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Saas nähdä, kuinka pysyvä ratkaisu on kyseessä. Tämä ei sinällään vielä kerro NATO:n jatkuvuudesta nykymuodossaan tai Yhdysvaltojen sitoutumisesta Euroopan puolustamiseen pidemmäksi aikaa kovinkaan paljoa. Vähän tälläinen viime hetken päätöksen maku tässä on, ts. tehdään edes jotain, kun vielä voidaan.
Tässä propagandaa aiheesta, kirjoittajana - ylläri - IPU:n kannattajaksi ilmoittautuva hahmo. Blogin lähteenä toimivaa faktista faktaa tarjoaa mm. miehemme Donetskista, Janus Putkonen.
Lukijoiden kommentit ovat verrattain yksiselitteisiä.

Repesin nauruun lukiessani kommentteja...tämä oli paras:

Jan Finskas: "IPU seisoo sen takana mitä esittää."

No ihan varmasti seisoo. Ja mikäpä on seistessä, kun takana on 140-miljoonaisen naapurivaltion totalitaarisen hallinnon vankkumaton tuki.

Rautaa itärajalle.






Polakit asialla. Nato häiriköi Venäläistä alusta.

NATO warship blocked the path of Russian frigate in the Baltic Sea
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 10:12:16 AM

NATO warship blocked the path of Russian frigate Admiral Makarov, reports Zvezda TV channel. Incident reportedly occurred in neutral waters of the Baltic Sea.

The NATO ship belongs to Polish Navy and was 14 kilometers away from the Russian frigate.

The Russian frigate was conducting test firing of Russia’s newest Shtil-1 surface-to-air missile system when the Polish warship approached it.

The channel states that as a result of the presence of the foreign vessel in the training zone, the missile launches were interrupted.

The test firing was continued only after the NATO vessel left the training area.

NATO:n koneet käyneet nuuhkimassa Venäjän rajaa. Norjalainen P-3 Orion Barentsin merellä ja amerikkalainen B-52 itämerellä. Mistälie tuo B-52 tupsahtanut paikalle, ei kai niitä ihan hirveän usein itämerellä käyne...?

Russia sends jet fighter to intercept Norwegian plane over Barents Sea: agencies
Russia sent a MiG-31 jet fighter on Tuesday to intercept a Norwegian patrol plane flying along Russia's border over the Barents Sea, Russian news agencies quoted Russia's Defence Ministry as saying.

The ministry said it had identified the Norwegian plane as an anti-submarine P-3 Orion aircraft and said it had switched off its transponder during the flight, the agencies reported.

Earlier on Tuesday, A Russian Su-27 jet fighter intercepted a U.S. B-52 strategic bomber on Russia's border over the Baltic Sea.
NATO:n koneet käyneet nuuhkimassa Venäjän rajaa. Norjalainen P-3 Orion Barentsin merellä ja amerikkalainen B-52 itämerellä. Mistälie tuo B-52 tupsahtanut paikalle, ei kai niitä ihan hirveän usein itämerellä käyne...?

Russia sends jet fighter to intercept Norwegian plane over Barents Sea: agencies

Ei ilmeisesti kovin usein käy:
Pyotr Deinekin, a former Russian Air Force commander, was cited by the Interfax news agency as saying that he could not recall the last time a B-52 had flown over the Baltic Sea and that the incident raised troubling questions.

"Such behavior does not deserve respect," said Deinekin, who said Russia needed to establish what weaponry the B-52 was carrying.

The B-52 was designed to attack Moscow's most vital targets via the North Pole in the event of a nuclear war when the Soviet Union still existed, Deinekin said.

"Strategic bombers should not fly so close to our land borders," he said.


Hauskaa on tietenkin toi viimeisen rivin näkemys... Tu-95:t eivtä sitten liene strategisia pommittajia. Muiden rajoilla niitä kyllä on näkynyt tarpeettoman runsaasti.
Venäläishävittäjä käännytti myös norjalaiskoneen Barentsinmerellä

Tiistai 6.6.2017 klo 22.58

(EPA/AOP)" style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); text-decoration: underline;">
Lockheed P-3C Orion -konetta käytetään sukellusveneiden torjumiseen. (EPA/AOP)
Venäläishävittäjä käännytti amerikkalaispommikoneen Itämerellä

Venäläinen hävittäjä MiG-31 kävi tunnistamassa ja käännyttämässä Norjan ilmavoimien P-3C Orion -koneen Barentsinmerellä tänään tiistaina. Venäjän puolustusvoimien mukaan kone lensi kansainvälisessä ilmatilassa Venäjän rajan suuntaisesti transponderi suljettuna.

Venäjän ilmavalvonta havaitsi kohteen kello 12:30 Moskovan aikaa. Venäjän pohjoiseen laivastoon kuuluvan hävittäjän lähestyttyä norjalainen kone muutti suuntaa kauemmaksi Venäjän rajasta.

Venäläisviestimien mukaan Norjan puolustusvoimien everstiluutnantti Ivar Moen pitää tapausta tavanomaisena.

- Norjalaiset lentäjät tunnistavat venäläisiä koneita samalla tavalla. Näin tapahtuu säännöllisesti, Moen sanoo Ria Novostin mukaan.

P-3C Orion -konetta käytetään sukellusveneiden torjumiseen.

