Uutisia Venäjältä

Tvälups kirjoitti:
Kuumemittari-testauksella tuo selvinnee...

On se harmi ettei Pekka H tullut valituksi pressan toimeen, voi kuinka lämpimästi presidenttiparia olisi kyydittetty Venäjällä ja lähi-idän maissa.

Joo, se ei oikein venäläisväestön silmissä vielä ole tuo sateenkaari-ihanuus auennut. Vaaleansininen presidentti neuvottelemassa venäläispresidentin kanssa, ei välttämättä hienoin asetelma ja tämä riippumatta venäläispresidentin omasta näkökulmasta. Voisi olla kuin sianlihan pakkosyöttö juutalaiselle.
Toiset 5kpl 2012 valmistettuja Su-34 Fullbackeja siirrettiin Voronezhiin eilen. Tuotantovauhti on parantunut jatkuvasti ja tälle vuodelle on jo ehditty luvata edellistä paremmat luvut, mitä lähihistorian perusteella ei tarvitse paljoa epäillä. Tänä vuonna suhteellisen realistinen odotus on suunnilleen 14 Su-34, 10 Su-35S, 10 Su-30SM ja 15 Jak-130(kuten 2012) eli n. 50 uutta suihkukonetta, toki kun Venäjä on kyseessä niin sekä negatiiviset että positiiviset yllätykset on täysin mahdollisia, painottuen vielä negatiiviseen, vaikka sotateollisuuden kapasiteetti paraneekin jatkuvasti. Kuitenkin trendi on selvä ja Venäjän asevoimien ulkonäkö on kiistatta muuttumassa.


Ensimmäinen Kurganets-25(BMP-2/3n korvaaja) prototyyppi on valmistumassa ja pitäisi olla valmis helmikuussa.

Venäjä lähettää maihinnousualuksia Syyriaan
Dec. 30, 2012 - 11:39AM | By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE


MOSCOW— A Russian warship carrying a unit of marines has left its Black Sea port for Syria amid preparations for a possible evacuation of nationals living and working in the strife-torn country, news reports said Dec. 30.

The Novocherkassk landing ship is the third such craft dispatched since Dec. 28 to the Tartus port that Russia leases from its last Middle East ally, agencies cited an unnamed official in the general staff as saying.

The reports said the Azov and Nikolai Filchenkov landing ships had also been sent to Syria from their Russian bases.

The military source said the Novocherkassk would arrive at Tartus within the first 10 days of January.

The Novocherkassk and another landing ship called Saratov both made a rare port call to Tartus in late November.

Officials did not disclose the details of that visit.

The Tartus base is Russia’s only remaining naval station outside the former Soviet Union and is seen as a major strategic asset for Moscow.

Russia has been accused of using the base to supply Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with secret military shipments supplementing the official weapons sales that Moscow has made to Damascus since Soviet times.

But recent rebel gains prompted Russia to admit for the first time this month that Assad’s days in power may be numbered.

Officials have since openly acknowledged making preparations for a possible evacuation should the safety of Russians in Syria be threatened by Assad’s downfall.

The three landing ships will be joining what Russian reports said was a much broader exercise off the coast of Syria involving vessels from three naval fleets.

Lähde: http://www.defensenews.com/article/20121230/DEFREG04/312300004/Report-Russia-Sends-Landing-Ships-Syria
Suomalainen raporttti venäjän PV:stä

SJ kirjoitti:
Juke kirjoitti:
Onko tää su-34 ikäänkuin hieman stealth suuntaan tuunattu laite ?

Siinä on otettu stealth huomioon, mutta tiettävästi sisäistä kuormaa se ei kanna.

Carlo Copp kertoo laitteesta; http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Fullback.html

Täällä mainitaan t-60 versio..plasma stealth technology; http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?p=814133
Venäjä räjäytti meteoriitin - useita loukkaantui
il Perjantai 15.2.2013 klo 07.54 (päivitetty klo 08.45)

Venäjällä Uralin alueella meteorisade on aiheuttanut voimakkaan räjähdyksen.

Hätätilaministeriön mukaan räjähdys rikkoi ikkunoita muun muassa Tsheljabinskissa.

