USA:n ja Kiinan välinen globaali kilvoittelu

Hommattiinhan titaaniakin aikanaan NL amerikkaan kylmän sodan aikaan operaatiolla. Varmasti korvaaviakin toimituksia voidaan ostaa muistakin maista. Ei varmaan haittane heitä yhtään. Mukava jos jostain löytyisi numeroja kuinka iso Kiinan osuus on näistä harvinaisista materiaaleista. Monetkin pakotelistalla olevat maat hankkivat tai ainakin yrittävät hankkia materiaaleja erilaisten välikäsien kautta. Tokihan hommassa on isot riskit, mutta tuntuu yrittäjiä löytyvän. Hämmästelisin jollei löytyisi USA puoleen yrittäjiä tässä suhteessa.

Suomessa ainakin tuntuu että jos palkka nousee 0.00005% tai sepät ei KIKYile, niin yritysten kilpailukykyky romahtaa. Ajattelisin että jos mineraaleja ruvetaan pitkien toimitusketjujen kautta hankkimaan niin vaikutukset hintaan voi olla isoja. Jokainen välikäsihän ottaa omansa. Tuossa ylen uutisessahan oli myös sanottu "Asiantuntijat arvioivat, että jos Kiina toteuttaa uhkauksensa, vaikutus USA:n teollisuuteen voisi lyhyellä aikavälillä olla dramaattinen"

Tämä myös
"Lisäksi on huomattava, että vaikka yleisesti puhutaan "harvinaisista" maametalleista, ne eivät itse asiassa ole kovin harvinaisia. Niitä on maaperässä paljonkin, ongelma vain on, että metalliesiintymät eivät ole keskittyneet yhteen paikkaan. Metallien tuottaminen on siis työlästä, mutta jos hinta nousee tarpeeksi, vaihtoehtoista tuotantoa alkaa kyllä syntyä, asiantuntijat sanovat.

Eli mineraaleja kyllä saa, mutta se maksaa.

BBC.n mukaan kiinan tuotanto on 70%

"Chinese mines account for around 70% of global output"
Tälläinen oli vielä bbc. uutisessa.

Around 80% of the rare earths imported by the United States comes from China, according to US government data.
Estonia, France and Japan also supply processed rare earths to the US, but the original ore comes from China.

The one rare earth mine operating in the United States sends its ore to China for processing - and already faces a 25% import tariff imposed by China.
Suomessa ainakin tuntuu että jos palkka nousee 0.00005% tai sepät ei KIKYile, niin yritysten kilpailukykyky romahtaa. Ajattelisin että jos mineraaleja ruvetaan pitkien toimitusketjujen kautta hankkimaan niin vaikutukset hintaan voi olla isoja. Jokainen välikäsihän ottaa omansa. Tuossa ylen uutisessahan oli myös sanottu "Asiantuntijat arvioivat, että jos Kiina toteuttaa uhkauksensa, vaikutus USA:n teollisuuteen voisi lyhyellä aikavälillä olla dramaattinen"

Tämä myös
"Lisäksi on huomattava, että vaikka yleisesti puhutaan "harvinaisista" maametalleista, ne eivät itse asiassa ole kovin harvinaisia. Niitä on maaperässä paljonkin, ongelma vain on, että metalliesiintymät eivät ole keskittyneet yhteen paikkaan. Metallien tuottaminen on siis työlästä, mutta jos hinta nousee tarpeeksi, vaihtoehtoista tuotantoa alkaa kyllä syntyä, asiantuntijat sanovat.

Eli mineraaleja kyllä saa, mutta se maksaa.

BBC.n mukaan kiinan tuotanto on 70%

"Chinese mines account for around 70% of global output"

Yllättävän iso osuus, jos pitää paikkansa. Voi siinä mielessä puraista Kiinan omaakin taloutta kummasti mikäeli vaihtoehtoista ostajia ala löytymään, tai sitten myydään polkuhintaan USA pois sulkemisen vuoksi. Varmasti USA kirpaisi. mutta ihmettelisin jolleivat saa niin paljoa capitaa liikkelle ettei keitään muita ala löytymään vaihtoehtoisiksi toimittajaksi.

