM has been talking about the failure of the Obamacare repeal and replacement, and now the fact that the continuing resolution probably will not include funding for the border wall the President has accomplished a historic amount in his first 100 96 days. The administration issued a press release explaining how much they’ve gotten done domestically since January 20th, and the list is massive. To their list we’ve added some very major foreign policy accomplishments.

The “big picture” is

  1. President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA’s) resolutions over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  2. President Trump has signed 30 executive orders over the first 100 days, more than any other President ever.
  3. President Trump has signed 28 new laws over the first 100 days, more than any other President, except for Truman.
  4. President Trump has taken steps to reestablish the credibility of America in the world.
While we cheer the President’s hard work on working with Congress to pass new laws and CRA’s, particularly when they will get government out of our way, the amount of executive orders signed is concerning. There are mitigating factors to be remembered, of course. Most of the executive orders that President Trump has signed simply counteract previous orders signed by President Obama, which so it’s not as if the President is ignoring the separation of powers like his predecessors, he’s actually got rid of Obama’s overreach. However doubtful, we should keep a close eye on the administration in an effort to ensure that President Trump doesn’t fall in love with using Executive Orders, and that he works with Congress to push his agenda.

Here’s the rest the list of President Trump’s historic accomplishments:

GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY: President Donald J. Trump has done more to stop the Government from interfering in the lives of Americans in his first 100 days than any other President in history

  • Since CRA resolutions were introduced under President Clinton, they’ve been used only once, under President George W. Bush.
    • TheWall Street Journal editorial: “So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history.
    • President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions in his first 100 days, more than any other President. These resolutions nullified unnecessary regulations and block agencies from reissuing them.
TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt

  • President Trump will have signed 30 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Obama signed 19 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton signed 13 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan signed 18 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter signed 16 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon signed 15 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson signed 26 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy signed 23 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower signed 20 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman signed 25 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 9 executive orders during his first 100 days.
A SLEW OF LEGISLATION SIGNED: Despite historic Democrat obstructionism, President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.

  • President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
    • President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.
And lets not forget that he also secured the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

On the foreign policy front he was just as successful. President Trump took bold steps to restore the United State’s position as leader of the free world.

When Syrian despot Assad used chemical weapons against his own innocent men, women and kids, he enforced the Obama redline that Obama never did. That act served to restore America’s credibility on the world stage that his predecessor threw away. And a week later he reenforced that message by dropping the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB) on and ISIS tunnel network in Afghanistan.

His action against the Assad regime was perfectly timed…at the very moment he was sharing some chocolate cake with the president of China. The timing may have allowed Trump to accomplish something three previous presidents failed to do: get China to pressure North Korea on its nuclear program. Already China has refused coal shipments from North Korea.

And at the United Nations the Trump administration has put North Korea on notice, criticized Russia, and told the world body that the Jew-hating anti-Israel policies of Barak Obama were over.

President Trump and his administration should stand up and take a bow for its first 100 days, but make it quick there is plenty more on their agenda.
Yllättäen Trumpin kohdalla executive orderit ovatkin erinomainen asia, republikaanit jaksoivat Obaman kohdalla valittaa niistä aina. Mikähän on tuo historiallinen demokraattien obstruktionismi kongressissa? Republikaaneilla on enemmistö ja Obaman aikana republikaanit hyydyttivät koko kongressin.
Trump ottaa niin sanotusti "tilan haltuun" ja itsensä framille siirtämällä (mitättömän) Montenegron pääministerin kohteliaasti syrjään

:D Montenegron pääministeri muistaa loppuikänsä kuinka suurvallan presidentti käytti ns. tilaa. Eli tuuppasi hiukka kylkeen.
1. Irtaantuminen Tyynenmeren vapaakauppasopimuksesta (jota ei oltu edes otettu vielä käyttöön).

Seuraavaksi listaan vaalilupaukset, jotka ovat täyttämättä:

1. Muslim ban (torpattu nyt jo kahdesti)
2. Meksikon muuri
3. Meksikon saaminen muurin rahoittajaksi
4. Obamacaren korvaaminen (ei tule menemään läpi senaatissa)
5. Budjettiesitys (ei tule menemään läpi)
6. Verouudistus (ei tule menemään läpi)

Trumpin budjettiehdotus on ollut kauhistus ennen kaikkea republikaaneille itselleen. Se veisi mennessään keskiluokan ihmisiltä kaikki yhteiskunnalliset turvaverkot. Juuri niiltä samoilta valkoisilta työläismiehiltä, jotka hänet nostivat valtaan.

Toisaalta onhan Trumpilla vielä reilu 3.5 vuotta aikaa ajaa hankkeensa päätyyn.....:rolleyes: ja jos tulee toinen kausi, niin lista vain jatkuu.
Vuonna 2014 Walesin kokouksessa Nato sopi, että kaikki maat nostavat budjettiosuuden tuohon 2%:iin vuoteen 2024 mennessä. Tämä on siis yksimielisesti sovittu. Natosta päätetään vain yksimielisen sopimisen kautta. Siis tämä pätee.

Korkean bkt:n Norja ainakin aikoo TIETOJENI mukaan laistaa tästä tavoitteesta. Siellä katsotaan, että on huomioitava myös bkt-taso, eikä tuijottaa vain prosenttilukuja.

Sotateollinen kompleksiko tuon luvun on ylipäätään keksinyt? Se on suositus, okay, ei siinä mitään, jostain on lähdettävä.
Hieman hiekkaa Trump-ihastelijoiden rattaisiin: Trump kieltäytyy vahvistamasta Artikkeli 5:n tuen USA:n suunalta.

Koettakaapa uskotella The Wall Street Journalin olevan demokraattinen lehti..

Tuolla on muuten se sivuseuraus Suomelle, että NATOn perusteiden oksan sahaaminen tekee Suomesta aiempaakin enemmän vapaata riistaa Putinille vieden sitäkin tukea jota NATO olemassaolollaan on Suomelle merkinnyt huolimatta siitä ettemme NATOon kuulu.

Jos Suomessa edelleen olisi munaa kuten oli Mannerheim-linjan rakentamisen aikoihin niin ydinaseen rakentaminen pitäisi jo olla pitkällä.

Mitä odotit? Trump piti justiinsa pitänyt puheen jossa vaatii NATO maita tekemään oman osuutensa, eli siis käyttämään 2% budjeteistaan puolustusmenoihin, jotta jenkkien ei tarvitsisi tehdä kaikkea itse. Joten miksi hän olisi luvannut suojelevansa eurooppaa, jos nämä eivät tee mitään asian eteen vaikka näin on sovittu?

Helvetin typeräähän se olisi Trumpilta ollut jos olisi mennyt tuollaisia lupauksia mennyt tekemään tuossa yhteydessä. Siis jos meinaa saada mitään aikaiseksi.
Hehehe, hauska juttu. Etkö keksinyt parempaa? No jos pipilää katsoo niin ei sitä laatua näytä tulevan ilman määrääkään. :confused:

Onkos nyt joku kevätpäivän tasaus kaikille putinisteille vai mikä on kun punikkidemarit innostuu taas kirjoittelemaan?
Tuo postaamasi propaganda oli liian paljon heikkolaatuista väitettä että edes viitsisi purra kiinni.

Nimittely ei lisää uskottavuutta..
Otitko huomioon, että uutisissa voi olla mitä tahansa maan ja taivaan välillä, mutta kun Trump menee möläyttämään jotain, vahvistaa hän aiemman epävarman, jopa humpuukina pidetyn tiedon? Joko miehelle ei kerrota, että tiettyjä asioita ei pidä huudella, tai sitten tämä on niin kuutamolla, että puhuu mitä sylki suuhun tuo.
Ai meinaat, että CNN:n välittämä videokuva Etelä-Koreassa olevasta ydinkäyttöisestä sukellusveneestä olisi "ihan mitä tahansa maan ja taivaan väliltä"?

Yritätkö nyt ihan tosissasi väittää, että Trumpin Dutertelle antama luonnehdinta, joka kuului sanatarkasti "We have a lot of firepower there. We have two submarines - the best in the world - we have two nuclear submarines - not that we want to use them at all.", paljastaisi jotain missään mielessä merkittävää salaista tietoa?

Asiasta synnytetty kohu on yksi malliesimerkki Trumpia vastaan käynnissä olevasta infosodasta, jossa hänestä yritetään luoda suunnilleen avuttoman lapsen, jota jonkun pitäisi olla vahtimassa, kaltainen mielikuva. Sama koskee noita NATO-kokouksen alla annettuja taas vaihteeksi nimettömistä lähteistä tulleita luonnehdintoja siitä, kuinka NATO-kokousta oltaisiin valmisteltu suunnilleen henkisesti ala-asteikäisen tasolla olevaa Trumpia varten.

En ole muistaakseni tähän ketjuun juuri tainnut kommentoida, mutta sanotaan nyt se, mitä varmasti on jo moneen kertaan kommentoitu: Trumpin valtakausi aiheuttaa suurta epävarmuuttaa maailmanlaajuisesti: miehen suusta, kännykästä ja sulkakynästä saattaa tulla melkeinpä mitä vain. Politiikka on pitkälti mielikuvatouhua, ja kun Trumpilta näyttävät puuttuvan diplomatian perusasiat ja jopa käytöstavat, antaa se kyllä hänestä huonon kuvan, ja se saattaa kauden kuluessa heijastua mielikuvaan USA:sta. Kuluneen sanonnan mukaan G.W. Bush alkaa näyttää Trumpiin verrattuna tolkun valtiomieheltä.
Eihän Trump olekaan mikään maailman vaan USA:n presidentti. Ja tottakai se pelottaa esim. monia NATO-maiden johtajia, että eivätkö he enää voikaan elää USA:n sotavoimien siivellä, tai talouden suhteen monia nousevia talouksia, että eivätkö he enää voikaan niin helposti houkutella globaaleja yrityksiä ulkoistamaan tuotantoa ja työpaikkoja USA:n ulkopuolelle.

NATO:n huippukokouksessa Trump ei osaa sanoa "excuse me sir", vaan repäisee Montenegron kaverin sivuun, jotta pääsee eturiviin (1:30):

Sitä en tiedä, sanoiko Trump tuossa jotain sorryn tapaista (suuhan kyllä liikkui tilanteessa), mutta aika pienestä taas jaksetaan väntää. Ei tuo hetkauttanut kohteena ollutta Montenegron pääministeriäkään. Lehdistö vaan jaksaa taas kohkata.

Trump pushes aside Montenegro leader _ who calls it natural
Markovic himself, however, shrugged off the slight.

"It didn't really register. I just saw reactions about it on social networks. It is simply a harmless situation," he told reporters after the summit.

Instead of being insulted, he took the opportunity to thank Trump for supporting Montenegro's membership in NATO. The small former Yugoslav republic is slated to become NATO's 29th member next month.

And in any case, Markovic said, "it is natural that the president of the United States is in the front row."

Kevennys aiheesta: mustaihoiseksi Trumpin kannattajaksi esittäytyvän henkilön reaktio Trumpin elkeisiin. Aika "mielenkiintoinen" tyyppi. Jos tämä antaa mitään kuvaa mistään, niin Trump saa vielä heittää astetta suurempaakin vaihdetta peliin pelkäämättä tulematta hylätyksi ydinkannattajiensa taholta.:D
Trumpin kekkuli on kyllä kaukana sovinnaisesta poliitikosta jota ei kiinnosta diplomatia pätkän vertaa
Lehdet: Trump haukkui saksalaiset EU-pomojen tapaamisessa: ”Pahoja, todella pahoja”

Kaiva tästä Reutersin uutisesta nyt sitten esiin se kohta, missä Trump ei harrasta diplomatiaa?
A top adviser to Donald Trump confirmed on Friday that the U.S. president had criticized Germany as "very bad" on trade at a meeting with EU officials in Brussels on Thursday.

"He said they're very bad on trade, but he doesn't have a problem with Germany," White House economic adviser Gary Cohn told reporters at a Group of Seven summit in Sicily.

Cohn said Trump had pointed out during the meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk that his father had German roots in order to underscore the message that he had nothing against the German people.

Trump's spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump had "tremendous respect" for Germany and had only complained about unfair trade practices in the meeting.

Earlier, Juncker also played down the remarks, which were first reported by German media groups Spiegel and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

They translated "bad" with the German word "boese", which can also mean "evil", leading to confusion when English-language media translated the German reports back into English.

"The record has to be set straight," Juncker said, noting that the translation issue had exaggerated the seriousness of what Trump had said. "It's not true that the president took an aggressive approach when it came to the German trade surplus."

"He said, like others have, that (the United States) has a problem with the German surplus. So he was not aggressive at all," Juncker added.

The German trade surplus, which reached a record 253 billion euros ($283 billion) in 2016, has also been a source of contention within Europe, with Berlin's partners encouraging it to do more to promote domestic demand.

Germany has pushed back, describing the surplus as a consequence of its competitive products, particularly cars, and the independent European Central Bank's loose monetary policy, which has pushed down the value of the euro, making German goods more attractive abroad.