Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Itse ihan vakavissani pohdin, että nyt kun Suomi on Natossa, niin voisiko Venäjä hyökätä tai ainakin iskeä mereltä Ruotsiin? Ihan vaan sotkeakseen asioita ja estääkseen siten Ruotsin liittymisen Natoon. Suomen ja Balttian kuuluminen Natoon on strategisesti pieni ongelma Venäjälle niin kauan kuin Ruotsi pysyy ulkona. Itämeri ei myöskään ole ilman Ruotsin mukanaoloa vielä ihan niin "Natomeri". Ei liene sattumaa että nämä Putinin kaverit pitkin hampain ratifioi Suomen mutta ei Ruotsia. Venäjä kuolinkorinoissaan voi jotain tehdä, niin hullulta kuin kuulostaa niin voiko se jokin olla niin röyhkeää ja typerää kuin hyökkäys Ruotsiin? En itse usko että Nato maahan suoraan hyökättäisiin. Balttiaa ja Suomea kohti ei isketä kuin vasta sitten, kun Venäjä johonkin Natoon kuulumattomaan maahan hyökkäämällä on pakottanut Naton osallistumaan sotaan. Pitää muistaa, että vaikka Venäjällä ei ole resursseja ja kykyä yhtäkkiä läntisten valtioiden valloitukseen tai edes realistiseen hyökkäyssotaan, niin iskukykyä kuitenkin on. Mitä tällä voitaisiin sumeasti tavoitella? Ehkä rauhaa edes osin Venäjän ehdoin, ehkä viimeinen oljenkorsi sen suhteen että länsi säikähtäisi ja alkaisi taas pelätä Venäjää täysmittaisen 3.maailmansodan ja ydinsodan välttääkseen?

En ole itse mitenkään huojentunein mielin Venäjän suhteen, kaikkea muuta. Ja maailmanhistoria osoittaa että kun sodat alkaa niin ne tuppaa leviämään. On oikeastaan erikoista, että jo vuosi ollut täysin rähinä Ukrainassa, ja muualla maailmassa ei ole vielä leimahtanut sotia käyntiin ja hyvä toki näin.
Ai että atomitsunami Karlskronaan ja sitten ihan muina miehinä: "Ei se me oltu, tai ette ainakaan pysty todistamaan, muttei teidän kannata sinne Natoon mennä!".

Venäjä lähettää Ukrainan rintamalle miehittämättömän panssarintorjuntavaunun.​

Venäjä aikoo testata Donbassin alueella Ukrainassa uutta miehittämätöntä ajoneuvoa, joka on varustettu Kornet-panssarintorjuntaohjuksilla.

Asiasta kertoi Venäjän avaruushallinnon entinen pomo Dmitri Rogozin.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-taisteluvaunu saa tulikasteensa Itä-Ukrainassa.

Rogozin lupaa, että Marker havaitsee Yhdysvaltojen ja eurooppalaisten valtioiden Ukrainalle toimittamat Leopard- ja Abrams-panssarivaunut ja tuhoaa nämä.

Asiantuntijat eivät ole yhtä vakuuttuneita Markerin suorituskyvystä. Esimerkiksi sodankäyntiin erikoistunut Samuel Bendett huomauttaa Twitterissä, että Marker-vaunua on testattu avoimessa maastossa, josta ovat puuttuneet niin kranaatinammusten jättämät kraatterit, ojat kuin rakennuksetkin.

Bendettin mukaan Ukrainasta löytyy kyllä avointa maastoa, mutta todellisuudella Marker joutuu paljon haastavampaan testiin kuin venäläiset ehkä kuvittelevat.

Esimerkiksi testeissä Marker on ampunut panssarintorjuntaohjuksensa paikoiltaan. Todellisessa taistelutilanteessa vaunu joutuu todennäköisesti laukomaan ohjuksiaan liikkeessä.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-vaunu on siirtymässä massatuotantovaiheeseen.

Venäjä lähettää Ukrainan rintamalle miehittämättömän panssarintorjuntavaunun.​

Venäjä aikoo testata Donbassin alueella Ukrainassa uutta miehittämätöntä ajoneuvoa, joka on varustettu Kornet-panssarintorjuntaohjuksilla.

