
Kiinassa nestemäistä polttoainetta käyttävät keskimatkan ohjukset ovat kohta historiaa.
By Hans M. Kristensen

One of the last Chinese Second Artillery brigades with the old liquid-fuel DF-3A intermediate-range nuclear ballistic missile appears to have been upgraded to the newer DF-21 road-mobile, dual-capable, medium-range ballistic missile.

A new satellite image posted on Google Earth from May 4, 2014, reveals major changes to what appears to be a launch unit site for the Dengshahe brigade northeast of Dalian by the Yellow Sea.

The upgrade apparently marks the latest phase in a long and slow conversion of the Dengshahe brigade from the DF-3A to the DF-21.

The range of the DF-21 is less than the range of the DF-3A (2,150 km versus 3,000 km), but the DF-21 system is much more capable than the DF-3A. Unlike the liquid-fuel, transportable DF-3A, the DF-21 is a solid-fuel missile carried on a road-mobile transporter erector launcher (TEL). As such, the DF-21 TEL can move around the landscape much more freely and can set up and fire its missile quicker than the DF-3A system.

The DF-21 is also more accurate, which is reflected in a smaller warhead – 200-300 kilotons versus 3,300 kilotons for the DF-3A warhead.
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DOD Report Shows Chinese Nuclear Force Adjustments and US Nuclear Secrecy
he Pentagon’s latest annual report to Congress on the Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China describes continued broad modernization and growing reach of Chinese military forces and strategy.

There is little new on the nuclear weapons front in the 2014 update, however, which describes slow development of previously reported weapons programs. This includes construction of a handful of ballistic missile submarines; the first of which the DOD predicts will begin to sail on deterrent patrols later this year.

It also includes the gradual phase-out of the old DF-3A liquid-fuel ballistic missile and the apparent – and surprising – stalling of the new DF-31 ICBM program.

Like all the other nuclear-armed states, China is modernizing its nuclear forces. China earns the dubious medal (although not in the DOD report) of being the only nuclear weapons state party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that is increasing it nuclear arsenal. Far from a build-up, however, the modernization is a modest increase focused on ensuring the survivability of a secure retaliatory strike capability (see here for China’s nuclear arsenal compared with other nuclear powers).

The report continues the Obama administration’s don’t-show-missile-numbers policy. Up until 2010, the annual DOD reports included a table overview of the composition of the Chinese missile force. But the overview gradually became less specific in until it was completed removed from the reports in 2013.

The policy undercuts the administration’s position that China should be more transparent about its military modernization by indirectly assisting Chinese government secrecy.

The main nuclear issues follow below.

Lisää täällä.

Nuclear forces reduced while modernizations continue, says SIPRI
At the start of 2014 nine states—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea—possessed approximately 4000 operational nuclear weapons. If all nuclear warheads are counted, these states together possessed a total of approximately 16 300 nuclear weapons (see table 1) compared to 17 270 in early 2013.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A sprawling new plant here in a former soybean field makes the mechanical guts of America’s atomic warheads. Bigger than the Pentagon, full of futuristic gear and thousands of workers, the plant, dedicated last month, modernizes the aging weapons that the United States can fire from missiles, bombers and submarines.

It is part of a nationwide wave of atomic revitalization that includes plans for a new generation of weapon carriers. A recent federal study put the collective price tag, over the next three decades, at up to a trillion dollars.

This expansion comes under a president who campaigned for “a nuclear-free world” and made disarmament a main goal of American defense policy. The original idea
Venäjä lisännyt merkittävästi Pohjoisen laivaston strategisia ydinaseita:


More than 100 new nukes in northern waters

Latest data exchange on nuclear weapons held by Russia and the United States shows the first Post-Soviet increase in numbers of strategic warheads sailing the Barents- and White Sea.

Thomas Nilsen
October 02, 2014

The Bureau of Arms Control with the U.S. Department of State released the latest exchange of data under the New START treaty with Russia on October 1st.

Compared to October 1st 2013, Russia’s number of both deployed nuclear warheads and deployed launchers has increased substantially. The number of deployed ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles),SLBMs (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles) and Heavy Bombers (Tu-95 and Tu-160) increased from 473 in the autumn 2013 to 528 this autumn.

The increase in deployed nuclear warheads was 243, from 1,400 a year ago to 1,643 today.

The numbers listed in the U.S. fact sheet do not specify where and which launchers that are the reason for the increase. But, as reported by BarentsObserver this spring, the Northern fleet’s newest strategic missile submarine, the “Yury Dolgoruky”, got its full set of Bulava missiles in June. The submarine can carry 16 missiles and each Bulava-missile can hold up to six warheads, making up for a total of 96 warheads on that single submarine. It is, however, unlikely that “Yury Dolgoruky” has 16 missiles with full set of warheads. Normally a ballistic missile submarine carries one or more missiles without warheads, ready for test-launches like the one from the second new Borey-class submarine, the “Vladimir Monomakh” on September 10th, as reported byBarentsObserver.

Two submarines can hold 192 warheads
The blog-site Russian strategic nuclear forces, argues that it is most likely the two new Northern fleet submarines that make up for most of the increase in deployed strategic nuclear weapons in Russia over the last six months. Those two alone can hold 192 warheads, but since the increase, according to the official figures, is 131 since last information exchange in March, the two submarines are likely not fully loaded.


Russian Northern fleet Delta-IV submarine in surface position in the Barents Sea. (Photo: Thomas Nilsen)
The third Borey-class submarine, the “Aleksandr Nevsky” is still test-sailing from the yard in Severodvinsk and is therefore not included to the Northern fleet. In total, Russia will get eight new Borey-class submarines.

Russia’s other seabased launchers of ballistic missiles include six Delta-IVclass submarines. They are sailing for the Northern fleet with homeport in Gadzhievo on the Barents Sea coast of the Kola Peninsula northwest of Murmansk.

Tactical nuclear weapons are not included in the exchange of information under the NewSTART treaty and information about the amount of such warheads is uncertain.

Four out of five warheads at KolaSenior Research Fellow with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Kristian Åtland, says to BarentsObserver that if the figures are correct, it means that 81,5 percent of Russia’s sea-based strategic nuclear weapons are deployed at the Kola Peninsula.

“If this is correct, it means that the number of sea-based strategic nuclear warheads on Kola has increased by 32 percent since last year,” Kristian Åtland says.

“It also means that 81,5 percent of of Russia’s sea-based nuclear weapons, 422 out of 518, is deployed at naval bases on the Kola Peninsula and only 18,5 percent, are with the Pacific fleet,” he says.

The defence researcher, however, says this could change over time, since some of the Borey-class submarines are planned to be based with the Pacific fleet.

“There is no doubt that the long-lasting period of disarmament now has changed to rearmament,” says Kristian Åtland.

Lavrov: Investment is long-overdue
Interviewed by RT last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov argues that the investment in military hardware is a long-overdue modernization and not a sign of a looming new arms race.


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. (Photo: Thomas Nilsen)
“I don’t think we are on the verge of a new arms race. At least, Russia definitely won’t be part of it. In our case, it’s just that the time has come for us to modernize our nuclear and conventional arsenals,” Lavrov said and continued:

“We have a long-term armament program, which takes into account our economic situation and, of course, the need to have efficient and modern defensive capabilities to protect our national interest.”

Huomionarvoista on, että artikkelin mukaan yli 80 % Venäjän laivaston strategisista ydinaseista on sijoitettu Kuolan niemimaalle...
Huomionarvoista on, että artikkelin mukaan yli 80 % Venäjän laivaston strategisista ydinaseista on sijoitettu Kuolan niemimaalle...

Kertonee myös Venäjän Tyynenmeren laivaston rappiotilasta ja telakkateollisuuden tehottomuudesta. Viimeisin Delta-luokan alus on kait vamistunut joskus Neuvostoliiton viimeisinä hetkinä, sen jälkeen osa niistä on saatu modernisoitua. Uuden Borei-luokan ensimmäisen aluksen rakentaminen ja saaminen aktiivipalvelukseen viime vuonna otti 17 vuotta, mikä onnistui tosin kait sentään nopeammin ja halvemmalla kuin uuden Yasen-luokan hyökkäyssukellusveneen kanssa…
Kertonee myös Venäjän Tyynenmeren laivaston rappiotilasta ja telakkateollisuuden tehottomuudesta. Viimeisin Delta-luokan alus on kait vamistunut joskus Neuvostoliiton viimeisinä hetkinä, sen jälkeen osa niistä on saatu modernisoitua. Uuden Borei-luokan ensimmäisen aluksen rakentaminen ja saaminen aktiivipalvelukseen viime vuonna otti 17 vuotta, mikä onnistui tosin kait sentään nopeammin ja halvemmalla kuin uuden Yasen-luokan hyökkäyssukellusveneen kanssa…

Pohjoinen laivasto on parempi paikka ydinaseille, koska siellä on helpompi toteuttaa "bastion" -strategiaa. Tyynenmerenlaivasto on itse asiassa muuten ihan hyvässä kunnossa, mutta Amurin tärkeät telakat ovat kuulemma todella tehottomia ja korruptoituneita.

Borei-luokan veneet ovat olleet halpoja koska niissä on käytetty hyväksi Akuloiden komponentteja, Jasen taas on kokonaan uusvalmistetta.
Hyvä muistutus. Tyynenmeren laivaston kyky suojata ohjussukellusveneiden partioalueet Ohotanmerellä oli vähän eri luokkaa joskus 80-luvulla kun nykyään. Lännestä asiaa tarkastellen sitä joskus unohtuu kuinka ydinasepainotteinen ja ydinaseiden suojaamiseen räätälöity koko Venäjän laivasto lopulta on.
Ranskan medioissa oli mainita siitä että uuden ballistisia ohjuksia ampuvan sukellusveneluokan suunnittelutyö on käynnissä ja ensimmäisen veneen rakennustyöt alkanevat suunnitelmien mukaan ensi vuosikymmenen puolivälissä. Ensimmäisen aluksen rakentamiseen ja saamiseen palvelukseen kulunee noin vuosikymmen joten se olisi ihan aikataulussa korvaamaan 1997 palvelukseen astuneen Le Triomphantin. Poliitikkoja kuulemma hirvittää ydinasepelotteen ylläpitoon kuluva rahamäärä eli viidesosa maan vuosittaisesta puolustusbudjetista, tämän vuoksi uudessa sukellusveneluokassa ei pyrittäne mihinkään mullistaviin ratkaisuihin. Ranskan uusista hyökkäyssukellusveneitä viimeisimmän pitäisi valmistua ensi vuosikymmenen lopulla, toiveissa lienee saada jotain synergiaetuja ja jatkuvuutta eri alusluokkien välille?
Fission Weapon Designs
The design elements outlined in the previous subsections can be applied in various ways to achieve a wide variety of weapon designs. The most appropriate design depends on the technology and material constraints within which the designer works, and what the design objective is (maximum efficiency, light weight, warhead volume and dimension restrictions, ruggedness, safety, etc.). The available fissile material is one of the most basic constraints in which there may be little flexibility. In this subsection discuss some particular design approaches that have been taken (or might have been, since a lot of this is speculation) for various purposes.

4.2.1 Low Technology Designs

These are designs that rely on a minimum of exotic technology or lengthy and costly research programs. Reasons for using such a design include: limited resources, low cost, low risk, and speed of development.

Situations where these issues might arise include:

  1. A non-industrialized or partially-industrialized nation attempting weapon development;
  2. A country undertaking a crash program due to sudden internal or external political changes; or
  3. A country undertaking a weapon program with very limited objectives (such as merely demonstrating that they have nuclear capability).
There is the obstacle that production of weapon-grade fissile material is inherently a rather exotic and expensive process. I assume that suitable fissile material is at hand and thus only address actual weapon design issues.

