CNN:llä oli juttu rauhannobelisti Bernard Lownin ja Trumpin tapaamisesta vuonna 1986. Lown oli aiemmin tavannut Gorbatsovin ja Trump halusi kertoa suunnitelmastaan lopettaa kylmä sota. Trumpin suunnitelmana oli soittaa Reaganille ja pyytää nimitystä suurlähettilääksi Moskovaan, Gorban kanssa tarvitsisi keskustella tunnin verran kylmän sodan lopettamiseksi.
http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/02/politics/donald-trump-cold-war/index.htmlLown recalls Trump saying, "I'm going to call Ronnie and ask him to make me ambassador plenipotentiary to Moscow." It took Lown a minute to realize that by Ronnie, Trump meant President Ronald Reagan.
Trump's plan, Lown says today, was to personally negotiate a nuclear arms deal and -- in the process -- do nothing less than end the Cold War.
"It'll take one hour of discussion before the Cold War is over," Lown said Trump told him.
Lown told Trump that in his opinion, Gorbachev might be ready to make a deal and that he also found the Soviet leader intelligent and knowledgeable. It was not the same impression he formed of Trump.
"I thought he was inattentive and self-concentrated. I thought what he said was idiocy. He didn't understand the complexity of the issues."