Useiden ihmisten kerrottiin loukkaantuneen lentävistä lasinpalasista.

Meteorin räjähdys tapahtui ilmeisesti hyvin korkealla alailmakehässä, mutta räjähdyksen aiheuttama paineaalto tuntui maassa saakka.

RT-uutiskanavan saman vahvistamattoman tiedon mukaan Venäjän ilmapuolustus olisi ampunut lähestyvän meteorin alas ohjuksella 20 kilometrin korkeudessa.

Hajonneen meteorin palasia on ilmeisesti tippunut maahan saakka.

Silminnäkijät kertoivat nähneensä taivaalla palavan kohteen ennen räjähdystä. Internetin Youtube-palvelussa levisi videoita, joissa loistava kirkas kohde lentää taivaan poikki jättäen jälkeensä kirkkaan savuvanan.

RT:n mukaan yksi palanen putosi sinkkitehtaan päälle. Sivustolla on kuva tehtaasta, jonka katossa on valtava aukko.
Nyt se kanuuna toimii



Kantama :20 kilsaa ja voi ampua 80 laukauksia 72 sekunnissa ja yks granaaati painaa 15.6 kiloa


Tässä on joku uusi KA-52Katran merihelikopteri


The new sjöoperativa version of the attack helicopter KA-52 Alligator / Hokum-B, Ka-52K getting the Russian name Katran according to a proposal by the citizens of Primorsko. NATO designation has not yet been announced, but probably it will be Hokum-C, or if you want to joke to it;; Hokum-SEA ...

KA-52K is designed to be used on amfibiestödfartygen in the Mistral class. On either Mistral vessels, the eight pieces based attack helicopters and a total of 40 pieces of K-models to be delivered.

KA-52K will differ somewhat from the land-based variants. However, it will not be very visible changes the concerns. The helicopter will be foldable rotor blades, retractable wings, upgraded variant of the Zhuk-A-radar, anti-corrosion as well as liaison and navigation. Added to that, the helicopter is also capable of acting with anti-ship missile. Probably it will be when Kh-35/AS-20 KAYAK who hkpversion weighs 610kg thanks to its booster.

Russia’s new defense minister wants to extinguish one of the Russian military’s most endemic health problems and martial perks: giving free cigarettes to troops. His challenge is to prevent nicotine-deprived soldiers from violently freaking out.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has reportedly drawn up a rule to end the longstanding practice of providing enlisted troops and cadets with 10 cigarettes a day. According to the Russian newspaper Izvestia, the reason is pretty straightforward: Russian soldiers choke down cigarettes, and the subsidy is encouraging the next generation of uniformed addicts.

“New non-smoking conscripts who find themselves among the smokers generally begin to smoke too,” Alexander Kanshin, national security chairman of the Kremlin’s Civic Chamber, told the newspaper. “This is not good for anyone.”

But troops may not be able to handle losing their free smokes. “Tobacco shortages will affect the psychology of the smokers,” Valentina Melnikova, executive secretary of the Union of Soldiers’ Mothers’ Committee, a human rights organization focused on the military, told Izvestia. “Platoon or company commanders will start collecting money from the ranks, including non-smokers. This will result in speculation, extortion, bullying and even violence.” (In case you were wondering, the Defense Department included free cigarettes in some K-rations until 1975.)

The reason, Melnikova implies, is that troops won’t necessarily quit smoking, and won’t have enough money to pay for cigarettes over the counter, leading to a black market within the military. It wasn’t until January that service members saw a raise from 500 to 1,000 rubles, or $16.50 to $32 per month. Before the raise, many soldiers spent much of their take-home pay on cigarettes, according to RIA Novosti, even with the government ration. (Smoking’s expensive.) Izvestia also suggests that troops would need their salaries to quadruple to support their habit.

Kymmenen tupakkia päivässä ole paljoa.
Venäjän merijalkaväkijoukot saa laskuvarjokoulutuksen


Venäjässä on perustammassa Raprid force joka sisältää 22 valiopataljoonia VDV

The Airborne Troops (VDV) will become the basis for a mobile force to be used in conflict zones (RIA Novosti, February 27). The commander of the VDV, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, later told journalists with jubilation that orders were issued for the VDV to this year form 22 permanent readiness battalions manned by contract soldiers to make up the base for a rapid deployment force (Izvesia, February 27).

