Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tullilla meni 21 päivää tiedottaa valtioneuvostoa niinkin mitättömän konfliktin asekaupoista kuin Ukraina.

Tiedonkulku Tullin takavarikoimassa puolustustarvikelähetystapauksessa
Valtioneuvoston tilannekeskus sai ensimmäisen ilmoituksen Tullin Helsinki-Vantaalla pysäyttämästä puolustustarvikelähetyksestä tiistaina 15. heinäkuuta. Suomen tulli pysäytti 24. kesäkuuta Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä Ukrainaan matkalla olleen merkittävän kokoisen lähetyksen, jolle ei ollut haettu kauttakuljetuslupaa. Tilannekeskus pyysi Tullilta joitakin tarkennuksia saamaansa viestiin voidakseen paremmin arvioida asian merkityksen ja asianmukaisesti informoida valtionjohtoa tapahtuneesta. Tullista ilmoitettiin, että: ”palaamme mahdollisimman pian (viimeistään loppuviikosta) asiaan uudelleen”.

Valtioneuvoston tilannekeskus oli Tulliin yhteydessä uudestaan perjantaina 18. heinäkuuta, kun asia tuli julkisuuteen Helsingin Sanomien aiheesta julkaisemassa uutisessa.

Valtioneuvoston tilannekeskus sai Tullilta välittämiskelpoista tietoa tapahtumasta perjantaina 18. heinäkuuta Helsingin Sanomien uutisen tultua julki. Valtioneuvoston tilannekeskus informoi valtionjohtoa perjantaina klo 19 lähteneellä sähköpostilla.

Lisätietoja: Valtioneuvoston turvallisuusjohtaja Timo Härkönen p. 040 717 6000, valtioneuvoston kanslia.
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Puolustustarvikelähetys nyt voi tarkoittaa melkein mitä tahansa. Onko sen tarkemmasta sisällöstä tietoa? Oma veikkaukseni on iso läjä elektroniikkaa/piirikortteja, joilla ei erillisenä ole mitään sotilaallista käyttöä.
Puolustustarvikelähetys nyt voi tarkoittaa melkein mitä tahansa. Onko sen tarkemmasta sisällöstä tietoa? Oma veikkaukseni on iso läjä elektroniikkaa/piirikortteja, joilla ei erillisenä ole mitään sotilaallista käyttöä.
Suomen lentotulli pysäytti Ukrainaan matkalla olleen ison aselastin Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä kesäkuussa. Asiasta kertoi ensimmäisenä Helsingin Sanomat. Lehden mukaan kyseessä oli ohjusjärjestelmän osia, mutta tulli ei ole vielä vahvistanut, minkälaisesta aselastista oli kyse.

Sisältö nyt ei ole keskiössä, vaan tämä surullisen kuuluisa "valtiojohdon tilannetietoisuus", herättää vähän huolta.
Sisältö nyt ei ole keskiössä, vaan tämä surullisen kuuluisa "valtiojohdon tillnnetietoisuus", herättää vähän huolta.

Ehkä se on jäänne tarjan aikakaudelta. Ja minä uskon että tullilla on ollut tilanne tiedossa jo tanskasta lähtien, ellei ennemmin, mutta niihin komentteihin ei ole mahdollisuus tässä foorumissa, taikka tiedotusvälineitteiden puolesta.

En myöskään usko siihen, että bisnes on pysähtynyt suomen satamissa, taikka tieden varsilla. Vai olenko kovin väärässä?
Sisältö nyt ei ole keskiössä, vaan tämä surullisen kuuluisa "valtiojohdon tilannetietoisuus", herättää vähän huolta.

Mitä sitä turhia poliitikkoja informoimaan...antaisivat vaan hassuja lausuntoja. :D
Olisiko Euroopan unionin nopean toiminnan joukoille sopiva tehtävä turvata tutkintapaikka ja tutkijat? EU:n taisteluosastoja on suunniteltu käytettävän 6 000 km:n säteellä Brysselistä, mikä on huomioitu myös joukkoja varustettaessa. Nopealla toiminnalla tarkoitetaan kykyä siirtyä kriisialueelle nopeasti.

Kyllä. Ja samalla voitais häätää venäläisjoukot Ukrainasta. Minulla olis jo mamman lupakin valmiina tollaselle reissulle.


Oheinen juttu kertoo miksi kunnollinen onnettomuustutkinta ei tule onnistumaan jos toinen osapuoli vaikeuttaa sitä tahallaan. Tässä tapauksessa ei kuitenkaan pitäisi tuhlata ruutia siihen, miksi kone putosi, vaan siihen, kuka oli syypää.

Is this any way to secure a plane crash scene?
By Joshua Berlinger and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
July 19, 2014 -- Updated 1809 GMT (0209 HKT)
Source: CNN
  • Concern is growing that the site has not been sealed off
  • The first order of business is to collect the victims' remains
  • Keeping the crash site sterile is one of the most important steps that authorities take

(CNN) -- Bodies, backpacks, passports and other piles of debris lay splayed across a miles-long area in the remote area in eastern Ukraine where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 came down. The crash site is massive -- an international observer called it "one of the biggest -- or the biggest -- crime scenes in the world right now."

