Trump -psykoosi

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Eilen sisäministerin pestistään lähtenyt Ryan Zinke on oikusminsteriön tutkittavana mahdollisesta rikoksesta sillä hänen kerrotaan valehdelleen sisäiselle tutkinnalle touhuistaan. Tutkimus ilmeisesti koskee intiaaniheimon hakemusta kasinon perustamisesta Conneticutiin joka hylättiin yllättäen.
The Justice Department’s public integrity section is examining whether newly departed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke lied to his agency’s inspector general investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter, a potential criminal violation that would exacerbate Zinke’s legal woes.

Zinke, who left the Trump administration Wednesday, was facing two inspector general inquiries tied to his real estate dealings in his home state of Montana and his involvement in reviewing a proposed casino project by Native American tribes in Connecticut. In the course of that work, inspector general investigators came to believe Zinke had lied to them, and they referred the matter to the Justice Department to consider whether any laws were violated, the people familiar with the matter said.

The department’s public integrity section has since been exploring the case, the people familiar with the matter said. The extent of its work is unclear, though the inspector general had questioned witnesses in an apparent attempt to scrutinize Zinke’s account, one of the people said.

A spokesman for Zinke said Zinke voluntarily participated in two inspector general interviews about the Connecticut tribal matter and “to the best of his knowledge answered all questions truthfully.” The spokesman said Zinke had not been contacted by the Justice Department and that disclosures about the matter violated inspector general and Justice Department protocols.

On Wednesday, Zinke wrote a farewell letter to staff and posted a handwritten note on Twitter but neither made mention of the ethics allegations that prompted his departure.

“When I was a Boy Scout, I was taught to leave the campsite better than I found it,” he wrote Interior’s 70,000 employees. “I am confident that over the last 2 years, we have done that together for our public lands and the Department of the Interior.”

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment.

The Justice Department’s interest in the matter is significant, signaling prosecutors felt Zinke’s account was suspect and warranted further scrutiny. Department officials have not yet decided, though, whether he should face charges, people familiar with the matter said.

The crime of making false statements can be difficult to prove because it requires investigators to show a person “knowingly and willfully” lied, rather than simply misstated a fact. Zinke’s resignation, too, could make him a less appealing target for prosecutors.

Several former Trump advisers have pleaded guilty to lying to investigators or to Congress, including his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and a former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos.

Zinke, who submitted his resignation last month, had faced intense pressure to step down because of the probes into his conduct, though President Trump had soured on him for other reasons, too, according to a person familiar with the matter. In particular, this person said, Trump was upset Zinke would not challenge Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) in last year’s election and over how Zinke handled the administration’s plan to expand offshore drilling.

Last January, Zinke flew to Florida and, without consulting the White House, announced in a news conference with then-Gov. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) Interior would exempt the state from offshore drilling. The move raised ethics questions along with an outcry from other governors whose coastal states were affected by the plan.

It was not clear precisely what Zinke is thought to have lied about, but people familiar with the matter said it was not about a land deal Zinke struck with the chairman of oil services giant Halliburton in his hometown of Whitefish, Mont. Interior’s inspector general has been probing that as a possible conflict of interest.

The inspector general has also been exploring Zinke’s involvement in a dispute over a bid from two Native American tribes to operate a casino in East Windsor, Conn.

The feud over the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan tribes’ quest to jointly operate a gambling facility has sparked intense lobbying, since the outcome affects the flow of hundreds of millions in annual gaming revenue. The tribes allege Zinke succumbed to political pressure in not granting their application.

The two tribes sought federal approval to run the commercial casino off reservation land as part of an agreement with Connecticut officials, which required an amended agreement to ensure the new operation would provide 25 percent of its slot machine revenue to the state.

MGM Resorts International objected because the casino would compete with its gaming complex 12 miles away in Springfield, Mass., and could jeopardize its chances of opening a casino in Connecticut.

Interior officials — including career staff and even some Trump appointees — had been poised to approve the agreement last summer, according to interviews with current and former employees and documents released under the Freedom of Information Act. Politico first reported career staff’s support for the tribes’ petition. Ultimately, though, the department refused to sign off on the Mashantucket Pequot’s proposal, sparking a lawsuit from the tribe and the state of Connecticut.

In September, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras dismissed the tribe’s initial claim. The Mohegan tribe withdrew from the litigation after Interior acknowledged the validity of its gaming agreement in June.

But the tribe — which was nearly wiped out four centuries ago by the English — has continued to press its case. It sought to amend its claim in October, arguing in court documents that Interior staff had “prepared draft approval letters” on Oct. 8, 2017, but then informed the tribes a week later it would take no action on the petition, stymieing the project. The tribe charged that “the Department ultimately buckled under undue political pressure” from two Republican members of Congress from Nevada, Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Mark Amodei.

Neither Heller, who has since left the Senate, having lost his reelection bid last year, nor Amodei, could be immediately reached for comment.

The same filing alleges “Senator Heller directly pressured Secretary Zinke to do what was necessary to stop the Tribes’ joint venture casino project during a private dinner at a steakhouse in Las Vegas, on or about July 30, 2017.” Zinke’s official calendar shows he was in Las Vegas that day, before catching a late-night flight back to Washington, but it does not list his activities there.

With Zinke gone, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) is trying to get his successor to approve changes to the tribal-state compact, so the East Windsor casino can proceed. Connecticut state lawmakers are also considering new legislation that would eliminate the requirement that the tribes receive approval from Interior before moving ahead with the casino.
The president today wandered into a surprise White House press briefing already attended by border security suits to restate that he is, among other things, an expert on drone technology.

“You see what’s just been put out on social media,” Trump stated, referring to some unspecified post that may or may not exist, “where thousands of people are rushing the border. Having a drone fly overhead... and I think nobody knows much more about technology—this type of technology, certainly—than I do.”
WSJ:n pääkirjoitus oli harvinaisen kriittinen Trumpia kohtaan hänen puheistaan Afganistanista.
Trump’s Cracked Afghan History
His falsehoods about allies and the Soviets reach a new low.

President Trump’s remarks on Afghanistan at his Cabinet meeting Wednesday were a notable event. They will be criticized heavily, and deservedly so. The full text is available on the White House website.

Mr. Trump ridiculed other nations’ commitment of troops to fight alongside America’s in Afghanistan. He said, “They tell me a hundred times, ‘Oh, we sent you soldiers. We sent you soldiers.’”

This mockery is a slander against every ally that has supported the U.S. effort in Afghanistan with troops who fought and often died. The United Kingdom has had more than 450 killed fighting in Afghanistan.

As reprehensible was Mr. Trump’s utterly false narrative of the Soviet Union’s involvement there in the 1980s. He said: “The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there.”

Right to be there? We cannot recall a more absurd misstatement of history by an American President. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan with three divisions in December 1979 to prop up a fellow communist government.

The invasion was condemned throughout the non-communist world. The Soviets justified the invasion as an extension of the Brezhnev Doctrine, asserting their right to prevent countries from leaving the communist sphere. They stayed until 1989.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a defining event in the Cold War, making clear to all serious people the reality of the communist Kremlin’s threat. Mr. Trump’s cracked history can’t alter that reality.
Trump uhkasi pitää hallinnon suljettuna kuukausia tai jopa vuosia jos ei saa rahoitusta muurilleen. Hallinnon sulku tarkoittaa ettei 800000:lle ihmiselle makseta palkkaa. Kongressi eilen äänesti lakiesitysten puolesta jotka lopettaisivat sulun mutta senaatin puhemies Mitch McConnell on kertonut ettei aio pitää äänestystä laeista ilman että Trump ilmoittaa etukäteen hyväksyvänsä ne. Senaatti hyväksyi samat lait pari viikkoa sitten yksimielisesti, mutta istuntokauden vaihduttua niistä pitäisi äänestää uudelleen.
President Trump and congressional leaders failed again on Friday to break a deadlock that has kept the government partially shut down for two weeks, and the president acknowledged he threatened to keep agencies closed for “months or even years.”

Emerging from what they called a “sometimes contentious” meeting at the White House, Democratic leaders said Mr. Trump remained adamant that he would not sign spending bills to reopen the shuttered offices unless Congress approved money for his proposed wall on the southern border.

