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Muistelen Venäjän hyväksyneen ulkomaalaisten värväämisen jo jokunen vuosi sitten. Eikö siitä täälläkin keskusteltu?
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( onkohan ennen ollut niin että kaikki kelpaavat ? )

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Täytyy myöntää että Venäjä on jo ajat sitten siirtynyt tasolle johon mun ymmärrys ei kohoa...

Venäjä kieltää ajokortit transsukupuolisilta ja uhkapelureilta

Perjantai 9.1.2015 klo 09.03

Ihmisoikeusasianajajat pitävät uutta lakia syrjivänä. Myös psykiatrit pitävät sitä haitallisena. (ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS)
Lain täsmennyksissä on mainittu, että "sairaiden" kategoriaan luetaan transsukupuoliset. Asiasta uutisoi Britannian yleisradioyhtiö BBC.

Samaan nippuun laitetaan myös fetisistit, itsensäpaljastelijat ja tirkistelijät. Myös patologisilta uhkapelureilta ja pakkomielteisiltä varastelijoilta evätään ajo-oikeus jatkossa. Venäjän psykiatrit ja ihmisoikeusasianajajat ovat tuominneet lain.

Venäjän psykiatrien liiton Valeri Evtushenkoon BBC:llä huolissaan muun muassa siitä, että jotkut apua kaipaavat eivät uskalla hakeutua vastaanotolle, koska pelkäävät ajokorttinsa menettämistä.

Ammattiautoilijoiden liitto kuitenkin tukee lakia. Sen mielestä Venäjän teillä sattuu aivan liikaa kuolemaan johtavia onnettomuuksia. Tosin liiton johtaja Aleksander Kotov sanoo, ettei rajoitusten tarvitsisi olla aivan näin tiukkoja muille kuin ammattilaisille.

Venäjä on viime vuosina laatinut useita seksuaalivähemmistöjä syrjiviä ja heidän elämäänsä hankaloittavia lakeja. (IL).
Täytyy myöntää että Venäjä on jo ajat sitten siirtynyt tasolle johon mun ymmärrys ei kohoa...

Venäjä kieltää ajokortit transsukupuolisilta ja uhkapelureilta

Perjantai 9.1.2015 klo 09.03

Ihmisoikeusasianajajat pitävät uutta lakia syrjivänä. Myös psykiatrit pitävät sitä haitallisena. (ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS)
Lain täsmennyksissä on mainittu, että "sairaiden" kategoriaan luetaan transsukupuoliset. Asiasta uutisoi Britannian yleisradioyhtiö BBC.

Samaan nippuun laitetaan myös fetisistit, itsensäpaljastelijat ja tirkistelijät. Myös patologisilta uhkapelureilta ja pakkomielteisiltä varastelijoilta evätään ajo-oikeus jatkossa. Venäjän psykiatrit ja ihmisoikeusasianajajat ovat tuominneet lain.

Venäjän psykiatrien liiton Valeri Evtushenkoon BBC:llä huolissaan muun muassa siitä, että jotkut apua kaipaavat eivät uskalla hakeutua vastaanotolle, koska pelkäävät ajokorttinsa menettämistä.

Ammattiautoilijoiden liitto kuitenkin tukee lakia. Sen mielestä Venäjän teillä sattuu aivan liikaa kuolemaan johtavia onnettomuuksia. Tosin liiton johtaja Aleksander Kotov sanoo, ettei rajoitusten tarvitsisi olla aivan näin tiukkoja muille kuin ammattilaisille.

Venäjä on viime vuosina laatinut useita seksuaalivähemmistöjä syrjiviä ja heidän elämäänsä hankaloittavia lakeja. (IL).
Hesarin kommenteissa oli hyvä oivallus. Nyt Venäjä on päässyt Pahkasika-tasolle.

Aiemmin tuollainen olisi ollut lähinnä satiiria Pahkasika-lehdessä. You can't make this up!
Islamic radicalism in the service of the KGB / FSB / GRU
January 9, 2015 - 18:39
This article - the continuation of the previous " Russia under Putin. Unscrew the Kremlin at this time? "In which I called for another look at the suspicious links between the Putin regime and international terrorism.

This time I decided to pay attention to the important role of Chechen terrorists in the "Islamic state", which recently poses the greatest danger to the West. For many recognized experts in the field of terrorism, it was a surprise. And relying on this role, I think it is not only possible but also necessary to investigate the possible links of the "Islamic state" with the Russian special services.

One source of inspiration for writing this article was the text respected expert on the Middle East and terrorism, a former diplomat and representative of British intelligence MI-6 Alastair Crooke "You can not understand the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), if you do not know the history of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia »(You Can not Understand ISIS If You Do not Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia).

Said article is actually worth reading to anyone who wants to better understand the phenomenon of "Islamic state" and the danger it poses. I'm not going to argue with the authoritative expert, saying that he was something wrong, especially because I do not pretend to be an expert on Islam and terrorism in general.

However, for a long time I have researched the current Putin regime and its origin from the KGB, so I think that, if we are talking about the Chechens and Russian, the title of the article A.Kruka ought to change everything so "as to whether you can fully understand the phenomenon of" Islamic state ", not paying attention to suspicious communications Russian special services with the Chechen terrorists?"

Something that is difficult to refute

The connection between the Chechen terrorists and Russian security services in general, probably would not even deny Western observers and experts, who tend to call their conspiracy theories.

What is known Shamil Basayev, Ruslan Gelaev and some other leaders later became famous Chechen terrorists began his career, not just fighting on the side of Russia in the Georgian-Abkhaz war, but were directly trained security services of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), never denied even in Russia. What then for them all the time extended plume GRU agents - also a public secret.

Even former KGB Major General, a long-term head of the "C" ("illegals") Yuri Drozdov in 2011 in an interview fontanka.ru in fact publicly acknowledged that all of this information about Shamil Basayev - not fiction, and truth. According Yu.Drozdova, Shamil Basayev was "one of the leaders of special purpose units involved in the war."

Also irrefutable that the invasion of Shamil Basayev into Dagestan in 1999 and the subsequent Russian apartment bombings, which blamed on Chechen terrorists, at least helped Putin's ascent to the top of power in Russia. A suspicion that all was well planned, although it is difficult comprehensible intelligence operation Russian security services in the West is less doubt.

It does not matter whether we read the book of Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky "Blowing Up Russia" or the famous American journalist and expert on Russia Devila Satter "Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State» (Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State) or other experts on Russia John B.Danlopa "explosions in Moscow in 1999: a look at the terrorist attacks in Russia at the beginning of Vladimir Putin» (The Moscow Bombings of September 1999: Examinations of Russian Terrorist Attacks at the Onset of Vladimir Putin's Rule) or the study of popular professor at Miami University of Ohio Karen Davisha "Putin's kleptocracy: who owns Russia» (Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?), a refutation of many strange coincidences, inexplicable actions of the Russian authorities and suspicion would be a really difficult task. Meanwhile, Putin's regime behaved quite differently - put a stop to all possible research and most of the people who have tried more or less seriously investigate suspicions mentioned, was killed or died under mysterious circumstances.

What are the roots of the Chechen Wahhabism?

But this time, we must begin with the study does not already mentioned suspicious.It is necessary to follow the example of A.Kruka and consider the history of Wahhabism. Just not in Saudi Arabia, and in Chechnya and the former Soviet Union in general. Since it is the so-called Chechen Wahhabis now fighting in the ranks of terrorists "Islamic state", they always and in Russia itself was synonymous with the term "terrorists".