Concern is growing that the site has not been sealed off as it should have been and that vital evidence is being tampered with. Meanwhile, armed rebels have greeted international observers with hostility.

Experts say that this crash investigation is unprecedented due to the site's immense size and the lack of access given to investigators.

With so many questions over what happened to MH17 unanswered, experts say it is crucial that the scene is protected. What should be being done on the ground?

How should a crash site be secured?

Keeping the crash site sterile is one of the most important steps that authorities take during the investigation, David Deas, the former spokesman for the U.K. Department of Transport, told CNN's Hala Gorani.

"It would be sealed off by security forces or law enforcement," Deas said.

After the site is secured, analyzing and removing the debris is an arduous process.

The investigation "will take hundreds of people several months," Tom Fuentes, a former assistant director at the FBI, told CNN's "New Day Saturday."

"They will need a convoy of trucks for the victims. They'll need a convoy of flatbed trucks, cranes to remove the debris. They'll need a location to take the debris to where it can be reassembled, examined and determine what exactly happened to the aircraft."

Why is this important and what will forensics experts look for at a crash site?

Although investigators need to survey the crash site to figure out what happened, the first order of business is to collect the victims' remains, according to Fuentes.

"Forget about the blame," Fuentes said. "You want to recover your victims, recover the remains, reunite them with their families. That's first and foremost."

Investigators also say that the proving who and what was responsible for the crash lies among the wreckage.

Seemingly minute details, like the direction in which debris fell, can provide information as to what took down the plane -- that's why it's so important to make sure the site is not tampered with.

"The only way that (culpability) is going to be truly determined is by the hard, physical evidence to prove that something did hit the aircraft," David Soucie, a former accident investigator, told "New Day."

Soucie says that evidence from the crash site can help investigators prove whether something hit the plane, what direction a missile might have come from and how far away the projectile was when it was launched.

In addition, the wreckage itself can create hazardous conditions for nearby populations, according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

And the airline industry can also use the information about what exactly took down the Boeing 777 when they construct newer planes.

"Lessons can be learned for the future construction of aircraft," Deas said. Investigators "want to know why it happened, but they also want to learn lessons from it."

What should happen to the bodies of victims?

As of yesterday, the remains of the victims had not neither been moved nor tampered with, a spokesman for the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe told CNN's Christian Amanpour.

The bodies still have not been removed, more than two days after the incident, spokesman Michael Bociurkiw said from the crash site. Observers on the ground say they are starting to decompose and bloat. And with the summer heat, there are notable health implications if the bodies remain outside for too long,

The remains need to be stored in cool temperatures. And there are nearby facilities where they could be stored -- like an ice-cream factory, Bociurkiw said.

However, the facilities "are not prepared to receive" the dead, according to Bociurkiw. The crash site is large and difficult to access, nearby roads are closed and there is a lack of electricity due to the accident.

The location of some of the bodies are being marked by white flags. Civilian emergency workers told Bociurkiw that their job was to mark where the bodies were.

Moving the bodies?

"Well, that's somebody else's job," they told Bociurkiw.

How are victims' remains identified?

According to Interpol, the international police agency, it's very rare that victims can be visually identified. Interpol uses identifiers such as fingerprints, dental records or DNA samples to confirm who was on board the plane.

The agency said on Saturday that it will be deploying a team to provide "on-site assistance" within the next two days.

Dutch authorities have sent a team of at least 80 police to visit with families and gather information about the victims -- including DNA, tattoos, dental records and other specifying information.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Oheinen juttu kertoo miksi kunnollinen onnettomuustutkinta ei tule onnistumaan jos toinen osapuoli vaikeuttaa sitä tahallaan. Tässä tapauksessa ei kuitenkaan pitäisi tuhlata ruutia siihen, miksi kone putosi, vaan siihen, kuka oli syypää.

Is this any way to secure a plane crash scene?
By Joshua Berlinger and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
July 19, 2014 -- Updated 1809 GMT (0209 HKT)
Source: CNN
  • Concern is growing that the site has not been sealed off
  • The first order of business is to collect the victims' remains
  • Keeping the crash site sterile is one of the most important steps that authorities take

(CNN) -- Bodies, backpacks, passports and other piles of debris lay splayed across a miles-long area in the remote area in eastern Ukraine where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 came down. The crash site is massive -- an international observer called it "one of the biggest -- or the biggest -- crime scenes in the world right now."

Concern is growing that the site has not been sealed off as it should have been and that vital evidence is being tampered with. Meanwhile, armed rebels have greeted international observers with hostility.

Experts say that this crash investigation is unprecedented due to the site's immense size and the lack of access given to investigators.

With so many questions over what happened to MH17 unanswered, experts say it is crucial that the scene is protected. What should be being done on the ground?

How should a crash site be secured?

