Trump -psykoosi

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Melkoinen saavutus saada aikaan samanaikaisesti seksiskandaali molemmille Donald Trumpeille. Jr.:llä jonka vaimo on ottamassa avioeroa oli suhde laulaja Audrey O'Dayhyn joka oli kilpailijana Diili-ohjelmassa. O'Dayn kappale DJT mitä ilmeisimmin kertoo Trump Juniorista.
Why is everyone you know suddenly listening to a terrible five-year-old pop song about a failed romance? Ask Donald Trump Jr.

“DJT,” a song featured on singer Aubrey O’Day’s 2013 album “Between Two Evils,” is steadily gaining new listeners as rumors of an alleged affair between O’Day and Trump, who recently announced his split from Vanessa Trump after 12 years of marriage, gained traction this week.

Us Weekly and Page Six reported that the two had an affair in 2011. The liaison reportedly began while O’Day, formerly of MTV’s “Making the Band 3,” was a competitor — and Trump an “adviser” — on Season 5 of NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” the show that helped cement the Trump family brand. People close to O’Day told Us Weekly that the singer and the businessman dated for a few months. Trump, now 40, whose wife, Vanessa, was then pregnant with the couple’s fourth child (they now have five), called off the affair with O’Day, now 34, according to reports, after Vanessa Trump discovered emails between the two.
Mielestäni sitä "vaivaa" se mitä ylempänä kirjoitin. Samasta syystä tuntee jonkinlaista sielujen sympatiaa Filippiinien nykyistä presidenttiä kohtaan, vaikka monet muut miestä keinoistaan ja tyylistä aiheesta kritisoi.
Sekä Trampia että Putinia yhdistää rahanahneus. Mutta niinkun sanoin putte on hujari, tappaja ja varas, mutta Trump on kuitenkin liikemies. Putinhan lisäksi ei ole (joidenkin mielestä) sinänsä mitään, hän on paskasielu, kostohimoinen, katala tsekisti-psykopaatti, jota alkuun laitettuu valvoamaan oligharhien etuja ja miljardien tuloja, häntä ja maata johtavat oligharhit - ei Putin. Vaikka paskiaiselle annettukin paljonkin valta - mm. rikoksiin, ja ennen kaikkea kansan karjaksi tekemistä propagandalla, joka on jo sinänsä ase jota aliarvioidaan Lännessä aivan järkytykseen asti.
Mutta kuinka paljon valta Putinilla todellisuudessa vaikea sanoa, kuten yhtä vaikea sanoa paljonko hän on pessyt rahoja ympäri maailmaa, koska hän pitää ne kaiken maailman panamoissa kaiken maailman viulunsoittajien kautta ja vain täysin järjetön voin uskoa että 1,5-2 miljardia $ Panamassa Raldugin "tienasi kovalla työllä" - ei hän pystyisi selittämään alkuperän millään. Mutta lopullinen beneficiari siinä on auki, eli kohdassa lopullinen edunsaaja on tyhjä. Kuka se on ei ole vaikea arvata - putten paras kaveri. Ja kuten sanoin näitä roldugineita hänellä ihan varmasti riittämmin.
Plus lapsia, sukulaisia, naisystäviä..

Arestiin vaan kaikki, raha on kuitenkin laiton.
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Analyysi tapahtumista vaalien aikana.

Ei oikein voi tiivistää, mutta:

The mere acknowledgement of a simple truth — that the “dossier” is junk — would constitute an admission either of deep professional malfeasance or of gob-smacking gullibility.

Choose your poison, Hillary enablers: You duped people and thereby abetted a gross abuse of power; or you were yourself badly duped.
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Trumpin lakimies John Dowd erosi, syynä erimielisyydet puolustusstrategiasta Trumpin halutessa hyökätä Muellerin kimppuun.
John Dowd, a personal attorney to President Trump, resigned his position Thursday amid a shake-up in the president’s legal team as Trump has sought more firepower to deal with the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

The resignation came Thursday, according to three people familiar with the decision.

In an email to The Washington Post, Dowd wrote, “I love the President and wish him well.”

Dowd’s departure was a largely mutual decision made after the president lost confidence in his ability to handle special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation and Dowd became frustrated with Trump’s recent efforts to bring on new attorneys, they said.

In recent weeks, Dowd clashed with the president, including an incident in which he disagreed vehemently with Trump over a legal strategy, according to the people.

Lisätään mukaan Trumpin twiitti reilun viikon takaa.
Trumpin lakimies John Dowd erosi, syynä erimielisyydet puolustusstrategiasta Trumpin halutessa hyökätä Muellerin kimppuun.

Lisätään mukaan Trumpin twiitti reilun viikon takaa.

Mielenkiintoista. Oli tainnut olla ennusteita että Cobb olisi lähtenyt ensin koska oli pyrkinyt tyynnyttelemään Trumppia ja hakemaan yhteistyötä Muellerin kanssa. Saattaa olla, että tulee myöskin lähtemään.