The well-known Russian journalist Sanobar Shermatova, who died suddenly in 2011, was considered not only a journalist, but also one of the best experts on Central Asia and the Caucasus in Russia. After the events of the summer of 1999 in Chechnya and Dagestan she wrote the work is akin to a serious study of "The so-called Wahhabis."

In this paper delves into the roots S.Sherimova Wahhabism not only in Chechnya and Dagestan, but also in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. It does not fall nor to any conspiracy theories and explores various communication "so-called Wahhabis" - including links with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.

However, the story begins with S.Shermatova protests that took place in the autumn of 1991 in Dushanbe, after which, through the mediation of representatives from Moscow (among them were Vladimir Putin and Anatoly Sobchak, who after reading the book mentioned D.Devishi, most can be considered colleague and confidant of Vladimir Putin than democracy, which it is usually considered - M.L.) Tajik authorities allowed to hold its first free elections and register the Islamic Party.

Many authors in Tajikistan argue that it is the pressure from Moscow delegation led by Anatoly Sobchak (and Putin) caused by the fact that the Tajik authorities have registered the Islamic Party, despite the fact that even then it was called an extremist and "Wahhabi".

Stressing that the Islamic Party was "only a branch of the All-Union Islamic Revival Party," S.Shermatova continued:

"Activists from Islam rather play a prominent role in the opposition. They are the ones who then reports the KGB passed as "Wahhabis". In those years, the term is still unknown to the general public. And many of those who are called by that name, it is also not clear. In the Soviet Union was banned Islamic literature, the history of Islam movements and currents in Islam know the few that went to study in religious madrassas in Arab countries. However, these people generally have been tested for their loyalty to the KGB, were placed on the account, and then joined the ranks of "religious nomenclature", under the constant supervision of the security services.Ordinary Muslims usually were not familiar with the teachings of Al-Wahhab. "

Throughout the study, S.Shermatovoy, whether the establishment of the Islamic Party and its leaders in Tajikistan or in depressions in the history of the "Wahhabis" Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the red line goes through the following KGB.

Which of the theories more reliable?

However, most other researchers in Russia, on the other hand, denied any role in the spread of ideas KGB Wahhabis in the territory of the former USSR. For example, the famous Russian theologian and scholar of Islam, Roman Silant'ev claims that the KGB allegedly could not resist this distribution. He did not have the strength.Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies Aleksey Kudryavtsev even argues that the younger generation, who professed Islam, the road of "Wahhabism" just because the old authorities were accused of having links with the KGB. Other authors develop these ideas to the fact that the KGB was called "Wahhabis" figures of Islam who did not want to cooperate with him.

However, none of these researchers did not deny that the creation of the All-Union Islamic Revival Party was an essential part of the rudiments of Wahhabism in the territory of the former USSR.

Meanwhile, living in migration in London, Akhmed Zakayev, who was once known as the Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic in exile, as well as a former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov, as well as other representatives of the so-called secular wing of the struggle for the independence of Chechnya have long and consistently called the most radical agents Russian special services. Attitude to A.Zakaeva mentions Union Congress of the Islamic Revival Party in Astrakhan - also unambiguous.

"When in 1989 (many sources indicates that the congress was held in 1990, so perhaps mistaken Zakayev - ML) in Astrakhan held the founding congress of the All-Union Islamic Revival Party, the KGB certainly knew what he wanted . Similarly, as in the case with the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, two decades does not allow to unite the true Liberal Democrats Russia, branches Islamic Renaissance Party of the Soviet Union, took root in the Muslim regions of the former Soviet Union successfully split the Muslims deliberately dividing them into "right" and "wrong". In the so-called Islamic radicalism, Moscow has found the correct vaccine against the national liberation movement on the part of a Muslim people, "- said in April 2008, in an interview, which reprinted the portal Delfi, Zakayev.

On the role of the KGB in the events of the time a lot of talk stories infiltration of KGB agents in the democratic movement and attempts to control them, as it became known later (see. "Russia under Putin. The range of the system - the KGB who hides behind Gorbachev and Putin"). It would be strange if in respect of Islamic movements KGB did not behave as in the case of the democratic movement.

However, if you go back to the idea of S.Shermatovoy and look at the emergence of Wahhabism in the territory of the former Soviet Union as the light of the All-Union Congress mentioned the Islamic Revival Party, and in the light of events in the first place in Tajikistan, it is worth to note that even in connection with the bloody events 1990 in Dushanbe there are at least three quite different testimonies of eyewitnesses of the events that it was the actions deliberately provoked by the KGB. Their goal - to prevent the creation of a democratic movement in Tajikistan for the liberation of the people following the example of the Baltic states and Ukraine.

The proof of this - then KGB Employee Tajikistan Abdul Nazarov, a multi party leader Tajikistan during the Soviet Union and the first president of Tajikistan Kahar Mahkamov and activist of the then popular movement Rastochez («Revival"), and now deputy chairman of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan Mahmadali Chait.

In this context, it would be very difficult to believe that the KGB did not control the situation in connection with the spread of Wahhabism in the territory of the former Soviet Union, and especially not tried to held in Astrakhan Union Congress of the Islamic Revival Party was written by the KGB scenario. Therefore, as the approval S.Shermatovoy and Zakayev the active role of the KGB in the creation of this party and the spread of Wahhabism in Muslim areas of the former USSR sound more logical and more reliable than the statement that no part of the KGB did not play.

Chechen terrorists have been hardened in Tajikistan

Talk about Tajikistan in the context of the history of Wahhabism in Chechnya stands because "one of the leaders of special purpose units, involved in the military," Shamil Basayev after Abkhazia went to the civil war-torn Tajikistan, where he fought on the side of the opposition.

Argue that Shamil Basayev was personally acquainted with the leader of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan, and during the Civil War - the leader of the United Tajik Opposition Said Abdullo Nuri. Ostensibly it is an acquaintance was the reason that then fought in Tajikistan known Khattab later moved to Chechnya and became a close ally of Shamil Basayev.

However, some Armenian scholars argue that Shamil Basayev, the Chechen terrorists as R.Gelaev and Salman Raduyev, which has always been associated with the Russian special services, before Abkhazia fought on the side of Azerbaijan in another war, in which the role of the Soviet secret police probably up to the end and do not investigate - in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is in the Nagorno-Karabakh allegedly Shamil Basayev and Khattab met who fought there as well.

Expressive communication with A.Dugin

Yet should go back to the All-Union Congress of the Islamic Revival Party in Astrakhan and its participants. Despite the fact that the leader of the party elected moderate Islamic teachers from Dagestan Ahmad-Qadi Ahtaeva, other names the organizers of this forum speak volumes. First - this is the current chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, longtime associate of Alexander Dugin since Soviet times, which is especially famous during the aggression in Ukraine, Heydar Jemal.

Despite the fact that G.Dzhemalya sometimes called almost dissident Soviet years, and now he became an opponent of Putin, should elaborate on this figure. And not just because he is friends with many years A.Dugin. G.Dzhemal - grandson of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan SSR, which had previously held a high position in the NKVD in the Caucasus. He began his career in 1965, when he entered the Institute of Oriental Languages, later renamed the Institute of Asian and Afriki.Kstati, in 1964 the institute received the famous Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The fact that it was for the institution and how it is connected with the special services of the USSR, you can find a lot of evidence. However, probably the most expressive was the testimony of well-known Russian journalist Elena Tregubova in the book "Tales of a Kremlin Digger".

