Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Kuulu historioitsija Timothy Snyder täräytti äskettäin The New York Timesissa: ”Meidän pitää sanoa se. Venäjä on fasistinen. (siirryt toiseen palveluun)

Kielenkäyttöön on jopa ilmaantunut russofasistia tarkoittava uudissana (siirryt toiseen palveluun) ”rashisti” (siirryt toiseen palveluun).

Nykyään ”fasisti” on monikäyttöinen haukkumasana. Kuka tahansa öykkäröivä ääliö on ”fasisti”. Snyder puhuu kuitenkin fasismista sanan historiallisessa mielessä (siirryt toiseen palveluun). Sen merkitys löytyy sadan vuoden takaisesta Italiasta ja Benito Mussolinin fasistipuolueesta.
Tuli yhtä äkkiä halu tietää, että miten fiksulla kissalla menee. Se kissanpentu, joka pakeni raunioista autoon. Näkyy voivan hyvin. Twiitti kesäkuun alusta.
The cat has grown up and wants to kill Rusny)
Alemman twiitin teksti.
This little one in one destroyed village jumped into the car by himself. Burnt mustache, wet, some bones. I really wanted to survive. Taken away) After a while I'll show you what will grow out of it.
Mikhail Kasyanov, Russia’s prime minister from 2000 to 2004, has told international news agency, AFP, that he expects the war in Ukraine could last up to two years but was convinced Russia could return to a democratic path.

The 64-year-old, who championed close ties with the West as prime minister, added that he felt that Putin was already not thinking properly.

“I just know these people and by looking at them I saw that Putin is already out of it. Not in a medical sense but in political terms,” he said. “I knew a different Putin.”

After being sacked by Putin, Kasyanov joined Russia’s opposition and became one of the Kremlin’s most vocal critics. He is now the leader of the opposition People’s Freedom party, or Parnas.

He estimated the war could last for up to two years and said it is imperative that Ukraine win.

“If Ukraine falls, the Baltic states will be next,” he said.

Kasyanov said he believes Putin will eventually be replaced by a “quasi-successor” controlled by the security services.

But a successor would not be able to control the system for long and eventually Russia will stage free and fair elections, the former prime minister added.

“I am certain that Russia will return to the path of building a democratic state,” he said.

2 vuotta? Poliitikot puhuvat pehmeitä.
Russia earned €93bn ($98bn) from fossil fuel exports during the first 100 days of its war in Ukraine, with most sent to the European Union and at an average export price about 60% higher than last year, according to new research.

The report from the independent, Finland-based Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) showed the EU took 61% of Russia’s fossil fuel exports during the war’s first 100 days, worth about €57bn ($60bn).

The top importers were China at €12.6bn, Germany (12.1bn) and Italy (7.8bn) according to the report, as seen by Agence France-Presse.

Russia’s fossil fuel revenues come first from the sale of crude oil (46bn), followed by pipeline gas, oil products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal.

Even as Russia’s exports plummeted in May, with countries and companies shunning its supplies over the Ukraine invasion, the global rise in fossil fuel prices continued to fill the Kremlin’s coffers, with export revenues reaching record highs.

Russia’s average export prices were about 60% higher than last year, according to CREA.

Some countries have upped their purchases from Moscow, including China, India, the United Arab Emirates and France, the report added.

CREA analyst Lauri Myllyvirta said:

As the EU is considering stricter sanctions against Russia, France has increased its imports to become the largest buyer of LNG in the world.”
Since most of these are spot purchases rather than long-term contracts, France is consciously deciding to use Russian energy in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Myllyvirta added.
Rolling Stonen artikkeli Ukrainasta:

This is hell on Earth,” Mace says quietly. We are watching as BM-21 Grad rockets rain down on Ukrainian positions near a village called Sviatohirsk. It’s impossible to see their individual effects amid the smoke and haze covering the densely forested hills. Standing in an observation post on high ground amid feathery grass and wild garlic, I give up on trying to count individual impacts and instead just count the salvos, timing each barrage. I witness as many as 480 rockets fired on a single position in less than a minute, followed by artillery.

