Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Paljon puhutaan uusista Himarseista samalla kun Venäjä ilmoittaa operatiivisesta tauosta joka tarkoittaa huilaamista ja uudelleen ryhmitystä seuraavaa hyökkäystä varten kohti Donetskia.
Jos Ukrainalla on kunnon tykistökykyä niin ryhmitysalue tai alueet ei ole kaukana rintamasta uutislähteiden mukaan.
Harvinainen sota jos ryhmitysalueet saavat olla rauhassa. Joko sitä kykyä on tai ei ole.
Germany’s two houses of parliament have passed emergency legislation to reactivate mothballed coal-fired power plants in order to support electricity generation amid fears of gas shortages as Russia curbs capacity.

The move has been described as “painful but necessary” by the government’s environmentalist economics minister, Robert Habeck. It has the backing of leading Greens in the coalition government, who argue it is needed as a short-term crisis management tool.

It was given final approval by the upper house of parliament on Friday, passed along with a package of measures to boost the expansion of renewable energies – in part by classifying them as a matter of public security – including by setting a minimum on the proportion of land each federal state must allow for windfarms.
Ricarda Lang, the chair of the Greens, said the coal-plant decision made her “stomach ache”, but that in the short term it was vital to ensure energy security over the coming months. “It is therefore right that we’re enabling coal plants to be used again, but at the same time we of course need to bust a gut to ensure that we still manage to stick to our goal of withdrawing from coal by 2030.”

Toivottavasti he ottavat nyt tämän opetuksena ja ajattelevat sen pahimman kautta. Jos Ranska vielä saisi ITERin toimimaan niin se olisi iso asia. Hiilivoimaloiten käyttäminen ei tarkoita että niitä tarvitsisi käyttää maailman tappiin saakka. Energia asioissa on monia hommia mitä he voivat tehdä, ja pitää vihreän linjan ilman että fossiilisia tarvitsee hankkia maailman markkinoilta.
Johan nyt kun kaikki kova äänisimmimmät tukiat eroaa tehtävästä... Ensin Boris ja nyt Kallas.
Johan nyt kun kaikki kova äänisimmimmät tukiat eroaa tehtävästä... Ensin Boris ja nyt Kallas.

Katselin läpi Viron medioita (Päevalehti, Postimees, ETV). Eipä niissä näyttänyt olevan mitään Kallaksen erosta. Jonkun sopimuksen puolueet ovat siellä sopineet.

Katselin läpi Viron medioita (Päevalehti, Postimees, ETV). Eipä niissä näyttänyt olevan mitään Kallaksen erosta. Jonkun sopimuksen puolueet ovat siellä sopineet.

Tuossa viron uutinen. En tiiä luotettavuutta.
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Sodan alkuaikoina oli samankaltainen video missä tiellä ajoneuvo oli ajanut miinaan ja toinen päätti ohittaa sen vierestä. Miten kävi?
Tässä 4 oli jo tuhoutunut vieri viereen mutta yksi jaksaa silti yrittää.
Näitä videoita kun katsoo, mahtaa jatkossa olla viisain vain kouluttaa 2 rivisen miinanauhan tekoa pioneereille. Ei tunnu olevan raivaaminen muodissa ryssien keskuudessa.
Katselin läpi Viron medioita (Päevalehti, Postimees, ETV). Eipä niissä näyttänyt olevan mitään Kallaksen erosta. Jonkun sopimuksen puolueet ovat siellä sopineet.

Hänen twitter-tilillä ei myöskään ole sanaakaan tästä:


Belarussian Hajun Project kirjoittaa tuoreesta Valko-Venäjän alueelta ryssän käyttöön luovutetusta lentotukikohdasta:

The number of S-400, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles increased. @konrad_muzyka posted fresh satellite images of the military airfield in Ziabrauka (Gomel region, Belarus) taken by Rochan Consulting on June 20.


The photo shows a division of 10 S-400 Triumf SAM systems, 2 units of Pantsir systems on mounds of ground, as well as 5N66 low-altitude detectors mounted on 40V6 tower and 92N6E radar for illumination and targeting.

Next to it, under the camouflage netting, there is a F52 container for operators. We can conclude from the photo that the location of this equipment has not changed significantly since April 2022, when we did a review of the equipment that is located on the airfield.

At the same time, we can see that there are two more S-400 units. But these are not the only changes. We also know that infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, which are dug in and camouflaged, have also appeared in Ziabrauka.

In addition, yesterday the Ukrainian General Staff stated that Lukashenka handed over the military airfield in Ziabrauka under full control of the Russian Armed Forces.

“Ziabrauka airfield in Belarus is already under full control of Russians. Now a Russian military base is being built there. A missile division of the Iskander-M missile system and S-400 division are located on the territory of the airfield,” the General Staff said.