The journalist quoted Mikhail Margelov, who until recently served as head of the International Committee of the Federation Council, and is now vice-president of "Transneft". However, in 1997, when E.Tregubova published his book, it was only a "young professional public relations."

However, what he said, "on tape" journalist worth remembering: "after graduation, where he graduated (IAAC - Institute of Asian and African countries) could be only two ways: - either the KGB or the party line." Everything else - it's just a branch from these lines - either you're in the APN (Press Agency "News") or the Foreign Ministry or the ideological department of the Central Committee of ... Either you're sitting at PSU (foreign intelligence service KGB - M.L) Yasenevo. "

However, in the official biography G.Dzhemalya said that it was expelled from the institute after the first course - for allegedly "bourgeois nationalism." However, as after such an exception, he got the job, and not just anywhere, but in the publishing house, which in Soviet times vigilantly guarded from any "anti-Soviet elements" is not explained. Can not be explained and how to deal with alleged clandestine activities propagating fascist ideas and even create "Black SS Order 'G.Dzhemal A.Dugin with colleagues and avoid serious problems with the KGB.

It's hard to explain well why the KGB was not interested in the fact that G.Dzhemal allegedly tied contacts with Tajik Islamists in 1979. And in 1980 he traveled to Tajikistan A.Dugin and hardly KGB is not noticed.

However, with regard to A.Dugin - everything a lot easier. It is known that his father Helium Dugin was a lieutenant general of the GRU. In the 1990-1992. Dugin himself, despite the aforementioned alleged clandestine activities, even allowed to work in the archives of the KGB, and later he admitted that the first textbook on the geopolitics of the "philosopher" wrote "behind closed doors at the Academy of the General Staff." The invisible hand of the GRU seems guarded A.Dugin and in other stages of his career, so we can assume that he was always a man of the GRU.

This may also explain the other things that seem inexplicable in the biography G.Dzhemalya - no matter whether he has collaborated with the KGB or GRU personally - at least for those who are familiar with the reality of the Soviet Union, the traces of the security services here seem very likely.

By the way, after the spread of Wahhabism G.Dzhemal in the Soviet Union has repeatedly and publicly expressed support for the activities of Chechen Wahhabis and even justified the attacks, but even at that Putin is in power, they somehow miraculously for many years and was not interested Russian Law enforcement. In the summer of 2009 in connection with extremist public statements to the Prosecutor General G.Dzhemalya Russia officially asked the State Duma deputy, member of the "United Russia" Maxim Mishchenko. He demanded to declare the Islamic Committee of Russia as an extremist organization, and most G.Dzhemalya to prosecute. But again - to no avail.

G.Dzhemal was untouchable until March 2012. At the end of March 2012, FSB officers raided the homes of several of the now-activist "Left Front" for storage of extremist literature. And yet, despite the fact that the case was brought, G.Dzhemal, unlike many other leaders of the "Left Front" is still on the loose and enjoy an active social life.

Cobweb KGB agents

G.Dzhemalya participation in the creation of the All-Union Islamic Revival Party, of course, is not enough to Chechen Wahhabism could be attributed to the Russian special services. Especially because of him only indirectly be called a man supporting Wahhabism - at least he would like to see him publicly called representatives of Islam in Russia.

Let's look at other well-known participants of the congress in Astrakhan. Among them - apart from the already mentioned associate Shamil Basayev and Khattab A.S.Nuri from Tajikistan, was there Dagestani Wahhabi leader, an active organizer of the invasion of Shamil Basayev in this Caucasian republic Bagautdin Kebedov.

However, special attention should be paid to two Chechens, who are seen as not only a representative of the radical wing, and the ideology of Wahhabism. One of them - Adam Deniev in 1989. Religious control workers at the Council of Ministers of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR openly called "Wahhabis". Then he categorically denied belonging to this radical Islam, but now researchers and dissemination of "Wahhabism" in the former territory of the USSR believe this figure one of the first ispovedyvateley these ideas in Chechnya.

Means A.Deniev was one of the first ideologists of Wahhabism in Chechnya, one of the founders of the Union of Islamic Renaissance Party and ... years of KGB and FSB agent. So it was called many sources, not only in Chechnya, but also in the Russian media.

For example, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" after the death of A.Denieva in 2001 wrote: "President Dudayev, being at the same time in Baghdad (A.Deniev in 1992 after unsuccessful attempts to gain a foothold in Chechnya went to study in Iraq - ML) informed the Iraqi authorities on the relationship of the subject there Deniev and Russian FSB. It was probably the first charge of Adam in contacts with the secret services, in the future, these charges have accompanied him constantly. "

In 2000, when after the approval of the Russian forces in Chechnya A.Deniev was appointed Deputy Acting Head of Administration Akhmad Kadyrov, gazeta.ru wrote that, according to its sources, A.Deniev not only an agent of the FSB, but also will serve as a leadership of the republic FSB special assignment.

FSB agent A.Denieva called in his abduction he was accused of known Russian journalist Andrei Babitsky. This A.Deniev publicly said that he had never been associated with the secret police, but "if there was a KGB colonel, that would have been proud of it." A.Deniev, at least since the beginning of the second Chechen war, has never hidden his pro. We also know that his brother was a senior employee of the FSB in Chechnya.

In the Russian media and can find evidence of ties to the intelligence services of other ideologies Chechen Wahhabism and one of the main initiators of the base-Union Islamic Revival Party Supyan Abdullayev. However, in this context it is important to emphasize not the evidence, and the fact that S.Abdullaev, according to this evidence, he began to cooperate with the KGB before the foundation of the All-Union Islamic Revival Party.

For example, "Moskovsky Komsomolets" in 2009, when Russia had already established the current regime, wrote: "Abdullayev stood on the positions of radicalism before the collapse of the USSR and organize a party" Islamic Renaissance ".

According to some reports, back in the 80s Abdullayev was recruited by the KGB. "

It should be more attention to the words of Akhmed Zakayev?

Thus, in itself the foundation of All-Union Islamic Revival Party must cause serious doubts in relation to the significant role of the KGB in this process - it does not matter whether we believe the testimony given above Zakayev or not.

Rudiments of Wahhabism in Chechnya also seems related to the people who are suspected of having links with the KGB.

Now, however, must not only talk about the historical circumstances. S.Abdullaev before his death in 2011 was a major ally of the then leader and ideologue of the Caucasus Emirate Doku Umarov. It is the role of Umarov and his other associates (as well as the founders of the "Islamic revival") is really important when it comes to the present struggle of the Chechen Wahhabis in the ranks of the "Islamic state."

But let's go back to June 4, 2013, when a war in Syria Chechens world spoke a little more. That day at the radio station "Radio Liberty" sounded very interesting interview with Zakayev.

In response to a question about rumors of the death of the head of the so-called Caucasus Emirate, Chechen terrorist leader Umarov, Zakayev explained the theory, which is worth it quoted in full: "According to our data, the information about Umarov's death untrue He is alive and well. The fact that Russia, the Russian special services, Vladimir Putin, preparing another surprise Western partners, which for six months intensive negotiations on the situation in Syria.

