USAn kongressi hyväksyi lain sotilaallisesta ja taloudellisesta tuesta Ukrainalle, max 100 miljoonaa USD
US Congress approved bill on military and financial support of Ukraine
the President is authorized to provide to the Government of Ukraine upon that Government's request, as appropriate and in a manner consistent with the capabilities and needs of the armed forces of Ukraine identified in such assessment, the following defense articles, services, and training:
(1) Anti-tank weapons and ammunition.
(2) Anti-aircraft weapons and ammunition.
(3) Crew weapons and ammunition.
(4) Small arms and ammunition, including pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, grenade launchers, machine guns, and sniper rifles.
(5) Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles.
(6) High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles.
(7) Inflatable boats.
(8) Body armor.
(9) Fire control, range finder, optical and guidance and control equipment.
(10) Explosive disposal and improvised explosive device detection equipment.
(11) Mine detection equipment.
(12) Chemical, biological, radiation, and nuclear detection, testing, and protection equipment.
(13) Communications, logistic, combat support, medical equipment, rations, specialized equipment, and other defense articles, services, and training requested by the Government of Ukraine that the President determines to be appropriate.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of State $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2014 to carry out the activities set forth in subsection (a) .
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