Mielisairauksista kärsivät ovat muuten useasti hyvin älykkäitä ja erinomaisilla kognitiivisilla kyvyillä varustettuja ihmisiä.
Kukaan järkevä,loogisesti ajatteleva, täysissä järjen voimissa oleva ei ajattele että "kas 50 ihmisen surmaaminen on toimiva ja oikeutettu ratkaisu"
Ensinnä väitit että kyseinen murhaaja on normaali täysissä järjenvoimissa oleva ja sitten toteat ettei moinen premissi päde järkeviin normaaleihin ihmisiin, päätä jo.
Mielisairaus on todennettavisa oleva asia, mikään ei vielä viittaa että kyseessä olisi sairas henkilö sen enempää kuin islamilaistenkaan terroristien kohdalla.
Israelilaisethan vastasivat aikanaan heitä vastaan tehtyihin iskuihin silmä silmästä periaatteella, naiset ja lapsetkin olivat sallittuja kohteita.
Moshe Dayan ja Ariel Sharon ovat laajasti arvostettuja edelleen, itsekin arvostan vaikkakaan en juuri näiden operaatioiden vuoksi.
During 1950, Dayan also developed a policy of punitive cross-border reprisal raids. IDF squads were sent into the Gaza strip to lay mines.[35] The first retaliation raid on a village occurred 20 March 1950 when six Arabs were killed at Khirbet Jamrura.[36] On 18 June 1950, Dayan explained his thinking to the Mapai faction in the Knesset:
[Retaliation is] the only method that [has] proved effective, not justified or moral but effective, when Arabs plants mines on our side. If we try to search for that Arab, it has no value. But if we harass the nearby village... then the population there comes out against the [infiltrators]... and the Egyptian Government and the Transjordanian government are [driven] to prevent such incidents, because their prestige is [at stake], as the Jews have opened fire, and they are unready to begin a war... The method of collective punishment so far has proved effective... There are no other effective methods.[
Moshe Dayan - Wikipedia
Reprisal operations - Wikipedia
The Qibya massacre, also known as the Qibya incident, occurred during "Operation Shoshana", a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank. At least sixty-nine Palestinian villagers were killed,[1] two-thirds of them women and children.[2] Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed.[3] The attack followed cross-border raids from the Jordanian occupied West Bank and Israeli reprisals, in particular, the attack on Qibya was a response to the Yehud attack in which an Israeli woman and her two children were murdered in their home.[1][4]
Qibya massacre - Wikipedia
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