Kyynistä porukkaa kun ei uskota rakkausavioliittoihin...Sehän onkin vain trofeevaimo jota voi esitellä eikä mikään rakkausavioliitto. Win-win; toinen saa hienon ja nuorekkaan koristeen vierelleen ja toinen pääsee nauttimaan luksuselämää.

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Kyynistä porukkaa kun ei uskota rakkausavioliittoihin...Sehän onkin vain trofeevaimo jota voi esitellä eikä mikään rakkausavioliitto. Win-win; toinen saa hienon ja nuorekkaan koristeen vierelleen ja toinen pääsee nauttimaan luksuselämää. Trump on Sunday demanded that the Justice Department open an investigation into whether the department or the F.B.I. “infiltrated or surveilled” his campaign at the behest of the Obama administration, following through on his frequent threats to use his own government to target his political opponents.
Mr. Trump made the order on Twitter during a day of public venting about the special counsel investigation, which he charged had turned up no evidence of collusion with Russia and was now casting a worldwide net so that it could harm Republicans’ chances in midterm congressional elections this fall.
But in ordering up a new inquiry, Mr. Trump went beyond his usual tactics of suggesting wrongdoing and political bias by those investigating him, and crossed over into applying overt presidential pressure on the Justice Department to do his bidding, an extraordinary realm where past presidents have rarely tread.
“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon, “and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”
There was no immediate reaction from the Justice Department on Sunday. Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general overseeing the Russia investigation, pushed back this month against Republican demands for more visibility into the inquiry by saying his department “is not going to be extorted.”
The president’s call came two weeks after he publicly expressed frustration with the Justice Department for failing to give Republican lawmakers documents they are seeking about the basis and findings of the special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to sway the 2016 election. The president said then that “at some point, I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!”
That day appeared to be Sunday, close to the first anniversary of the opening of the special counsel investigation, at a time when the president’s frustration about it has reached a fever pitch and he and his allies have ratcheted up their efforts to undercut its credibility.
Legal experts said Mr. Trump’s promise of intervention had little precedent, and could force a clash between the sitting president and his Justice Department that is reminiscent of the one surrounding Richard M. Nixon during Watergate, when a string of top officials there resigned rather than carry out Nixon’s order to fire a special prosecutor investigating him.
“I can’t think of a prior example of a sitting president ordering the Justice Department to conduct an investigation like this one,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law. “That’s little more than a transparent effort to undermine an ongoing investigation.”
If Mr. Trump were to follow through with the demand, Mr. Vladek added, “it seems to me that the recipients of such an order should resign — and that we’re heading for another Saturday Night Massacre.”
But a confrontation between Mr. Trump and his Justice Department over the order was not a certainty. It was not clear whether Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, or Mr. Rosenstein could refer the president’s demand to the department’s inspector general, who is already investigating surveillance of a Trump campaign aide, Carter Page. Such a step could defuse the current crisis and perhaps satisfy Mr. Trump.
Among the material Mr. Trump and congressional Republicans are demanding are documents related to an F.B.I. informant who was sent to talk to at least two Trump campaign aides.
The president alleged on Friday that the informant had been a spy dispatched to infiltrate his campaign for political purposes. In fact, F.B.I. agents sent the informant to contact Mr. Trump’s campaign advisers only after receiving evidence that the pair had suspicious contacts linked to Russia.
Mr. Trump began the day railing about the scope of the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel In a series of morning tweets that has become a weekend ritual for the president, Mr. Trump pointed to a New York Times report that detailed how Mr. Mueller is examining whether Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates offered help to the Trump campaign, and whether they coordinated with Russia in doing so.
“Things are really getting ridiculous,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimeshas done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World!”
The president did not challenge the accuracy of The Times’s account, which was the first indication that countries other than Russia may have offered assistance to his campaign in the months before the presidential election. But he suggested that the breadth of the inquiry was proof that Mr. Mueller’s investigation, which he has repeatedly called a baseless “witch hunt,” was a partisan exercise geared toward harming Republican congressional candidates.
“Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party,” Mr. Trump said. “Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier!”
Mr. Trump was alluding to his contention that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant that was granted to look at Mr. Page, one of his campaign associates, was improperly obtained and based on false information provided by his political opponents, including a dossier that included salacious information about him.
Under pressure from Mr. Trump and his Republican allies in Congress, the Justice Department said in March that it would begin an investigation into the surveillance of Mr. Page. Law enforcement officials had long had concerns that Mr. Page, a former investment banker based in Moscow, was acting as a Russian agent.
But the president has continued to make the allegation that the court-ordered surveillance of Mr. Page was unjustified. Mr. Trump has also continued to claim that the special counsel should be looking not at his campaign, but instead at his 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton.