Asiasta kertoi Venäjän avaruushallinnon entinen pomo Dmitri Rogozin.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-taisteluvaunu saa tulikasteensa Itä-Ukrainassa.

Rogozin lupaa, että Marker havaitsee Yhdysvaltojen ja eurooppalaisten valtioiden Ukrainalle toimittamat Leopard- ja Abrams-panssarivaunut ja tuhoaa nämä.

Asiantuntijat eivät ole yhtä vakuuttuneita Markerin suorituskyvystä. Esimerkiksi sodankäyntiin erikoistunut Samuel Bendett huomauttaa Twitterissä, että Marker-vaunua on testattu avoimessa maastossa, josta ovat puuttuneet niin kranaatinammusten jättämät kraatterit, ojat kuin rakennuksetkin.

Bendettin mukaan Ukrainasta löytyy kyllä avointa maastoa, mutta todellisuudella Marker joutuu paljon haastavampaan testiin kuin venäläiset ehkä kuvittelevat.

Esimerkiksi testeissä Marker on ampunut panssarintorjuntaohjuksensa paikoiltaan. Todellisessa taistelutilanteessa vaunu joutuu todennäköisesti laukomaan ohjuksiaan liikkeessä.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-vaunu on siirtymässä massatuotantovaiheeseen.

Saas nähdä mihin Kornet huomionsa kiinnittää. Tällaista periaatettahan on jo kokeiltu.

Muistissa tapahtuma WW2 aikana missä venäläinen opetti räjähderepulla varustettua koiraa hakeutumaan panssarivaunun alle ajatuksena tuhota saksalaiset panssarit siellä jossain itärintamalla. Koiraa tietenkin opetettiin omilla panssareilla, Sotkilla. Sitten kun ne aikanaan löysättiin irti taistelukentällä, koirat ei niinkään välittäneet bensalla käyvistä Tigereistä, vaan hakeutuivat tutun diisselin tuoksun alle.

Hanke lopetettiin.
Saas nähdä mihin Kornet huomionsa kiinnittää. Tällaista periaatettahan on jo kokeiltu.

Muistissa tapahtuma WW2 aikana missä venäläinen opetti räjähderepulla varustettua koiraa hakeutumaan panssarivaunun alle ajatuksena tuhota saksalaiset panssarit siellä jossain itärintamalla. Koiraa tietenkin opetettiin omilla panssareilla, Sotkilla. Sitten kun ne aikanaan löysättiin irti taistelukentällä, koirat ei niinkään välittäneet bensalla käyvistä Tigereistä, vaan hakeutuivat tutun diisselin tuoksun alle.

Hanke lopetettiin.

Tuollaisia mogia on käynyt muuallakin.

Joukko MiG-29 koneita päätyi Saksojen yhdistymisessä länsimaiden käsiin. Konetyyppiä tietenkin testattiin länsikoneita vastaan.

Testipilotti sanoi haastattelussa että asia korostui etenkin suojasoihduissa: MiG-29 soihdut toimivat pahaiten Neuvosto-valmisteisia ohjuksia vastaan, ja länsikoneiden soihdut toimivat parhaiten läntisiä ohjuksia vastaan.

Venäjä lähettää Ukrainan rintamalle miehittämättömän panssarintorjuntavaunun.​

Venäjä aikoo testata Donbassin alueella Ukrainassa uutta miehittämätöntä ajoneuvoa, joka on varustettu Kornet-panssarintorjuntaohjuksilla.

Asiasta kertoi Venäjän avaruushallinnon entinen pomo Dmitri Rogozin.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-taisteluvaunu saa tulikasteensa Itä-Ukrainassa.

Rogozin lupaa, että Marker havaitsee Yhdysvaltojen ja eurooppalaisten valtioiden Ukrainalle toimittamat Leopard- ja Abrams-panssarivaunut ja tuhoaa nämä.

