Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Mistä sitä tietää,kauanko drone ensin tarkkaili toimintaa. Kuorma-auto siirtynyt.
Ehkä, miehiäkään ei enää näy Lancetin tullessa, mikä myös epäilyttää. Jättäisivätkö yli miljoonan euron tykin ilman naamiointia tuohon noin vain. Jos vertaat tuon tykin naamiointia ja paikkaa niihin mitkä on kuvattu tuliasemista niin ei minkäänlaista navea tai muuta suojaverkkoa näkyvissä mikä kuvastaa, että olis valemaali tai valmiiksi rikkinäinen tykki. Video on ryssien lataama niin miksi eivät juurikaan näytä dronen kuvaamaa vaurioitunutta tykkiä tms. sillä maalia osoittavalla droonilla, vain tuon törmäyksen, nytkin leikattu koko lähestymisen loppuvaihe pois kun oikeasti vois nähdä jotain tarkemmin.

Kun videolta halutaan jotain jättää näyttämättä, mitä yleensä osumasta halutaan näyttää (loppu lähestyminen ja vauriot osuman jälkeen) niin sen pitää soittaa vähän kelloja.

"Ukraine Is Moving Towards Victory": Zelensky Hints at the Importance of This Spring​

Published at 13:48, 16.02.23

Ukraine Is Moving Towards Victory: Zelenskyy Hints at the Importance of This Spring

Photo: Associated Press

The Ukrainian President spoke about the defense and economic issues discussed on February 15th with an eye to the coming spring.

In his traditional daily address on Wednesday, February 15th, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the importance of this spring, which should be the beginning of the path to Ukrainian victory.

" We have to ensure that this spring it is truly felt that Ukraine is moving towards victory. This applies to the training of our defense forces, the supply of weapons for our country and our strategic initiative in the war. Any attempts by Russia to retake the initiative must be thwarted. And I am confident that we will do so," he assured.
According to Zelensky, enemy is already losing so many of its people, so many of its forces, that it will soon be difficult to find, for example, a "marine" throughout Russia. The main task of Ukraine, he said, was to make sure that there is less and less desire there to keep Ukrainian territories under occupation.

About Economic Issues

President Zelensky reported that he held an economic meeting, also to prepare for spring. Many issues were discussed, and in particular, the issue of humanitarian land demining, which is extremely relevant for the agricultural sector. " An interagency working group has been set up at the Cabinet of Ministers level to ensure that this activity is intensified – the clearing of soil from mines and unexploded ordnance," the President said.

According to the Ukrainian leader, the government is preparing new measures to deregulate the Ukrainian economy. Businesses are promised the abolition of various bureaucratic permits and licenses. Also, the government is preparing measures to create new jobs so that Ukrainians return home from abroad.

International Cooperation

President Zelenskyy spoke about the meaningful conversation on European integration during the visit of the Swedish Prime Minister.
" It is Sweden that currently holds the EU Presidency, and we have both the necessary leadership and the necessary will to start membership negotiations this year," he emphasized. The parties also discussed further defense assistance.

"Our defenders are very much looking forward to the Swedish Archers, one of the most powerful artillery systems. And Archers will definitely help our warriors," the President promised. On the same day, Zelensky held talks with the President of Azerbaijan.
"I thanked him for the sincere desire for peace for Ukraine, for the humanitarian support for our country and for his wise view on the protection of international law. We agreed to cooperate in global institutions," the Ukrainian leader said.

About Situation on the Battlefield

In conclusion, Zelensky thanked the Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield, who, with their resilience and bravery, are making it possible to prepare the next defense steps.
" The 54th separate mechanized brigade named after Hetman Ivan Mazepa, the 10th separate assault brigade "Edelweiss" - thank you guys for the effective defense of the Donetsk region! The 25th separate airborne Sicheslav brigade, the 81st separate airmobile brigade and the 95th air assault brigade - thank you guys for defending the Luhansk region!", the President addressed the soldiers.
Viimeksi muokattu:

On laskeskellut, kuinka saa eniten ääniä ja nyt vaalien alla laulaa tuota laulua. Palaa kyllä agendalleen, jonka mukaan Suomi on sotarikollinen.
Tämä, minä en ymmärrä minkä takia näitä komukoita (Gurbanov) ja viherkomukoita (Silvennoinen) pitää täällä jakaa, sama kun suoraan ryssän paskaa jakaisi.

Onko tämä jokin yritys valkopestä näiden riemuidioottien aikaisempia touhuja?