Merijalkaväen laskuvarjo-osastot saavat myös panssarivoimia tuekseen.

http://finnish.ruvr.ru/2013_03_13/Venaja-hankkii-puhallettavaa-sotatekniikkaa/ kirjoitti:
Venäjä hankkii puhallettavaa sotatekniikkaa

Avainsanat: sotatekniikka, Venäjä, Yhteiskunta, Uutiset

13.03.2013, 18:36

Venäjän puolustusvoimat aikovat vuonna 2014 hankkia puhallettavia T-72- ja T-80-panssarivaunuja, Su-27- ja MiG-31-hävittäjiä ja ohjusjärjestelmiä.

Puhallettava malli voi johtaa harhaan vastustajan radio- ja lämpötutkia. Kyvyet mallit ovat tarkkoja kopioita sotatekniikasta.

Puhallettavien mallien valmistaja on tiede- ja tuotantoyhdistys Rusbal.
miheikki kirjoitti:
Merijalkaväen laskuvarjo-osastot saavat myös panssarivoimia tuekseen.

http://finnish.ruvr.ru/2013_03_13/Venaja-hankkii-puhallettavaa-sotatekniikkaa/ kirjoitti:
Venäjä hankkii puhallettavaa sotatekniikkaa

Avainsanat: sotatekniikka, Venäjä, Yhteiskunta, Uutiset

13.03.2013, 18:36

Venäjän puolustusvoimat aikovat vuonna 2014 hankkia puhallettavia T-72- ja T-80-panssarivaunuja, Su-27- ja MiG-31-hävittäjiä ja ohjusjärjestelmiä.

Puhallettava malli voi johtaa harhaan vastustajan radio- ja lämpötutkia. Kyvyet mallit ovat tarkkoja kopioita sotatekniikasta.

Puhallettavien mallien valmistaja on tiede- ja tuotantoyhdistys Rusbal.

Merijalkaväen taistelupanssarivaunun tunnistaa siitä, että se kelluu normaalia korkeammalla. :a-grin:
Russia starts preparing Zapad-2013 war games against deployment of NATO missile shield

From RIA Novosti: This week the Russian Defense Ministry will start preparing for large-scale joint strategic military exercises with Belarus, scheduled for fall of 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday.

“Strategic command and staff drills, to be held by [Russian] military districts this week, mark the first step in preparation for the Zapad-2013 exercises with Belarus,” Shoigu said at a Defense Ministry meeting. . . .

The exercises will be held in September and will focus on practicing defense of the Russia-Belarus Union State in response to the deployment of a US missile shield in Europe. (photo: Igor Zarembo/RIA Novosti)


The Russian Armed Forces should be able of “reaching the enemy before he reaches us, and destroying him even before he starts thinking about destroying our servicemen,”

“Bulava” missiles might be replaced by “Sineva”

The accident prone submarine-based intercontinental missile “Bulava” might be replaced by the “Sineva” missile on Russia’s new Borey-class submarines.

f the Bulava missile continues to fail, the whole program is likely to be stopped, and submarines of the new Borey-class will be reconstructed to be armed with the Sineva missile, a source in the rocket-and-space sector told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Russia has conducted twelve tests with the Bulava missile. Six of the tests have ended in failure, and in July, following two failed tests in a row, the leading engineer behind the development of the missile was dismissed from his job as leader of the Moscow Heat Technology Institute, as BarentsObserver reported.

The failed launch of 15 July was a serious blow to Russian authorities, which have been investing heavily both money and prestige in the project.

“Yury Dolgoruky” was the first submarine in the Borey-class to be launched. It is built at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk and is currently undergoing tests in Arctic waters. Two other Borey-class nuclear submarines, the "Alexander Nevsky" and the "Vladimir Monomakh", are under construction at the Sevmash plant.

Russia starts air force drills in Karelia

More than 70 aircraft and helicopters are preparing for a large air force drill in Northwest-Russia next week. Parts of the drills will take place in Karelia on the border to Finland.