Joka tapauksessa kovilla panoksilla pelataan. Ilmaisee kyllä kuinka tärkeä Huawei onkin Kiinalle. Ei ehkä yhtiönä vaan vakoilun kautta saatavana hyötynä.
Eugene Gholzin* mukaan ( Texasin yliopisto, Austin) "rare earthit" eli harvinaiset maametallit eivät ole olleskaan mitenkään harvinaisia. Niitä on maaperässä kohtuullisesti. Ne vaan tuppaavat olemaan ikävästi pitkälle sitoutuneina yhdisteinä.

Rare Eartheissa se "rare" sana ei tulekkaan esiintymistä vaan rikastamisen vaikeudesta. Harvinaisten maametallien rikastaminen on työvaltaista ja likaista puuhaa, jossa puuhastellaan säteilytysten ja happokylpyjen kanssa. Ennen Kiinan nousua Yhdysvallat hoiti tuon rikastamisen itse. Nykyään Yhdysvaltalaisetkin tuottajat shippaavat "likaisen duunin" Kiinaan.

Joten: Kyllä niitä "rare eartheja" jatkossakin saa. Pitää vaan löytää joku toinen paikka kuin Kiina tehdä se rikastamisen kakkajobi - jos ei itse halua tehdä sitä.

Kiina aiheuttaa jonkinlaisen lyhytaikaisen kriisin, jos se pistää RE:te täysstoppiin. Sen jälkeen jonnekin muualle syntyy vastaava rikastusteollisuus mikä Kiinassa oli ja se on hei-hei kiinalaisille. Jälleen yksi leivän lähde katosi Kansantasavallasta ja riisikupissa on entistä vähemmän syötävää....

Kiina ei tätä hevosenleikkiä tuu kestämään.

* Eugene Gholz oli Pentagonin senioorianalyytikko, joka teki RE:n strategisesta merkityksestä Yhdysvalloille analyysin 2014. Eli luulis tietävän mistä puhuu.
The bus wars are over and electricity has won — thanks to a big boost from China.

In fact, when it comes to electric bus purchases, China is outpacing the United States by an astounding 421,000 to 300 as of the end of 2018.

Thanks to China’s massive investment in and support for electric buses, electrics are now racing past a 50% share of new bus sales worldwide, according to a recent analysis by Bloomberg NEF (BNEF).
Jenkkien lahja Kiinalle

BEIJING — In all likelihood, the enduring physical legacy of China’s internet boom will not be the glass-and-steel office complexes or the fancy apartments for tech elites.
It will be the plastic.

The astronomical growth of food delivery apps in China is flooding the country with takeout containers, utensils and bags. And the country’s patchy recycling system isn’t keeping up. The vast majority of this plastic ends up discarded, buried or burned with the rest of the trash, researchers and recyclers say.

Scientists estimate that the online takeout business in China was responsible for 1.6 million tons of packaging waste in 2017, a ninefold jump from two years before. That includes 1.2 million tons of plastic containers, 175,000 tons of disposable chopsticks, 164,000 tons of plastic bags and 44,000 tons of plastic spoons.

Put together, it is more than the amount of residential and commercial trash of all kinds disposed of each year by the city of Philadelphia. The total for 2018 grew to an estimated two million tons.

People in China still generate less plastic waste, per capita, than Americans. But researchers estimate that nearly three-quarters of China’s plastic waste ends up in inadequately managed landfills or out in the open, where it can easily make its way into the sea. More plastic enters the world’s oceans from China than from any other country. Plastic can take centuries to break down undersea.

Recyclers manage to return some of China’s plastic trash into usable form to feed the nation’s factories. The country recycles around a quarter of its plastic, government statistics show, compared with less than 10 percent in the United States.

But in China, takeout boxes do not end up recycled, by and large. They must be washed first. They weigh so little that scavengers must gather a huge number to amass enough to sell to recyclers.

