Ukrainan konflikti/sota

"A police spokesperson said the investigation is ongoing into the potential “bias incident” and no arrests have been made."

Ja ne CIA/NSA/whatever -jannut, jotka istui siinä mustassa tarkkailupakussa eivät sattumalta nähneet yhtään mitään. Kaikki oli kusella, lounaalla tai korjaamassa kamerahäiriötä. 😂

Kuitenkaan kun ei oikein tiedetä tuosta mitään, niin ehkä vain hävitetään vanhoja merimiinoja, rakennetaan jotain eeppistä last line of defenceä, tai muuta surkuhupaisaa ryssäilyä, jonka ryssivät jotenkin kuitenkin.

Noh aika näyttää, jos lokaatio on tiedossa, niin eiköhän tämäkin mysteeriä selviä joskus.


Tapaus "miksi ryssät kaivavat maahan merimiinoja" selvisi: Propagandavideon kuvaus otsikolla "Venäläinen tankki tuhosi Ukrainalaisen ammusvaraston yhdellä laukauksella".
Ei oo toimivaltaa mihkää töhrijiin ja eihän sitä ny kukaan jaksa jonku maalarin perään lähteä juoksentelee haiseviin kusiränneihin.
Mitä sä höpiset? Miksi niitä olis kiinnostanut vähääkään joku pikkunen tihutyö ryssien tönöä vastaan? Varmaan näytti peukkua ruiskumiehelle. Samalla puolellahan ne on. ;)
Muissa uutisissa:

Duma pohtii huomenna kaikkien liitettyjen alueiden mibliisaatiopolitiikkaa. Todennäköisesti tulossa "osittainen" mobilisaatio koko miesväestölle ryssän miehittämille alueille - mitä lähempänä rintamaa, sitä todennäköisemmin päädyt ryssän puolelle syömään lyijyä. Taustalla voisi olla ryssän pelko alueiden, ja täten mobilisoitavien ihmisvarastojen menetyksestä ukrainalle.

Mobilisoidut eivät sittenkään saa mitään korvauksia.

Girkiniltä uutisia Khersonin pohjoisosista:

Lisäksi Grikin re-postannut Murzin julkaiseman kirjoituksen.

Käännös englanniksi alla:

Anastasia, please calm down.​

Now, when the not-so-secret has become quite clear, two texts are being replicated on telegrams and the Internet. The author of the second , like a lady, has some priority, so first I posted a short answer to it on my channel .

Actually, the original text of Anastasia.


I will repeat here my answer from telegram.

Nastenka, calm down. Yes. They cheated, sold, attributed, lied. Because the social package, early retirement, mortgage and kids need to be attached. Yes, 70% of our Russian army are complete, untrained morons. Yes, our army has been living for decades in a deeply echeloned lie, with which it fences itself off from itself and from society. Yes, these fish eyes will be all God's dew, do not hesitate. The innocent will be punished, the innocent will be rewarded. Because our army is a collection of clans and mafias fighting for grain places. The three main types are supply manager, foreman and watchman. Everyone knows this, multi-page reports have been written about it. Including me personally . Everyone was shit. And there's nothing to be done about it. They are untrained. Take it easy.

In the comments on my channel to this answer, there were three interesting remarks.

Svetlana: "How then to win? Under whose leadership?"
Ruslan: "And why the hell should she calm down, Murz? It's all of you who should be furious like her."
Dmitry Sedov: "If everything is so, why participate at all and prolong the agony? There is no victory despite it, this is a perestroika myth"

I'll start with the answer to Ruslan. Ruslan, here, in the Donbass, in the Corps of the People's Militia of the LPR and the DPR, since the reorganization of the People's Militia of Donbass into these same Corps, everyone has long gone mad a hundred times, they have asked themselves and each other a hundred times all the questions that Anastasia asks, Fortunately, there have been many reasons for exactly the same questions over the years. They learned how to get out of hopeless situations, they learned how to quietly slow down the idiocy of the authorities and fight the way they should. We learned to appreciate the few military professionals who came here from the Russian Federation, to exchange experience, to maintain contact with them even after the end of business trips. The fact that Anastasia and millions of people in Russia, together with her, are realizing and "digesting" only now, people here understood and realized long ago, they learned how to somehow work with all this and even win in places. AND, "If those who are not cleared by customs are overwhelmed and say to throw ours - on my command, put them on the floor with their faces and lead them to the basement. The battle will end, we will complete the task - we will release them and as if nothing had happened. Let them receive orders." It is, of course, very impressive Alva performed with Karlion, but this is in books, according to the plot it is necessary. Life is not always so beautiful.

