Aika isot ne summat ymmärtääkseni olivat ja linkin takana olevassa esimerkissä suoritusportaalla piti maksaa projektin saadakseen heti 20-32% virkamiehille:Kuinka suuri osa investoinnista menee todelliseen kohteeseen? En tiedä onko Sotshi mikään mittapuu, mutta eiköhän siellän koneiston voiteluun kulunut osuus ollut kymmenissä prosenteissa. Ei taida kansantalous kasvaa niillä sijoituksilla.
"Another person in the construction business says he was offered a contract, potentially worth millions of dollars, to lay a water line at an Olympic site. The officials at the state body awarding the contract weren't interested in whether he had the necessary resources for such a large job or would do quality work—the only question was whether he was willing to pay 20 percent back to them. A third construction boss says he was invited to carry out work on transport infrastructure. As the officials offering the job spelled it out, the contract would be worth 250 million rubles ($7.7 million) on paper, but he would only actually receive 170 million rubles—the officials, presumably, would pocket the difference."
Tämän lisäksi kustannukset raketoivat aika lailla, jolloin on mahdollista että rahavuotoja oli muuallekin, esimerkiksi:
"There has been one high-profile prosecution for corruption, of the man in charge of the ski jump facility, where cost estimates skyrocketed from $40 million to $265 million"
Valmisteluvaiheen voiteluosuudeksi mainitaan täällä 50-60%: