Taustaksi vielä tähän Morning Joe -episodiin.
- Joe Scarborough on republikaani ja oli kongressi-edustaja 1995-2001 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Scarborough
- Joe ja Mika ovat tunteneet Trumpin yli 10v ja he ovat olleet keskenään ystäviä. Siksi heidän moitittiin kohdelleen alussa Trumpia liian ystävällisesti
WWD: How do you respond to your media colleagues criticizing you for being too close to Trump?
M.B.: Well, there are a couple of different narratives out there that have been planted by our competitor and some jealous people and a few that are just misunderstood. But the way I’ve finally figured out how to break it down is that there’s this narrative being pushed that we elected him. If we elected him, then that would mean that Trump supporters watch our show and we would have the number-one morning show in the world. I don’t think a majority of Trump voters watch “Morning Joe.” That’s not what the demographics that we have studied show us. I don’t think it’s physically possible. I think that we find ourselves in an unusual position where we’ve known the man for more than a decade before he even began to run for president. It creates some challenges and some dynamics that are never seen before, but some of these dynamics are age-old. Look at every reporter that has covered The White House and has books about Obama and books about Kennedy, and they hobnobbed on a high level. Joe and I don’t hobnob.
J.S.: They hobnobbed on a higher level. The only thing I’ll say is that we’ve known
Donald Trump for 10 years — we’ve always been transparent about it — but also, Mika and I both called him a racist back in December of 2015. I said I could never vote for him after the Muslim ban, which was three months before the first Republican voted. I said I was voting for Jeb Bush; when Jeb dropped out, I said I was voting for John Kasich. I said he was unqualified to be president of the United States after he claimed that did not know David Duke of the Klan. We called him a racist after Judge Curiel, after the Khans. I’m not too sure — there is a narrative that we’re too cozy with him — but we called him a racist and a bigot pretty much nonstop for the past year-and-a-half, said we could never vote for him, said he was unqualified to be president.
WWD: Yet he still likes you guys.
M.B.: I don’t know why he still likes us.
J.S.: He still likes us but I think that points to the more complex part of the relationship that people don’t understand, which is that
Donald Trump — and we have told him this through the year — he says, “You know I’m not a racist.” And we say, “Yes, Donald, you know you’re not a racist personally, but we know you play one on
TV for votes, which is even more disturbing.” There has always been this disconnect between Donald Trump the person and the reality TV president. It is a role that he does play…even liberals who have known him for years say the same thing.
M.B.: It has never colored our ability to criticize him ever and our criticism is probably sharper because we are careful not to let the relationship we had before — whatever you want to call it — get in the way of what we feel is the truth.
J.S.: But I tell you, if my mother were running for president and talked about a Muslim ban, I’d call her a bigot. If my mother claimed she didn’t know who David Duke was when I knew she did, I’d say that’s disqualifying. If my mother called an Indiana judge a Mexican, I would say that’s a bigoted remark. Mika would say the same thing. We have said some very harsh things about Barack Obama, despite the fact that we’re very close friends with Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod and a lot of people who worked for Barack Obama. I absolutely tore George W. Bush to shreds, despite the fact I knew the guy personally and I actually campaigned for him in 2000. It’s our job to just call it like we see it whether these people are our friends or not. Mika, wouldn’t you agree that if we couldn’t talk straight about our friends, we wouldn’t have a show? We have a lot of friends in Washington.
M.B.: If you have a friend, and the friend was walking out of the building teetering, completely stoned and drop-down drunk, you would still be a friend to that person but you would try to take the keys away, wouldn’t you?
WWD: Yes, sure.
M.B.: So, I don’t understand the problem with the relationship. We’re doing our best to call it like it is. We’re doing our best to tell him when he’s wrong.
J.S.: But make no mistake, he is teetering out of the building.
M.B.: He’s drunk. He is loaded. He is so wasted — he’s vomiting all over the walls at this point. I’m serious.
J.S.: He is wasted as the captain of the ship of state, so like everybody else, we’re scared as hell.
Tätä taustaa vasten tämä on varsin mielenkiintoinen pätkä.
Trump yritti kiristää heitä skandaali-julkaisun avulla.
The Mystery of Trump, Morning Joe, and the National Enquirer
Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough alleged on Friday that White House staff said the tabloid would “publish a negative article about us unless we begged the president to have the story spiked.”
Jostain syystä Trump ilmeisesti pelkää naisia. Ja siksi hän toistuvasti vihaa heitä ja käyttäytyy niin vulgaaristi.
Hankala sanoa, mistä se kertoo. Ehkä Trump pitää naisia alempiarvoisina, ja se käy hänen egoonsa, jos naiset kritisoivat häntä.