Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Siinä sitä on vahvasti motivoitunut armeija joka toimii kuin rasvattu salama :ROFLMAO:

Palkat on rästissä ja muona täytyy varastaa paikallisista kaupoista. Aseet eivät toimi eikä muissakaan varusteissa ole kehumista jos niitä jostain onnistuu edes löytämään. Haavoittuneet ja kaatuneet jätetään kentälle mätänemään ja jos yrität kapinoida tai paeta niin saat omilta joukoilta luodin päähän.

Ukrainan puolustusministeriön tiedusteluosaston itselleen sieppaamassa keskustelussa venäläinen sotilas sanoo väitetysti, että uudet Venäjän armeijaan rekrytoidut henkilöt eivät ole saaneet asianmukaista varustelua. Venäläissotilaan kerrotaan sanoneen, ettei heille annettu omia univormuja tai makuupusseja eikä hänelle annettu ase toiminut kunnolla. Asiasta uutisoi The Kyiv Independent.

Britannian puolustusministeriö kirjoitti aiemmin sunnuntaina päivittäisessä tiedusteluraportissaan Venäjän armeijan jatkuvasti epäonnistuneen tarjoamaan Ukrainaan lähetetyille joukkoille muun muassa asianmukaisia univormuja, aseita, ruoka-annoksia sekä palkkaa.
Tässä nämä "homeless" örkit

Muistatteko vielä sen ukrainalaisia herjanneen venakon jonka somea saksan poliisi tutki laittomasta maassaolosta epäiltynä?

Nyt sama venakko neuvoo muita euroopassa asuvia ryssiä kuluttamaan mahdollisimman paljon energiaa jotta eurooppa joituisi nöyrtymään putin terroristihallinnolle tulevana talvena:
Tavallisen kaduntallaaja ryssän logiikan käsittäminen on käytännössä mahdotonta, tuo Pietarin totaalinen epäonnistuminen joukkojen tuottamisessa oli myös hyvä esimerkki. Käytännössähän homma toimii näin...
Väitetysti kuvia Khersonin lentokentältä, näkyy paljon maavalleja ajoneuvojen ympärillä. HUOM: kommenttien mukaan eivät ole tuoreita: Pics from may, but still good indication probably

Katso liite: 66644 Katso liite: 66645

Katso liite: 66646 Katso liite: 66647
Tuonne sitten mielellään mahdollisimman paljon ilmassa räjähtävää epäsuoraa tulta tai rypäleammuksia. Sellaisia vastaan noista maavalleista ei ole mitään hyötyä.
Niinno, enpä tiedä, onko ehdot paljoon muuttuneet vieläkään.
Mä olen ollut koko ajan sitä mieltä, että Zelensky voisi tavata Putinin henkilökohtaisesti ja kokeilla tehdä tähän vaikutuksen koomikon lahjoillaan. Mitäs siinä menettää. Ainakin aiemmin Zelensky on myös itse sanonut, että voisi tavata Putinin, mutta Putinille tämä ei ole käynyt.

Putinin kanssa ei selvästi voi neuvotella rationaalisesti, joten miksei sitten voisi kokeilla jotain erilaista... Panee miehen nauramaan. Siihen ei muuten välttämättä moni pysty!
Käännös Wagneria läheisen Telegram-kanavan tuoreista valituksista:

GREY ZONE “Wagner Group” channel recaps Ukrainian assault, dismisses amphibious landing claims.​

Posted on 04 September 2022
in Russian Accounts
by WarTranslated

The Wagner Group channel GREY ZONE, who have recently been quite frank in their assessment of the current situation in the Kherson area, published on 4 September a post describing the current situation on the frontline.

They accuse Russian artillery and aviation of inaction in this direction which leads to Ukrainians continuing their advance and resulted in capture of Vysokopolye earlier today. The Ukrainian tactic mainly focuses on pinching the Russian positions from two sides and either destroying or pushing them out.

In reality, there are from 5,000 to 6,000 enemy soldiers along the front line of the Mykolaiv-Kryvyi Rih direction (without villages). They advanced through Ingulets with a total number of up to two armoured personnel carriers. The special forces soldiers, who knowingly revealed the enemy’s plans for preparing for offensive operations, started requesting artillery support, but the artillery in the form of the “two hundred drunk” [200th] simply remained silent for several hours. Aviation, you say?! You can forget about aviation in this direction, even non-spontaneous tricks with pitching and firing can be seen here a little more often than observing a full moon. As a result, as written by a colleague from the “Special Purpose Channel”, after trying to contain the offensive, the soldiers of the VDV Forces and Special Forces had nothing left but to retreat to the prepared defence lines in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the units. But again, as my colleague said earlier, not all of them came out. And these fallen warriors deserve eternal glory!

As a result, all the work of the fighters, to whom I have immense respect, is happening not thanks to, but in spite of. So, for example, in the north-east of the Mykolaiv-Kryvyi Rih direction, in the area of settlements of Olgino and Potemkino, a successful attempt was made to tactically encircle a company of paratroopers in Vysokopolye. For two days they tried to unblock them, including by the forces of the 126th (great guys). As a result, they managed to break through the road to the withdrawal of the VDV force and they retreated to the south-west, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupied Vysokopolye (there is photo and video confirmation).

When I myself was in the area of the above villages, through meeting with the fighters of the VDV I learned that the very neighbouring Potemkino, from where the AFU were advancing, had previously been taken by similar tactics, when the Territorial Defence forces first advanced, exhausting and devastating the paratroopers’ ammunition, and then went to assault with the forces of the volunteer battalion consisting of Belarusians. According to the participant, the enemy participating in the final assault was about 70 people. Not 700, as you can see. As for this section, I believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will attempt to capture Novovoznesensky.

GREY ZONE then say that while the activity on the river near Kakhovka HPP certainly takes place, there was no amphibious assault which Russian propaganda channels have been screaming about in the past days.

As for the Kakhovka reservoir: there was no [Ukrainian] landing near Energodar. Neither by sea nor by air. Although this is already understood by many. But in defence of our side’s version of the enemy’s activity at the Kakhovka reservoir and a wide part of the mouth of the Dnieper River, I can say that there really is uncontrolled movement by water from one side to the other. This is done by both hucksters who transport people back and forth from one controlled territory to another, and smugglers. But there have also been cases of Ukrainian sabotage groups penetrating to the side controlled by us, the forcing [of the river] usually takes place at night to an unequipped shore using an IR lantern by the receiving side.

Returning to the breakthrough, namely the Ingulets River, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a desperate attempt to break through the Russian defences, but at the risk of being cut off and surrounded themselves, they nevertheless managed to gain a foothold in a number of settlements and are currently waiting for the forces to approach through Ingulets.

GREY ZONE also recap on recent destruction of various anti-air systems including Pantsir-S1 and S-300, and briefly assesses losses from both sides, though the number they provide is quite hard to believe.

In terms of losses, I can say that the enemy lost ~ 600 people, about 25 tanks, and about two dozen armoured vehicles during these days. In aviation, the enemy suffered losses of one Su-25 and Mi-8 unit each.

I will not name our losses, but according to the tradition of wars, you can divide by 5 and in general you will not be mistaken. Separately, it is only worth noting that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the repeated use of the HIMARS MLRS, nevertheless disabled the bridge of the Kakhovskaya HPP (there is photo and video confirmation). Also, whether the sabotage group, or Bayraktar, of which there are at least two units currently operating now in the Kherson region, the Pantsir-S1 air defence system was destroyed (there is photo and video confirmation). Enemy UAVs take off from the Kryvyi Rih district of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Also, presumably, the HARM missile launched from the Ukrainian MiG-29 destroyed an S-300 system.

In general, the situation is not critical, our fighters are giving a good fights, it’s just not all the same colourful and easy, as propaganda draws. And once again, respect to all those who perform these combat missions not thanks to, but in spite of everything!
Aamulla huvitti lukea Kastehelmen haastattelua jommassa kummassa IltaPulussa. Perussävy oli, että Ukrainan vastahyökkäys ei ole tarpeeksi tehokas ja viestejä alueiden valtaamisesta ei ole tullut joten oletti sen pysähtyneen. Minusta hän tyystin ohittaa sellaisen seikan kun sodan momentum, historian tutkijalta se on minusta erittäin kummallista, koska juuri sellaisia momentumin vaihtohetkiä on menneissä sodissa nähty, jotka ovat sitten kuvanneet hyvin sodan loppuvaiheiden tapahtumia. Ovat olleet tavallaan esinäytös miten voimasuhteet muuttuvat ja kuka heiluttaa tahtipuikkoa.

Hän myös ohittaa nuo kasvaneet örkkien tappioluvut vaikka siitä suht yksinkertaisella matematiikalla voi laskea, että etenkin etelässä ne ovat kestämättömällä tasolla. Hersonin rintamalla lienee useiden ammattilaisarvioiden mukaan noin 30000 sotilasta elokuun loppupuolella ennen vastahyökkäyksen alkua. Sen jälkeen siellä on kaatunut 200-300 per päivä, siihen päälle antautumisia kymmenestä useisiin kymmeniin ja haavoittuneita normaalin jakauman perusteella 400-600 vähintään. Eli siitä 30000 miehen joukosta tehdään 1/30 osa toimintakyvyttömäksi päivässä ja lopuilla on heikko huolto ammusten, polttoaineen sekä erilaisten huollon tykötarpeiden suhteen. Muonaa varmasti ryöstävät siviileiltä. Lisäksi hän ohitti senkin seikan, että Ukrainan droneilla ja lentokoneilla on lähes täysi toiminnan vapaus ja kaikki Hersonissa on tykistön kantamalla. Venäjän joukot ovat nyt yksinkertaisesti alasimen ja vasaran välissä, Ukrainan onkin viisainta pelata tämä Hersonin tilanne maaliin hätäilemättä jotta voivat tuottaa sellaisen lopputuloksen mikä shokeeraa venäläisiä ja buustaa heidän omia joukkojaan maksimaalisesti. Tappioiden tuottaminen maksimaalisella tehokkuudella, kaluston saaminen ehjänä sekä massiiviset antautumiset - niissä on tavoittelemista.

Aistin, että Ukrainalla on ollut osaavia neuvonantajia, jotta kohdistivat juuri tälle alueelle riittävän voiman ja vältettiin höökimästä koko rintaman leveydeltä.
Hersonin joukot on yli 10 mutta alle 15 % Venäjän koko miesvoimasta alueella ja jos ne romahtavat niin koko etelä on tyhjiö, koska muut joukot kykenevät juuri ja juuri pitämään linjoja paikoillaan.

Virkistävää taas nähdä Bayraktarit töissä, viisaasti UA piti niitä vähemmällä käytöllä kun venäläisten IT:llä oli joku mahdollisuus vaikuttaa, mutta näyttää nyt että taivas on auki.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Käännös Wagneria läheisen Telegram-kanavan tuoreista valituksista:

GREY ZONE “Wagner Group” channel recaps Ukrainian assault, dismisses amphibious landing claims.​

Posted on 04 September 2022
in Russian Accounts
by WarTranslated

The Wagner Group channel GREY ZONE, who have recently been quite frank in their assessment of the current situation in the Kherson area, published on 4 September a post describing the current situation on the frontline.

They accuse Russian artillery and aviation of inaction in this direction which leads to Ukrainians continuing their advance and resulted in capture of Vysokopolye earlier today. The Ukrainian tactic mainly focuses on pinching the Russian positions from two sides and either destroying or pushing them out.

In reality, there are from 5,000 to 6,000 enemy soldiers along the front line of the Mykolaiv-Kryvyi Rih direction (without villages). They advanced through Ingulets with a total number of up to two armoured personnel carriers. The special forces soldiers, who knowingly revealed the enemy’s plans for preparing for offensive operations, started requesting artillery support, but the artillery in the form of the “two hundred drunk” [200th] simply remained silent for several hours. Aviation, you say?! You can forget about aviation in this direction, even non-spontaneous tricks with pitching and firing can be seen here a little more often than observing a full moon. As a result, as written by a colleague from the “Special Purpose Channel”, after trying to contain the offensive, the soldiers of the VDV Forces and Special Forces had nothing left but to retreat to the prepared defence lines in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the units. But again, as my colleague said earlier, not all of them came out. And these fallen warriors deserve eternal glory!

As a result, all the work of the fighters, to whom I have immense respect, is happening not thanks to, but in spite of. So, for example, in the north-east of the Mykolaiv-Kryvyi Rih direction, in the area of settlements of Olgino and Potemkino, a successful attempt was made to tactically encircle a company of paratroopers in Vysokopolye. For two days they tried to unblock them, including by the forces of the 126th (great guys). As a result, they managed to break through the road to the withdrawal of the VDV force and they retreated to the south-west, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupied Vysokopolye (there is photo and video confirmation).

When I myself was in the area of the above villages, through meeting with the fighters of the VDV I learned that the very neighbouring Potemkino, from where the AFU were advancing, had previously been taken by similar tactics, when the Territorial Defence forces first advanced, exhausting and devastating the paratroopers’ ammunition, and then went to assault with the forces of the volunteer battalion consisting of Belarusians. According to the participant, the enemy participating in the final assault was about 70 people. Not 700, as you can see. As for this section, I believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will attempt to capture Novovoznesensky.

GREY ZONE then say that while the activity on the river near Kakhovka HPP certainly takes place, there was no amphibious assault which Russian propaganda channels have been screaming about in the past days.

As for the Kakhovka reservoir: there was no [Ukrainian] landing near Energodar. Neither by sea nor by air. Although this is already understood by many. But in defence of our side’s version of the enemy’s activity at the Kakhovka reservoir and a wide part of the mouth of the Dnieper River, I can say that there really is uncontrolled movement by water from one side to the other. This is done by both hucksters who transport people back and forth from one controlled territory to another, and smugglers. But there have also been cases of Ukrainian sabotage groups penetrating to the side controlled by us, the forcing [of the river] usually takes place at night to an unequipped shore using an IR lantern by the receiving side.

Returning to the breakthrough, namely the Ingulets River, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a desperate attempt to break through the Russian defences, but at the risk of being cut off and surrounded themselves, they nevertheless managed to gain a foothold in a number of settlements and are currently waiting for the forces to approach through Ingulets.

GREY ZONE also recap on recent destruction of various anti-air systems including Pantsir-S1 and S-300, and briefly assesses losses from both sides, though the number they provide is quite hard to believe.

In terms of losses, I can say that the enemy lost ~ 600 people, about 25 tanks, and about two dozen armoured vehicles during these days. In aviation, the enemy suffered losses of one Su-25 and Mi-8 unit each.

I will not name our losses, but according to the tradition of wars, you can divide by 5 and in general you will not be mistaken. Separately, it is only worth noting that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the repeated use of the HIMARS MLRS, nevertheless disabled the bridge of the Kakhovskaya HPP (there is photo and video confirmation). Also, whether the sabotage group, or Bayraktar, of which there are at least two units currently operating now in the Kherson region, the Pantsir-S1 air defence system was destroyed (there is photo and video confirmation). Enemy UAVs take off from the Kryvyi Rih district of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Also, presumably, the HARM missile launched from the Ukrainian MiG-29 destroyed an S-300 system.

In general, the situation is not critical, our fighters are giving a good fights, it’s just not all the same colourful and easy, as propaganda draws. And once again, respect to all those who perform these combat missions not thanks to, but in spite of everything!
Vähän jäi selittelyn maku tästä Wagnerin tekstistä. Syyttelivät ryssän muita osapuolia toimettomuudesta ja kehuivat itseään. Joka tapauksessa menettivät Vysokopillian.

Joka tapauksessa varsinaisilta ryssätahoilta ei saisikaan lähelläkään näin "rehellistä" tekstiä.