Jotenkin vähä sellanen fiilis että tässä tulevina päivinä vedetään uudet ennätykset ryssien tappioiden osalta, Bakhmutin alueella on tullu ruumista jo pitemmän aikaa mutta ryssät on näemmä päättäny että Vuhledarin edusta kaipaa myös hieman lannotetta:
"According to current information, AU forces stopped the RUS attack on Wuhledar. And the wave of RUS attack was to be broken quite painfully for RUS. Currently, the RUS probably renewed their attack, but the UA has almost the entire city under control, except for a small fragment of a housing estate to the south-east.
The RUS near Wuhledar again attempted to "liquidate" their own 40th and 155th Marine Infantry Brigades. The RUS suffered heavy losses. The Ukrainians have their main lines of defense in Wuhledar, where heavy fighting is taking place on the approaches to the city. There were no major battles for Pawliwka."
"According to current information, AU forces stopped the RUS attack on Wuhledar. And the wave of RUS attack was to be broken quite painfully for RUS. Currently, the RUS probably renewed their attack, but the UA has almost the entire city under control, except for a small fragment of a housing estate to the south-east.
The RUS near Wuhledar again attempted to "liquidate" their own 40th and 155th Marine Infantry Brigades. The RUS suffered heavy losses. The Ukrainians have their main lines of defense in Wuhledar, where heavy fighting is taking place on the approaches to the city. There were no major battles for Pawliwka."