Ukrainan konflikti/sota

The US and its allies are considering possible training for Ukrainian pilots as part of a long-term effort to potentially help Kyiv build a future Ukrainian air force.

Air force chief of staff Charles “CQ” Brown acknowledged that discussions were under way, but didn’t confirm any decisions.

He told Reuters:

You want to build a long-term plan on how do you build their air force and the air force that they’re going to need for the future.

With the west’s provision of anti-aircraft weaponry, Ukraine has been able to prevent Russia from using its far more advanced air force to establish dominance in the skies.

But Ukraine has also sought to move away from its dependence on Russian aircraft by securing US fighter jets and training for its pilots on how to fly them. Ukraine’s air force has publicly flagged its hopes for F-15s and F-16s.
The US is set to announce a new weapons package for Ukraine in the next few days, according to White House officials.

The package is expected to include US mobile rocket launchers, known as Himars, and rounds for multiple launch rocket systems as well as artillery munitions, John Kirby, the chief national security council spokesperson, said.

The US has provided $8bn in security assistance since the war began, including $2.2bn in the last month.

Washington will impose sanctions on officials involved in representing themselves as proxy officials, Kirby said. He predicted these proxies to try to hold “sham referenda” seeking to legitimatise Russian control.
Russia is laying the groundwork for the annexation of Ukrainian territory and is installing illegitimate proxy officials in areas there under its control as it seeks to exert total control over its gains in the east, according to the White House.

Unveiling what he said was US intelligence, John Kirby, the chief national security council spokesperson, told a White House news briefing that the Russians are preparing to install proxy officials, establish the rouble as the default currency and force residents to apply for citizenship. Reuters reports Kirby said:

We have information today, including from downgraded intelligence that we’re able to share with you, about how Russia is laying the groundwork to annex Ukrainian territory that it controls in direct violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

The same tactic was used in 2014 when Russia announced its annexation of Crimea after taking over control from Ukraine, Kirby said.

Nobody is fooled by it. [Putin] is dusting off the playbook from 2014.”

Russia is now also attempting to take control of broadcasting towers, he said.
However, the atmosphere of cordial consensus that Russia and Iran displayed was not shared by Erdoğan when it came to his ambitions to intervene in northern Syria.

The Turkish president, potentially exploiting Putin’s distractions in Ukraine, has been preparing a fresh military incursion into northern Syria in a bid to construct a buffer zone 30km south of the Turkish-Syrian border.

He claims the buffer zone would shield Turkey from attacks by Syrian Kurds led by the US-backed YPG militia, as well as provide space for the voluntary return of as many as 1 million Syrian refugees from inside Turkey. The return of the refugees would help Erdoğan’s currently ailing chances of re-election next year.

But Khamenei expressed his broad objections to a fresh Turkish incursion, saying this would definitely be to the detriment of Syria, Turkey and the region.

Erdoğan, speaking at the start of the trilateral meeting, appeared to assert his unilateral right to mount an invasion, saying it was “not possible to expect Turkey to sit idle and aloof from this problem”. He claimed a 30km barrier was necessary to deal with the hotbeds of terrorism in northern Syria.

Turkey regards the YPG as indistinguishable from the Turkish Kurdish terrorist groups.

Erdoğan’s next moves will turn on whether he believes he is being given a private green light by Iran and Moscow that they will not intervene to prevent his planned buffer zone.

Russia appears to be working with the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad to create a Syrian military presence in the border region with the tacit support of the YPG.

tulihan se totuus sieltä, meidän ja Ruotsin Nato hankaluudet on osa sultaanin laajenemis pyrkimyksiä
Sources in Moscow told news agency Reuters on Tuesday that Nord Stream 1 was expected to resume operation on time, though at less than its capacity of about 160m cubic metres (mcm) a day.

However, if Vladimir Putin does not turn the tap back on at the end of the maintenance period on Thursday – as a majority of Germans expect, according to one recent survey – it would put particular strain on Europe’s largest economy.

“The worst-case scenario is that European countries will need to reduce their gas consumption by around 15%,” said Simone Tagliapietra, a senior fellow at the Brussels-based economic policy thinktank Bruegel.

Germany, however, would have to find reductions of almost 30%, or 20% if it manages to complete two floating LNG terminals in the North Sea ports of Wilhelmshaven and Brunsbüttel by the start of next year, as planned.

“If European states fall into Putin’s trap and we have a scenario of energy protectionism by the winter, the economic damage will be considerably worse,” Tagliapietra added.
A survey by public broadcaster ZDF, published last Friday, suggests the German public still strongly backs its government’s political support of Ukraine: 70% of respondents said they would stand by the country under attack from its eastern neighbour in spite of rising energy prices.

But a separate survey by pollster Forsa shows concerns about an energy crisis to have steadily grown as the war begins to drop from the forefront of people’s minds. As of last week, 58% of respondents identified shortages as the most important issue of the day, while 70% named the military conflict in Ukraine.

Whether the government of Olaf Scholz can counter-steer Russian attempts to sap German morale will also depend on whether it can communicate a clear strategy for how it will meet the looming energy crisis, said Alexander Sandkamp, an economist at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

“Currently there is a lot of angst among Germany’s population because there has been a lack of clear messages around how rationing would hit household consumers,” said Sandkamp.
Saksan johto ei tiedä miten se pitäisi hoitaa energia politiikkaa ja he seilaavat kipparina vaarallisilla vesillä hakemassa selkärankaa
Yritin etsiä kuvista vastaavuutta mutta ei näytä aukottomasti Antonivkan sillalta. Räjähdys myös näyttää enemmän "pioneeri" -hommilta.

