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Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers. 22, 2024
The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Commission continues its investigation into the crash of the RRJ-95LR-100 RA-89049 aircraft, which occurred on July 12, 2024, near the village of Apraksino, Kolomensky District, Moscow Region.
The circumstances of the aviation accident have currently been established.
The crew, consisting of the aircraft commander, second pilot and flight attendant, was flying from Lukhovitsy airfield (Tretyakovo) to the base airfield Vnukovo (Moscow) after performing periodic maintenance by the PAO UAC branch – LAZ named after P.A. Voronin.
The autothrottle was engaged before takeoff. The autopilot was engaged after takeoff at a true altitude of 550 feet. In the fifth minute of the flight, from a virtually level flight at a QNH altitude of 5160 feet (pitch angle values were 5-6 degrees to pitch up, recorded angles of attack were 10-11 degrees), the aircraft began to descend with a pitch angle of up to 4 degrees to dive. At the moment of transition to descent, the indicated airspeed was 200 knots and increasing, synchronous retraction of the flaps and slats to the fully retracted position occurred.
During the descent, the autopilot and autothrottle were disconnected. The crew switched to manual control of the side stick and engines. The descent continued to an altitude of 4,500 feet, with a subsequent climb to 4,750 feet.
In the sixth minute of the flight at a speed of 320 knots (the OVERSPEED sound signal was on), the aircraft began to descend with an increase in the pitch angle to a dive. The descent could not be stopped by the BRU crew fully deflecting the pitch towards themselves.
Flight parameters recording ceased at 14:59:15, last recorded parameter values: indicated airspeed – 365 knots, vertical descent rate – 17,000 ft/min, pitch angle – 25 degrees to nose-down, bank angle – 25 degrees to the right. Power plants operated until parameters recording ceased.
The IAC Commission prepared and sent a follow-up report to the Russian aviation authorities, which provided recommendations for corrective measures or actions aimed at improving flight safety based on the identified hazards.
The investigation to determine the cause of the accident is ongoing.
Eiköhän ne vähiinkäyvät isojen siirtolinjojen muuntajat kerätä pois Uralin takaa ja asennetaan etelään palaneiden tilalle. Burjaatti ei sähkö tartte, siellä on puulämmitystäkin.Duumasta käsin varoitellaan varaamaan hiiliä sekä polttopuita runsaasti talven varalle. Kuinka ne pöydät ovatkaan pyörähtäneet...
Siellä tiedetään jo kuinka olemattomassa kunnossa maan infra on, se on ollut sitä jo vuosikymmeniä, mutta nyt ei ole enää edes hätäkorjauksia tehty ja kun Ukraina kurittaa sähköverkkoa eteläisellä Venäjällä, jossa talvi kuitenkaan ei ole niin ankara kuin Siperiassa niin se tulee vain lisäämään ongelmien mittakaavaa, enemmän ihmisiä ja vähemmän keinoja tuottaa lämpöä kun sähkönkin voi osittain laskea pois kuvioista.
”Venäläiset saattavat jäätyä” – duumassa neuvotaan hankkimaan polttopuita talveksi | Verkkouutiset
”Venäläiset saattavat jäätyä” – duumassa neuvotaan hankkimaan polttopuita talveksi |
Ei oo kyllä kiinalaisetkaan turistit siitä parhaimmasta päästä. Siinäpähän mittelöivät kumpi on pahin. famous scientist fell out of a Moscow apartment window and died. What is known about this?
The body of Valentina Bondarenko , a leading researcher at the Center for Institutes of Socio-Economic Development of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was found on the street under the windows of an apartment building in the Voskresenskoye settlement in New Moscow on July 22. The woman was already dead when she was discovered.
The famous scientist was ill for a long time
According to the source, the 82-year-old woman had been ill for a long time. According to preliminary data, what happened to her is not connected with crime. One of the versions is that it was an accident - the woman could have accidentally fallen out of a window.
At the moment, the exact causes of the scientist's death are being determined.
It is known that Valentina Bondarenko graduated from the postgraduate program of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1991 and defended her dissertation on political economy. She was an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Future Studies. From 1993 until the last days of her life, she held the post of executive director of the N.D. Kondratiev Foundation for Economic Research.
Earlier, the former editor-in-chief of Vedomosti passed away
On July 17, it became known that former editor-in-chief of the Vedomosti newspaper Andrei Shmarov died at the age of 69. He was undergoing treatment in hospital, but doctors were unable to save his life.
The media reported that the journalist was found unconscious in his Moscow apartment after he suffered a stroke. He was taken to a medical facility with a speech disorder and a broken rib. As a result, Shmarov never regained consciousness.
Vaarallista olla näköalapaikalla Venäjällä.Moskovassa kuoli tunnettu ekonomi klassisesti putoamalla ikkunasta. Valentina Bondarenko johti tukimusryhmää Venäjän tiedeakatemiassa.
Savolaiset saattavat tykätä kyttyrää jos ryssät omivat Savon supersankarin Vituixmänin.Voehan helevettiläinen, aikaiset ukot tämmöistä propaganda juttua puuhaa
Kreml tympääntyi taviksiin – Hakee apua supersankareista
Hyökkäyssota ei ole tarpeeksi suuressa roolissa ihmisten elämässä, selviää Venäjän presidentinhallinnon
Olisihan se aikamoista, superryssijän uudet seikkailut ja paleltuneen perunan tapaus...Savolaiset saattavat tykätä kyttyrää jos ryssät omivat Savon supersankarin Vituixmänin.
Bondarenko oli yksi Venäjän johtavista taloustieteilijöistä. Hän aloitti työskentelyn Venäjän tiedeakatemian taloustieteen instituutissa vuonna 1988. Hän oli myös Venäjän luonnontieteiden akatemian ja kansainvälisen tulevaisuudentutkimusakatemian jäsen.
Moskovassakin ongelmia pitää voimalaitoksia käynnissä
Voi harmi, kopteri olisi ollut kätevä sillä örkkilässä örkit varastivat rautatiesillan ja möivät romumetalliksi. Inflaation vuoksi saivat siitä perunan.Kalugan alueella pudonnut Mi-28, ainakin Reutersin mukaan miehistö on kuollut, mutta se uutinen on maksumuurin takana.
Military helicopter Mi-28 crashes in Kaluga region of Russia | УНН
УНН Society ✎ A Mi-28 helicopter has crashed in the Zhizdrinsky district of Russia's Kaluga region. Rescuers are working at the scene, said the governor of the regi…
Suomessakin jo uutisoitu.
Helikopteri putosi maahan Venäjällä
Reutersin tietojen mukaan kyydissä ollut miehistö menehtyi
Jossain vaiheessa muistelen, että näitä uutisoitiin käytettävän droonien torjuntaan. Ministry of Internal Affairs requests the arrest of the head of the Military Construction Company Belkov
MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/. Interior Ministry investigators are asking to arrest Andrei Belkov, the general director of the Military Construction Company, in a case of abuse of office in the execution of a state defense order. This was reported to TASS by the Tverskoy Court of Moscow.
"The court received a motion to choose a preventive measure in the form of Belkov's detention. He is charged under paragraph "b" of Part 2 of Article 285.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," the court clarified. The hearing to consider the investigation's motion will begin in the near future.
The investigation believes that Belkov abused his authority while fulfilling a state defense order, which led to grave consequences. He faces up to 10 years in prison.
The military construction company is engaged in the construction of special, strategic and socially significant facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense.