Uutisia Venäjältä

Tämä on melkein 24 vuotta vanha artikkeli, joka käsittelee Venäjän valtion alkutaipaleen ongelmia todella heikossa kunnossa olevan infrastruktuurin vuoksi. No, reilussa kahdessa kymmenessä vuodessa ei ole paljon muuta ehtineet tehdä kuin Moskovan ja Pietarin teitä remontoida, kaikki muu on edelleen enemmän tai vähemmän samalla tavalla paitsi vielä huonommin.

Asiaa käsitellään Kurskin uppoamisen valossa, Moskovan TV-tornin paloon johtaneista syistä ja mm. ryssien sateliittien kanssa olleiden ongelmien kautta.

Putinkin noiden tapahtumien aikaan vuonna 2000 on todennut, että infra on aivan perseestä, mutta eipä ole tehnyt sille oikeastaan yhtään mitään koko vallassaoloaikanaan. Nyt sitten niittää sitä satoa. Uhoaa vain russiastronk meininkiä vaikka tietää ihan hyvin totuuden. Juttu kuvastaa hyvin kuinka tärkeää oli yrittää vierittää Kurskin onnettomuus jonkun muun kuin ryssien omaksi syyksi, siitä on muuten täälläkin palstalla muutamat samaa Venäjän laivaston narratiivia viljelleet, että se mukamas upposi koska törmäsi toiseen suklariin. Tuokaan asia ei ole muuttunut yhtään mihinkään, juurihan tänään Lavrov määkii, että Ukrainan sodan syy on joku keksitty Euro-Atlanttinen yhteistyö tai mitä helvettiä se sönkötti, siis vain vahvistaa asian että syy on yksin Venäjän ja piste.

Kannattaa lukea niin huomaa, että ryssät menettivät kaksi vuosikymmentä ja ovat edelleen lähtöruudussa.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Moskovassa tippuneelle Su-100:lle ei tehty vaadittavaa koelentoa huollon jälkeen. Kohtalokas lento oli ensimmäinen lento huollon jälkeen.

Source: Superjet 100 that crashed in Moscow region did not perform a test flight after repairs​

MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/. The Superjet 100 passenger plane that crashed in the Moscow region did not make the required test flight after factory maintenance, aviation circles told TASS.

"According to preliminary data, the aircraft did not perform a test flight, which, according to regulations, should be performed after deep technical maintenance at the plant," the agency's source said. There is also no information about the flights of this aircraft in the aircraft register or other open sources. According to them, the Superjet 100 performed its penultimate flight on May 3, 2024.

In the case of a test flight, it is carried out by a crew of test pilots. According to TASS sources, such pilots are "trained" to note technical problems, which are then eliminated. If there were technical malfunctions, non-standard behavior of the aircraft or failures, they make their comments.

"In such a case, the flight crew may not recognize the problem in time, unlike the flight crew. The latter are prepared for a wide range of situations, while the former are simply not prepared for this," the agency's source explained.

There is a list of reasons for conducting a test flight after maintenance, but in some cases it is combined with the transfer of the aircraft to another airfield.
Rostovin ydinvoimalan rektorin tippuminen verkosta aiheutti 2,5 miljoonan ihmisen sähkönjakelun katkeamisen koska eteläisen Venäjän sähkönkulutus on tuotantokapasiteetin rajoilla. Sodan takia venäläiset lomailevat ulkomaiden sijasta etelä-Venäjällä ja pahenevat helleaallot pistävät verkon koville. Tilannetta pahentaa Venäjän sähköntuotannon keskittyminen valtaviin yksiköihin jolloin yhden yksikön tipahtaminen verkosta aiheuttaa valtavan vajeen.

The biggest accident in the Russian energy system in recent years: what happened at the Rostov NPP​

On the morning of July 17, the operation of power unit No. 1 at the Rostov NPP was restored. Rosenergoatom named a "false protection operation" as the reason for the shutdown. However, the risks of power outages still remain. And it turned out that the problem was not only in the interruptions in the operation of the NPP.

The accident at the Rostov NPP left about 2.5 million people without power. The outages affected residents of Krasnodar Krai, Rostov Oblast, Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as several settlements in Dagestan.

"There are very few major accidents of this kind. This is a really major accident, even if it was a false triggering of the automatics, but nevertheless, for millions of people to be disconnected at once - this happens extremely rarely.

Although at nuclear power plants, yes, it happens that the automatic system is triggered, this or that unit is disconnected from the grid - this is normal, there is nothing terrible about this, this does not mean that a nuclear disaster has occurred. These are incidents that do not concern the nuclear part of the station, but the electric power part. But nevertheless, this incident is large in terms of the number of disconnected consumers," Igor Yushkov, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Fund and an expert at the Financial University, told MK.

The outage exposed serious problems facing the Russian energy system. First, due to the development of domestic tourism in the summer, electricity consumption reaches peak values, and the power supply systems in tourist regions are operating at the limit. Second, the Russian energy system is concentrated on large energy generation facilities, and this was the result of the fact that when one power unit failed, many regions were left without power.

"The energy system is actually operating on the edge. Consumption is very high throughout the Southern Federal District. There are such problems in the Caucasus, in Dagestan in particular there is a huge increase in consumption. In the summer, traditional networks and generation can no longer cope. Plus, the situation is aggravated by the fact that we have large energy facilities, traditionally in Russia. On the one hand, this is effective. On the other hand, if some large generating facility falls out of the system, then this immediately affects many regions," Yushkov emphasizes.

As for the impact of domestic tourism, the numbers of people coming to the South for vacation are reaching record highs. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, which was subject to mass outages, 18.5 million people were received in 2023, which exceeded the region's historical record for tourist flow by more than a million people. Of these, 9.7 million were in the summer months. Such figures, as well as abnormal heat, affect the growth of energy consumption. According to the Ministry of Energy, on July 16, a historical record for the consumption of the Southern IPS capacity was set - it amounted to 20,954 megawatts. At the same time, the southern part of Russia is traditionally considered to be energy deficient. According to regulators, in 2023, the capacity shortage in the south reached about 219 MW, and by 2029 it could grow to 1.4 GW.

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Grabchak also spoke about problems with the supply of electricity. "Yesterday, a situation occurred in the energy system when, for the first time in its history, the summer maximum consumption exceeded the traditional winter one. This indicates that the energy system is now at its maximum capacity," the deputy minister emphasized. He noted that against the backdrop of high temperatures, there remains a risk of introducing power outage schedules in the south of Russia. According to local authorities and energy companies, power supply will again be temporarily restricted in Crimea, Krasnodar Krai and Rostov Oblast.

As for concentrating on large power generation facilities, the problem is obvious, because problems with one power unit at the Rostov NPP left many regions of Russia without power. And on the same day, due to an emergency at the Gusinoozerskaya GRES in the Zabaikalsky Krai and Buryatia, there was a restriction on the supply of electricity.

According to Igor Yushkov, to solve these problems, "we need to create reserve generation capacities or storage facilities, as well as modernize the grid economy - all substations and so on. Especially in Dagestan. In the South, renewable energy can also be useful in this regard."
Tuosta ei paljon löydy lisätietoja. Saattaa olla siis jotain paskaa vaan. Mutta seurataan mielenkiinnolla tilannetta.
Jos tuolla on jotain sattunut, niin venäjän hallinto tekee kyllä kaikkensa, pitääkseen ongelmat piilossa. Muistetaan kuitenkin, että Tsernobyl oli yksi suurimmista syistä, jotka ajoivat N-L siihen lopulliseen romahdukseen.

Mutta, seurataan tilannetta.
Venäläinen firma toimitti lentokonetehtaalle tuntemattomasta lähteestä hankittuja laskutelineen laakereita joille annettiin väärennetty hyväksyntä Venäjän ilmavoimilta. Laakerit johtivat viiden Venäjän ilmavoimien Il-76MD-90A-lentokoneen vaurioitumiseen. Firmaa ja sen johtoa epäillään vallan väärinkäyttämisestä puolustusteollisuuden tilauksen täyttämisessä.

Counterfeit bearings damaged military transport aircraft​

As Kommersant has learned, the investigative bodies of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region have opened a criminal case under Article 201.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of power in the execution of a state defense order). So far, the investigation is being conducted against unidentified persons from among the management of the Balashikha Foundry and Mechanical Plant (BLMZ), located in the industrial zone on Entuziastov Highway. The basis for the investigation was data received by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation from the prosecutor's office supervising restricted facilities.

According to the investigation, in order not to disrupt the defense order, in 2017–2022, the company's representatives purchased bearings of unknown origin that did not meet the requirements of the design documentation and shipped them as part of KT199 wheels to the branch of PJSC Il — Aviastar. The products were accompanied by forged documents stating that the bearings were purchased from JSC SPZ and were accepted by the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the investigation and the prosecutor's office, the use of low-quality bearings in the wheels led to the failure and suspension of operation of five Il-76MD-90A aircraft, which "caused significant harm to the legally protected interests of the state, represented by the Russian Ministry of Defense", and also damaged the defense capability and security of the state.

The investigation has already seized documents from BLMZ and is questioning its directors and founders.
Donetskin mielikuvitustasavallassa jatkuu sähkön säännöstely ja se on johtanut kännykkäverkon kaatumiseen sekä veden loppumiseen. Tukiasemat eivät toimi nykyisellä kaksi tuntia sähköä ja kaksi tuntia sähköttä systeemillä. Veden pumppauskaan ei toimi, vesi on loppumassa ja alueella on yli kolmenkymmenen asteen lämpötila.

Heat led to "dehydration of the DPR": no electricity, no water​

The Regional Energy Supply Company stated that temporary restrictions on power outages would not exceed two hours. However, on July 19, the power went out in some areas of Donetsk for almost the entire day: stores stopped working, traffic lights, ATMs and elevators did not work. As of the morning of July 19, more than three hundred transformer substations, supplying electricity to 12 thousand subscribers, remained without power.

Also in Mariupol and Donetsk, a schedule for turning off elevators was introduced due to unstable power supply. Donetsk residents were urged to treat this precautionary measure with understanding.

As DPR Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Chertkov emphasized in his Telegram channel, the rolling blackouts will last five to six days. According to the schedule, power outages will occur in nine cities: Donetsk and Makeyevka, Volnovakha, Debaltseve, Dokuchayevsk, Yenakiyevo, Uglegorsk, Svetlodarsk and Mariupol.

Residents of the republic were advised to replace conventional incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones, turn off the lights before leaving the house, and not place refrigerators on the sunny side, since this will force them to work harder.

Against the backdrop of increased load on the power grid, the republic has encountered another acute problem – lack of water. And this is with daytime air temperatures exceeding the forty-degree mark.

On the one hand, the lack of water is connected with the same interruption of electricity supply. The pumping stations of "Voda Donbassa" are de-energized and do not pump water, respectively, consumers do not receive it. But the accident on the water pipeline "Don - Donetsk" added problems to the region. The republican authorities report that by Monday the accident will be eliminated and water reserves will be enough to maintain the schedules of water supply to the population.

Despite optimistic forecasts, Donetsk residents have to fight the heat in extreme conditions. The authorities have ensured the delivery of water to the population, but no one can answer the question of how this water can be brought to the upper floors without the elevators working, which have not seen water in the taps for more than a week.

Following water and electricity, mobile communications have also been lost in the DPR. The republican operator "Phoenix" reported that base stations cannot operate in normal mode due to rolling blackouts. The date for resolving the situation is not specified, since the solution to the problem is related to the resumption of electricity supply in normal mode.