In Syria, faced the forces that not to fight for or against Assad Assad; they represent different spheres of influence - the West, which, in particular, wants to deprive Russia of the last stronghold of the Middle East, and Russia, which recognizes that the loss of influence in Syria could mean a loss of influence in the Middle East. In this regard, Russia is interested in making the most delay the process of removing Assad from power or even prevent this process. Therefore, according to our information, the Kremlin and decided to move to Syria Umarov.

What does the emergence of Umarov in Syria on the side of the opposition, who are waging a war against Assad? Russia in fact states that the opposition to Assad are not some force or civilian population, but it is a rabble from around the world, the so-called Islamic radicals, with its ideology of global jihad. You can imagine what position will the Western leaders who have taken the decision to cancel the arms embargo opposition? The appearance of Doku Umarov in Syria would be proof that in the ranks of the opposition are criminal organizations that are recognized by the United Nations and around the world as a terrorist. "

Journalist, in his own observations, this version seemed "a curious but very extravagant," so he directly asked, does this answer Zakayev that Doku Umarov is associated with the Russian special services.

At that Zakayev said calmly: "We have stated this many times. In 2007, Umarov made a statement that he declares war on America, Britain and Israel. Prior to that, Doc was in the hands of the Russian secret service, but somehow miraculously appeared on the loose, and then there was this statement.

Umarov completely under the control of the Russian security services. He served until today, and I think as long as he is alive, will follow the directions of these structures. The appearance of his organization in the North Caucasus in the interests of the Kremlin, as proved: Chechnya is not fighting for independence and for their own state, and for the establishment of a caliphate "from sea to sea." Russian propaganda tried to convince the world that the fight in Chechnya is not freedom fighters, and radicals who try to recreate the Caliphate and are enemies of the civilized world. "

In this interview, Zakayev said that "Umarov's chief ideologist and chief author of the concept of the Caucasus Emirate Isa Umarov (elder brother Udugov), to our knowledge, is already in Syria. A few days ago he made a statement that the main developments are there, all supporters of the ideology of global jihad to be in Syria. "

If you look at these then sounded rather strange statement Akhmed Zakayev, from today's perspective, we see that, in fact, all came to pass. Doku Umarov, of course, in Syria does not appear, however, and was killed, it seems a little less than a year - in late winter or spring of 2014. Meanwhile, one of the mentioned and now renowned for the Chechens, who also rose to the leadership of an "Islamic state" - Umar Al-Shishani (Tarhan Batirashvili) even he does not hide that he came to Syria to specify the name of Umarov.

Promotion of the so-called Chechen Wahhabis as one of the main forces of the "Islamic state" actually gives a lot for Russian propaganda and political games.According to various sources inside Syria, we can assume that I.Umarov (by the way, he is a cousin of another famous "Wahhabi" Udugov and one of the founders of the "Islamic Revival) is indeed in Syria. And it seems that he is actually engaged in the recruitment of new terrorists for the "Islamic state", as the words of Akhmed Zakayev, shortly after his statement, 26 July 2013 in an interview with the Russian newspaper "Kommersant" added essentially said the same thing Usman Ferzauli that seems foreign minister of the unrecognized republic of Ichkeria.

Wahhabism, the Georgian intelligence, or GRU?

However, let's look closely at the Chechens themselves in the leadership of the "Islamic state", which lately is the greatest threat to the West. More precisely, suspicious of their biography. Especially in the context of other already considered vague ties between the Russian regime and Islamic terrorists - as in what has already been discussed in this article and in the historical parallels, which were discussed in the article " Russia under Putin. Unscrew the Kremlin at this time? "

These two Chechens who were born in the Pankisi Gorge in northern Georgia - is already mentioned U.ash-Shishani and Muslim Abu Walid al-Shishani (real name Murad Margoshvili). Both of them in September 2014 were included in the list of most wanted terrorists the United States.

The well-known British journalist and blogger Joanna Parashchuk, which has recently focused on the study of war in Syria Chechens in December 2014 in one of his texts as if purposely spoke about the rumors and "ridiculous conspiracy theories like U.ash-Shishani actually is an agent of the KGB. "

Since U.ash-Shishani only 28 years old, at first glance it may actually seem "ridiculous conspiracy theory." After all, when the USSR collapsed, and the KGB transformed into other secret services of Russia, this figure was only 5 years old.However, it is important to note that such rumors, it appears, are distributed in the environment, which explores the journalist - among warring in Syria Chechens.Moreover, the journalist herself considers it necessary to inform about these rumors, adding that they are connected, and with rumors of a big influence on I.Umarova U.ash-Shishani.

At first glance, even the theoretical possibility that U.ash-Shishani is not only a KGB agent, but the agent of modern Russian special services, refute other facts of his biography. It is widely known that the Chechen Batirashvili Tarhan, who was born in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, when he was still known by his real name, he served in the Georgian army and fought against Russian aggression in 2008. Some even claimed that he was the representative of the Georgian special services, or at least special squad of the Georgian army.

However biography T.Batirashvili need to look more closely. Especially interesting details revealed to journalists still living in the Pankisi Gorge his father Teimuraz Batirashvili. This Orthodox, not Muslim, told not only that his son before he was arrested under mysterious circumstances for illegal possession of weapons and was in Georgian prison, has never been not only a Wahhabi, but Islamist general.According to the father, his son was in Syria because of religion, but because of the desire to make money.

However, the most interesting of his father recounted the details is what is T.Batirashvili began his military career is not in Georgia, but ... in the squad of terrorists already mentioned R.Gelaeva, when he was only 14 years old.

This information is really worth serious study because R.Gelaev, for which, as mentioned, many years stretched loop GRU, while actually hiding in the Pankisi Gorge, and in 2001 actually involved in the incident in Abkhazia, mentioned by the father T.Batirashvili. However, this time R.Gelaev have allegedly fought not on the side of Russia, and if would like to help Georgia to regain Abkhazia.

However, what is actually said was an incident involving R.Gelaeva probably best illustrated by an interview with the famous Georgian politician who in 2001 was head of the Department of State Security of the country, and then to November 2014 the Minister of Defense Irakli Alasania.

The interview was given to the Georgian newspaper in 2009. In an interview I.Alasaniya openly stated that R.Gelaev and his squad during the incident in Abkhazia was "a weapon in the hands of the GRU against Georgians."

If we keep in mind the following detail of a military career U.ash-Shishani, all mentioned above in this article suspicious connection Chechen Wahhabis with Russian special services, the statements of Akhmed Zakayev, made in 2013, the future role of Chechens in Syria and other evidence of the father T .Batirashvili of his son, the very different sounds and the theory that this figure has a lot of very suspicious links. Of course, not with the KGB, but, for example, with the GRU, or FSB. And this possibility is actually worth serious consideration and study.

Terrorists who are acquitted

More questions should ask biography Muslim Abu Walid al-Shishani. When he was still known as M.Margoshvili, he was detained in Russia for terrorism, but a little more than two years was released - or rather justified.

After reading that M.Margoshvili wrote about Russian media in 2003 when he was arrested, he heard the accusations against him, it seemed that the man responsible for the deaths of many people, freedom is no longer sees. But miraculously, he was first convicted only two years, and then after re-trial for alleged other crimes court acquitted him unexpectedly.

Moreover, in the courtroom happened very strange story - FSB officers allegedly tried to detain him even after his acquittal, but it is ... not possible. Many well-known Russian researchers relations Russian special services against terrorism unanimously assert that such cases means one thing - a "liberation" becomes an agent of the Russian special services, if they had not been to all of these events.

