Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Ostosopimusten kanssa voikin tulla mielenkiintoista, Military Balance 2021 mukaan ostettavaa kalustoa ei ole yllin kyllin tarjolla
  • Kiina:
    • 5650 TSTPSV:a, joista iso osa tuttua neukkurautaa ZTZ-59:n eri versioina
    • 6700 RYNNPSV:a
    • 3950 KULJPSV:a
    • 9200+ tykistöasetta, joista 2350 PSH:a
Väittäisin, että Venäjän kannalta Kiinalta olisi saatavissa ainakin seuraavia malleja:
  • ZTZ-59 eri malleineen (T-54A:n kiinalainen kopio)
  • ZTZ-69 100 mm vaunukanuunalla varustetut mallit (ZTZ-59:n jatkokehitelmä)
  • ZBD-86 perusmalli (BMP-1:n perusmallin kiinalainen kopio)
  • PL-59 (130 mm M-46, mahdollisesti ovat osittain neukkulaista alkuperääkin)
  • PL-66 (152 mm D-20, samoin mahdollisesti neukkulaista alkuperää)
  • PL-54 (122 mm M-30, kuten edellä)
ja mahdollisesti myös
  • PLZ-70 (telahaupitsi, kiinalaisella tyypin 63 vaunualustalla oleva 122 mm M-30, valmistettiin 126 kappaletta)
  • PLZ-83 (kiinalainen 2S3 Akatsijasta inspiraation saanut panssarihaupitsi, jota valmistettiin vain 78 kappaletta)

Miksi näitä? Kiina on myöhemmissä taisteluvaunuissaan siirtynyt itäisestä 100 mm vaunukanuunasta läntiseen 105 mm:iin, joten tuo 100 mm kalusto olisi varmasti Kiinan kannalta liikenevää, ja toisaalta venäläisten oma a-tarvikekanta on yhtenevä juuri 100 mm kanssa. Sama pätee ZBD-86:een sen ollessa täysi kopio BMP-1:n perusmallista (muttei sen modernisoituihin malleihin), ja kuinka se on ainoa 73 mm matalapainekanuunaa käyttävä vaunu Kiinan kalustossa. Samoin PL-59 on Kiinan ainoa 130 mm kaliiperin kenttätykki. 152 mm tykkikalustosta Kiina on ollut jo luopumassa pidemmän aikaa (kaikki uusi kuuden tuuman väljyydessä oleva kalusto on 155 mm, kuten uusin panssarihaupitsi PLZ-05 ja vedettävä kenttätykki PLL-01). 48-linjaisen kevyen tykistön osalta vanhentunut M-30-pohjainen kalusto vanhalla 122x284mmR laukauksella, jota Venäjä joutunee kohta itsekin ottamaan varastoistaan käyttöön nyt kun D-30 on kaikki jo kentällä, on myös oltu jo pitkään korvaamassa Kiinassakin uudemmalla 122x447mmR laukaukselle pesitetyllä kalustolla.

Eli kaikesta tästä Kiina voisi luopua kauttaaltaan vanhentuneena kalustona, jota Venäjä kuitenkin joutuisi pulassaan ostamaan käytännössä kurantin kaluston hinnalla. Periaatteessa kaikki muu kalusto on Kiinan kannalta enemmän tai vähemmän kuranttia (mm. ampumatarvikkeensa kannalta yhtenevää modernin kaluston kanssa), vaikka olisikin rauhan ajan tai aktiiviyksiköiden käytöstä jo syrjään siirrettyä, joten siitä iivana joutuisi varmasti maksamaan vielä ekstraa.

Kuten täällä jo aiemmin pohdittiin, näistä ZTZ-59:n, ZBD-86:n, PL-59:n, PL-66:n ja PL-54:n kohdalla Kiina voisi myös kiistää osallisuuttaan (olettaen, että ne toimitettaisiin nopeasti rajan yli tai pressukehikoiden suojissa satelliittitiedustelulta piilossa), kunnes Ukraina saisi sotasaaliiksi sellaisia yksilöitä, joissa näkyisi kiistatta kiinalaisia tyyppikilpiä tai kiinalaisia merkintöjä muuten. PLZ-70 ja PLZ-83 eivät sitten enää menisi samannäköisyyden varjossa, mutta Kiinan kannalta ne ovat niin kauttaaltaan vanhentuneita ja harvalukuisia, että todennäköisesti joutaisivat viimeistään siinä vaiheessa, kun ensimmäiset kiinalaisin tyyppikilvin Ukrainalle sotasaaliiksi jääneet vaunut ovat tulleet julkisuuteen.

Mikähän kierrevieteriukko tää (ex-?) Moscow-Mike on? Nyt mollaa Bideniä että antais vaan Ukrainan paukuttaa vapaasti

Oli ilmeisesti saanut asian suhteen herätyksen keskusteltuaan oman evankelisen suuntauksensa ukrainalaisen papin kanssa Ukrainan tilanteesta ja uskonveljistään Ukrainassa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Operational information as of 11:00 p.m. 06/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion

The defensive operation of Ukrainian troops continues. To date, there have been a total of 85 combat clashes with the Russian invaders.

Our soldiers exhaust the enemy along the entire length of the battle line and in the rear. Today, the Air Force and missile troops and artillery hit 12 areas of concentration of the occupiers' manpower, an area of concentration of anti-aircraft missiles, two control points of UAVs and a radar station.

Since the beginning of the day, the enemy has launched one missile attack and 37 airstrikes (including 40 anti-aircraft missiles) on the territory of Ukraine, and used 499 kamikaze drones. He carried out 2742 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements using various types of weapons.

There were 5 combat clashes with the Russian invaders in the Kharkiv direction. Three attacks were repelled in the areas of the village of Liptsi and the city of Vovchansk. In the latter, fighting continues in two locations. Loss of positions is not allowed. The situation is under control.

In the Kupyan direction, the enemy tried to dislodge our units from their positions 12 times. Fighting took place in the areas of Sinkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Stelmakhivka, Cherneshchyna and Druzhelyubivka settlements. 11 attacks repelled. Loss of positions is not allowed. Currently, the battle continues in the Druzhelyubivka area.

The situation in the Lymansky direction did not undergo any significant changes - all the enemy's attempts to advance in the Nevsky and Serebryansky areas were unsuccessful.

In the Siversky area, the enemy is also active - it has carried out six attacks near Verkhnyokamyanskyi, Vyimka and Rozdolivka. Five have been repelled, and one, near Rozdolivka, is still in progress. Loss of our positions is not allowed.

The situation is tense in the Kramatorsk direction. Since the beginning of the day, the aggressor has tried 11 times to knock out units of the Defense Forces from their positions in the districts of Kalynyvka, Novy, Ivanivskyi, Klishchiivka, and Andriivka. Eight attacks were repelled. Three more skirmishes continue near Kalynyvka and Ivanivskyi. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces.

In the Toretsk direction, the enemy launched two unsuccessful attacks in the direction of White Mountain.

In the Pokrovsky direction, during the day, the Russian invaders continued their attempts to penetrate our defense - 15 attacks were repulsed, eight more are ongoing. In total, 23 combat clashes took place in the direction. The enemy was most active today near the village of Sokil. Our defenders are taking active measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the occupiers from advancing deep into the territory of Ukraine.

In the Dnieper direction, three enemy attacks in the Krynok area failed. Loss of positions is not allowed.

In the rest of the directions, the situation has not undergone significant changes.

Let's defeat the enemy together!
Ukraine is fighting!
Glory to Ukraine!


Bunkkerirotan satutunti ulkomaiselle medialle🤣
Joo ei suunnittele NATO- maihin iskuja tai NATOn ei pidä pitää Venäjää vihollisena, mutta uhkaa kuitenkin aseistaa muita maita, että nämä iskisi NATO- maiden kimppuun.
Päivän luvut:
Tässä päivitetty lista #18 ryssän jalostamoista. Lisätty Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery, 2. isku. Tämä jalostamo on 5Mt luokkaa. Ensimmäinen isku kesäkuussa, toukokuussa 7. Siivosin listalta kaikkein pienimmät jalostamot pois, koska niillä ei ole merkitystä kokonaiskuvaan ja saattoivat sisältää virheitä.

Omsk Refinery (Rosneft)21 Mt (380,000 bpd) (2,443 km)
Ryazan Refinery (Rosneft)17,1 Mt (342,000 bpd) (467 km)13.3.2024 ja 1.5.2024
Nizhny Novgorod (Lukoil)17 Mt (340,000 bpd) (780 km)12.3.2024
Slavneft-Yanos, Yaroslav (Rosneft)15,7 Mt (704 km)epäonnistuneet iskut 29.1.2024 ja 18.3.2024
Volgograd (Lukoil)14,5 Mt (287,000 bpd) (450 km)3.2.2024 ja 12.5.2024
Perm (Lukoil)13,1 Mt (259,500 bpd) (1,482 km)
Purovsky plant (Novatek)13 Mt (~3,700 km Harkovasta)
Moscow Refinery, (Gazprom Neft/Central Fuel Company)10,5 Mt (213,000 bpd) (450 km)13.2.2024
Angarsk Petrochemical Company (Rosneft)10,2 Mt (194,000 bpd) (4,453 km)
Gazprom Neft Salavat10 Mt (1,297 km)9.5.2024
Kirish Oil Refinery (Surgutneftegas)10 Mt (346,000 bbd), (1,300 km Harkovasta)
Ufaneftekhim Refinery (Bashneft)160,000 bbl/d (25,000 m3/d) (1,331 km)
Tuapse Refinery (Rosneft)9,0 Mt (240,000 bpd) (425 km)24.1.2024, 17.5.2024
Taneco Refinery (Tatneft) Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan8,7 Mt (150,000 bbl/d) (1,122 km)2.4.2024
Komsomolsk Refinery (Rosneft)8,3 Mt (143,000 bpd) (6,523 km)
Taif Refinery, Nizhnekamsk8,3 Mt 143,000 bbl/d (1,122 km)
Tyumen7,5 Mt (1,979 km)
Ufa Refinery (Bashneft)7,5 Mt, 129,000 bbl/d (20,500 m3/d) (1,331 km)
Achinsk Refinery (Rosneft)7,5 Mt (129,000 bpd) (3,499 km)
Novo-Ufa Refinery (Bashneft)7,1 Mt 122,500 bbl/d (19,480 m3/d) (1,331 km)
Saratov Refinery (Rosneft)7 Mt (120,500 bbl/d) (597 km)
Syzran7 Mt (811 km)
Laukaansuun LNG terminaali (Novatek)7 Mt22.1.2024
Syzran Kubyshev, Samara7 Mt (916 km)16.3.2024
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery (Rosneft)6,7 Mt (136,000 bbd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Orsk Refinery (SAFMAR)6,6 Mt (114,000 bbd) (1,457 km)(suljettu 7.4.2024-23.4.2024 tulvan vuoksi padon murruttua)
Ilsky Refinery (KNGK Group)6,6 Mt (132,000 bpd) (333 km)9.2.2024 ja 27.4.2024
Afipsky Refinery, Krasnodar Krai6 MT (120,000 bpd), (~300 km)31.5.2023, 9.2.2024 ja 2.5.2024
Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery5 Mt (172,000 bpd) (158 km)13.3.2024 ja 6.6.2024
Khabarovsk Refinery
(АО "ННК-Хабаровский НПЗ"::Главная)
5 Mt 86,000 bbl/d (13,700 m3/d) (6,591 km)
Tobolsk Petrochemical Refinery (Sibur)138,000 bbl/d (21,900 m3/d) (~2,800 km Harkovasta)
Kuibyshev Refinery (Rosneft), Samara4,5 Mt (120,500 bpd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Antipinsky Refinery (JSC Antipinsky Refinery)114,000 bbl/d (18,100 m3/d) (~2,600 km Harkovasta)
Mariysky Refinery, Mari El (Newstream)4,5 Mt (90,000 bpd), (1,100 km)
Ukhta (Lukoil)4,2 Mt (71,500 bpd) (1,671 km)
Surgut4 Mt (2,508 km)
Slavyansk Oil Refinery, Slovyansk-on-Kuban,
Krasnodar Krai (Slavyansk ECO)
4 Mt (282 km)17.3.2024, 27.4.2024, 19.5.2024
Yaya Refinery (NefteKhimService)57,000 bbl/d (9,100 m3/d) (3,254 km)
Astrakham GPP (Gazprom Neft)3,3 Mt (66,000 bbp) Mt (783 km)
Nizhvevartovsk NGO (Gazprom)1,58 Mt 25,100 bpd (2,674 km)
Mari, Tabashino1,44 Mt 993
Angier NZ, Angero Sugensk1,2 Mt (3,230 km)
Perviy Zavod Refinary, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga~1 Mt (24,000 bpd)30.8.2023 (2 dronea), 15.3.2024, 10.5.2024
Usinsky1 Mt (2,013 km)
Dieteko, Angarsk0,9 Mt (4,453 km)
Kochen Tianvsk, Kochenevo0,72 Mt (3,006 km)
Nikolavevsky NPP0,5 Mt (925 km)