Joka tapauksessa, ilmeisesti Trump on päättänyt vaihtaa agressiivisempaan vastustamiseen, mitä McCaben erottaminen jo osaltaan enteili.
Oikeusministeri Häkkänen (kok.) huolissaan USA:n tilasta: ”Trump testaa instituutioiden kestävyyttä”
Washingtonissa vieraileva Suomen oikeusministeri arvioi oikeusvaltion periaatteiden joutuneen Trumpin myötä testiin.
Trump aikoo aloittaa kauppasodan Kiinan kanssa laittamalla tariffeja 50 miljardin edestä plus rajoittamalla kiinalaisten investointeja USA:han. Pörssikurssit lähtivät samantien laskuun tiedon tultua ilmi.
President Trump took the first steps toward imposing tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese goods and limiting China’s ability to invest in the U.S. technology industry Thursday, saying the moves were a response to Beijing’s history of forcing U.S. companies to surrender their trade secrets to do business in China.

The president directed U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer to announce a proposed list of products to be hit with tariff increases within 15 days. After a public comment period, the final list, designed to target Chinese products that benefited from improper access to U.S. technology, will be made public.

“The end objective of this is to get China to modify its unfair trading practices,” said Everett Eissenstat, deputy assistant to the president for international economic affairs.

The White House expects the new taxes, which could reach up to 1,300 specific imports, will have a “minimal impact” upon consumers, but markets were down sharply Thursday morning in apprehension.
Mutta rengas Putlerin obschakin ympärillä kiristyy...haluaisi Trump tai ei:

Nunes Statement on Russia Investigation

f t # e
Washington, March 12, 2018
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the following statement today:
“After more than a year, the Committee has finished its Russia investigation and will now work on completing our report. I’d like to thank Congressmen Trey Gowdy, Tom Rooney, and especially Mike Conaway for the excellent job they’ve done leading this investigation. I’d also like to recognize the hard work undertaken by our other Committee members as well as our staff. Once the Committee’s final report is issued, we hope our findings and recommendations will be useful for improving security and integrity for the 2018 midterm elections.”
For public documents related to the Committee’s Russia investigation, click here.
The Hillissä pohditaan, että McCabe tyrkkäsi Comeyn junan alle - kertomalla, että vuosi lehdistölle tietoja FBI:n johtajan luvalla. Comey on ehtinyt valan alla todistaa, ettei ole vuodoista tiennyt, eikä ole niihin lupaa antanut. Jos asia on niin kuin McCabe on kertonut, saattaa Comey olla ongelmissa, jos kaverit ei auta.

McCabe is accused of misleading investigators about allegedly giving information to a former Wall Street Journal reporter about the investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton family’s charitable foundation. McCabe asserts in his post-firing statementthat he not only had authority to “share” that information to the media but did so with the knowledge of “the director.” The FBI director at the time was Comey.
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The Interceptin mukaan Jared Kushner kertoi Saudi-Arabian kruununprinssille häntä vastustavien kuninkaallisten nimiä jotka olivat presidentille annettavassa tiedustelumuistiossa, viikko Kushnerin vierailun jälkeen tapahtui saudikuninkaallisten pidätysaalto. Saudien kruununprinssi oli kehuskellut Emiraattien kruununprinssille Kushnerin olevan hänen taskussaan. Kushner ja kruununprinssi ovat sen verran hyviä kavereita että viestittelevät toisilleen Whattsappin välityksellä.
In June, Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman ousted his cousin, then-Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and took his place as next in line to the throne, upending the established line of succession. In the months that followed, the President’s Daily Brief contained information on Saudi Arabia’s evolving political situation, including a handful of names of royal family members opposed to the crown prince’s power grab, according to the former White House official and two U.S. government officials with knowledge of the report. Like many others interviewed for this story, they declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak about sensitive matters to the press.

In late October, Jared Kushner made an unannounced trip to Riyadh, catching some intelligence officials off guard. “The two princes are said to have stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy,” the Washington Post’s David Ignatius reported at the time.

What exactly Kushner and the Saudi royal talked about in Riyadh may be known only to them, but after the meeting, Crown Prince Mohammed told confidants that Kushner had discussed the names of Saudis disloyal to the crown prince, according to three sources who have been in contact with members of the Saudi and Emirati royal families since the crackdown. Kushner, through his attorney’s spokesperson, denies having done so.

One of the people MBS told about the discussion with Kushner was UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, according to a source who talks frequently to confidants of the Saudi and Emirati rulers. MBS bragged to the Emirati crown prince and others that Kushner was “in his pocket,” the source told The Intercept.
Jotenkin tää jenkkilän nykymeininki ei enää istu entisten upseerien ja tiedustelupuolen veteraanien pirtaan.

A retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and Fox News contributor Ralph Peters quit Tuesday from Fox News.

On March 1st, I informed Fox that I would not renew my contract. The purpose of this message to all of you is twofold:
First, I must thank each of you for the cooperation and support you've shown me over the years. Those working off-camera, the bookers and producers, don't often get the recognition you deserve, but I want you to know that I have always appreciated the challenges you face and the skill with which you master them.
Second, I feel compelled to explain why I have to leave. Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer. I swore to "support and defend the Constitution," and that oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.
In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration. When prime-time hosts--who have never served our country in any capacity--dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller--all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of "deep-state" machinations-- I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove. To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.
As a Russia analyst for many years, it also has appalled me that hosts who made their reputations as super-patriots and who, justifiably, savaged President Obama for his duplicitous folly with Putin, now advance Putin's agenda by making light of Russian penetration of our elections and the Trump campaign. Despite increasingly pathetic denials, it turns out that the "nothing-burger" has been covered with Russian dressing all along. And by the way: As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true--that's how the Russians do things.. The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.
I do not apply the above criticisms in full to Fox Business, where numerous hosts retain a respect for facts and maintain a measure of integrity (nor is every host at Fox News a propaganda mouthpiece--some have shown courage). I have enjoyed and valued my relationship with Fox Business, and I will miss a number of hosts and staff members. You're the grown-ups.
Also, I deeply respect the hard-news reporters at Fox, who continue to do their best as talented professionals in a poisoned environment. These are some of the best men and women in the business..
So, to all of you: Thanks, and, as our president's favorite world leader would say, "Da'svidanya."​
Washington Postin kuvaus Petersistä:

Ralph Peters is about as far removed from a liberal “snowflake” as you can imagine. A retired Army lieutenant colonel and prolific (and gifted) novelist, he is to the right of right. He has advocated a first strike on North Korea. He has called President Barack Obama the “reincarnation of Pontius Pilate” and was even suspended from Fox News for calling him a “total p———y.” After the Fort Hood shooting, he said that “the problem is Islam,” and suggested in the wake of the Benghazi attacks that if “they kill four of ours, [we] kill 400 of theirs.”
Aikamoista sotahaukkaa alkaa löytymään Trumpin hallinnosta. Koomista että sieltä on irtisanottu sellaisia joita pidettiin haukkana mutta ne ovatkin korvattu paljon kovemmilla haukoilla. Esim John Boltonin nimitys turvallisuuneuvonantajaksi. Siitä on vaikea paremmaksi vetää mitä tulee sodan tavoitteluun.

Historian valossa myös terästeollisuuden omavaraisuuden nosto ja elvyttäminen on mielenkiintoinen.. Stalin piti sitä tärkeimpänä asiana sodankäynnin kannalta. Samoin Hitler joka moninkertaisti terästeollisuuden 30-luvulla. Mao piti sitä tärkeimpänä juttuna myös. Uudemmista Bush jr teki saman tempun. Voihan se olla sattumaa, että jenkkien omavaraisuutta teräs ja raskasteollisuuteen yritetään nostaa samalla kun kabinetti täytyy intomielisistä sodan lietsojista.

Juttua Boltonista.
Trump keskusteli jossain nuorten yrittäjien tapahtumassa.

Mielenkiintoinen huomio tuohon videoon liittyen. Ylläoleva linkki vie valkoisen talon kanavalle, ja sama video on mm. WaPon ja NBC:n youtube-kanavilla. Videota on valkoisen talon kanavalla katsottu 17 tuhatta kertaa, kun taas näiden mediajättien kanavalla tyyliin 2500kertaa.
Oikeusministeri Häkkänen (kok.) huolissaan USA:n tilasta: ”Trump testaa instituutioiden kestävyyttä”
Washingtonissa vieraileva Suomen oikeusministeri arvioi oikeusvaltion periaatteiden joutuneen Trumpin myötä testiin.

Milloin herra Häkkänen menee Kiinaan ja onko hän siellä huolissaan yhtikäs mistään?

Hänen mukaansa Suomessa ei tulisi kuuloonkaan, että oikeusministeri puuttuisi tuomareiden tuomioihin.

Demlahan tuosta ensimmäisenä mieleen tulee.
Milloin herra Häkkänen menee Kiinaan ja onko hän siellä huolissaan yhtikäs mistään?

Kyllä. Samoista asioista.

Oikeusministeri Antti Häkkänen keskusteli ihmisoikeuksista Kiinassa

Ministeri Häkkänen nosti keskustelussa esiin ihmisoikeustilanteen ja asianajajien keskeisen roolin oikeusturvan toteutumisessa.

– Olemme huolestuneita asianajajien pidätyksistä ja kohtelusta Kiinassa. Oikeusvaltiossa asianajajien rooli on keskeinen ja heillä tulee olla mahdollisuus tehdä työtään oikeuksiensa mukaisesti.