Are there too many consecutive matches?

By the way, M.Abu Walid al-Shishani already a considerable headache not only for those who are concerned about the war in Syria, but also, for example, to Germany.The daily Frankfurter Allgemeine in early December last year said that the diaspora from Chechnya has recently become more radical in many respects this is due M.Abu Walid al-Shishani, who allegedly became "idol Islamic audience in Germany."

Such information would be another reason for the serious study of this history M.Margoshvili - especially if you know the tradition of the KGB, associated with an indication of the direction for the activities of terrorists and their use to weaken Western countries, as well as many in the West unexpected story of the leader of Al possible links Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri to Russian intelligence and the fact that a large number of experts have stated that "Islamic State" is already in the West a greater threat than Al Qaeda.

All of the above in this article, as well as in the previous article of the series "Russia under Putin. Unscrew the Kremlin at this time? "In no way is not an attempt to prove that all Islamic terrorism generally run only the Russian special services. This is not so - the problem is much more headroom, and I understand it very well.

It would be foolish to deny different - for example, historical links with Islamic terrorists in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East and the endless conflicts in it. Would have reason to even talk about the current context, some Muslim countries, or at least part of their elites and intelligence services with terrorists.

You can, in many ways even discuss such theories, which presented the already mentioned Yu.Drozdov, which is called a legend of Russian intelligence, already quoted in my interview fontanka.ru. There although he admitted that Shamil Basayev was "one of the leaders of special purpose units involved in the military," said it - just the same error Russia, as well as the United States in the history of Osama bin Laden. KGB Major General, saying it had in mind is still not clearly refute the theory that the United States supported Usama Laden when delivered aid the mujahideen during the war in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union.

However, there are two significant differences between the possible connections Muslim or Western countries with terrorists, if there are such doubts and suspicions of links relating to Russia. The first is that, if such charges appear on Western countries, they are investigating, they are written about the mainstream media, information, analyze different analysts. The same applies to the Muslim countries.

However, with regard to Russia, it provided a kind of immunity on the part of an international investigation and even public discussion of the problem in the West.Despite the fact that it is in relation to the possible Russian accusations and suspicions of mysterious ties to terrorists most durable and consistent. In the end, there is no longer any such state (if the caller does not evaluate doubt the experience of the USSR and, perhaps borrowed from him the same Russian tradition), which could be reasonably suspected of such systematic involvement in the terrorist arsenal of weapons and their control strategies on the world stage.

Therefore, this article would like to conclude not only appeal to re-evaluate all these suspicions and their threat to the West, if they are at least partly true. I would like to reiterate the warning KGB colonel in reserve Konstantin Preobrazhensky, who received political asylum in the United States in 2006. His warning was made in 2007: "The essential difference between the attitude of Russia and America (and the West in general? - ML) to Islamic terrorism is that terrorism in America, in fact, is considered an external threat, and Russia uses it as object and instrument of the state to manipulate both domestically and abroad. Islamic terrorism - it's just part of global terrorism. Long before Islamic terrorism has become a global threat, the KGB used terrorism to achieve victory of world communism. "

After this quote and everything that is listed in this article, it remains only to ask a rhetorical question: "Is it true that modern Putin regime does not use terrorism to achieve the same cynical victories - both inside the country and against the West?".

Marius Laurinavičius

From the biography of Heydar Cemal

In the late '80s Jamal comes into society "Memory", is part of the Central Council. (Society "Memory" -pravoslavie, Autocracy, Nationality, anti-communism, anti-Semitism).

In 1992, Jamal ties intensive contacts with the son of Ayatollah Khomeini - Ahmad Khomeini. After the death of Ahmad Khomeini Jamal continued to cooperate actively with the highest Iranian leaders - Foreign Minister Velayati, now acting speaker of the Iranian parliament Nateg-Nouri, leader of the "Islamic Revolution Guards Corps."

In 1999, the Orthodox-Islamic conference in St. Petersburg put forward the thesis of the possibility of strategic alliance of Islam and Orthodoxy as part ofanti-Western project.
Russia's Northern Fleet has increased its air defense capability with the addition of S-400 Triumph air defense missile systems, the Fleet's spokesperson Vadim Serga said Friday.

"A division of air defense of the Northern Fleet has adopted into service new S-400 Triumph air defense missile systems," Serga stated without giving further details.

The S-400 Triumph long- to medium-range surface-to-air missile system can engage any aerial target, including aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and cruise and ballistic missiles at a distance of up to 400 kilometers (250 miles) and an altitude of up to 30 kilometers (18.6 miles).

The S-400 is expected to form the cornerstone of Russian air and missile defense by 2020 with 9 regiments already deployed across the country as of December 2014.

The bolstering of Russia's Northern Fleet with S-400 systems comes amid the country's strategy to boost its presence in the Arctic region. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted in December that the country is not planning to militarize the Arctic, but is merely taking necessary measures to ensure a secure defense in the region.
Venäjä toi ensimmäiset joukot Suomen rajan läheisyyteen Alakurttiin
Ulkomaat Julkaistu 13.01.2015 20:34

Näkymä Alakurtin rajakaupungista Murmanskin alueella Kuolan niemimaalla Venäjällä. Arkistokuva.

Venäjä on tuonut ensimmäiset joukko-osastot takaisin Alakurtin sotilastukikohtaan, kertoo uutistoimisto Tass. Vajaa vuosi sitten Venäjä ilmoitti, että Alakurtti otetaan uudelleen sotilaskäyttöön.

Alakurtti sijaitsee Suomen rajan läheisyydessä noin Rovaniemen korkeudella. Matkaa sieltä rajalle on 60 kilometriä.

Juna toi Alakurttiin motorisoidun jalkaväkiprikaatin joukkoja. Viime vuonna uutisoitiin, että Alakurttiin sijoitetaan noin 3000 sotilasta. Venäjän median tuoreiden arvioiden mukaan määrä voi kohota selvästi suuremmaksi.

Mainos (uutinen jatkuu alla)
Alakurtissa oli aiemmin sotilastukikohta vuosikymmeniä, mutta vuodesta 2009 tähän asti pikkukaupungissa on ollut lähinnä siviilejä ja rajavartijoita.

Venäjä on vahvistanut asevoimiaan myös muualla arktisella alueellaan.


Sama homma liveuamapissa:

Mistäköhän lie kysymys? Onko tämä ihan tyypillistä joukkojen liikettä vai poikkeaako tavanomaisesta?
Pistää vähän mietityttämään uutisen pari kohtaa:

"A detachment of about 800 servicemen from Russia’s Northern Fleet has been stationed in the Russian town of Alakurtti, Murmansk region, just 50km from the Finnish border, part of a large-scale expansion of Russian military facilities in the country’s northwest according to a press statement issued by the unit’s commanding admiral Vladimir Korolev on Tuesday.

The rest of the fleet are expected to be stationed there “soon” according to Korolev."

Tässä puhutaan Pohjoisen laivaston suuren luokan laajentumisesta mutta käytetään sanaa "fasilities" eli lähinnä olisi puhe infrastruktuurin rakentamisesta ja myöhemmin sanotaan että Alakurtissa on vain yksi kunnossa oleva kasarmirakennus. Ok tämän ymmärrän koska Venäjä ei ole panostanut juuri muihin kuin strategisesti kaikkein tärkeimpiin varuskuntiin ja nyt on aika panostaa pohjoiseenkin.
Sitten sanotaan että loput laivastosta "fleet" (voi myös tarkoittaa ilmavoimia) tulevat myöhemmin.
Sitten: "At full force, Russia’s Northern Fleet consists of about 3,000 ground troops trained for combat in Arctic conditions." Minun käsittääkseni siihen kuuluu 2 prikaatia, 200.mot ja yksi (en juuri nyt muista numeroa) merijalkaväen prikaati... Ei täsmää, miehiä pitäisi olla vähintään 8-9000! ellei sitten ole kyse juuri tuosta merijalkaväen yksiköstä, mutta mitä järkeä olisi se siirtää metsään ja 200. mot pr, jonka pitäisi olla kohta arktinen prikaati, jäisi Muurmanskin lähelle.

Myöhemmin kuitenkin viitataan siihen että se olisi juuri 200. Mot pr.:

"The servicemen taking up the stations in the military town on Tuesday constitute the motor rifle brigade - a coastal defense unit from the Northern Fleet’s ranks."
Paitsi jos Venäjä muuttaa 200.mot.prikaatin divisioonaksi ja Alakurttiin tulee toinen sen rykmenteistä.

"14 airfields are also expected to be built in the new base, according to Korolev, with 10 of them due to be opened “in a matter of months”."

Mitä, hä? Taitaa olla mennyt Newsweekin toimittajalla vähän sekaisin.
Ei taida Venäjä avata Alakurttiin 14 lentokenttää. Vaan KOKO pohjoisen laivaston alueelle. Uuden organisaation mukaanhan ilmavoimien isoin yksikkö on "Base", joka voi pitää sisällään useita lentokenttiä. Eli todennäköisesti kyse on ollut koko pohjoista laivastoa käsittelevästä uutisesta ja toimittajalla on tullut kiire ehtiä ensin otsikoille.
Mielestäni sekava uutinen mutta toivottavasti Suomesta löytyy asiantuntijoita (muitakin kuin Aleksanteri instituutti) jotka avaavat pohjoisen laivaston rakennetta ja ko. uutista.
Anteeksi edellisen sekavuus mutta uutinen ei antanut ihan loogista kuvaa ja jos näitä uutisia lukee joku " normaali" asioihin perehtymätön niin alkaa taas ahdistus ja kauhea poru. Toisaalta näillä uutisilla Venäjä ajaa Suomea lähemmäs Natoa väkisinkin koska yleinen mielipide toteaa pian että meitä uhataan todella.
Ja niin se kohta on että jos emme satsaa ennakoivasti Alakurtin kasvavaan uhkaan lisäämällä pohjoisen puolustusta niin Natoa todella tarvitaan.
Anteeksi edellisen sekavuus mutta uutinen ei antanut ihan loogista kuvaa ja jos näitä uutisia lukee joku " normaali" asioihin perehtymätön niin alkaa taas ahdistus ja kauhea poru. Toisaalta näillä uutisilla Venäjä ajaa Suomea lähemmäs Natoa väkisinkin koska yleinen mielipide toteaa pian että meitä uhataan todella.
Ja niin se kohta on että jos emme satsaa ennakoivasti Alakurtin kasvavaan uhkaan lisäämällä pohjoisen puolustusta niin Natoa todella tarvitaan.

Tätä Ala-Kurtin käyttöönottoa on puuhattu jo useita vuosia..Sinne on ollut tulossa ainakin nopeantoiminnan helikopterirykmentti jne. Viime vuoden aikoina on puhuttu kaikkiaan jopa 7-8000 henkilöön nousevasta tukikohdasta..Sotilasalan ammattilaiset varmasti seuraavat tarkemmin uutisointia ja tietävät paremmin yksityiskohtia jne.. Tähän samaan kehitykseen kuuluu sekin että koko Venäjän puoleinen Karjalan alue määriteltiin jokunen vuosi sitten erityiseksi raja-/sotilasalueeksi.

Venäjän luoteisella alueella toimitaan tasan tarkaan päinvastaisesti kuin meillä Suomessa.
Naapurin puolella vanhoja sotilastukikohtia otetaan uudelleen aktiivikäyttöön, sinne sijoitetaan erityisesti hyökkäyksiin soveltuvia nopeantoiminnan joukkoja. Laajat alueet (puolen Suomen kokoiset) rajan takana määritellään suljetuiksi sotilasalueiksi jne. Meillä taas on vähennetty itärajan läheisyydessä sijaitsevia varuskuntia. Samalla kun kaikenlaista avoimuutta ja yhteistyötä Venäjän kanssa siviilipuolella lisätään koko Itä-Suomessa..

Ehkä tällainen nähdään myös Suomen puolelta hyväksi kehitykseksi. Todennäköisesti venäläiset tähtäävät kaikilla osa-alueilla hyvin pitkäaikaiseen toimintaan myös Suomen puoleisilla alueille. Heillä kun on suhteellisen lähellä Pietarin alue jossa on asukkaita reilusti enemmän kuin koko Suomessa. Samalla kun Suomen puolella koko Itä-Suomen alueelta väki vähenee. Rajaseutu Karjalasta Lappiin asti jäänee tulevina vuosikymmeninä syrjäseuduksi. Mutta nämä jää tosiaan nähtäväksi. Ehkä seuraavan viidenvuosikymmenen aikana selviää mihin suuntaa asiat kehittyvät..
Nyt on Venäjän Pelle Pelottomat saaneet aikaan varsianaisen superaseen. Tosin nopeudessa lienee hieman kehiteltävää. Ja koko ideassa....

VVP ei tosin näytä olevan kovin vakuuttunut ilmeestä päätelleen RT:n videossa ;)

Military Cyborg Biker Presented to Putin
Jan 20, 2015
0 171

Russia’s military is busy building autonomous tanks, unmanned vehicles and other weapons one won’t be ashamed of in the 21st century. Vladimir Putin visited a Research Institute outside Moscow and was shown a combat robot.

Venäjä toi ensimmäiset joukot Suomen rajan läheisyyteen Alakurttiin
Ulkomaat Julkaistu 13.01.2015 20:34

Näkymä Alakurtin rajakaupungista Murmanskin alueella Kuolan niemimaalla Venäjällä. Arkistokuva.

Venäjä on tuonut ensimmäiset joukko-osastot takaisin Alakurtin sotilastukikohtaan, kertoo uutistoimisto Tass. Vajaa vuosi sitten Venäjä ilmoitti, että Alakurtti otetaan uudelleen sotilaskäyttöön.

Alakurtti sijaitsee Suomen rajan läheisyydessä noin Rovaniemen korkeudella. Matkaa sieltä rajalle on 60 kilometriä.

Juna toi Alakurttiin motorisoidun jalkaväkiprikaatin joukkoja. Viime vuonna uutisoitiin, että Alakurttiin sijoitetaan noin 3000 sotilasta. Venäjän median tuoreiden arvioiden mukaan määrä voi kohota selvästi suuremmaksi.

Mainos (uutinen jatkuu alla)
Alakurtissa oli aiemmin sotilastukikohta vuosikymmeniä, mutta vuodesta 2009 tähän asti pikkukaupungissa on ollut lähinnä siviilejä ja rajavartijoita.

Venäjä on vahvistanut asevoimiaan myös muualla arktisella alueellaan.