Asiantuntijat eivät ole yhtä vakuuttuneita Markerin suorituskyvystä. Esimerkiksi sodankäyntiin erikoistunut Samuel Bendett huomauttaa Twitterissä, että Marker-vaunua on testattu avoimessa maastossa, josta ovat puuttuneet niin kranaatinammusten jättämät kraatterit, ojat kuin rakennuksetkin.

Bendettin mukaan Ukrainasta löytyy kyllä avointa maastoa, mutta todellisuudella Marker joutuu paljon haastavampaan testiin kuin venäläiset ehkä kuvittelevat.

Esimerkiksi testeissä Marker on ampunut panssarintorjuntaohjuksensa paikoiltaan. Todellisessa taistelutilanteessa vaunu joutuu todennäköisesti laukomaan ohjuksiaan liikkeessä.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-vaunu on siirtymässä massatuotantovaiheeseen.
Ukrainan sotilastiedustelupalvelu GUR:n sotilaan haastatelu.

GUR taistelijan muistelmat, osa 2.

"Having rolled into the yard, I take out the "efka" and throw it over the fence. Explosion! And then - silence" - memories of the intelligence officer-saboteur of GUR MOU

To the anniversary of the liberation of Kyiv Oblast from the Russian occupation army, we continue to publish a conversation with a soldier of the sabotage and intelligence group "Shaman" of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The group won a combat victory during operations in Gostomel, Moschun, Irpen and Bucha.

"Dills," I say, "800 meters from here!"

...There was an interesting situation in Moschun: on March 11, the commander of the 72nd brigade came to us with a request for help, because the Russians were breaking through the line.

We advanced to Moschun. The reserve of the 72nd moved to the "Revisor" position, there was a V-shaped fork. The forces of three groups went to the left and took positions. We knew that 72 was on our right, and Azov was supposed to be on our left.

But there was no contact with "Azov" for a day or even more, so there was no understanding if they were still there and what their state of affairs was.

When we set up the groups, I tried to move a little to the left. Walked 100-150 meters. This is a "brimstone", he did not dare to go further. Returned to the position. They launched the UAV and two streets to the left, just from the side of the enemy, the Irpin River, noticed their movement - about 15 people.

Literally a few minutes to the left of our position — exactly along the street along which the enemy was moving — a group of 3-4 people came out. I immediately had the idea that the "Azovians" had some kind of post there, they discovered an enemy group and, not accepting a fight, began to retreat to their main forces.

I get up, wave to them. They calmly wave back to me.

One of our subgroups occupied the house on the right, and the other on the left. This group of 3-4 people was about 100-150 meters away. My brother and I are moving towards them. They behave calmly, no sudden movements, lowering of the level or "jumps".

Having approached 80 meters, I understand by 95% that this is not "Azov", but the enemy. But all the same, these other 5 percent... It's very scary for me to open fire on my own - that's the first thing. Secondly, they behaved absolutely calmly. Somehow I subconsciously decided to go for them.

In the process, I am already monitoring the situation: here they are standing around the corner, there is a wooden fence, and twenty meters from them one section of the fence has fallen and there is an opportunity to retreat to the yard.

I decided to get there and stop there. My partner tells me: "It's probably not ours." I say: "Let's go."

They arrived, and I begin to communicate with them. By the way, this was not the first time when I had to talk to them.

- And who are you? - I answer.

- What are you hiding around the corner? Dill, - I say, - 800 meters from here.

- Why should I go to you, if the enemy is on the other side, you come here!

And then I understand that saying anything at random will be a fiasco. I try to howl. "From which city?". I say: "Rostov-on-Don."

There was no time to realize what you had just done

During this time, I completely painted the situation: I discovered that there were three people in front of me, and to the right - an alley. There is a hole in the fence 20-30 meters away, and two more are watching me from there. That's where I was afraid to get, because I controlled those in front.

In a word, I am already telling my brother that during the contact we move to the right.

I do a drop from the hip with the "baker" immediately, lower the level, jump to the right behind the fence and immediately into the yard. Having slipped there, I take out the "efka" and throw it over the fence. Explosion! And then - silence. We start to backstab, pull back, in a word, to our boyfriends.