Täällä Briteissä on sama ongelma. Kertakäyttömuovit on joka paikassa ja jengi jakaa niitä ilmaiseksi. Safka esimerkiksi laitetaan polyuretaani säiliöön ja kiedotaan muovipussiin ja päälle vielä tarjotaan niitä rimpula muovi haarukoita ja muita. Joudut sanomaan kiitos ei ja kärsimään kun ne ihmettelee että miksi ei kelpaa. Homma on kuitenkin että lopulta se näyttää tältä,


Tuo ylläolevasta artikkelista, mutta syy miksi sanon että se on jenkkien lahja on pikaruokakulttuurissa ja kertakäyttö muoveissa. Uskon että jos Suomalaiset olisivat olleet viimeisen sata vuotta kulttuurin kärjessä vaikuttajina, niin ruuat käärittäisiin paperiin tai pahviin ja mukaan tarjottaisiin puisia aterimia.
Turha Kiinaa on alkaa aliarvioimaan. Kyllä he tulevat olemaan tulemaan toinen supervalta mikä maailmassa on. Minun mielestäni Kiina tulee ottamaan Venäjän paikan tässä asetelmassa.
Tuossa olisi varmaankin pitänyt olla "Kiina tulee ottamaan Neuvostoliiton paikan tässä asetelmassa". Venäjällä toki on painoarvoa maailmanpolitiikassa sotilaallisena valtana, raaka-aineiden tuottajana ja hervottoman kokoisen maapläntin hallitsijana Euroopan ja Aasian välissä, mutta ei Venäjä kykene kilvoittelemaan supervalta-asemasta. Maailmassa on tällä hetkellä yksi konkreettinen (USA) ja kaksi potentiaalista (EU ja Kiina) supervaltaa.

Länsimediassa usein liioitellaan Venäjän asemaa ja vaikutusvaltaa. Ehkäpä osin siksi, että Venäjä sopii hyvin "pahikseksi", jonka uhalla pelottelemalla voidaan ajaa halutunlaista sisäpolitiikkaa.
Viimeksi muokattu:


The bus wars are over and electricity has won — thanks to a big boost from China.

In fact, when it comes to electric bus purchases, China is outpacing the United States by an astounding 421,000 to 300 as of the end of 2018.

Thanks to China’s massive investment in and support for electric buses, electrics are now racing past a 50% share of new bus sales worldwide, according to a recent analysis by Bloomberg NEF (BNEF).
Ei vaan sähköbussit Suomessa tahdo toimia vaikka dieselbusseista pitäisi oikeasti päästä eroon...
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Tuo ylläolevasta artikkelista, mutta syy miksi sanon että se on jenkkien lahja on pikaruokakulttuurissa ja kertakäyttö muoveissa. Uskon että jos Suomalaiset olisivat olleet viimeisen sata vuotta kulttuurin kärjessä vaikuttajina, niin ruuat käärittäisiin paperiin tai pahviin ja mukaan tarjottaisiin puisia aterimia.

Venäjällä taidetaan kääriä kaalit paperiin.

Yritäppä elintarviketurvallisuusviranomaiselle syöttää tuo paperipakkaukset moderneihin ruokatuotteisiin, niin nauravat pihalle.

Paperi ja pahvi voi tulla takaisin, mutta siinä on moni soijalatte suru puserossa, kun lattea ei saa enää hyllystä. Taitaa jäädä suurin osa ruokatuotteista tehtaalle, jos turvallisuusmääräyksistä ei tingitä, ja vaikka tingittäisiin, niin tuotteet eivät välttämättä selviä tehtaalta kotio.
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Venäjällä taidetaan kääriä kaalit paperiin.

Yritäppä elintarviketurvallisuusviranomaiselle syöttää tuo paperipakkaukset moderneihin ruokatuotteisiin, niin nauravat pihalle.