“We told the president we needed the government open,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, told reporters outside the White House. “He resisted. In fact, he said he’d keep the government closed for a very long period of time, months or even years.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, whose party just assumed control of the House on Thursday following the November midterm elections, said Democrats were also committed to securing the border but want government operations resumed while they negotiate that. “We can do that best when government is open,” she said. “We’ve made that clear to the president.”

In a separate appearance afterward in the Rose Garden, Mr. Trump called the meeting “productive” and said he had invited the congressional leaders to form a working group with his advisers to meet over the weekend to talk about border security needs. He made no mention of keeping the government closed for months or years but focused on what he called the dangers unless a wall is built across the entire southern border.

“This is national security we’re talking about,” Mr. Trump said, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, Kirstjen Nielsen, the Homeland Security secretary, and congressional Republican leaders. “We’re not talking about games. We’re talking about national security. This should have been done by all the presidents who preceded me and they know it.”

In speaking with reporters after the meeting, neither the president nor the Democrats made mention of an idea floated by conservative commentators to end the impasse: marrying wall funding and protecting from deportation young immigrants who were previously covered by the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which Mr. Trump has moved to rescind. As he left for the White House, Representative Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader, sounded open to the idea.

“We can find common ground,” Mr. McCarthy told reporters. “DACA is a problem, border security is a problem and anything that can make sure that we can get everything together and move forward, I’m willing to discuss.”

On Friday, the president sent a letter to Congress that was an unsubtle rebuff to Democratic leaders with whom he had previously met on Wednesday. According to a person in that earlier meeting, Ms. Pelosi cut off Ms. Nielsen as she reeled off statistics about the border. In his letter, Mr. Trump said that “some of those present did not want to hear the presentation at the time, and so I have instead decided to make the presentation available to all Members of Congress.”

The shutdown, which enters its third week on Saturday, has left about 800,000 workers without pay, limited the functions of federal agencies and slowed the court system. There are also concerns that if the shutdown continues for several more weeks, it will harm the overall economy.

Most Republicans in Congress, including those leaders who will also be in the meeting with the president, have backed the president, though there were signs of a fraying alliance as two vulnerable senators from Democratic-leaning states, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Susan Collins of Maine, expressed misgivings over their leaders’ intransigence. Mr. Gardner called on his party to end the shutdown, even if it meant not funding the wall, and Ms. Collins said she would support measures to fund the government in already approved appropriations bills.

Sean Hannity, a Fox News commentator close to Mr. Trump, may have signaled a way out, when he suggested on his program Thursday night that the president resurrect the old Democratic notion of twinning wall funding and protecting from deportation young immigrants brought illegally to the country as children, so-called Dreamers.

Such immigrants are currently protected by DACA, the program created by President Barack Obama, but Democrats would likely want something more, the Dream Act, which would protect young immigrants by statute and offer them a path to citizenship.

A compromise linking the younger immigrants to the wall has been floated by Senators Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, and Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

Newsmax, another media outlet favored by the president, reported that Mr. Hannity explicitly said Mr. Trump was now willing to negotiate the fate of the Dreamers to secure his wall.

But Mr. Trump is also facing pressure from his base to deliver on the wall, a central promise of his presidential campaign. Mr. Graham said Wednesday in an interview on Fox News that Mr. Trump’s presidency could effectively be ended if he abandoned the wall pledge. And the president this week rejected the “Dreamers for wall” idea.

On Thursday, Mr. Trump made a dramatic appearance in the White House Briefing Room, his first as president, trying to press his case for the wall by asking border agents to outline the threats posed by illegal immigration. But he simply reiterated his position and took no questions.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, would typically be a central player in the negotiations. So far, though, he has held back, contending that it is up to Democrats to fashion a solution that the president could accept.

The House has already passed a two-bill package to reopen the government. The first measure combines six separate bills that have already garnered bipartisan support in the Republican-led Senate; they would reopen nearly all of the shuttered agencies and fund them through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year.

The second is a stopgap spending measure to fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8 — a date that Mr. McConnell proposed toward the end of last year in a measure that passed the Senate by voice vote, but which the president rejected, triggering the partial shutdown.

Mr. McConnell has refused to take up the House package, insisting that he will not bring anything to the floor that Mr. Trump will not sign. Democrats intend to argue in the meeting that Mr. McConnell should at the least pass the cluster of appropriations bills, while continuing to negotiate over border security. In their last meeting, Mr. Trump rejected that idea, telling the group, “I would look foolish if I did that.”

Mr. McConnell, meanwhile, is waiting for guidance from Mr. Trump. The Senate Republican leader has absented himself from the talks, insisting that it is up to Democrats to resolve the impasse. But he is beginning to face pressure from vulnerable Republicans who are worried about their re-election prospects in 2020. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Trump uhkasi pitää hallinnon suljettuna kuukausia tai jopa vuosia jos ei saa rahoitusta muurilleen. Hallinnon sulku tarkoittaa ettei 800000:lle ihmiselle makseta palkkaa. Kongressi eilen äänesti lakiesitysten puolesta jotka lopettaisivat sulun mutta senaatin puhemies Mitch McConnell on kertonut ettei aio pitää äänestystä laeista ilman että Trump ilmoittaa etukäteen hyväksyvänsä ne. Senaatti hyväksyi samat lait pari viikkoa sitten yksimielisesti, mutta istuntokauden vaihduttua niistä pitäisi äänestää uudelleen. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Lentokenttien turvallisuusvirkailijoilla on ilmeisesti velvollisuus työskennellä myös näissä tilanteissa, ovat siis käytännössä tehneet kohta kuukauden duunia ilman liksaa. Nyt ovat joukolla alkaneet ilmoittautua saikuille. Trump on myös valittanut rajanylittäjien turvapaikkahakemusten hitaasta käsittelystä. No arvatkaa ovatko nekin oikeuslaitokset olleet ovi säpissä pian sen saman kuukauden. Absurdia.

Trump on myös väläytellyt mahdollisuutta, että hän presidenttinä julistaisi kansallisen hätätilan, ja hätätilavaltuuksin pakkolunastaisi maan koko etelärajalla yksityisiltä, ja rahoittaisi muurin näille alueille. Peoples Republic of United States?

Harvoin näkee poliitikkoa jonka tavoitteet ovat noin täsmälleen päinvastaiset kuin omalla puolueellaan.

Muurikiima ansaitsee jo diagnoosin mielenterveyden puolelta.
presidenttinä julistaisi kansallisen hätätilan, ja hätätilavaltuuksin pakkolunastaisi maan koko etelärajalla yksityisiltä, ja rahoittaisi muurin näille alueille. Peoples Republic of United States?

Hah, luitko sinä edes tuota The Atlanticin juttua? Edit: en edes lukenut kokonaan, mutta jo minuutti kaksi riitti siihen, koska alku on aika maailmasta irrallaan. Ja kuka helv on Laurence Tribe? Vaikka olen seurannut jonniin verran enemmän amerikkalaista mediaa, niin mistä ihmeestä näitä seinähulluja twitter viestejä kaivetaan?

Itse Atlanticin juttu alkaa mielenkiintoisesti:

What the President Could Do If He Declares a State of Emergency

From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things.

Eikä vielä mitä, Atlanticin juttu jatkuu ihan skitsosti, johon voisi tarttua vaikka mihin, mutta otetaan seuraava:

He sent thousands of active-duty soldiers to the southern border to terrorize a distant caravan of desperate Central American migrants

Tällainenkö menee teille alas koukkuineen päivineen? Huhhuh, ehkä pieni kritiikki ja jäitä hattuun olisi hyväksi.

Otin muuten talteen tuon Atlanticin jutun. Pääsee sekopäisimpien juttujen joukkoon.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Olo on kuin Obi wan Kenobilla nähdessään Anakinin muuttuneen Darth Vaderiksi. 2016 toivoin, kuvittelin edes, Trumpin tuovan sen kaivatun muutoksen Yhdysvaltain politiikkaan. No muutosta kaipaan edelleen, ja nyt Mattista pitämään sen muutoksen järkevänä. Trump is just dark.
Hah, luitko sinä edes tuota The Atlanticin juttua? Edit: en edes lukenut kokonaan, mutta jo minuutti kaksi riitti siihen, koska alku on aika maailmasta irrallaan. Ja kuka helv on Laurence Tribe? Vaikka olen seurannut jonniin verran enemmän amerikkalaista mediaa, niin mistä ihmeestä näitä seinähulluja twitter viestejä kaivetaan?