Keeping the crash site sterile is one of the most important steps that authorities take during the investigation, David Deas, the former spokesman for the U.K. Department of Transport, told CNN's Hala Gorani.

"It would be sealed off by security forces or law enforcement," Deas said.

After the site is secured, analyzing and removing the debris is an arduous process.

The investigation "will take hundreds of people several months," Tom Fuentes, a former assistant director at the FBI, told CNN's "New Day Saturday."

"They will need a convoy of trucks for the victims. They'll need a convoy of flatbed trucks, cranes to remove the debris. They'll need a location to take the debris to where it can be reassembled, examined and determine what exactly happened to the aircraft."

Why is this important and what will forensics experts look for at a crash site?

Although investigators need to survey the crash site to figure out what happened, the first order of business is to collect the victims' remains, according to Fuentes.

"Forget about the blame," Fuentes said. "You want to recover your victims, recover the remains, reunite them with their families. That's first and foremost."

Investigators also say that the proving who and what was responsible for the crash lies among the wreckage.

Seemingly minute details, like the direction in which debris fell, can provide information as to what took down the plane -- that's why it's so important to make sure the site is not tampered with.

"The only way that (culpability) is going to be truly determined is by the hard, physical evidence to prove that something did hit the aircraft," David Soucie, a former accident investigator, told "New Day."

Soucie says that evidence from the crash site can help investigators prove whether something hit the plane, what direction a missile might have come from and how far away the projectile was when it was launched.

In addition, the wreckage itself can create hazardous conditions for nearby populations, according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

And the airline industry can also use the information about what exactly took down the Boeing 777 when they construct newer planes.

"Lessons can be learned for the future construction of aircraft," Deas said. Investigators "want to know why it happened, but they also want to learn lessons from it."

What should happen to the bodies of victims?

As of yesterday, the remains of the victims had not neither been moved nor tampered with, a spokesman for the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe told CNN's Christian Amanpour.

The bodies still have not been removed, more than two days after the incident, spokesman Michael Bociurkiw said from the crash site. Observers on the ground say they are starting to decompose and bloat. And with the summer heat, there are notable health implications if the bodies remain outside for too long,

The remains need to be stored in cool temperatures. And there are nearby facilities where they could be stored -- like an ice-cream factory, Bociurkiw said.

However, the facilities "are not prepared to receive" the dead, according to Bociurkiw. The crash site is large and difficult to access, nearby roads are closed and there is a lack of electricity due to the accident.

The location of some of the bodies are being marked by white flags. Civilian emergency workers told Bociurkiw that their job was to mark where the bodies were.

Moving the bodies?

"Well, that's somebody else's job," they told Bociurkiw.

How are victims' remains identified?

According to Interpol, the international police agency, it's very rare that victims can be visually identified. Interpol uses identifiers such as fingerprints, dental records or DNA samples to confirm who was on board the plane.

The agency said on Saturday that it will be deploying a team to provide "on-site assistance" within the next two days.

Dutch authorities have sent a team of at least 80 police to visit with families and gather information about the victims -- including DNA, tattoos, dental records and other specifying information.

Tässä tapauksessa mikään ei mene niinkuin pitäisi. Kaikki menee periaatteessa "oppikirjan vastaisesti". Todella epäasiallista ja epäkunnioittavaa toimintaa.
Hiukan tämä tilannekuvakeskuksen tms. toiminta panee ihmettelemään. Nyt on jo kaksi tuoretta tapausta käsillä, asetakavarikko ja ilmatilaloukkaukset. Tällä kokemuksella koko kioskin voisi välittömästi sulkea ja kaikki siellä työskentelevät irtisanoa. Mitään ei menetettäisi, mutta muutama euro säästyisi. Johdolla ei olisi tilannekuvaa, mutta eipä sitä ole nytkään. Vai keksiikö joku käyttöä tilannekeskukselle, joka ei kykene ensinkään tuottamaan tilannekuvaa tai muuten pitämään asianosaisia informoituina? Organisoinnin/johtamisen/ohjeistuksen puolella on jotain mennyt todella pahasti pieleen.
Vaikuttaa kyllä todella omituiselta.
Ei sitä ennenkään viitsitty tiedottaa korkeampaa tahoa.
Meinaan, älkää herättäkö sitä. Se on vanha ja sairas.
Tiedätte varmaankin.
Matkustajien luottokortteja viety – hollantilaispankit havahtuivat

Poroshenko vaatii YK:lta: Separatistit luokiteltava terroristeiksi

Ryöstelyä jatkunut jo pitkään ja paikalliset olleet ilman käteistä rahaa useissa kaupungeissa. Ketä maksaa palkat ja eläkkeet? Ei ihan hirvittävästi valinnanvaraa, jos ei ole omavaraisuutta. Juomavettä ja sähköä ei tule. Tv- ja radiokanavat sekä netti saattaa olla kyykyssä. Missä luottokortit toimii Itä-Ukrainassa/ Venäjällä?

Krimistä ei puhuta yhtään mitään. Mikä tilanne siellä paikallisilla?