Paperi ja pahvi voi tulla takaisin, mutta siinä on moni soijalatte suru puserossa, kun lattea ei saa enää hyllystä. Taitaa jäädä suurin osa ruokatuotteista tehtaalle, jos turvallisuusmääräyksistä ei tingitä, ja vaikka tingittäisiin, niin tuotteet eivät välttämättä selviä tehtaalta kotio.
Eikä se elintarvikkeiden käärepaperikaan ole enää paperina kierrätettäviä. Sen verran seassa on muutakivaa.
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Eikä se elintarvikkeiden käärepaperikaan ole enää paperina kierrätettäviä. Sen verran seassa on muutakivaa.

No, tänään täällä Briteissä.

Waitrose has unveiled its vision of environmentally conscious shopping, offering customers the chance to buy food and drink that is completely free of packaging as part of a ground-breaking trial for a large retailer.

In a new drive to try to eliminate unnecessary plastic and packaging, shoppers will be able to fill their own containers with a range of products from a series of dispensers, using the first dedicated refill station installed by a major UK supermarket.

In a trial starting this week at a Waitrose supermarket in Oxford, customers are being given refillable options for products including wine and beer, rice and cleaning materials, with prices typically 15% cheaper than the packaged alternatives.
"Yesterday's news It today's fish and chips."
Kyllähän paperit tuohon tosiaan hyvin kelpaa. Olihan ne raksamiehen voileivät ennenkin voipaperiin käärittynä. Meinasin vaan, ettei sitä voipaperia kuitenkaan paperina enää kierrätetä. Se on sekajätettä. No, polttoon han ne kaikki nykyään menee.

Kolme vuotta sitten sain fish and chipsin paikalliseen lehtipaperiin kierrettynä. Useissa paikoissa on pahvisia ruokalaatikoita, taikka ne kiertää ruuat valkaistuun paperiin. Mutta mukaan sitten tarjotaan muovisia aterimia ja muovipusseja, muovipussien sisällä.
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Huawei may have reassessed its ambitions to summit the global smartphone market by 2020 due to political and economic uncertainty between the US and China.

The master plan for south-China HQ'd Huawei was to follow up its stellar 2018 and, more recently, calendar Q1 shipments – up 44.5 per cent to 58.43 million units – with another record year to claim the top spot from Samsung.

Now it seems as though the campaign run by the US administration against all things Chinese, with Huawei at the centre, has caught up with the company's management team and forced a rethink.

"As the situation has emerged, it is too early to say whether we are able to achieve the goal," said Zhao Ming, president of Honour, one of Huawei's smartmobe brands at a briefing in China.

The US is to "prohibit transactions posing an unacceptable risk to the national security" from August. The executive order was signed mid-May but buyers have 90 days in which to make alternative arrangements in the supply chain. This is seen as providing the foundation on which to completely ban Chinese firms including Huawei and ZTE.

In addition, the US government has been slapping trade tariffs on goods imported from China to America in three separate rounds, starting in October, increasing in January and again more recently.

The sentiments have forced analysts at Canalys to revisit its sales projections for Huawei and the smartphone market. It now expects a total of 1.39 billion units to be shifted in 2019, representing a decline of 3.1 per cent.

The analyst is labouring under the expectation that the US restrictions will be felt strongly by Huawei and will hinder the company's short-term rollouts of phones outside of China.

"We expect the other major smartphone vendors will have short-term opportunities while Huawei struggles," said Rushabh Doshi, Canalys research director. He said Samsung would be the major beneficiary due to its "aggressive device strategy and its ability to quickly ramp production".

"It will take other vendors until late 2019 to react to the new opportunities. Samsung's control over component supply gives it a major advantage," he added.

Beyond this year, smartphone sales are tipped to rise in 2020 by 3.4 per cent to 1.39 billion as the big brands roll out 5G-ready devices.

Huawei is reportedly flogging off part of its undersea telecoms cable business, barely six weeks after Australia blocked its attempts to win a major cable contract.

A Chinese cable manufacturer, Hengtong Optic-Electric Co Ltd, is set to acquire a 51 per cent stake in Huawei Marine Systems Co Ltd, according to reports from the Reuters financial newswire.

No price was disclosed in the Chinese stock exchange filing seen by Reuters. The newswire linked the divestment to US pressure through recently ramped-up economic sanctions, which the Chinese firm has rather naively taken to the American courts.

This builds on the April blocking of Huawei's undersea cables biz from getting its hands on a $100m+ Aus-China subsea cable. The deal was thwarted after the Australian government unchained its coffers, leading to US company TE Subcom winning the contract.

Neither Australia nor America are at all friendly with Huawei, with the Pacific continent-country cheerleading US efforts to shut Chinese firms out of technology markets.

Huawei has insisted that it would resist any efforts to force it to act as an intelligence-gathering arm of the communist Chinese state. These claims stand at odds with Chinese legislation, particularly that country's National Intelligence Law.

A Swedish law firm's interpretation (PDF, 6 pages) published this January reckons it definitely applies overseas. This is not to say that China is uniquely bad; most countries, including in the West, have similar "give us what we want and don't you dare tell anyone" laws, including the UK.
“There is going to be a lot of pain for the semiconductor industry before it normalizes,” says Dan Hutcheson.

“It’s a mess, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better,” says David French.

“If we aren’t going to sell them chips, it is not going to take them long [to catch up to us]; it is going to hurt us,” says Mar Hershenson.

French, Hutcheson, and Hershenson, along with Ann Kim and Pete Rodriguez, were discussing the U.S.-China trade war that escalated last month when the United States placed communications behemoth Huawei on a trade blacklist. All five are semiconductor industry veterans and investors: French is currently chairman of Silicon Power Technology; Hutcheson is CEO of VLSI Research; Hershenson is managing partner of Pear Ventures, Kim is managing director of Silicon Valley Bank’s Frontier Technology Group, and Rodriguez is CEO of startup incubator Silicon Catalyst. The five took the stage at Silicon Catalyst’s second industry forum, held in Santa Clara, Calif., last week to discuss several aspects of the trade war:

Chinese President Xi Jinping touted a new level of relations with Vladimir Putin as he embarked on a three-day visit to Russia that highlights a deepening partnership between the two countries as both face growing tensions with the U.S.

“Step by step, we’ve been able to bring our relations to the highest level in history,” Xi said, according to a Kremlin transcript of their meeting. The countries’ position “on key world problems are close,” the Russian leader said, referring to the Chinese leader as his “dear friend.”

Xi and Putin presided over the signature of about 30 documents after the talks. including an accord for Huawei Technologies Co., which faces a U.S. ban from 5G networks, to start pilot zones in Russia with Mobile TeleSystems PJSC. Bilateral trade increased last year by about a quarter to a record $108 billion. The countries’ first natural gas pipeline is due to open later this year and China is investing in Russia’s Yamal Arctic LNG project.
China’s Huawei Technologies needs to raise its “shoddy” security standards which fall below rivals, a senior British cyber security official said on Thursday, as the company came under increasing pressure internationally.

The US has led allegations that Huawei’s equipment can be used by Beijing for espionage operations, with Washington urging allies to bar the company from 5G networks.

British officials have also raised concerns about security issues but said they can manage the risks and have seen no evidence of spying. Huawei has repeatedly denied the allegations against it.

“Huawei as a company builds stuff very differently to their Western counterparts. Part of that is because of how quickly they’ve grown up, part of it could be cultural – who knows,” said Ian Levy, Technical Director of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre, part of the GCHQ signals intelligence agency.

“What we have learnt as a result of that, the security is objectively worse, and we need to cope with that,” he told a conference in London.

Asked about how Huawei compares with its competitors, Levy said: “Certainly nothing is perfect, certainly Huawei is shoddy, the others are less shoddy.”

The United States has placed sanctions on Huawei, the world’s biggest producer of mobile network equipment, and tried to block it from buying US goods. Washington has also said it will limit intelligence sharing with allies who continue to use the company’s technology.