Samankaltainen tapaus sattui tänään Itämerellä, kun Venäjän Baltian laivaston Su-27 kävi keskeyttämässä Yhdysvaltain B-52-pommikoneen Venäjän rajan suuntaisen lennon.

Lähteet: TASS, Ria Novosti
Uutisvirta on ollut useita kuukausia sen sorttista, että voisi luulla Barbarossan valmistelut olevan käynnissä balttiassa.
Amerikkalainen ostasto saapuu viroon. Britit saapuvat viroon. Hollantilaiset saapuvat,norjalaiset saapuvat, Saksalaiset saapuvat. Vähän aika sitten Ranskalaiset saapuivat. Nyt Espanjalaiset tulivat.

Onhan tässä selvää näyttöä itänaapurille.

Ilmeisesti tuore amerikkalaisen B1-pommittajan kyydistä itämerellä otettu videoklippi, jossa venäläinen Su-27 tulee aika lähelle.
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Toinen tuoreehko klippi, joka kuvaa asiaan liittyvää NATO:n BALTOPS-harjoitusta. Ainakin muutama B-52- ja B1-pommittaja lentää muodostelmassa jossain itämerellä. Viestivät varmaan Venäjälle, että rautaa on lähellä.
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Saber Strike 17 -harjoitus päättynyt. Suomelta mukana oli esikuntaväkeä ja taistelupioneerijoukkue.

U.S., NATO Conclude Saber Strike 17 Exercise
By Air Force Senior Airman Tryphena Mayhugh 86th Airlift Wing

ADAZI MILITARY BASE, Latvia, June 26, 2017 — About 11,000 U.S. and NATO service members from 20 countries concluded the Saber Strike 17 exercise here on June 24.

Pennsylvania Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Max Langford, a boom operator with the 171st Air Refueling Squadron, refuels a U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command B-52 Stratofortress during exercise Saber Strike 17 above Riga, Latvia, June 13, 2017. Langford, along with other boom operators from the 171st ARS, refueled B-52s and B-1B Lancers throughout the exercise. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Tryphena Mayhugh

The exercise took place in various regions in the Baltics and Poland from May 28-June 24.

Saber Strike 17 is a long-standing Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. European Command-scheduled, U.S. Army Europe-led cooperative training exercise.

Multinational Exercise

Participating nations in this year’s exercise included Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, the United Kingdom and the U.S.

This year’s key training objective was to exercise with NATO’s enhanced forward presence battle groups as part of a multinational division, while conducting an integrated, synchronized, deterrence-oriented field training exercise designed to improve the interoperability and readiness of participating nations’ armed forces.

“Less than one year ago, our alliance said we were going to transition from assurance to deterrence,” said Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of U.S. Army Europe. “One of the manifestations of that transition was the creation of the eFP Battlegroups. In less than one year, these battle groups are exercising already in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. That is an amazing accomplishment for our great alliance.

Hodges added, “Deterrence means you have to have the capability to compel or defeat a potential adversary. You have to demonstrate that capability and the will to use it, and these exercises are that demonstration.”

Key Training Events

Key training events of the exercise included a convoy by Battlegroup Poland, from Orysz, Poland, to southern Lithuania; a maritime prepositioned offload of prestaged supplies and equipment in Latvia; a Marine amphibious assault in Latvia; two combined arms live-fire exercises, one each in Poland and Lithuania; an air assault by the British Royal Marines at the Polish and Lithuanian border; and a river crossing in the same area.

“If you would like to have skilled soldiers, you have to train every day,” said Latvian Army Chief of Defense Maj. Gen. Leonids Kalnins. “If you would like to be safe as a state, you have to find allies; but if you would like to be the winner and create a great future for all countries, for all society, you have to participate in such exercises as this one.”

The Saber Strike exercise series facilitates cooperation between the U.S, allied, and partner nations to improve joint operational capability in a variety of missions and prepare participating nations and units for future operations while enhancing the NATO alliance.

A U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter flies towards airmen assigned to the 435th Contingency Response Group during exercise Saber Strike 17 at Lielvarde Air Base, Latvia, June 10, 2017. The 435th CRG airmen worked alongside U.S. Army and NATO service members throughout the exercise. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Tryphena Mayhugh

During the exercise, U.S. and NATO distinguished visitors attended a demonstration of the joint and combined capabilities of the U.S. and NATO here.

‘NATO Allies Working Together’

One of the visitors was Nancy Bikoff Pettit, U.S. ambassador to Latvia, who spoke about the importance of the exercise.

“I think exercises like this send a very strong message,” she said. “It’s not only the U.S. who is interested in security and defense here in the Baltic region, it’s all of our NATO allies working together.

Bikoff Pettit added, “This exercise demonstrates what happens when many NATO allies come together to cooperate and demonstrate the interoperability that we have. We are really pleased with the quality of the exercises.”

Saber Strike 17 promotes regional stability and security, while strengthening partner capabilities and fostering trust. The combined training opportunities that it provided greatly improve interoperability among participating NATO allies and key regional partners.

“The U.S. is here,” Hodges said. “We’re going to continue to participate in exercises; American soldiers love serving with Latvian soldiers. This is a great place to train, and we’re excited about doing that for as [long] as I can see.”

As the seventh iteration of this exercise, Saber Strike 17 continues to provide a venue for U.S. and NATO military members to train and learn from one another to form a stronger partnership.