Everything was so intense that there was no time to realize what you had just done.

"If you are near, then this is the moment of truth"

When we retreated to our position, the operator relayed that the Russian infantry and two of their "boxes" were moving there. I and the adjacent group called for a grenade launcher calculation with an RPG-7.

With us was our pointman (a key figure during the operation. — Ed.) — a legendary fighter. The two of us plus two from the grenade launcher calculation make a detour to the rear - so that we can go into the opening on this street and practice with the RPG.

In order to carry out this maneuver and not get burned, it was necessary to make a good hook. We had to become a surprise for the Russians.

And they are shooting something there, raining on our positions. The distance is 150 meters. The Russians did not carry out any maneuvers, actions from the flank or even from the front - they simply fire BC in our direction.

When we almost reached the place, the operator reports that the boxes are starting to withdraw, and the enemy infantry is moving away after them.

A brother says: if you are there, then this is the moment of truth. And we just reached the farthest house on the street: we run out of the gate, we don't take the grenade launchers with us, because the "boxes" have been dragged away.

There was a ditch nearby, we jump into it and move to the left for 20 meters along this street where they leave. And there is such a picture: 20+ pieces in a column at a distance of 100–150 meters. And this is a classic of the genre. The effectiveness of machine gun fire on the column is maximum.

I shot back and we immediately left. They had just rolled back to their positions when the operator came running. He says that as soon as we left, the cockroach races immediately began at that place: the Russians were pulling out the wounded.

I moved the two groups that were on the right to the left. One occupied the intersection that we held, and my group of 10 people occupied the intersection where we had a fight. For two days no one dared to move in our direction.

"Everything was flying - both the shooting range and the under-barrel"

The next day, the positions of the 72nd brigade worked out, as the guys who were at the observation post at the time said, something similar to "sunflowers". There were colossal losses.

The guys from the 72nd were forced to leave. Our flank was exposed. So we pulled up another group for the night.

At that time, it was generally difficult with logistics, because the "eagles" interrupted all our attempts to advance on cars. They worked very actively on trying to raise some reserves. But one group still managed to reach us. We put her on the flank.

And the next day, the Russians began to move in our direction. The enemy was discovered by the boys who went to the positions of the 72nd, first to see if anyone was wounded. Then the "200s" tried to extract and take away the weapons that remained there. And when they were walking for the third time, they ran into this enemy group. They immediately rolled back, gave me information that the enemy was advancing towards our flank.

This was a real threat of entering our rear. The five of us advance to meet them, enter the forest. Having walked literally 50 meters, our pointman detects them, that is, hears them. And in the forest you can hear much further than you can see.

We immediately make a downgrade. Pointman says he will step forward to make eye contact.

He has passed 10 meters when they start shooting at him very densely. Everything was flying - both the shooting range and the receiver.

As soon as fire was opened on him, literally a second - and I start working in long queues. My task was to seize the initiative so that they would not "disassemble" our pointman, as in a shooting range. I had to create a stress factor for them. And it worked. The pointman rolled back to me, we aligned the line. The fight was very tight, unfortunately I was wounded. I was evacuated.

The enemy group also suffered losses. Their attempt to enter our flank or rear was then choked.

Well, are we going to Irpin?

One of our comrades is from Irpen. He was very acutely aware of the presence of enemy feet there. And when we were supposed to have some rest, there was an opportunity to spend the night normally, to get some sleep, then we didn't rest.

We were going to Irpin. At that time, many people were talking about Stoyanka, battles were going on and the information was very different - ours or not ours? How to get there? Starohostomel bridge? There may already be an enemy on the other side. But we still move across the bridge and drive up to Irpin.

A car and several jeeps are rushing down the road. In "Cossack" is the commander of TrO Irpenya. By the way, I give him credit: in Irpen, TrO did their job.

The extreme car stops - what is it? Breakthrough! Where is the breakthrough? We turn around at a run and follow them.

While we were catching up with them, they came face to face with the enemy column. "Cossack" was fired upon, he boiled, his forehead was all covered in webs, but he survived.

