Ukrainan konflikti/sota

The US has unveiled a new layer of sanctions on Russia, targeting services, Russia’s propaganda machine and its defence industry on the eve of Vladimir Putin’s planned Victory Day parade.

The new measures were announced as leaders from the G7 group of industrialised democracies held a virtual summit with Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a show of solidarity.

They are primarily intended to close loopholes in the existing sanctions and to tighten the noose around the Russian economy by another few notches.

The new sanctions include:

*A ban on sales of US services to Russia, like accountancy and management consultancy

*No more US advertising or sales of broadcasting equipment to three Kremlin-controlled television stations

*Technology export bans including industrial engines, bulldozers and other items that can be used by Russian defence factories

*Visa restrictions on another 2,600 Russian and Belarusian individuals, including military officials, and executives from Sberbank and Gazprombank

In imposing a ban on services the US is falling into line with the UK, which made a similar announcement last week. The two countries provide the overwhelming bulk of services like accountancy and management consultancy to Russian corporations.
“They’ve been asked by Russian companies to help them figure out how to reformulate their business strategies in the wake of sanctions, in some cases how to get around these sanctions, or in the case of accountants how to hide some of their wealth, and we’re shutting that down,” a senior administration official said.

Like the UK, the restrictive measures do not apply to lawyers, but the US official said that could change, and that Washington and London are coordinating their moves in that respect.
The new media sanctions will target three Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlets: Channel One, Russia-1 and NTV. American companies will no longer be allowed to sell equipment like video cameras or microphones to them, and US advertising on their channels will be banned. Last year, US companies bought $300m in advertising in the Russian market.

“A lot of these advertisers have announced since the invasion that they’re going to cut their business activity with these stations, but we want to make sure that decision endures and just send a broader signal that US companies should not be in the business of funding Russian propaganda,” senior a senior administration official briefing the press ahead of the announcement.

The new technology export bans on industrial items such as heavy engines and bulldozers are intended to have an impact on Russian war efforts by hitting the supply chain for defence manufacturers. The US claims that Russia two major Russian tank plants, Uralvagonzavod Corporation and Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, have already been forced to halt production due to a lack of foreign components.
Lasikoppi, sotavangit, lentokoneet ja Gerasimov jäi näkymättä.
Putin ja Shoigu nähtiin.
Ei sodan julistusta eikä LKP:ä.

Onkohan Putinilla ja kumppaneilla vähän epätietoisuutta mitä tehdä seuraavaksi, ovat siis umpikujassa kun jokainen on huono vaihtoehto.
As a volunteer working alongside the Red army as they fought their bloody battles against Nazi Germany in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine, Livdmyla Lishtvanonva, 99, would pick up unexploded shells and ammunition with her bare hands to help clear the streets for the fighting men and women. “Even off the roofs of buildings,” she recalls with a smile. “We were fighting for our land.”

Kharkiv, eight decades ago, as it is today, was the location for fierce battles in which many lives were lost and Lishtvanonva says that she and her mother, a nurse, had to leave their home city for a village on its outskirts after their apartment was destroyed in a bombing raid.

Lishtvanonva laments that the last two months, particularly the sounds and sights of shelling, have brought such memories flooding back. This weekend, as Ukraine quietly marked a day of remembrance and reconciliation and Russia prepared for a more raucous Victory Day to commemorate the defeat of Nazi Germany, those reflections are all the more poignant.

But there are new memories now.

From the window of her sparsely decorated room in the Kyiv nursing home in Chaiky village, on the western outskirts of Ukraine’s capital, near the now infamous and devastated towns of Irpin and Bucha, Lishtvanonva watched just a few weeks ago as a neighbouring business centre went up in flames after being hit by a missile.

Like the other 160 residents at the home, she spent days in its dusty and dark basement at the height of the battle and later had to be evacuated to the city centre when Russian soldiers on 8 March climbed over a perimeter fence to launch their drones from its leafy grounds.
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Meanwhile in Ukraine


Emilio Morenatti/AP
Nato-maahan hyökätessä alkaisi sitten ihan uudenlainen vaihe invaasiossa. Länsimaat tuovat omat ilmavoimansa paikalle ja silloin alkaa konetta putoamaan taivaalta eri tahtiin. Ei välttämättä kovin viisas liikku olisi.

Jos lähtisivät kokeilemaan ja Länsi toisi ilmavoimansa Eurooppaan, ennustan että vanjalle kävisi kuten Bagdadin ilmapuolustukselle Persianlahden sodassa 1991.

Moni ei enää muista, mitä ennen sitä sotaa kirjoitettiin: maailman vahvin ilmatorjunta oli Bagdadin ympärillä, vahvempi kuin Moskovassa. Samoin Saddamilla oli massiivinen armeija, valtavasti panssarivaunuja ja muuta kalustoa.

Niin vain maailman vahvin ilmatorjunta pyyhkäistiin kartalta muutamassa päivässä eikä johtunut pelkästään risteilyohjuksista tai F-117A häivekoneista. Ei ilman tappioita, mutta helpommin kuin mitä moni ennusti. Minulla on vahva tunne, että Venäjän paljon kehuttu ilmatorjunta osoittautuisi sekin mainettaan kesymmäksi, jos sitä lähdetään oikein tosissaan koeponnistamaan.
Mahtavan hankalasti avautuu nuo Redditin videot, pitääkö ne niitä katsellakseen olla kirjautunut palvelun käyttäjäksi?
En tiedä oliko tuo linkin jutun ylimmäinen tapaus video vai kuva. Sen alapuolella olevat videot näkyvät minulla ainakin vaikka ei ole Reddit-tunnuksia.
Tätä kuvamaailmaa tulee nyt joka tuutista. Uskallettiinkohan mielikuvitustasavalloissa järjestää mitään?

Edit. Hauskana kulttuurisidonnaisena juttuna Saksassahan vieläkin kaikkeen ruskeaan, ja erityisesti univormuihin suhtaudutaan hyvin suurella varauksella koska SA-joukot... Tämä stigma valkeni työyhteyksissä joskus.
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rysythän ei ikinä ole tunnustanu, että koko Voitonpäivää vietetään vain ja ainoastaan Lend and lease sopimuksen takia... Niiltä olis huolto loppunu kokonaan ilman jenkkien kuorma-autoja ja veturit ne vasta tärkeitä olikin... No tästä johdatellen pitäis idän ihmemaan kääpälle laitta viesti notta: " Te voitonpäivää juhlitte ainoastaan Lend and lease sopimuksen takia, muuten te olisitte Uralin takana, mihin kuuluisittekin... Sillon voititte tuon sopimuksen takia... MUTTA NYT TE HÄVIÄTTE UKRAINASSA IHAN SAMAN SOPIMUKSEN TAKIA."
ps. Huomioin paraatista pyöräajoneuvojen renkaat, vissiin tapahtunu seuraavaa: "Igor hei, vetäseppä kaikkien renkaitten ulkosyrjät silikonisuihkeella, että ne edes näyttää muulta ku made in USSR... Siitä meille nääs on naureskeltu... Kyllä sitte kelpaa paraatiin mennä."
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