The House on Thursday passed the annual defense policy bill with a $23.9 billion increase to the defense top line and a significant boost to the Navy’s shipbuilding account.
The bill authorizes a total of 13 battleforce ships: two Virginia-class attack boats, three Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, one Constellation-class frigate, one America-class amphibious assault ship, two Expeditionary Fast Transport vessels, two John Lewis-class fleet oilers, one Navajo-class towing, salvage and rescue ship, and one T-AGOS(X) ocean surveillance ship.
The bill also includes language that would allow the Navy to retire four of the seven Ticonderoga-class cruisers it asked to decommission in the FY 2022 budget request. The service can retire USS Port Royal (CG-73), USS Vella Gulf (CG-72), USS Hué City (CG-66) and USS Anzio (CG-68) in FY 2022, meaning it must keep USS San Jacinto (CG-56), USS Lake Champlain (CG-57) and USS Monterey (CG-61) in the fleet.

House Passes Defense Authorization Bill With $23.9B Topline Increase, 13 Battleforce Ships - USNI News
The House on Thursday passed the annual defense policy bill with a $23.9 billion increase to the defense top line and a significant boost to the Navy’s shipbuilding account. In a 316-113 vote Thursday evening, the lower chamber passed the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act...