Respected Leader
Tarkistin huvikseen mitä Transnistriassa on tapahtunut, viime yönä ollut paikallisten viranomaisten mukaan kaksi tuhopolton yritystä:
On May 13, two accidents were registered at the Tiraspol police department with a difference of almost 30 minutes. At about 4 am, a car stopped at the oil depot of one of the enterprises, from which an unknown man got out, threw an incendiary mixture towards the object and disappeared. After about half an hour, 2 Molotov cocktails were thrown into the building of the Republican military registration and enlistment office. The fire was promptly extinguished by security. No damage or casualties were reported at either site. It is known that the foreign car moved on foreign numbers.
Toinen kohde oli armeijan värväystoimisto joka sijaitsee jonkinlaisessa sotilas- tai poliisikäytössä olevassa rakennuksessa (Military Commissariat) minkä takia osa uutisoi että poliisiasema yritetty polttaa.
Muistetaan se RPG-27 isku noin pari viikkoa sitten, naamiomiehet silloinkin asialla ja autossa oli Puolan kilvet, joten Puolan viranomaiset tarkistivat tietysti asian: LÄHDE
We contacted the Polish services about a car with Polish registration numbers, allegedly involved in the attack in Transnistria. According to their spokesman Stanisław Żaryn, a completely different brand vehicle is registered in Poland under the registration numbers of the car shown on the Transnistrian television. And its owner never reported the theft of license plates. - Anyway, the recording shows that the board looks quite lopsided - notes Stanisław Żaryn. And he adds: - We are dealing with a propaganda provocation, it is another element of the disinformation war waged by Russia.
Kun vertaa Venäjällä viime aikoina tehtyihin polttopulloiskuihin niin nämä Transnistrian naamiomiehet ovat kovin tehottomia. Eivät saa edes rakennusta poltettua.
Reuters kysyi Moldovan ulkoministeri Popesculta asiasta tänään hänen Saksan vierailun yhteidessä, tässä hänen kommentit: LÄHDE
"We want to solve the Transdniestria conflict through peaceful dialogue and diplomacy. What we see is that absolute majority of citizens in the Transdniestrian region doesn't want to live in a war zone and want peace, but there are forces inside that want to fuel destabilisation," he said.
"They are limited, but want to play games stoking up tensions, provoking, (making) the population of Transdniestria hysterical and making nervous the population of Moldova. There are internal forces that want to destabilise this region and bring war closer to our homes. We are working to make sure this is not happening."
Eipä siis mitään uutta länsirintamalla: Transnistrian sisällä joko venäläiset tai Venäjän paikalliset asiamiehet jatkavat temppujaan. Muuten on hiljaista, ei merkkejä mobilisaatiosta (muuta kuin paikallisissa viestikanavissa välillä näkyvät "fake news" julkaisut) tai juuri muustakaan.
On May 13, two accidents were registered at the Tiraspol police department with a difference of almost 30 minutes. At about 4 am, a car stopped at the oil depot of one of the enterprises, from which an unknown man got out, threw an incendiary mixture towards the object and disappeared. After about half an hour, 2 Molotov cocktails were thrown into the building of the Republican military registration and enlistment office. The fire was promptly extinguished by security. No damage or casualties were reported at either site. It is known that the foreign car moved on foreign numbers.
Toinen kohde oli armeijan värväystoimisto joka sijaitsee jonkinlaisessa sotilas- tai poliisikäytössä olevassa rakennuksessa (Military Commissariat) minkä takia osa uutisoi että poliisiasema yritetty polttaa.
Muistetaan se RPG-27 isku noin pari viikkoa sitten, naamiomiehet silloinkin asialla ja autossa oli Puolan kilvet, joten Puolan viranomaiset tarkistivat tietysti asian: LÄHDE
We contacted the Polish services about a car with Polish registration numbers, allegedly involved in the attack in Transnistria. According to their spokesman Stanisław Żaryn, a completely different brand vehicle is registered in Poland under the registration numbers of the car shown on the Transnistrian television. And its owner never reported the theft of license plates. - Anyway, the recording shows that the board looks quite lopsided - notes Stanisław Żaryn. And he adds: - We are dealing with a propaganda provocation, it is another element of the disinformation war waged by Russia.
Kun vertaa Venäjällä viime aikoina tehtyihin polttopulloiskuihin niin nämä Transnistrian naamiomiehet ovat kovin tehottomia. Eivät saa edes rakennusta poltettua.
Reuters kysyi Moldovan ulkoministeri Popesculta asiasta tänään hänen Saksan vierailun yhteidessä, tässä hänen kommentit: LÄHDE
"We want to solve the Transdniestria conflict through peaceful dialogue and diplomacy. What we see is that absolute majority of citizens in the Transdniestrian region doesn't want to live in a war zone and want peace, but there are forces inside that want to fuel destabilisation," he said.
"They are limited, but want to play games stoking up tensions, provoking, (making) the population of Transdniestria hysterical and making nervous the population of Moldova. There are internal forces that want to destabilise this region and bring war closer to our homes. We are working to make sure this is not happening."
Eipä siis mitään uutta länsirintamalla: Transnistrian sisällä joko venäläiset tai Venäjän paikalliset asiamiehet jatkavat temppujaan. Muuten on hiljaista, ei merkkejä mobilisaatiosta (muuta kuin paikallisissa viestikanavissa välillä näkyvät "fake news" julkaisut) tai juuri muustakaan.