You can see an April review of the equipment at the airfield in Ziabrauka here:

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Reznikov names 3 scenarios for the end of the war



Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov has named three possible scenarios for the end of the war with Russia, including the collapse of the Russian Federation, Ukraine's victory on the battlefield, and another alleged "gesture of good will by the Russian Federation".

"The first scenario would be approximately the same as the "good will" the Russians pronounced when they fled from Kyiv Oblast, Chernihiv Oblast, Sumy Oblast and Zmiinyi (Snake) Island.
I therefore think that it would be broken into a chain of several events. Firstly, we would take up the position prior to 24 February of this year, then there will be some conversations about the status of the previously occupied Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea, but at the table with our powerful partners."
Details: According to Reznikov, there will definitely be no "Minsk III" and there will be no capitulation agreements: "No one will negotiate with a gun to their head."

Quote: "The second option is that we will gradually grind down the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, because this is actually a war of attrition. They have more people, territory, tanks, planes, etc., but not everything is modern, everything is ancient, and they are currently using the principle of a meat grinder."
According to the minister, the second option for victory would not be so quick: "By the end of this year, perhaps right at the beginning of the new year".

Quote: "The third is more dramatic for the Russian Federation: it is the collapse of the Russian Federation, it is a march past of sovereignties into several different subjects: Tatarstan, Bashkirstan, in the East, etc. We will definitely see it in our lifetime, but this is a rather long story."
Tämän mukaan samaan miinakenttään ajoi kuusi panssarivaunua eikä vain viisi, kuten se aikaisempi video näytti:

Actually it's 6 (!) russian tanks that got blown up in the same (!) minefield. Ukraine's 79th Air Assault Brigade published photos from the location. And the best part: some russian tanks hit mines during an attack and the others hit mines when the russian tanks tried to flee.


Tämä video ei ole ihan tuore mutta en muista nähneeni täällä. Kranaatinheittimen käyttöä ryssän tyylillä:

Bayraktareista kommentteja, kuulostavat aika lujatekoisilta:

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Video ja kuvia Snake Islandille noususta. Yhdessä kuvassa näkyy mahdollisesti sukeltaja mustassa märkäpuvussa, tosin vaikea olla varma:

Yhdysvaltain mukaan ryssällä vaikuttaisi olleen listat valmiina "suodatusta" varten, lainaan tekstin kokonaisuudessaan: Suora linkki New York Timesin lainaukseen

The United States has identified at least 18 sites set up by Russia to detain and forcibly deport Ukrainian civilians to Russia, an American diplomat said this week, adding that Moscow appeared to have made preparations for the so-called filtration camps even before its forces invaded the country.

Courtney Austrian, the deputy head of the U.S. mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, said that Russian officials — with the help of proxy groups — had set up “filtration camps” in schools, sports centers and cultural institutions in parts of Ukraine recently seized by their forces.

“At least 18 filtration locations along both sides of the Ukraine-Russia border have been identified thus far,” she said in a speech on Thursday to members of the organization, an international security monitoring group in Vienna.

Testimonies given to The New York Times and other news outlets by people who have escaped Russia after their “filtration” have included accounts of interrogations, of beatings and torture of people deemed to have ties to Ukraine’s armed forces, and of disappearances. After the filtration camps, Ukrainians have been sent on to cities across Russia — often to regions near China or Japan, according to the testimonies.

Ms. Austrian said U.S. assessments indicated that Russian officials were preparing for filtration procedures even before starting their invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. “Russian officials likely created lists of Ukrainian civilians deemed threatening to Russia’s control of Ukraine, including anyone with pro-Ukraine views, such as political figures and activists, as well as security personnel, for detention and filtration,” she said.

She called the filtrations a “Stalinistic process,” adding that they were “the latest in a long Russian history of using mass deportation and depopulation to try to subjugate and control people.”

Ukraine’s government has said that about 1.6 million people have been forcibly relocated to Russia — including about 250,000 children. Those numbers are impossible to independently verify.

“There is no public register; there are no hotlines that can be called; there is no accountability,” Ms. Austrian said.

She cited interviews that escapees from filtration camps have given to the news media describing how their passports had been confiscated and how some of those fleeing had been encouraged to apply for Russian citizenship.

Pushing for an international effort to help document these cases, Ms. Austrian suggested that Washington would seek prosecution of those involved. “Let me be clear: All those responsible for forced transfers of Ukrainian civilians to Russia will be identified and held to account for violations of international law,” she said.

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Mahdollisesti ryssä yrittänyt Donets-joen ylitystä Bilohorivkan kohdalta, tosin tämä olisi eri Bilohorivka kuin mistä yrittivät aikaisemmin.

KRAMATORSK AXIS /1825 8 JULY / RU sources report a crossing has been made of the Donets River near the village of Bilohorivka. UKR reports their pontoon bridge is destroyed: stranded RU units on the south bank are vulnerable to destruction.
