Trump eilen arvosteli senaattori Blumenthalia siitä ettei tämä taistellut Vietnamissa vaan oli merijalkaväen reservissä. The Atlanticissa on jako neljään taistelijatyyppiin ja Trump kuuluu kanahaukkoihin, heidän mielestään jonkun on sodittava mutta heidän itsensä ei tarvitse sotia.
https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...t-did-you-do-in-the-twitter-war-daddy/536184/1. Committed Warriors
2. Reluctant Warriors
3. Consistent Non-Warriors
4. The Chickenhawks. These are the people who thought: Someone should be over there fighting. But it shouldn’t be me.
Until recently Dick Cheney, he of the pro-war views and the multiple deferments, had been the most politically prominent representative of this category. Now of course it is Donald Trump: star high school athlete, spared from service because of unspecified foot problems, now criticizing other public figures for their war records.