Panostettu tuo on selkeästi, sitä vain ihmettelen miksi panokset on kannessa, eikä alapuolisissa pilareissa. Parhaimmassa tapauksessa alapuoliset pilarit jää ehjiksi ja niiden päälle voi kötystää uuden kannen... Tuhottujen pilarien korjaaminen on huomattavasti vaikeampaa.. Toki tuhon voi olla syynsäkkin..
Oliskohan tarkoitus särkeä sen verran, että jalan pääsee pakenemaan, mutta raskasta ei saa yli?
Vastaisi hyvin Sun Tsun oppeja. Anna viholliselle mahdollisuus perääntyä, niin se perääntyy. Voi jopa helpottaa rintaman murentumista, kun vanjat huomaavat, että vielä voi paeta kastumatta. Politrukkien on lopulta vaikea estää massapakoa ja jos/kun perääntyminen tapahtuu, se lienee kaoottinen.
Putinin porukka on ilmeisesti ihan oikeasti luullut, että Ukrainaan vaan "ilmestytään paikalle", otetaan maa haltuun, eikä mihinkään oikeisiin sotatoimiin edes jouduta. Miksi siis edes murehtia mistään taktiikoista sen tarkemmin...

Tämähän se piti olla suunnitelma. VDV + FSB:n soluttautujat likvidoivat hallinnon Kiovassa ja loput ukoista rullailevat perästä miehitysjoukoiksi. Tällä periaatteella se "katotte kylteistä mihin suuntaan on Kiova" saattoi olla ihan oikea toimintaohje pataljoonasta alaspäin, tuskin siellä kovin suuria suunnittelusessioita pidettiin muualla kuin prikaatin tasalla.
Luoja, me olemme sivistynyt länsimaa ja tuo vain on oksettavaa etnofobiaa. Tuollainen ajattelu olisi ja on niin kotonaan tuossa roistovaltiossa ja sitä myrkkyä se yrittää asein ja netitse levittää Eurooppaankin. Ei ole helppo tavallisen ihmisen elää väkivaltaisessa diktatuurissa, nosta päätäsi niin se kasuaalisti katkaistaan. Ei pelkästään ole huoli omasta elämästä vaan läheistenkin. Helvetti mitä vastenmielistä, verenhimoista ja antilänsimaista idiotiaa.
Osittain juuri tuollaisen lapsellisen ryssän inhimillistämisen takia ryssä on juuri nyt Ukrainassa. Kun on ajateltu, että kun me olemme heille hyviä ihmisiä ja sanamme pitäviä liikekumppaneita, niin kyllä se siitä demokratiaksi muuttuu. Onhan Sauli Niinistökin moneen otteeseen sanonut, normaalista kryptisyydestään poiketen varsin selvästi, että Venäjä arvostaa ennen kaikkea kovuutta. Pehmoilua ja hyväntahtoisuutta he halveksivat, niin inhimillisesti kuin liiketoiminnassakin.

Termistä "etnofobia"... Olisit suoraan käyttänyt, ilman sumutusta, Putlerin narratiivin perusteisiin kuuluvaa termiä "russofobia", kun sitä kerran tarkoitit. Sitäpaitsi fobia on pelko, ja minä olen puhunut vihasta, en pelosta. Se, joka tuota ryssään narratiivia julistaa, on joko iljettävä maanpetturi, ryssän huora tai ns. hyödyllinen idiootti. Menepä sinne Vihreän Langan tai Kansan Uutisten keskustelupalstalle kysymään, kumpi olet.
Kyllähän tämä vähintään signaali siihen suuntaan on, että kannattaisi painella yli vielä kun pääsee.
Vahva signaali siihen suuntaan, että kuvatoimittaja on kova jätkä bostaillessaan puoliksi paskotulla sillalla. Tämä mies kuulee puikon tulon jo kaukaa ja ehtii juosta karkuun. Ukraina alkanut länsiaseiden myötä näyttää USA:lta, joka aina yöllä tekee moovit ja vastaanottajat sit ihmettelee tuhojaan päivänvalossa.
Tämän mukaan Tshernobylissä olisi ollut hieman kuumempia paikkoja kuin IAEA kertonut

Varsinkin matkamuistot olleet säteileviä

Russian soldiers that ransacked the Chernobyl nuclear site after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine took “souvenirs” with them from laboratories that were highly radioactive and deadly, Ukraine’s state nuclear company said Saturday. “These ‘heroes’ take the Darwin award from those doomed Russians who breathed in dust in the Red Forest,” Energoatom said in a statement on Telegram. In addition to looting computers and equipment, the Russian troops “unauthorizedly entered a repository of ionizing radiation sources” and “stole and damaged 133 sources with a total activity of about 7 million becquerels,” the nuclear company said, noting that “this is comparable to 700 kg of radioactive waste with the presence of beta and gamma radiation.” Citing the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management, the company said it was believed the Russian soldiers took the “deadly” items “as souvenirs.” But if they were hoping to bring these souvenirs back home to impress their friends, they’re in for a surprise, as “carrying such a souvenir with you for two weeks will inevitably lead to radiation burns, radiation sickness and irreversible processes in the body,” according to Energoatom.

Energoatomin telegram viestistä saa käsityksen että myös polttoaineen kappaleita olisi lähtenyt muistoksi
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