Sama homma liveuamapissa:

Mistäköhän lie kysymys? Onko tämä ihan tyypillistä joukkojen liikettä vai poikkeaako tavanomaisesta?

Riippuu keltä kysyy. Jos kysyt Ekiltä niin se sanoo että "tästä ei pidä tehdä mitään mihinkään suuntaan meneviä johtopäätöksiä" = ainoa johtopäätös jonka te voitte tehdä minun luvallani on se että venäjä EI UHKAA SUOMEA tai mitään muutakaan maata, älkääkä enää kyseenalaistako minun linjaani enää koska MINÄ olen sentään herra ja ulkomisteri, tiedän nämä asiat paremminkuintejaniinedelleenedelleedelleen.......blaahblaahblaah....

Pistää vähän mietityttämään uutisen pari kohtaa:

"A detachment of about 800 servicemen from Russia’s Northern Fleet has been stationed in the Russian town of Alakurtti, Murmansk region, just 50km from the Finnish border, part of a large-scale expansion of Russian military facilities in the country’s northwest according to a press statement issued by the unit’s commanding admiral Vladimir Korolev on Tuesday.

The rest of the fleet are expected to be stationed there “soon” according to Korolev."

Tässä puhutaan Pohjoisen laivaston suuren luokan laajentumisesta mutta käytetään sanaa "fasilities" eli lähinnä olisi puhe infrastruktuurin rakentamisesta ja myöhemmin sanotaan että Alakurtissa on vain yksi kunnossa oleva kasarmirakennus. Ok tämän ymmärrän koska Venäjä ei ole panostanut juuri muihin kuin strategisesti kaikkein tärkeimpiin varuskuntiin ja nyt on aika panostaa pohjoiseenkin.
Sitten sanotaan että loput laivastosta "fleet" (voi myös tarkoittaa ilmavoimia) tulevat myöhemmin.
Sitten: "At full force, Russia’s Northern Fleet consists of about 3,000 ground troops trained for combat in Arctic conditions." Minun käsittääkseni siihen kuuluu 2 prikaatia, 200.mot ja yksi (en juuri nyt muista numeroa) merijalkaväen prikaati... Ei täsmää, miehiä pitäisi olla vähintään 8-9000! ellei sitten ole kyse juuri tuosta merijalkaväen yksiköstä, mutta mitä järkeä olisi se siirtää metsään ja 200. mot pr, jonka pitäisi olla kohta arktinen prikaati, jäisi Muurmanskin lähelle.

Myöhemmin kuitenkin viitataan siihen että se olisi juuri 200. Mot pr.:

"The servicemen taking up the stations in the military town on Tuesday constitute the motor rifle brigade - a coastal defense unit from the Northern Fleet’s ranks."
Paitsi jos Venäjä muuttaa 200.mot.prikaatin divisioonaksi ja Alakurttiin tulee toinen sen rykmenteistä.

"14 airfields are also expected to be built in the new base, according to Korolev, with 10 of them due to be opened “in a matter of months”."

Mitä, hä? Taitaa olla mennyt Newsweekin toimittajalla vähän sekaisin.
Ei taida Venäjä avata Alakurttiin 14 lentokenttää. Vaan KOKO pohjoisen laivaston alueelle. Uuden organisaation mukaanhan ilmavoimien isoin yksikkö on "Base", joka voi pitää sisällään useita lentokenttiä. Eli todennäköisesti kyse on ollut koko pohjoista laivastoa käsittelevästä uutisesta ja toimittajalla on tullut kiire ehtiä ensin otsikoille.
Mielestäni sekava uutinen mutta toivottavasti Suomesta löytyy asiantuntijoita (muitakin kuin Aleksanteri instituutti) jotka avaavat pohjoisen laivaston rakennetta ja ko. uutista.

"Suomen Sotilaassa" oli edellisessä numerossa asiantuntevan oloinen kirjoitus venäjän korkean valmiuden prikaateista joiden henkilöstömäärän katsottiin olevan valta-osin vajaita vakinaisen väen osalta ja pääosa joudutaan muodostamaan asevelvollisista jotta prikaatit saataisiin määrävahvuisiksi.
Maavoimien kokoonpanoja on rukattu uudelleen 10-15 vuoden aikana reformissa joka on johtanut Tsetsenian oppien (1990-luku) perusteella prikaatikokoonpanoon kuten tiedetään. Divisjoonat on kuitenkin viimeaikoina nostettu uudelleen taistelurymitykseen ainakin joiltain osin eikä tuosta sotkusta oikein ota kuulemma selvää kukaan.

Prikaatit on kuitenkin vain osittain varustettuja ja vanhaa kalustoa on edelleen pääosin runsaasti. Vallitseva vaunutyyppi lienee edelleenkin T-72 versiot joita on päivitetty. Samaten tykistö nojaa suurelta osin vedettäviin 122mm ja 152mm tykkeihin, 2S3 ps-haupitseihin, BM-21 raketinheittimiin ja BTR-70 sekä BMP-2/3 vaunuihin 1970-90 luvuilta.
Sama homma siis kuten meillä: ne parhaat värkit näytetään paraateissa ja puunattuna vaikka iso osa kalustosta seisoo ruosteessa ja vanhentuneena varikon takana.

Ne uusimmat ja hienoimmat laivat ja lentsikat lentelevät Youtube-videoissa joissa pelotellaan ja ylistetään venäjän mahtavaa armeijaa joka tuhoaa koko lännen samalla kun se piippalakki polkee sitä sikakiikkua käyntiin siellä jossain.....

Öljyn hinnan lasku ja ulkomaisten investointien puute & pako aiheuttavat suuria ongelmia asevoimien uudistukselle, se on myönnetty julkisestkin että asevoimat eivät saavuta tavoitettaan uuden kaluston osalta vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Sosiaaliset ongelmat ja korruptio lisääntyvät samalla kun Putinin valta keskittyy ja muuttuu yhä arvaamattomammaksi.

Lisäksi miespuolisen väestön keskimääräinen elinikä on viime tietoni mukaan jotain 55-ikävuoden tienoilla joten eläkkeelle pääsy elävänä ei ole siellä mitenkään todennäköistä.