Britain’s National Security Council decided in April to block Huawei from all core parts of its future 5G network but to give it restricted access to non-core parts.

That decision came after a British government report in March rebuked the company for failing to fix long-standing security flaws in its equipment and revealed new “significant technical issues.”

Huawei has pledged to spend more than $2bn as part of efforts to address the problems but also warned it could take up to five years to see results.

Levy said he had not yet seen any action by the company to reassure him Huawei was taking the necessary steps and “the start of a high-level plan that we can talk about in public would be a good thing.”

“To be fair, they have a lot of work to do, and I think they know that,” he said. “You wouldn’t expect to have, in six months since we published that report, less than that, them coming out going ‘we’ve fixed it.’ That would be unachievable.”
Two professors at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, have been indicted for an alleged plan to steal computer trade secrets from their former employer, a technical services non-profit called the Water Institute of the Gulf, and to commit computer fraud.

The US Department of Justice on Wednesday announced the indictment of Ehab Meselhe, 53, and Kelin Hu, 42, based on claims that the two academics, between October 2018 and January 2019, conspired to steal the Basin Wide Model, a collection of data and computer code used to project how the Mississippi Delta will change over time.

The model, the indictment [PDF] says, helps the Water Institute of the Gulf obtain consulting contracts worth millions of dollars from other organizations concerned with environmental issues like the Environmental Defense Fund. Its loss would thus hinder the organization's ability to compete for those contracts.

The Justice Department release mentions that Hu is a Chinese citizen living in the US, but the indictment offers no indication that the case has anything to do with Chinese trade secret espionage, a subject of intense interest to federal authorities at the moment. Rather, the allegations are that the supposed scheme was pursued for personal gain.

According to the indictment, Meselhe, who left the Water Institute in October last year, told Hu the following month that he would bring him on staff at Tulane, provided he copied the Basin Wide Model before he resigned. The pair agreed, it's said, to communicate via personal accounts rather than work accounts to avoid detection.

But, the indictment says, in January this year Hu was caught in the act of downloading the files to a personal computing device, fired and escorted from the premises of the Water Institute. That's how the incident came to the attention of authorities.

"Theft of proprietary information and intellectual property for personal gain will not be tolerated by this office, especially where the theft is from a research institution whose purpose is to study environmental impacts so that we can best protect our citizens from natural and man-made disasters and other coastal threats," said US Attorney Brandon Fremin in a statement.

"Businesses, universities, and many other organizations like the Water Institute invest tremendous amounts of time, talent and money in creating proprietary information to advance their various missions – they should be protected too."

Steven Moore, Hu's attorney, defended his client and said he expects Hu to be cleared of the charges.

"Professor Hu was a loyal employee of the Water Institute and followed all instructions of his superiors throughout his employment," said Moore in an email to The Register.
"Professor Hu worked on many projects on behalf of the Water Institute including collaboration with other institutions with whom they shared data. Professor Hu worked only with individuals and institutions known to the Water Institute and with the Water Institute's full blessing. Professor Hu has been and will continue to fully cooperate in the investigation and has truthfully answered all questions and turned over all items as requested by the Government and the Water Institute. Professor Hu denies any wrongdoing and is looking forward to the entire matter being fully disclosed and him being exonerated."

Michael W. Magner, a partner at Jones Walker LLP and attorney for Meselhe, offered a similar defense of his client in an emailed statement:

Dr. Meselhe has an impeccable reputation within the professional and academic community in Louisiana and nationally. He dedicated the past 22 years to serve the State of Louisiana with the coastal restoration efforts. He was the lead designer and developer of numerous numerical modeling efforts — and he completely denies any wrongdoing. Besides the fact that Dr. Meselhe developed the computer modeling programs at issue in this case, most of them are and have been available to the public, scientific and engineering communities, and other public and non-profit institutions for the purpose of protecting Louisiana’s coast. Dr. Meselhe is not guilty of the crimes alleged, and he looks forward to having his day in court where we expect that he will be completely exonerated.