We begin an attempt to occupy the streets to the left and right in order to prevent them from moving towards us.

The Russians are turning somewhere, and we lose visual control. We roll back to "Novus" near the railway and pick up the "bird" there.

I emphasize: the presence of a "bird" in the group is very important.

Our operator reports: 10+ units of enemy equipment on Pushkinska Street.

We begin to think about the route and what we can do. The most logical is "Bayraktar" or arta. Well, "Bayraktar" is a minus. "Bayraktary" do not work in populated areas.

They built a route, made a good hook, entered from the Vodokanal side. The cars were left behind. We decided that we would act as a group of five people. One car was sent, the other was left near the cemetery. They advanced through the forest in the direction of Pushkinska Street.

In the forest, we decided that we would attack the car closing the column. the Russians had already stopped there and began to disperse around the courtyards, to take shelter under the entrances — to hide from the artillery.

We discovered the extreme car that closed the column. They laid a route to her through the huts of the private sector. They approached the target in yards at a distance of about 100-150 meters. Worked out: my brother from RPG, and I had a trophy won in Moschun — RSHG-2.

I have never worked with such a hand grenade. I take a shot, and it hits my ear so well - a very loud thing. We hit it. BMD burned very well - burned almost to the level of asphalt.

They felt very comfortable in the forest

Rolled back to our group. There is a sanatorium nearby, they occupied an intersection there. We think, what will the enemy do: will they look for us or will they continue moving back in columns?

If they move back, we will plant them. We had NLAW, grenade launchers. There we met the night.

When dusk came, we decided to stay in town. There was a three-story cottage nearby. They spent the night there. They left a note to the owners apologizing that it was us, Ukrainians, who were forced to enter the house.

In the morning, we decide that we will go back, cross the Hlinka lane and go back into the forest. We felt very comfortable in the forest.

And at this moment, the second column of the enemy begins to enter from the direction of Vorzel through that very lane.

On papyrus

We understand that we are cut off from one side and we are already cut off from the other. But the Rashists pass us by. We go out into the forest and decide that we can't just go like that. You need to work a little. We walk literally a kilometer and discover this column. There was some kind of industrial facility surrounded by a concrete fence. We went around it and saw two "boxes". But working from the forest with an RPG was not "comilfo".

The crew felt quite calm, they walked there "on papyrus", and we - behind the fence. And as soon as these two get together so that I can work in one turn, I give a short "boom" there - the two lie down. And we rolled back again. The effect of the wasp - stung, left. There are none to look for, no. Not by our strength.

"AT! Ukrainians!"

The day before we destroyed the first car, we were lying on the edge of the forest. We notice: a civilian man is walking. We lay down on the edge like that, we don't move, maybe he won't see. And he looked at us! He looked and looked: "Oh, Ukrainians! Guys, I'm going to the sanatorium, there we had a police station on the territory. Ammunition is available: RPG shots and that and that. Take me with you, I'll show you everything."

He was an ATO soldier, fought in the 14-15 years. I agreed, but told the boys to "control" just in case. He fought with us for two days.

"the Russians were looking for us"

The next day, after working on the enemy crew, we rolled back to the main group, where there were three more of our own. What are we doing? We still had NLAW and an RPG or two. Let's go back. We discover this column that entered on the second day. We decide to work on one of the Russian rear vehicles.

The three of us are going, me and two more of my siblings. First, we make "stealths" up to 50-60 meters from the forest. But the Russians dispersed in groups of several people.

We decide that we will simply go to the rear, after 100-150 meters we will get off the road, comfortably work with the RPG, so as not to suddenly hit a trunk or branch.

He shoots his comrades - well. And I lie down and cover him with a machine gun. I think: as soon as there is movement - because there must be some active actions - I will start pouring. And they just lay down and froze. In a word, it was not possible to work with a machine gun then. After that, we rolled back to our well-deserved rest.

In Irpen, it was a classic of sabotage work.

After the liberation of the city, the boys came specifically to Bucha, talked with the locals from the houses we passed by.