31.5.2023 Afipsky, Krasnodar Krai
30.8.2023 Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga
22.1.2024 Laukaansuun LNG terminaali
24.1.2024 Tuapse
29.1.2024 Slavneft-Yanos, Yaroslav (EPÄONNISTUNUT)
3.2.2024 Volgograd
9.2.2024 Afipsky (2. isku)
9.2.2024 Ilsky
13.2.2024 Moskova
12.3.2024 Nizhny Novgorod
13.3.2024 Novoshakhtinsk
13.3.2024 Ryazan
15.3.2024 Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga (2. isku)
16.3.2024 Kuibyshev
16.3.2024 Syzran
16.3.2024 Novobuibyshevsk
17.3.2024 Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Krai
18.3.2024 Slavneft-Yanos, Yaroslav (EPÄONNISTUNUT)
23.3.2024 Kuibyshev (2. isku)
23.3.2024 Novokuibyshevsk (2. isku)
2.4.2024 Taneco Refinery (Tatneft), Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan
27.4.2024 Slavyansk-EKO refinery (2. isku)
27.4.2024 Ilsky (2. isku)
1.5.2024 Ryazan Refinery (2. isku)
2.5.2024 Afipsky (3. isku)
9.5.2024 Gazprom Neft Salavat
10.5.2024 Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga (3. isku)
12.5.2024 Volgograd (2. isku)
17.5.2024 Tuapse (2. isku)
19.5.2024 Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Krai (3. isku)
6.6.2024 Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery (2. isku)
"Saturn" will no longer sail
On June 6, 2024, a special unit of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine carried out a successful attack on the Russian raid tug of project 498 "Saturn" or "Proteus" near the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea.
As a result of the operation in the water area of Lake Panskoe, another ship of the Russian invaders was destroyed.
Devastating fire damage was inflicted after the successful breakthrough of the line of defensive barriers of the occupiers in the Black Sea area.
Glory to Ukraine!

Viimeksi muokattu:
Operational information as of 10:30 a.m. 06/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

Glory to Ukraine!

Eight hundred and thirty-fourth day of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
On the night of June 6, 2024, the occupiers attacked with 18 "Shahed" strike UAVs from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Russian Federation), Cape Chauda (Tot of Crimea) and two "Iskander-M" ballistic missiles from the Taganrog region (Russian Federation).

