Emme vielä tiedä, millainen demareiden eli siis alahuoneen impeachment-syytekirjelmä on, mutta
Lawfareblog pongasi nämä kohdat yksin tästä Ukraina-sotkusta.
Kevennysfaktana tähän väliin: huomasin, että lawfareblog on jo aikaisemmin krjoittanut perusteet sille, että Trump EI ole tehnyt mitään väärää. Lawfareblogin tyyppiä on haastateltu littyen siihen, kun verrattiin Trumpin "venäjän tiedustelu" kytköksiä ja Clintonin kampanjan infopyyntöön Ukrainasta.
Clintonin kampanja pyysi Ukrainan hallinnolta infoa Ukrainan virallisista tutkimuksista, Trumpia vastaan, ja lawfareblogin pitäjä kertoo, että se on ihan ok. On siis täysin sallittua pyytää vastaehdokkaasta tietoa, jos siis sen tekee niin kuin Clinton, ja kuten nyt siis Trump.
..Politico headlined "
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire." The story details the work of a Ukrainian-American consultant to the Democratic National Committee who looked for compromising information about former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution.
In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.
Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.
"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"
To be clear, we do not know if the hacked emails had any ties to contacts the Trump campaign did or didn’t have with Russians. But hacked emails are
different from the results of a public investigation.
Taking that difference one step further, there
was nothing inherently illegal in the quest for information on Manafort and how that might link Donald Trump to Russia. Wittes noted that from a research perspective, since Manafort’s work took place in Ukraine, "
you pretty much have to go to the Ukrainians to get that."
Other details also separate the two narratives.
Ukraine is seen as an ally to the United States, while Russia is at best a competitor and often called an enemy.
Tämän legendaarisen tiedon teille tarjosi kaksi keskeistä demareiden kyynpesää: politifact ja lawfareblog (Benjamin Wittes), vuodelta 2017.
Donald Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a lawyer tied to the Russian government prompted a resolute response from Fox News