More than 1000 troops and 70 aircraft will be deployed in a series of tactical drills in preparation for the “Ladoga-2013” exercise, military officials said to RIA Novosti.

The aviation to be used includes MiG-31Foxhound and Su-27 Flanker jet fighters, MiG-25RB Foxbat interceptors, Su-24M Fencer attack aircraft, Su-24 MR reconnaissance aircraft and Mi-8 Hip Multirole helicopters and Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters

The preparations have begun in the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad, Smolensk and Tver regions. Drills include flights with refueling in air, landing on unknown airfields, aerial reconnaissance, air protection and elimination of threats from ground and air.

“Ladoga-2013” will start next week over Lake Ladoga in the Republic of Karelia, which borders to Finland

Testing equipment for Arctic Brigade

Russia is testing equipment to be used in its first «Arctic» brigade – the 200. motorized infantry brigade based in Pechenga close to the border to Norway

Commander in Chief of Russia’s Land Forces General-Lieutenant Vladimir Chirkin last week visited the brigade in Pechenga to inspect how testing of new vehicles and armored vehicles is going.

In March 2011 Russia announced that the 200. motorized infantry brigade in Pechenga would be re-organized to become an “Arctic” brigade specially equipped for military warfare in Arctic conditions. It was first announced that the brigade would be ready for duty by the end of 2011, this date was later changed to 2015. By that time Russia will have received new vehicles designed for operations in the Arctic.

In an unexpected move last year the Northern Fleet announced that the brigade would become part of the Northern Fleet on December 2012.

The brigade in Pechenga is now being used as a testing field for new snow and swamp-going vehicles GAZ-3351, TTM-3P and DT-3P, the Ministry of Defense’s web site reads.

GAZ-3351 is a two-tiered belted vehicle capable of driving in snow and swamp. It can carry 16 persons or 2500 kilos of cargo. TTM-3P is a light amphibious personnel vehicle.

DT-3P is an amphibious armored vehicle capable of going “where there are no roads, only directions”, as Rossiskaya Gazeta puts it. It can run for 700 kilometers without stopping and reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Having evaluated the vehicles’ advantages and disadvantages in winter conditions, General Chirkin gave orders to continue the test throughout spring and summer.

The 200. independent motorized infantry brigade was established in 1997 after a regrouping of the former 131. motorized infantry division. The brigade is located in the Pechenga-Luostari area just some kilometers from the border to Norway and has its headquarters in the settlement of Pechenga.

The brigade includes infantry regiments, a tank battalion, various artillery battalions, an engineer battalion, an air defense missile battalion and other units

Mikä tämä Gaz-3351 on? Näyttää yksyhteen Bandvagn Bv206:lta:


Gaz-3351 esitellään tuolla venäläissivustolla oikein hinnan kanssa (8 miljoonaa ruplaa = 200000 euroa, mikä saattaisi olla uuden Bv206:n käypä hinta). Komponenttiluettelo on vahvasti länsivaikutteinen - Steyr, ZF, Hägglunds, Skega jne:


Tuolla ruotsalaissivustolla on samannäköinen havunvihreä Bv206 Hägglunds-lätkä etumaskissa:


Oplatsissa taas kerrotaan, että Bv206 on ollut venäläisten arktisen kaluston testeissä:

rukkaskikka kirjoitti:
Mikä tämä Gaz-3351 on? Näyttää yksyhteen Bandvagn Bv206:lta:


Gaz-3351 esitellään tuolla venäläissivustolla oikein hinnan kanssa (8 miljoonaa ruplaa = 200000 euroa, mikä saattaisi olla uuden Bv206:n käypä hinta). Komponenttiluettelo on vahvasti länsivaikutteinen - Steyr, ZF, Hägglunds, Skega jne:


Tuolla ruotsalaissivustolla on samannäköinen havunvihreä Bv206 Hägglunds-lätkä etumaskissa:


Oplatsissa taas kerrotaan, että Bv206 on ollut venäläisten arktisen kaluston testeissä:


Venäläinen huippukeksijä Regus Patoff on jälleen tehnyt uuden keksinnön!