As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 17 "shahedis" were shot down in the Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Khmelnytsky regions.

During the past 24 hours, 111 combat clashes were recorded.
According to the specified information. in the past day, in total, the enemy launched one missile and 44 air strikes on the positions of our troops and populated areas (in particular, with the use of 47 anti-aircraft missiles), carried out more than three thousand attacks from various types of weapons, including 131 with the use of rocket salvo systems. As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. High-rise and private buildings, as well as other infrastructure objects, were destroyed and damaged.

Russian invaders carried out airstrikes in the areas of populated areas of the Kharkiv region: Bugaivka, Vovchansk from the direction of Shebekino (Russian Federation), Okhrimivka from the direction of Korochy (Russian Federation), Veterinarne from the direction of Belhoroda (Russian Federation). Novolyubivka, Serebryansky forest of Luhansk region also suffered Russian airstrikes; Nove, Kolodyazi, Verkhnokamyanske, Andriivka, Druzhba, Severnye, Zhelanne, Sokil, Novoselivka Persha, Karlivka, Vodyane, Staromayorske, Urozhane of the Donetsk region; Tokarivka, Dniprovske, Krynyk, Kherson region.

Over the past 24 hours, the Air Force and the missile forces and artillery of the Defense Forces hit 12 areas of concentration of enemy personnel and several other important objects, including two UAV ground control stations and one enemy air defense vehicle.

In general, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to more than 1,300 people killed and wounded last day. The enemy also lost 22 tanks, 40 armored fighting vehicles, 48 artillery systems, three anti-aircraft guns, one anti-aircraft vehicle, 41 anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missiles, 63 vehicles and 7 units of special equipment.

Since the beginning of the current day, 29 combat clashes have already taken place. The enemy carried out 570 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements, 18 of them with the use of MLRS. Also, the aggressor made one missile strike with two missiles and 32 strikes with kamikaze drones.

There were no active enemy assaults in the Kharkiv direction today. At the same time, over the past day, the total losses of the invaders in this direction amounted to: 179 people, 42 of them irretrievably, and 31 units of weapons and military equipment. An armored combat vehicle, one artillery system, nine unmanned aerial vehicles, four cars and seven units of special equipment were destroyed. One tank, two artillery systems and five cars were damaged.

On the Kupyansk direction, an enemy attack continues in the area of Druzhelyubivka. The situation is under control.

According to detailed information, the enemy lost 126 people killed and wounded in this direction last day. Three BBMs and a car were destroyed.

Since the beginning of the day, the enemy attacked once in the Siverskyi direction, in the area of Bilogorivka.

In the area of Klishchiivka in the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy's assaults were not successful, in the area of Ivanivsk the battle continues. "

In the Pokrovsky direction, the situation has been tense since the beginning of the day. The enemy is trying to advance in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Kalinovogo, Yevgenivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Persha and Yasnobrodivka. Four attacks were repulsed without success for the enemy, six battles are still ongoing. Defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation.

Also, over the past day, the total losses of the invaders in this direction amounted to more than 440 people. One tank, three BBMs, seven guns and mortars, and one ground drone were destroyed.

The situation is tense in the Kurakhiv direction, in the districts of Paraskoviyvka and Krasnohorivka, where two clashes are currently ongoing. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces.

Operational information as of 10:30 a.m. 06/06/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

Since the beginning of the day, there have already been five clashes in the Vremivsk direction in the areas of Urozhany and Novodarivka. Three attacks were repulsed without success for the enemy, fighting continues in the area of Urozhany.

In the area of Mala Tokmachka in the Orihiv direction, the enemy's actions were not successful.

In the Dnieper direction, the enemy made two unsuccessful attempts to attack in the Krynok area.

In the rest of the directions, the enemy did not conduct active offensive actions.