Faktojen puolesta ei ainakaan mikään kovin vakuuttava kirjoitus. Esimerkiksi BTR-70 ei ole enää ollut vuosiin kuin merijalkaväen palveluksessa ja sielläkin alle 100kpl voimin. Paljon mahdollista ettei niitä ole enää sielläkään, kun BTR-82AM tuli tuotantoon 2013. BTR-82A/AM-mallejahan on tuotettu nyt parissa vuodessa ainakin jotain 500-600 kpl. Sanoman omistaman Vedomostin mukaan pelkästään tänä vuonna oli lokakuuhun mennessä tuotettu 233 vaunua. Ja niitä myös näkyy joka puolella mm. harjoituksissa ja Ukrainan rajoilla, joistakin on kuvia myös ihan Ukrainan puolelta. Ja käsityksesi venäläisten miesten keskimääräisestä eliniästä heittää 10 vuodella, mitä voisi pitää aika isona virheenä.
Faktojen puolesta ei ainakaan mikään kovin vakuuttava kirjoitus. Esimerkiksi BTR-70 ei ole enää ollut vuosiin kuin merijalkaväen palveluksessa ja sielläkin alle 100kpl voimin. Paljon mahdollista ettei niitä ole enää sielläkään, kun BTR-82AM tuli tuotantoon 2013. BTR-82A/AM-mallejahan on tuotettu nyt parissa vuodessa ainakin jotain 500-600 kpl. Sanoman omistaman Vedomostin mukaan pelkästään tänä vuonna oli lokakuuhun mennessä tuotettu 233 vaunua. Ja niitä myös näkyy joka puolella mm. harjoituksissa ja Ukrainan rajoilla, joistakin on kuvia myös ihan Ukrainan puolelta. Ja käsityksesi venäläisten miesten keskimääräisestä eliniästä heittää 10 vuodella, mitä voisi pitää aika isona virheenä.
No vielä tämänkin kirjoituksen faktojen osalta voidaan hioa vakuuttavuutta. Länsimaisessa prikaatissa taisteluajoneuvoja on 150-200 kappaletta prikaatia kohden. Venäläinen organisaatio on koko ajaN lähestynyt länsimaista ja ajoneuvojen lukumäärien voi olettaa olevan samalla tasolla. Venäjä on julkaissut tavoitteekseen varustaa 100 prikaatia. Näistä ehkä 1/3 voidaan arvioida olevan moottoroituja jalkaväkiprikaateja, joiden käyttöön kohdennetaan BTR-kalusto. Merijalkaväen prikaateja on 4 kpl ja lisäksi on 4 erillistä merijalkaväkipataljoonaa. Voidaan siis arvioida, että maa- ja merivoimissa yhteensä 37 prikaatia ja 4 erillistä pataljoonaa tulisi varustaa BTR-kalustolla. Lisäksi voimme tässä yhteydessä laskea prikaatin ajoneuvotarpeeksi 150 ajoneuvoa ja pataljoonan 40. Määrävahvuinen tarve BTR-sarjan ajoneuvoille olisi siis 5710 ajoneuvoa. Luvusta puuttuvat muut erilliset pataljoonat ja sisäministeriön joukot, joilla on varsin paljon BTR-kalustoa. Valmistuneella 500-600 ajoneuvolla voidaan varustaa maksimissaan 4 prikaatia määrävahvuisesti. Olen aivan varma, että valtaosa moottoroiduista prikaateista matkailee taisteluun BTR-70:llä, BTR-60:llä tai jopa BTR-152:lla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäläiskanavan hätkähdyttävä video Suomen rajan tuntumasta - ”Hyvin suorituskykyinen prikaati”

Tällaista kuvamateriaalia venäläiskanava on ladannut Youtube-kanavalleen.
Julkaistu: 22.1.2015 7:47

Venäläisen televisiokanavan reportaasi esittelee Suomen rajan pinnassa olevan Alakurtin modernina ja tulivoimaisena taisteluyksikkönä.

Sotilasasioihin erikoistunut venäläinen televisiokanava Zvezda julkaisi viikko sitten videopalveluYoutubessa reportaasin Alakurttiin valmistuneesta uudesta arktisesta sotilastukikohdasta.

– Jos se tuon propagandafilmin mukaan etenee, siitä tulee hyvin suorituskykyinen prikaati, kommentoi reilut kolme minuuttia kestävän ohjelman Ilta-Sanomien pyynnöstä katsonut Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun entinen tutkija, eversti (evp) Ari Rautala.

Todennäköisesti Alakurtissa kuvattu reportaasi alkaa harjoituksella, jossa 80. arktisen moottoroidun rannikkoprikaatin taistelijat hyökkäävät videon mukaan kuvitteellisen vihollisen kimppuun Murmanskin alueella Kuolan niemimaalla.

Taisteluprikaati sijaitsee Sallan-Kemijärven tasalla noin 50 kilometrin päässä Suomen rajasta. Joukot on aseistettu videokuvan perusteella järeästi.

Lumipukuinen sotilas ampuu luurangon näköisestä tiilitalosta kranaattikiväärillä. Lumessa liikkuvaan panssariajoneuvoon on kiinnitetty Rautalan 30-milliseksi arvioima, tykiksi luokiteltava sarjatuliase. Tykki sopii sekä ilmatorjuntaan että pinta-ammuntaan.

– Hyvin se näytti paukuttavan. Pinta-ammunta tarkoittaa sitä, että joku, joka tulee vastaan, ammutaan, jos se on vihollinen, Rautala selvittää.

Harjoituksessa poltetaan myös taloja, joka kertoo siitä, että prikaati kykenee tarvittaessa taajamataisteluun.

– Mitä varten ne muuten latoja pommittelisivat, jos ne eivät oikeasti tarvitse niitä. Mikä taajama on kyseessä sodan aikana, sitä minä en tiedä, Rautala kertoo.

Taistelijat liikkuvat paikasta toiseen panssaroiduilla, lumessa liikkuvilla tela-ajoneuvoilla, jotka kuljettavat Rautalan mukaan kerrallaan 12–15 aseistettua ja varustettua sotilasta.

– Sana ”moottoroitu” kertoo siitä, että prikaati siirtyy vikkelästi paikasta toiseen, eli heillä ei ole jalkamarsseja. Arktisille prikaateille on suunniteltu ihan oma, lumessa hyvin kulkeva kalusto, jota ei välttämättä muilla prikaateilla pitkin Venäjänmaata ole. Ei joku Kaukasian prikaati tällaisia vehkeitä tarvitse, Rautala sanoo.

Venäjä toi Alakurtin sotilastukikohtaan ensimmäiset joukko-osastonsa viime viikon tiistaina. Rautala korostaa, että prikaati kuuluu pohjoisen laivaston rannikkojoukkoihin.

– Ihmiset kuvittelevat, että kun se (Venäjä) menee Alakurtiin, niin ahaa, se vainoaa Suomen suuntaa. Se ei pidä paikkansa, vaan se on tehty pohjoisen laivaston tarpeisiin arktisille alueille. Ei niitä Kemijärvi kiinnosta, Rautala sanoo.

Tero Karjalainen

Huoh, jotenkin toivoisi, että herra eversti on ymmärretty väärin, mutta jotenkin pelkään, että näin ei ole käynyt. Jos kyseessä on tämä video:
Niin siinä on MT-LBV, jonka päällä on 12,7 mm konekivääri. Siitä ei mitenkään saa kolmekymppistä konetykkiä, vaikka haluaisi. Niin isoa asetta ei yksinkertaisesti saa mahtumaan ällitällin johtajan paikalle. Pinta-ammunta tarkoittaa sitä, että ammutaan suurin piirtein maan pinnalle. Maalina voi olla myös tyhjä metsä.
Jossakin toisessa Alakurtti-videossa näin paikallisen telakuorma-auton, jota ei oltu aseistettu mitenkään. Missään vaiheessa en nähnyt panssarivaunuja, tykkejä, heittimiä tai edes kranaattikonekiväärejä, joten kovin tulivoimainen ei tuo pumppu videon perusteella ole. Todennäköisesti heillä on ihan normaalit prikaatin vehkeet tai vastaavat, mutta loppujen lopuksi aika kevyt joukko. Liikkuvuus on tärkeää, myös Kaukaasiassa, missä leveätelainen älli toimii ihan yhtä hyvin kuin täälläkin. Samoin tekat.
Huoh, jotenkin toivoisi, että herra eversti on ymmärretty väärin, mutta jotenkin pelkään, että näin ei ole käynyt.

Eläkkeellä näemmä se osaaminen hupenee nopeasti :)