Russia Todaystä eronnut toimittaja: "Joka päivä keksin seksikkäämpiä tapoja valehdella"
18.7.2014 19:00
Laura Peräsalo
Helsingin Sanomat
Russia Todayn Lontoon-kirjeenvaihtaja Sara Firth kertoi Twitterissä eroavansa tehtävistään. Kuvakaappaus Twitteristä.
Venäjällä entinen lehtimiesliiton sihteeri sanoo että Venäjän lehdistön propaganda ylittää Göbbelsin. Joillakin on vielä sentään periaatteita Venäjälläkin (voi käydä sitten kalliiksi).
(Googlen käännöstä yritetty vähän parsia)
Former secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia: "(Our) We surpassed Goebbels"
Journalist, former secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists and former Duma deputy Igor Yakovenko believes that propaganda in the Russian media (on the level) does not meet the standards [of] even Goebbels.
His [Goebbels - Ed.] Recently highly praised - and Vladimir Putin called him a talented and federal channel" Russia-24 "call [him] great. I do not subscribe to this point of view, and the designation of Goebbels's propaganda as a pole of evil is wrong. That now makes federal television - that's what Goebbels did not let [himself] "- said Yakovenko.
According to him, the activities of the pro-Kremlin Russian journalists [are] more appropriate to compare with the work of other Nazi "expert" - Julius Streicher."There was a Julius Streicher, editor of the weekly magazine" Assault ", which [did] this kind of thing. He did the same thing as today makes first channel - namely, printed" Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", telling fictional stories about [raped blonde] German women , about the crucified babies and (just) Goebbels forbade it. He believed that such vulgarschina, poshlyatina abomination and discredit [3rd] Reich. So our [propaganda] surpassed Goebbels and dropped to the level of Julius Streicher, "- said the journalist.
According to Yakovenko, the effects of coarse manipulation in the media can be very heavy - it is a constant incitement to hatred between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine, a lot of blood and forever tainted the reputation of Russian journalists, who will be in Ukraine "has finally taken ... just as the most vile, deceitful creatures. "