Actually, this is where the beginning of the answer to Dmitry follows. Let's decide, Dmitry, what we want. Do we want to win or lose? Or we just want everything to be simple, clear, here and now. Disappointing - immediately everything is simple and clear here and now does not even happen in books, otherwise they would be uninteresting. I don't know who "prolongs the agony". Since May 2014, when I came to the war for the first time, I want to win it. And already, probably, the entire Internet knows what I encountered then, what kind of scum, marauders, bandits and executioners sent from the Russian Federation as "help" to the Militia the story has grown over eight years in the absence of a direct reference to a detailed account of events.By the way, there is some legal reason for this.) Then, in May 2014, looking at my purple-colored stiff fingers and the same color left shin with a rope scar after the crucifixion, I had reason to say "If Russia sent scum and marauders instead of helping the Donbass, then why prolong the agony? Russia is all over." But I still wanted to win the war. I was hurt to tears that the Motherland sent such a complete scum as Kozitsyn to a holy cause, but I wanted to win. And I'm not the only one. I knew a man who came to fight from far away, who in 2014-2015 was "put in the basement" five times for absurd reasons, who each time was deprived of everything he had, and, nevertheless, continued to fight. Eight years have passed, eight years of war, death, tears, deceived expectations and hopes of ordinary people, but the stubborn Donbass have achieved their goal - they are now officially Russia again. And they still want to win, although, probably, to an intelligent person from the outside it is obvious that this is a "prolongation of the agony." After a hellish "mobilization" without armor, with iron helmets and "mosquitoes", with frostbitten legs, after a huge number of combat episodes, having survived each of them, just one, many people would despair and say what the hell to prolong this agony.

We don't want to "prolong the agony". We want to win. We think what needs to be done for this, and we are doing it. Everyone is in their place. Calmly, without nerves and unnecessary emotions.

"How then to win? Under whose leadership?"

I have written many times how. Open the best book about the current moment, the series "Reflections of Eterna" by Vera Viktorovna Kamshi, everything is written there. "Trust the shadows. They are powerful."

And in conclusion of this lengthy night monologue, I will tell you about a person who is now many times worse than any of us. Even worse than the fighters who left the abandoned Liman, during the defense of which their comrades-in-arms died. A person feels the whole horror of the situation, he felt it for years, when it was obvious to no one outside of Donbass, but he can’t do anything. Nothing at all. Bye.

He served in the "Ghost" fighter, a simple guy from Bryanka. He came to fight at the very beginning in 2014, after the death of Mozgovoy, he moved from the "Ghost" to the sapper company of one of the brigades of the NM of the LPR. In 2016, he was blown up by an anti-personnel mine in the summer, and got on a prosthesis. He returned to the service, really fought, happily running away in the spring "to the fields" from office work at the first opportunity. Took Rubezhnoye, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk. He cleared minefields, demolished the fortifications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Gorynych". When for the first time we brought him a batch of comfortable collapsible sapper crampons from Mikhail from the Russian Kulibins, he grabbed and hugged me with joy and lifted me above the ground. A man on a total ankle prosthesis. I myself am more than a centner and I am even more.

So we agreed with him that we will buy modern metal detectors for his sappers through the KCPN. Here they are, the metal detectors, with the 105th load of the KCPN arrived. I'm calling. The man says - well, I'll tell ours, they'll come. I can't do it myself, I'm in the hospital. What? Got sick or caught a cold? No. Blown up. Healthy foot. Brief silence on the phone. Quiet, calm, confident voice. "So I will learn to walk on two prostheses."

Probably, we still need to reach out and kill me and all these people like this guy from Bryanka, so that we stop "prolonging the agony." Otherwise, we may suddenly win. Perhaps the dill even have enough Hymars for this. Let's see.
"Putin is just about to start bringing in brand new vehicles and "high-tech BTGs" after all the soviet equipment has been used up." -- tätä on pelonsekaisella mielenkiinnolla odotettukin :sneaky:
Kai se on sitten niin, että kun on tarpeeksi epätoivoinen ja kognitiivinen dissonanssi käy liian voimakkaaksi, ihminen on valmis uskomaan mitä tahansa. Vertaa natsi-Saksa ja luja usko ihan pian tulossa oleviin ihmeaseisiin, jotka kääntävät sodan kulun.

No, Armata-lauttoja odotellessa.