Civilians saw that we were walking there. They understood that it was "ours". They said that after our activities, the Rusaks began combing all the basements, all the yards. That is, they were looking for us. But we were no longer there. Such were the cases related to Irpen in our group.

Venäjä lähettää Ukrainan rintamalle miehittämättömän panssarintorjuntavaunun.​

Venäjä aikoo testata Donbassin alueella Ukrainassa uutta miehittämätöntä ajoneuvoa, joka on varustettu Kornet-panssarintorjuntaohjuksilla.

Asiasta kertoi Venäjän avaruushallinnon entinen pomo Dmitri Rogozin.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-taisteluvaunu saa tulikasteensa Itä-Ukrainassa.

Rogozin lupaa, että Marker havaitsee Yhdysvaltojen ja eurooppalaisten valtioiden Ukrainalle toimittamat Leopard- ja Abrams-panssarivaunut ja tuhoaa nämä.

Asiantuntijat eivät ole yhtä vakuuttuneita Markerin suorituskyvystä. Esimerkiksi sodankäyntiin erikoistunut Samuel Bendett huomauttaa Twitterissä, että Marker-vaunua on testattu avoimessa maastossa, josta ovat puuttuneet niin kranaatinammusten jättämät kraatterit, ojat kuin rakennuksetkin.

Bendettin mukaan Ukrainasta löytyy kyllä avointa maastoa, mutta todellisuudella Marker joutuu paljon haastavampaan testiin kuin venäläiset ehkä kuvittelevat.

Esimerkiksi testeissä Marker on ampunut panssarintorjuntaohjuksensa paikoiltaan. Todellisessa taistelutilanteessa vaunu joutuu todennäköisesti laukomaan ohjuksiaan liikkeessä.

Rogozinin mukaan Marker-vaunu on siirtymässä massatuotantovaiheeseen.
Mikä voisi mennä vikaan! 🙃🤡
Itse ihan vakavissani pohdin, että nyt kun Suomi on Natossa, niin voisiko Venäjä hyökätä tai ainakin iskeä mereltä Ruotsiin? Ihan vaan sotkeakseen asioita ja estääkseen siten Ruotsin liittymisen Natoon.
Käyttäisit sinäkin aikasi paremmin. Vaikka katselemalla maalin kuivumista. Mikään ryssän hyökkäys ei enää tässä vaiheessa voi estää Ruotsin jäsenyyttä.
"Jälkiviisaana" voi pohtia, että jos Venäjä olisi käynyt alunperin sotimaan ihan tosissaan Ukrainaa vastaan (meinaan isomman armeijan voimalla ja paremmilla taktiikoilla) ja samalla tehnyt erilaisia provokaatioita Ruotsin ja Suomen suuntaan, niin missä mentäisiin nyt... Jaa-a.
"Jälkiviisaana" voi pohtia, että jos Venäjä olisi käynyt alunperin sotimaan ihan tosissaan Ukrainaa vastaan (meinaan isomman armeijan voimalla ja paremmilla taktiikoilla) ja samalla tehnyt erilaisia provokaatioita Ruotsin ja Suomen suuntaan, niin missä mentäisiin nyt... Jaa-a.
Viddu, jos Kieviin hyökänneiden joukkojen päävarustukseen kuului paraativarusteet, niin melko hukassa on tiedustelu ollut Ukrainan puolustus tahdosta.
Olisi ehkä kannattanut katso kolmea jakoa enemmän Kansanpalvelija Tv sarjaa 🤔
"Jälkiviisaana" voi pohtia, että jos Venäjä olisi käynyt alunperin sotimaan ihan tosissaan Ukrainaa vastaan (meinaan isomman armeijan voimalla ja paremmilla taktiikoilla) ja samalla tehnyt erilaisia provokaatioita Ruotsin ja Suomen suuntaan, niin missä mentäisiin nyt... Jaa-a.

Varmaan me nelikymppiset ressut seisottaisiin Pietarin kadunkulmissa tornilogolla varustetut makkarat kädessä. Jos edes ukrainalle ei pärjää niin miten niillä menisi oikeita ilmavoimia ja semikoherenttia maavoimaa vastaan samaan aikaan?