The defense forces are taking all measures to disrupt the enemy's plans. Our artillery, rockets, aviation and operators of unmanned systems work in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Join the Defense Forces!
Together we will win!
Glory to Ukraine!

Siellä on Pokrovskyn suunnalla niittäminen käynyt ihan työstä. 440 parempaa Ryssää päivän aikana.

"In the Pokrovsky direction, the situation has been tense since the beginning of the day. The enemy is trying to advance in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Kalinovogo, Yevgenivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Persha and Yasnobrodivka. Four attacks were repulsed without success for the enemy, six battles are still ongoing. Defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation.

Also, over the past day, the total losses of the invaders in this direction amounted to more than 440 people. One tank, three BBMs, seven guns and mortars, and one ground drone were destroyed."
Tässä hyvä kirjoitus amerikkalaiselta

"We don’t know how this war will end, or if it ever will. But we have a job to do - and an opportunity to prevent this situation from getting worse.

Let’s give Ukraine everything she needs to win."
My grandfather landed at Normandy 80 years ago today. He was 23 at the time.

When I was in school (late 1980s), the teacher gave us an assignment to interview a WWII veteran. I went to my grandfather’s house to ask him about it.

The Greatest Generation had survived the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and WWII. They had seen incredible hardship. Yet, they never talked about it. My grandfather was very much of that stoic mindset.

That day, though, he decided to open up.

He described wading from the boat while the Germans poured absolute hellfire down on them from all directions. He told me he had never seen carnage like that. He described it as a “slaughterhouse.”

He said, “I knew I was going to die that day, so I sat on top of a Donald Duck [amphibious tank] and we rode straight up the hill into machine gun fire. I was very surprised when I survived.”

I asked how he felt about saving the world.

He said, very simply, “That’s hindsight. At the time, we didn’t know how the war would end, or if it would ever end. [D-Day] was self-preservation; we were trying to stop Hitler in Europe before he came across the ocean. We had a job to do, so we did it.”

I’ve been mulling this lately, given the situation in Ukraine. Once again, autocracy is fashionable and Europe is staring down a gun barrel. We are distracted with domestic issues and we’re pretending the situation overseas doesn’t concern us - just like we were in 1940.

But it does concern us. We may not think we’re at war with the powerful totalitarian regimes of the world, like Russia, Iran, and China, but THEY believe they’re at war with US.

They are using a new strategy, unimaginable in previous generations, called “hybrid warfare.” Hybrid warfare is a combination of cyberwarfare, terrorism, information warfare, political warfare, and physical warfare. The idea is to cause constant chaos, even far from the battlefield, to destroy an enemy’s cohesion and to wear down its ability and will to fight.

Isn’t that what’s happening? Russia and China are buying our politicians and influencers. Daily, they are attacking our computer systems, undersea cables, energy supplies, manufacturing abilities, and shipping lanes. They are destabilizing places like Venezuela, the Middle East, and Africa. They are loading our news networks and social media sites with disinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories to cause political chaos and intentionally break down trust in Western societies. They want us spread thin, confused, exhausted, and not knowing whom to trust. The autocratic regimes cannot beat us on the physical battlefield - YET - but kinetic war becomes unnecessary if their enemies collapse internally.

WWIII has already started. We’re in it now.

Poor Ukraine just happens to be the crossroads of this new global conflict, the place where old-fashioned combat overlaps with these newer warfare methods. Many of us want to ignore the plight of the Ukrainians. We think Putin will stop when he gets what he wants in Ukraine. But we’re confusing what we want with what Putin wants. We may want peace, or to not be bothered, but Putin wants conquest. Putin has stated his goal is to rebuild the Russian Empire. He’s telling us his ambitions, so we’d be fools not to listen.

Beyond Ukraine, Putin wants Moldova. He’s already planning for that; Russia has established a large colony in the eastern part of that country. Via political interference, Putin has installed governments sympathetic to him in Hungary and Austria. Looking at a map, one could imagine Putin’s army marching through those four countries right into the heart of central Europe. While we were sleeping, Putin has spent his 25 years in power setting his chess board up.