Between my service in the U.S. Marines and over more than a decade as a foreign correspondent, I’ve been engaged in the professional study of organized human violence for 25 years. But I’ve never seen anything even close to this volume of artillery being unleashed.
The biggest problem is the artillery,” Mace says. “The Russians just have so much.

What about the long-range artillery being provided by the United States and others?

It’s just starting to show up on the battlefield,” Mace says. But for now, “there’s just too much artillery. Too many tanks. We are fighting too hard.
Reconstruction costs are uncertain because the course of the war is uncertain. Ukraine’s prewar GDP was about $150bn (£120bn). Given a capital-output ratio of three, and assuming that a third of the capital stock will be destroyed, we are again talking about $150bn. As always, alternative assumptions yield alternative scenarios, but $150bn seems like a reasonable starting point.

This is not an impossible amount of aid for donors to commit. It is one-sixth the size of the NextGenerationEU program on which EU states agreed in July 2020. It is one-twelfth the size of the American Rescue Plan Act signed by Joe Biden in March 2021.

Still, it seems wrong to ask the US and Europe to repair what Russia has broken. So, it is tempting to suggest that Ukraine’s reconstruction should be financed by garnishing Russian assets. At $284bn, the Bank of Russia’s frozen reserves would certainly fit the bill.

True, there is a moral case for reparations: Russia started an unprovoked war and has almost certainly committed war crimes in prosecuting it. There is also an argument grounded in deterrence. As Volodymyr Zelenskiy put it at Davos this year: “If the aggressor loses everything, then it definitely deprives him of his motivation to start a war.”

Tämä mielipide kirjoitus menee samoihin omien ajatusten kanssa. Eu ja jenkit eivät voi olla maksajan roolissa kun homma saadaan päätökseen.
The war in Ukraine has made the food crisis triggered by the pandemic worse. People in Ukraine not only fear for their lives but are facing possible food shortages. Because Ukraine and Russia are major producers and exporters of agricultural commodities, the conflict is also having major impacts on global supply chains. The Ukrainian government has said that 22m tons of grain are stuck in the country due to the Russian blockade of its ports. Traders and financial speculators have further driven up wheat and cooking oil prices.

Not only are Ukrainian farms and fields being destroyed by Russian forces, but we are also very troubled by reports that Ukraine’s national seed bank has been partly destroyed amid fighting in Kharkiv in the north-east, where almost 2,000 crop samples rest in underground vaults. If Ukraine’s farmers cannot farm and the country’s seed banks are destroyed, its future is in peril.

Even in the midst of war, we have to think about recovery. Seeds are what make future life possible. Without seeds, it is very difficult to rebuild a food system.

The crop diversity present in farmers’ fields and seed banks are key to ensure we maintain the biodiversity necessary to respond to the climate crisis and ensure our food systems flourish. The global problem is not just the rising rate of armed conflict. A major problem is that more and more food systems are designed to reduce biological diversity, leaving us more vulnerable to climate change.

Itse olen laihtunut paljon kun ei ole varaa syödä kunnolla.
HS: Venäjän entinen pääministeri Mihail Kasjanov arvioi sodan Ukrainassa kestävän jopa kaksi vuotta uutistoimisto AFP:n haastattelussa.

Vladimir Putinin ensimmäisenä pääministerinä vuosina 2000 – 2004 toiminut Kasjanov ei olisi uskonut Venäjän hyökkäävän Ukrainaan ”pahimmissa painajaisissaankaan”.

”Tunnen nämä ihmiset ja vain katsomalla näin, että Putin on ulkona. Hän ei ole terveydellisesti sekaisin, mutta poliittisesti hän on,” kuvailee Kasjanov ajatuksiaan nähtyään Putinin esiintymisen kolme päivää ennen hyökkäystä.

Kasjanov siirtyi Venäjän oppositioon Putinin erotettua hänet pääministerin paikalta vuonna 2004. Vuonna 2008 hän pyrki presidentiksi, mutta hänen ehdokkuutensa hylättiin. Lähiaikoina hän on toistuvasti kritisoinut Venäjän aloittamaa sotaa Ukrainassa.

Kasjanovin mukaan on välttämätöntä, että Ukraina voittaa sodan, jotta tulevaisuus Euroopassa ja Venäjällä olisi valoisa.

Jos Ukraina tuhoutuu, Baltian maat ovat seuraavana,” Kasjanov sanoo.

Synkästä nykytilanteesta huolimatta Kasjanov uskoo, että lopulta Putinin kaaduttua Venäjälle saadaan vapaa demokratia. Matkalla demokratiaan kommunismin ja Putinin ajan oppien väistymisessä voi mennä hänen mukaansa kuitenkin vuosikymmeniä.

Opposition edustaja Kasjanov asuu turvallisuutensa vuoksi Euroopassa salaisessa paikassa. Hän jätti Venäjän sodan alettua.

Tästä uutisketjusta:
Tänään ollut aktiivinen aamu Youtube-rintamalla. Postaillaas tähän päivän tuoreimmat nostot tuolta.

Starsky - Mikä meno Ukrainassa tällä hetkellä

Perun - Melkein tunnin video venäjän armeijan tämän hetken tilasta

Muuta venäjää koskevaa:

Task&Purpose: Keskittyy Viron armeijan kykyyn vs venäjä

NFKRZ - Ei yleensä postaa mitään sotaan liittyvää, aihe tänään venäjällä vellovat foliohatut ja miten jotkut vääntelevät historiaa sopimaan omaan foliohattuunsa.

Kiitos jakamisesta. Erittäin hyvä tietoisku ryssän jalkaväestä ja sen ongelmista tuossa videossa.
Päivän huhut ja myllyt.

Pähkinän kuoressa: Postaus kiteytyy Pietarin talousfoorumeiden ympärille. Putin haluaa osallistua - lääkärit eikä FSB tykkää ajatuksesta. Lisäksi jännänä yksityiskohtana, Talibanit sekä Egypti meinaavat osallistua.
- Talibanit jännä koska meneillään olevat jännitteet Afganistanin pohjoisrajalla.
- Egypti jännä koska välit viilenivät 2015 jälkeen. Ennen 2015 oli semi-lämpimät välit.
Sekä talibaaneilla että egyptiläisillä on yksi pikku ongelma. Molemmissa maissa ruokahuolto on parhaimmillaan kiikun kaakun. Ei ole kummankaan maan hallinnolla kivaa, kun ulkomailta tuotava safka maksaa maltaita. Akuutin kriisin hoitamiseksi sitä kumartaa syvään vaikka itse pirulle Putinista puhumattakaan. Kummassakaan maassa hallinnon tila ei ole häävi ja tulevaisuus on hengissäselviämiskamppailua.
Omaan silmään näyttää siltä, että videofiidiin on ympätty jollain algoritmilla digitaalinen vakautus. Muuten kuva olisi todella sekavaa pienessäkin turbulenssissa.
Dronien kimballit vakauttaa kuvan todella hyvin. Toki tuossa voi hyvinkin olla korkeammalta kuvaava sotilasdrone, ja voi olla myös digitaalivakautus lisänä käytössä, jos polttoväli on huomattavasti pitempi.
Jakub Kaminski is a robotics engineering graduate student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. With some volunteers he spent two months designing the perfect tourniquet for the battlefields of Ukraine, designed meet the highest medical standards — and then uploaded it to

Now in less than 8 weeks "around 120 individuals and companies worldwide with 3D printers have accessed the design," reports the Washington Post. [Alternate URL here] "Together, they have made roughly 5,000 reusable tourniquets that are bound for Ukraine, where they will be stitched and sent off to the battlefield, Kaminski said..." Using digital files, people are designing supplies such as bandages, tourniquets, splints and add-ons to AK-47 guns.... [In February, as Russia began its invasion] people in the 3D-printing community talked with Ukrainian military officials, hospital administrators and charity organizations, trying to gauge what they could print quickly that would be most helpful. Tourniquets and bandages were repeated requests. Mykhailo Shulhan, the chief operating officer of a Ukrainian 3D-printing company in Lviv, said that as soon as the invasion began, he started researching how 3D printers helped in other conflicts....

These days, his company, 3D Tech Addtive, develops and prints an array of weapons accessories: AK-47 holsters so soldiers have a way to rest their guns; bullet magazines since empty cartridges often get thrown away instead of reused; carrying bags for grenades; and most recently, anti-reflective lenses for sniper scopes to reduce glare and prevent Ukrainian snipers from being seen. (All together, they have provided over 5,000 components to the front lines, Shulhan estimated....)

While most 3D printers create supplies to stop death or ease fighting conditions, others are focusing on rehabilitating soldiers. Brett Carey, a physical therapist in Hawaii, designs 3D printed splints that can be sent to fighters... Carey has created two digital designs for splints that have been uploaded online and 3D printed over 1,500 times. If injuries are advanced, he has people send him images of their injuries using EM3D — a 3D imaging app — which allows him to make a custom made splint which is then shipped to Ukraine...

The Post also got this quote from the robotics engineering student whose team designed the tourniquets.

"It's a beautiful thing," he said. "If you make people in Ukraine feel better, and enable people to help. ... This is something really special."

Tästä 3d printtaus asiasta on kinasteltu muutamia vuosia foorumilla. Tässä on viittaus että se toimii, myös aseiden suhteen.
Being straightforward – to end the war we need heavy weapons parity:

1000 howitzers caliber 155 mm;
300 MLRS;
500 tanks;
2000 armored vehicles;
1000 drones.

Contact Group of Defense Ministers meeting is held in #Brussels on June 15. We are waiting for a decision.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Ja Saksa tekee luonnollisesti kaikkensa estääkseen asetoimitukset.

Ainakin pyrkii niitä hidastamaan.

Kaikki kunnioitus Ukrainan armeijalle mutta kyllä 40 milj. kansan varautuminen mahdolliseen sotaan olisi varmaan voitu hoitaa paremmin, etenkin kun Krimin valtauksestakin on jo niin pitkä aika. Käsittämätöntä on mm.raskaan aseistuksen huutava puute, kuitenkin NL:n perintönä olisi luullut jäneen yhtä ja toista. Vaikka Usa:n tiedustelutiedot selvästi ennakoivat tulevaa hyökkäystä ,toimenpiteet jäivät vähäisiksi. Ukraina tarvitsee nyt kaiken tuen sodan lopettamiseksi tyydyttävään ratkaisuun mutta katkeran oppitunnin Ukrainan kansa joutuu kestämään.
Being straightforward – to end the war we need heavy weapons parity:

1000 howitzers caliber 155 mm;
300 MLRS;
500 tanks;
2000 armored vehicles;
1000 drones.

Contact Group of Defense Ministers meeting is held in #Brussels on June 15. We are waiting for a decision.

The fog of war is thick, and propaganda muddies it further. The Ukrainian government isn’t immune.

Either Ukraine is getting what it is requesting, or it’s not getting what it’s requesting. Me, I believe the soldiers before I believe the politicians. Either way, they’re clearly not coordinating their statements and claims. And when they do, as in both pleading for MLRS rocket artillery, it’s clear that yes, Ukraine desperately needs longer-range rocket artillery.

Information, and its ability to shift public opinions and perceptions can be more important than a M777 howitzer.
It could be the difference between Germany, France, and Italy deciding they’ve done enough, and newfound urgency to deliver the heavy weaponry Ukraine needs to hold the line in Donbas, and behind the arduous task of reclaiming its lost territory.