Kyllä ne twitteriviestit ovat ihan rakastamasi pressan eli Trumpin tuotoksia.

Parasta oli, kun itse The President meni kesken Valkoisen Talon lehdistötilaisuuteen ja kertoi miten on itse dronejen asiantuntija. Ja se ei ole twiitti. Vaan suora lehdistötilaisuus.

Mutta eiköhän se ala kohta jo kaikille valjeta (jopa sinulle), että hepulla ei voi olla "kaikki muumit laaksossa".
Kyllä ne twitteriviestit ovat ihan rakastamasi pressan eli Trumpin tuotoksia.

Kyllähän toki niin.

Täällä itketään, että jos hallinto vaatii henkkareita äänestäessä, kuten Atlantocissa itkettiin. Kuulemma liian kallista, toteaa nimimerkki. Henkkarit maksaa noin 20dollaria. Suomessa 2x kalliimpi.

Sitten tuo Atlanticin kirjoittajan väite, että amerikkalaiset sotilaat lähetettiin terrorisoimaan maahanmuuttajia? Tämäkö menee sinulle läpi??

Oli siellä muutakin, mutta aika ei nyt taida riittää.
Kyllähän toki niin.

Täällä itketään, että jos hallinto vaatii henkkareita äänestäessä, kuten Atlantocissa itkettiin. Kuulemma liian kallista, toteaa nimimerkki. Henkkarit maksaa noin 20dollaria. Suomessa 2x kalliimpi.

Sitten tuo Atlanticin kirjoittajan väite, että amerikkalaiset sotilaat lähetettiin terrorisoimaan maahanmuuttajia? Tämäkö menee sinulle läpi??

Oli siellä muutakin, mutta aika ei nyt taida riittää.

Et sitten tunne Posse Comitatus-lakia ;) Tuossa alettiin mennä aika lähelle.

Se, että jokin pellekaravaani koettaa lähestyä USA:n rajaa onkin hauska juttu. Olisivat koittaneet Texasia, se oli kuitenkin lähempänä. :devilish:

Mutta Trumpin touhut ovat herättäneet jo melkoista ihmetystä niin republikaanien kuin Fox Newsin taholta. Kummatkaan tuskin ovat Trump-vastaisia periaatteessa.

Hallinnon sulkeminen jo 2 viikon ajaksi on vienyt palkan esim. TSA:n henkilökunnalta. Menee jotenkin tuosta turvallisuusöyhötyksestä uskottavuus. Nyt lentokenttien rajavalvonta alkaa kohta loppua tuon takia.

Mutta älä luovu uskostasi ;)
Viimeksi muokattu:
Et sitten tunne Posse Comitatus-lakia ;) Tuossa alettiin mennä aika lähelle.

Joo, no mutta katsotaan rakentaako armeija edes sitä muurin tapaista, jos hätätila julistetaan.

Huom! Tuossa ensimmäisessä viestissä helv huonosti lainasin tekstiä. Tarkoitus oli osoittaa, että Atlanticin juttu itsessään oli seinähullu.

Jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt, niin et edes itse hirveästi vastusta Israelin tapaista ratkaisua?

Jos hätätilan kautta mennään, niin se saattaa olla kabinettiratkaisu tämän hetkiseen poliittiseen kiistaan. Kuitenkaan demareiden puoluejohto ei hirveästi ole vastustanut tehokkaampaa rajaratkaisua, siis aikaisemmin.

Itse veikkaan, että Yhdysvallat rakentaa jonkinlaisen rajahässäkän, missä osa on muuria ja osa jotain muuta valvonta/hidasteratkaisua. Se että rakennuttaako tämän Trump vai joku muu pressa, on sitten sisäpolitiikan päätettävissä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Joo, no mutta katsotaan rakentaako armeija edes sitä muurin tapaista, jos hätätila julistetaan.