We need to start dealing with this menace head-on by not letting the first country in that chain fall. That means Putin’s advance must be stopped in Ukraine. Should he taste victory there, Putin will continue pushing West. He will use the victory as a propaganda trophy to further wear down Western morale and drive a wedge between NATO countries.

We don’t know how this war will end, or if it ever will. But we have a job to do - and an opportunity to prevent this situation from getting worse.

Let’s give Ukraine everything she needs to win.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tässä videossa hyvä recap miksi Harkovaan kohdistunut läntisempi yritys jäi jumiin tuohon kohtaan, ja mitä siellä nyt tapahtuu. Ryssän kannattaisi painua vaan helvettiin sieltä, mutta varmaan päitä putoo ennen kuin lähevät mihinkään suuntaan tuosta.

HUR:n mukaan yks ryssäalus olis ylennetty sukellusveneeks Krimin suunnalla viime yönä, tarkempaa tietoo ei vielä ole. Chornomorsken alueella Krimin länsikärjen pohjoispuolella oli kuultu räjähdyksiä aamuyöllä, eli olisko siellä menny.

Täällä puhutaan että kyseessä olisi ollut jonkinlainen hinausalus.
Kastehelmeä kummastuttaa nyt niin kovin että en malta olla lainaamatta omaa ennustettani :)
F16 tullessa peliin sillä pidetään krimin taivas puhtaana, ITtä onkin jo lanattu ja lauttoja paskottu. Maihin noustaan kuin normandiassa konsanaan kaikilla mahdollisilla purtiloilla laajalla rintamalla. Krimin kaatuessa ukrainalle menettää rantakaistale merkityksensä ja ryssä potkii itää kohti.

"Krimin pommittaminen ei suoranaisesti tue yhtään Ukrainan olemassa olevaa operaatiota, Kastehelmi jatkaa."
Sodasta on tullut ryssälle itseään toistava profetia. Ryssä ei tule voittamaan sotaa, sen tietävät varmasti jo itsekin mutta silti on jatkettava.

USA:n tuki Ukrainalle voi hyytyä syksyllä mutta uskoisin siihen mennessä euroopan heränneen ja saaneen tuotantonsa sille tasolle että Ukraina pidetään pystyssä ja ryssät kurissa ainakin kohtuullisella tasolla. Siis siten että ryssä ei tule ikinä Ukrainaa kaatamaan tai tekemään merkittäviä läpimurtoja.

Mitä ryssä voi vielä saavuttaa tässä sodassa, onko mitään järkeä enää jatkaa? No ei ole mutta kun lopettaakaan ei voi. Koko sota pidetään käynnissä puten hengissä pitämiseksi, muuta tavoitetta ei enää ole. Vaihtoehdot ovat kuollut putte tai jatkuva jäätynyt konflikti jossa kumpikaan osapuoli ei saa työnnettyä toista pois alueelta.

Molemmat vaihtoehdot ovat tuhonneet ryssän kansantalouden ja "sotilasmahdin" jopa vuosikymmeniksi tästä eteenpäin.

Meidän kannalta tämä on toki ihanaa, parasta mitä Ukraina on voinut saada Suomen kannalta aikaan. Toki toivomme ryssän täydellistä vetäytymistä ja rauhaa mutta jos sellainen ei ole vaihtoehto, jatketaan sitten näin kuten tähänkin asti. Erittäin ikävää että Ukraina joutuu tästä kovimman hinnan maksamaan. Siinä vaiheessa kun tulee jälleenrakentamisen aika, on meidän vuoro maksaa oma osuutemme Ukrainalaisille ja huolehtia että Ukrainan kansantalous nousee uusiin sfääreihin ja tuo sitkeä kansakunta nousee länsimaisten talouksien joukkoon sekä byrokratisesti että taloudellisesti.