“At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP!” Mr. Trump wrote in a pair of tweets. “They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption in the Hillary Clinton Campaign where she deleted 33,000 Emails, got $145,000,000 while Secretary of State, paid McCabes wife $700,000 (and got off the FBI hook along with Terry M) and so much more.”
It was not clear where Mr. Trump’s estimate of the cost of Mr. Mueller’s inquiry came from. The Justice Department reported at the end of last year that the special counsel’s investigation had incurred at least $6.7 million in expenses in its first four and a half months, and Mr. Trump’s own budget allocated $10 million for his office for 2019.
The president has often charged that Mr. Mueller is leading a team of Democratic activists who are out to get him, citing reports that some of his investigators are Democrats who supported Mrs. Clinton. He has also sought to discredit Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy F.B.I. director, by noting that his wife ran as a Democrat for political office in Virginia with support and campaign donations from Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally.
But Mr. Mueller himself is a Republican, as are several members of his staff, and the investigation is being overseen by Rod J. Rosenstein, another Republican, who was Mr. Trump’s own choice to be deputy attorney general.
That did not stop the president from suggesting that the investigation was politically driven and should end.
“Republicans and real Americans should start getting tough on this Scam,” he tweeted on Sunday.
Trump vaatii oikeusministeriötä tutkimaan soluttatuiko tai vakoiliko FBI Trumpin kampanjaa Obaman vaatimuksesta poliittisista syistä, Trump aikoo esittää virallisen vaatimuksen huomenna. Trump siis vaatii tutkimusta hänen kampanjansa tutkimuksesta.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront
Trump vaatii oikeusministeriötä tutkimaan soluttatuiko tai vakoiliko FBI Trumpin kampanjaa Obaman vaatimuksesta poliittisista syistä, Trump aikoo esittää virallisen vaatimuksen huomenna.
FBI oli yllä linkatun The Hill artikkelin mukaan ollut yhteydessä George Papadopoulokseen ja Carter Pageen kuultuaan näiden Venäjä-yhteydenpidosta.Enemmän kuin kohtuullinen pyyntö.
Trump has spent the last few days sounding the alarm on Twitter about claims that an FBI informant was embedded within his campaign. He has alleged, without evidence, that the FBI sought to spy on his campaign for political purposes, which Trump argued would be a scandal "bigger than Watergate."
The New York Times reported Friday that an FBI informant met with two former Trump campaign advisers, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, after they'd received information that those two had contacts with Russia.
Älä lyö vetoa sillä todennäköisesti sen häviät, sillä eihän demarit ja Mueller ole mitään saanut aikaan ja tutkimus siltä osin lopetetaan syyskuussa ja koska on vielä selvittämättä Obaman todellinen rooli niin katsotaan mitä tulee esiin bolsevikkien touhuistaFBI oli yllä linkatun The Hill artikkelin mukaan ollut yhteydessä George Papadopoulokseen ja Carter Pageen kuultuaan näiden Venäjä-yhteydenpidosta.
Näin sivusta seuraten tämä kuulostaa ihan normitoiminnolta. Voisinpa lyödä vetoa, että kuukauden tutkimisen jälkeen näin todetaankin.
Sillä välin Trump epäilemättä on kehittänyt jo seuraavan suuren Hillary / demarit / Syvä Valtio salaliittoteorian häntä vastaan.
Se parempiväkihän eli Obaman porukka ja seuraajat väittää jopa oikeiston olevan bolsevikkejä, no totuushan tasan toisinpäin kuten kaikessa mitä demarit väittää.Hmm...ketähän mahdat tarkoittaa tuolla nimikkeellä "bolsevikit"? USA;ssa ei ainakaan ole mitään sellaista puoluetta. Ja sitäpaitsi jos joku kutsuu itseään sillä nimikkeellä siellä niin se lienee poliittinen itsemurha siinä valtiossa.
Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri uhkailee eurooppalaisyrityksiä – ”Murskaamme iranilaiset agentit”
21.5.2018 18:10 Päivitetty: 21.5.2018 18:10
[email protected]
Tiedätkö aiheesta enemmän? Lähetä vinkkisi toimitukselle.JUTTUVINKKI →
Yhdysvaltain Iranin vastaisia talouspakotteita rikkovat eurooppalaiset yritykset joutuvat siitä tilille, varoittaa Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Mike Pompeo.
Talouspakotteiden ottaminen uudelleen käyttöön pakottaa eurooppalaiset yritykset valitsemaan, investoidako Iraniin vai käydäkö kauppaa Yhdysvaltojen kanssa. Tosiasiassa varsinaista vaihtoehtoa ei ole, koska eurooppalaisilla yhtiöillä ei ole varaa hylätä Yhdysvaltain markkinoita.
Toistaiseksi EU yrittää suostutella Irania pysyttelemään vuonna 2015 solmitussa ydinsopimuksessa, vaikka Yhdysvallat siitä vetäytyikin pari viikkoa sitten.
Ensimmäisen merkittävämmän ulkopoliittisen puheen tänään pitänyt Pompeo sanoi Yhdysvaltain myös lisäävän taloudellista painostusta Iranin hallintoa kohtaan historian voimakkaimmilla pakotteilla.
– Johtajille Teheranissa ei jää epäilystäkään, ettemme me ole vakavissamme, Pompeo sanoi.
Yhdysvalloilla on Pompeon mukaan 12 tiukkaa ehtoa, jos Iranin kanssa halutaan saada aikaan uusi sopimus.
Talouspakotteet voidaan hänen mukaansa kumota, jos Iran lopettaa ballistisia ohjuksia koskevan ohjelman sekä sekaantumisen alueellisiin konflikteihin Jemenistä Syyriaan.
– Me löydämme ja murskaamme eri puolilla maapalloa toimivat iranilaiset agentit ja heidän äärijärjestö Hizbollahin edusmiehensä, Pompeo sanoi konservatiivisen Heritage Foundation -ajatushautomon tilaisuudessa.
Kyllä tuossakin on syynä trumppi viha ja se on tälläkin saitilla sumentanut järjenvalon kuten koko Euroopassa.Ettäs nyt EU:ta ja mediaa närästää Iran pakotteet tai siis niiden lisääminen. Jos Kiinan kokonen talousmahti neuvottelee USa:n kanssa mieluummin kuin edes yrittää kauppasotaa. Niin joku EU on ihan kusessa ja Iran... sen Usa saa halutessaan pitkällä aikavälillä Pöö-Koreaksi.
Vai onko tässä vaan kyse, mutku Trump...
FBI oli yllä linkatun The Hill artikkelin mukaan ollut yhteydessä George Papadopoulokseen ja Carter Pageen kuultuaan näiden Venäjä-yhteydenpidosta.
Näin sivusta seuraten tämä kuulostaa ihan normitoiminnolta. Voisinpa lyödä vetoa, että kuukauden tutkimisen jälkeen näin todetaankin.
Sillä välin Trump epäilemättä on kehittänyt jo seuraavan suuren Hillary / demarit / Syvä Valtio salaliittoteorian häntä vastaan.
Koitin käydä katsomassa mitä WSJ on aiheesta kirjoittanut. Löysin tämän pääkirjoituksen The FBI Informant Who Wasn't Spying, mutta se on maksumuurin takana paitsi alku:Aika näyttää. Enemmän näissä FBI-Obaman hallinto salaliitto puheissa on perää, kuin Russia Collusion jutussa missään vaiheessa.
Myös palvotun WSJ:n mielestä ollaan suhteellisen isojen kysymysten äärellä. WSJ on yhä selvemmin irtautunut MSM hörhö rintamasta, damage control meneillään.
"The Stakes Here Go Beyond Trump's Future" WSJ Editors Demand Truth About FBI Spying
The Editorial Board
Updated May 20, 2018 9:53 p.m. ET
Well, what do you know. The Federal Bureau of Investigation really did task an “informant” to insinuate himself with Trump campaign advisers in 2016. Our Kimberley Strasselreported this two weeks ago without disclosing a name.
Myös palvotun WSJ:n mielestä ollaan suhteellisen isojen kysymysten äärellä. WSJ on yhä selvemmin irtautunut MSM hörhö rintamasta, damage control meneillään.
"Palvottu" WSJ on Murdochin omistama, ja on alusta asti käsitellyt Trumpia silkkihansikkain.
Trumpin hyökkäykset Amazonia vastaan (eli vaatimus nostaa Amazonin maksamia postitushintoja) nähdäänkin yleensä suorana hyökkäyksenä Bezosia vastaan, koska WaPo.Ai Guardian on lähtenyt tuolle linjalle... Muistatte varmasti Amazon-Trump uutisoinnit, kuinka oli lehdistöllä vaikeeta kun ne tiesi, ettei Amazon ihan kaikkia veroja maksa, mutta eihän Trumppia puoltavaakaan uutista voi kirjoittaa. En nyt muista linkitettiinkö Washington Postin juttuja siihen liittyen, mutta monesta muusta uutisoinnista onkin jo tutuksi tullut.
Mutta siitä Amazonin pomosta (Jeff Bezos) ja WaPosta: arvatkaapa kuka omistaa Washington Postin...
Kyllä, hyökkäykset Amazonia vastaan johtuvat suoraan Washington Postista. Trump yritti saada postilaitoksen tuplaamaan Amazonin maksamat postikulut, mutta posti ei tähän lähtenyt sillä nykyinen sopimus on kannattava sille. Trump siis pyrkii heikentämään amerikkalaisen yrityksen asemaa sillä sen omistaja omistaa toisen yrityksen josta Trump ei pidä. Tietysti lisäksi Bezos on päätynyt maailman rikkaimmaksi ihmiseksi ilman perintöä puhtaasti taidoillaan. (Bezosista tuli miljonääri vasta vuonna 1997 Amazonin listautuessa pörssiin.)Trumpin hyökkäykset Amazonia vastaan (eli vaatimus nostaa Amazonin maksamia postitushintoja) nähdäänkin yleensä suorana hyökkäyksenä Bezosia vastaan, koska WaPo. emerged yesterday that President Donald Trump allegedly personally pressured Postmaster General Megan Brennan to double what it charges and other companies to ship packages. That’s a shockingly direct effort to harm a U.S. business by a sitting president, especially since even Trump’s allies have acknowledged that his ongoing campaign against Amazon and CEO Jeff Bezos is motivated largely by a personal and political grudge.
The reports about Brennan make the personal nature of Trump’s statements more obvious than ever. Trump has framed his stance on shipping rates as a defense of the Post Office, which he claims is losing money on its contract with Amazon. But Brennan herself has reportedly tried to convince the president he’s incorrect. According to the Washington Post, Brennan has explained, in conversations with Trump stretching back at least to 2017, that the Post Office’s relationship with Amazon is beneficial.
Those arguments, from the head of the body he claims to be going to bat for, seem irrelevant to Trump. The president has reiterated his claims that Amazon is ripping off the USPS regularly since the start of his reported conversations with Brennan, including in late March and early April. At the same time, he made inaccurate claims that Amazon didn’t collect state sales taxes.
One factor that appears to have escalated Trump’s campaign to directly interfere with a contractual business relationship is the resignation of economic advisor Gary Cohn in March. According to sources speaking with Vanity Fair in early April, Cohn had previously tried to explain to Trump that Amazon packages help maintain Post Office revenue as letter mail volumes decline. Similar efforts by staffers have been reported by multiple outlets, including when a source told Axios that “It’s been explained to [Trump] in multiple meetings that his perception is inaccurate and that the post office actually makes a ton of money from Amazon.”
(Notably, Cohn had also opposed Trump’s push for trade tariffs, which have since moved forward despite broad consensus that they could cost the U.S. jobsand harm the global economy.)
Trump’s persistence in the face of reasoned counterarguments from knowledgeable authorities and his own staff is all too easy to explain. It’s all about the Washington Post, which has been frequently critical of Trump, and is also owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Trump has frequently mentioned the Post in conjunction with his claims about Amazon and the USPS, including claiming that the Post is a “lobbyist” for Amazon. A source speaking to Vanity Fair painted an even clearer picture, saying:
“[Trump] gets obsessed with something, and now he’s obsessed with Bezos . . . Trump is like, how can I fuck with him?”
But the Post has said Bezos does not influence its reporting, and conservative critics have even argued that Bezos is not interfering enough with the Post’s editorial work.
Claims about the USPS’s business practices, then, appear to be just one convenient line of attack in a fundamentally tangential feud. And according to Vanity Fair’s sources, Trump’s war on Amazon could expand to other fronts, including canceling government contracts and encouraging Republican state Attorneys General to open investigations into the company’s business practices. While his attacks on Amazon have so far been mostly bully-pulpit rhetoric, his direct pressuring of Brennan – along with his recent creation of a task force to review USPS business practices – shows this president is willing to directly use his office to harm a business run by a perceived opponent.
Kyllä, hyökkäykset Amazonia vastaan johtuvat suoraan Washington Postista. Trump yritti saada postilaitoksen tuplaamaan Amazonin maksamat postikulut, mutta posti ei tähän lähtenyt sillä nykyinen sopimus on kannattava sille. Trump siis pyrkii heikentämään amerikkalaisen yrityksen asemaa sillä sen omistaja omistaa toisen yrityksen josta Trump ei pidä. Tietysti lisäksi Bezos on päätynyt maailman rikkaimmaksi ihmiseksi ilman perintöä puhtaasti taidoillaan. (Bezosista tuli miljonääri vasta vuonna 1997 Amazonin listautuessa pörssiin.)
Trumpin perinnön arvo, jos hän olisi sijoittanut sen perinnön saamisen hetkellä pörssi-indeksirahastoon, vivuttaen velalla vastaavasti kuten vivutti rakennusprojektejaan , olisi n. 13 miljardia dollaria.
Mitä Amazoniin vielä, niin onhan tämä jännittävä ilmiö: ensin yhdet mediat itkee, kuinka Amazon polkee työntekijöiden oikeuksia ja palkkoja, sekä verotuksessa jotain häikkää; niin nytten samat mediat itkee kuinka tämä firman ressukka on joutunut Trumpin hampaisiin.