Huom! Tuossa ensimmäisessä viestissä helv huonosti lainasin tekstiä. Tarkoitus oli osoittaa, että Atlanticin juttu itsessään oli seinähullu.

Jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt, niin et edes itse hirveästi vastusta Israelin tapaista ratkaisua?

Jos hätätilan kautta mennään, niin se saattaa olla kabinettiratkaisu tämän hetkiseen poliittiseen kiistaan. Kuitenkin demareiden puoluejohto ei hirveästi ole vastustanut tehokkaampaa rajaratkaisua, siis aikaisemmin.

Itse veikkaan, että Yhdysvallat rakentaa jonkinlaisen rajahässäkän, missä osa on muuria ja osa jotain muuta valvonta/hidasteratkaisua. Se että rakennuttaako tämän Trump vai joku muu pressa, on sitten sisäpolitiikan päätettävissä.

Juu en vastusta rajamuuria.

Kyse vaan on, että miten se tehdään ja millä mandaatilla. Ihan hyvä ajatushan se on sinänsä. Pääsisivät nyt vaan siitä sopuun.... jokin päälle $5 mrd on hyttysenkusema USA:n sisäisen turvallisuuden budjetissa, mutta kun siitä on tullut poliittinen kysymys.

Meikäläisestä ei kovin helposti saa USA:n demokraattien kannattajaa.
– Voimme julistaa kansallisen hätätilan turvallisuuden takia. En ole tehnyt sitä. Saatan tehdä sen, mutta voimme julistaa kansallisen hätätilan ja rakentaa sen hyvin nopeasti.

Jos Trump julistaa kansallisen hätätilan, hän voisi käyttää Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriön budjetin sotilasmenoihin suunnattuja varoja.

– Voin tehdä niin, jos haluan, Trump sanoo.

Hah, luitko sinä edes tuota The Atlanticin juttua? Edit: en edes lukenut kokonaan, mutta jo minuutti kaksi riitti siihen, koska alku on aika maailmasta irrallaan. Ja kuka helv on Laurence Tribe? Vaikka olen seurannut jonniin verran enemmän amerikkalaista mediaa, niin mistä ihmeestä näitä seinähulluja twitter viestejä kaivetaan?

Tribe on lakiprofessori Harvardin yliopistosta, erikoistunut perustuslakiin, sitä kautta varmaan jossain vaiheessa laitoin seurantaan.

Mikä eilen osui silmään oli maininta "eminent domain" -laista, joka sallii (vihollisen) maan haltuunoton, ja jota Trump vilautti myös kommentissaan. Sitä ei The Atlanticin artikkelissa ollut, olisiko ollut toinen twiitti joka viittasi tähän WaPo:n artikkeliin. Nosto:

In a forceful but meandering performance that included numerous false or questionable assertions, Trump announced he was considering declaring a “national emergency” to move forward on construction through executive power; argued his administration would use eminent domain to obtain private land along the U.S.-Mexico border; and suggested a steel wall could provide manufacturing jobs to U.S. companies.


The Atlanticin artikkeli sinällään tyhjentävä kuvaus presidentin hätätilalain oikeuksista. Jenkeissä on nyt herännyt ihmettely mitä kaikkea Trump voisikaan tehdä, triggerinä toki että Trump itse otti nämä puheeksi.
Jännä miten moni täällä vielä jäsentää maailmaa niin vanhanaikaisesti, että kuvittelee Trumpin olevan republikaani ja ihmettelee ilmeisesti aivan vlipittömästi puolueen ja presidentin suhdetta. Tai ihmettelee miksi muuri. Trump edustaa populaa, joka haluaa säilyttää kansallisvaltion rajoineen edunvalvontakoneistonaan. Republikaanipuolue, demokraattipuolue ja media edustavat eliittiä, jolle kansalla valtioineen ei ole juurikaan merkitystä. Republikaanit nyt vaan joutuvat taiteilemaan ääniä tuovan Trumpin ja toisaalta lahjoittajien, eturyhmien ja taloudellisen eliitin tahdon välissä.