Hurja väite-. Nämä venäläisjoukkojen komentajat Ukrainassa itseasiassa hyötyvät jokaisesta kuolleesta omasta sotilaastaan. Periaatteena palkkasotilas venäjältä saa pari tonnia ja varusteet. Kuollessaan komentaja saa rahat ja voi myydä kaiken muun.
Russia’s Commanders Are Making a Killing Getting Their Men Killed
Putin’s hybrid war in Ukraine, a mix of covert Russian military operations and a staged civil war, may muddy the political waters and help the Kremlin’s propaganda campaign, but it comes at a price on the battlefield. By deploying mercenaries with mixed loyalties and varying levels of military training alongside regular Russian army troops, Russia has created a force that, unlike a disciplined army, is hard to control.
Prominent military analyst Dmitry Tymchuk has frequently reported that marauding Russian fighters are a problem for both locals in the Donbas region of Ukraine and their handlers in the Russian security services. Some of the idealistic Russian nationalists who went to war for what they thought was a just cause, but became disillusioned by what they saw, are also revealing the extent of the pillaging. But this is only part of the story. Ukraine Reporter has learned from a source in Donetsk that some Russian commanders are profiting from the deaths of their own men.
The scheme is simple. A Russian mercenary receives up to $2000 per month in addition to weapons, gear, and food. When a fighter is killed, his commander pockets the money and can sell everything else. According to the source, Mikhail Tolstykh (better known as “Givi”) and Arseny Pavlov (better known as “Motorola”), who ordered countless assaults on Donetsk airport and sacrificed as many as hundreds of men, made substantial profits from this scheme.
The unrelenting attempts by Russian forces to capture a completely destroyed Donetsk airport in the face of large casualties, made no sense. Even, Igor Strelkov, Russia’s most famous military commander in Ukraine says that attacking the airport directly was “nonsensical.” The new revelations from Donetsk explain this military mystery.
2000$ kuukaudessa ei voi pitää paikkaansa. Melkein olettaisin Venäjältä tulleiden "vapaaehtoisten" palkkojen olevan korkeintaan 100-200$ kuukaudessa ja useimmilla vaihtoehtona on todennäköisesti vankila. Oikeasti vapaaehtoiset idealistit ovat varmasti harvassa.