There are a couple of well documented weapon designs that used nothing that would be considered particularly exotic or at all high-tech today: the first atomic bombs used in WWII - Little Boy, and Fat Man. Both of these devices are described in some detail in Section 7.1. Other weapons that have been fairly well documented are quite similar to these: the first Soviet atomic bomb (actually a copy of Fat Man), the first British atomic bomb (a Fat Man type weapon with modest improvements), and the South African gun-type atomic bomb. Gun Designs

These are without a doubt the easiest weapons to manufacture if sufficient HEU is available. Mundane ordnance technology suffices for the assembly mechanism, standard industrial techniques are sufficient for fabricating a tungsten or tungsten carbide reflector, and a neutron initiator is neither difficult (if a modest reactor is at hand for polonium production) or even necessary.

The Little Boy design was completed (except for the fissile material) in a matter of months, and no need was felt to test it before combat use.

The South African nuclear weapon program is an example of Situation 3 - a limited objective program. South Africa intended to use their weapon as a political tool, not a military one. Due to the ease of development and inherent reliability a gun design was chosen. Implosion Designs

Implosion weapons are more efficient, but are inherently more complex. The two principal problems are development of an effective implosion system and a neutron initiator. The basic techniques and designs for both are well known today, but actually fabricating working components (and being sure they work!) is a different matter entirely.

With the advantages of modern commercial technology for manufacturing, instrumentation, and computing; of a well developed scientific and engineering base in the open literature covering relevant technologies; and with successful approaches already known, the task of converting these approaches to proven hardware should take dramatically less effort than they did in 1944-45 (a few thousand person-years).

The decision of the USSR and UK to copy the Fat Man design for their first weapons indicates a mix of Situations 2 and 3 to varying degrees. Both programs were rushed, and attempted to simply demonstrate a capability as their first objective. Iraq's crash effort to produce a single weapon during the Gulf War probably relied on a simple implosion design for the same reasons.

4.2.2 High Efficiency Weapons

Most nuclear weapons programs reach a phase where using scarce and expensive fissile material most efficiently becomes a high priority (if fissile material eventually becomes abundant this may be replaced by other optimization criteria).

The principal means of achieving high efficiency in a pure fission design is to maximize the compression of the fissile material by concentrating a great deal of compressive energy in the core as uniformly as possible. This implies the use of a large mass of high explosives, and a levitated pit design, probably together with flying plate techniques.

The most likely approach is to use a pit within a larger hollow shell that acts as a driver. The high explosive layer surrounding the driver shell accelerates it inward, a sufficiently high HE/driver mass ratio being used to achieve velocities approaching the theoretical limit (8 km/sec). As the driver collapses and thickens, additional concentration of energy on the inner surface may occur. This will create the strongest possible shock when it impacts on the pit, the use of a buffer layer (beryllium perhaps) surrounding the outer shell of the pit may reduce the energy lost to entropy. The outer pit then implodes on the inner levitated portion of the pit.

This does indeed appear to be the design approach taken in the most efficient pure fission device ever tested by the US - the Hamlet device designed by Theodore Taylor, and detonated in Upshot-Knothole Harry (19 May 1953). This device used a 60 inch in diameter implosion system (based on the TX-13D bomb then in development) that weighed 7000 pounds (8000 pounds was the total device weight). This has been described as a test of a "hollow" design, but since the Type D levitated pit used in Hamlet had been previously tested in other weapons, and hollow levitated cores had been demonstrated years before, this may refer to the use of a hollow driver shell. The yield of Hamlet was predicted to be 37 kt, the actual yield was 32 kt.

Other techniques that are valuable:

  • The use of an efficient tamper and reflector (preferably non-moderating);
  • The use of a composite core (if two different fissile materials are available);
  • Making the weapon a high yield design, which are inherently efficient (see below); and
  • Fusion boosting, which takes us out of the realm of pure fission designs.
4.2.3 Low Yield Weapons

This represents one extreme of the weapon design spectrum - nuclear devices intend to make "small" explosions. Low yield in this context generally means yields much less than the 20 kts of a nominal fission weapon - say, 1-1000 tons. These are, of course, always very large compared to any other types of weapon of remotely similar size. They are small only in comparison to the potential capabilities of nuclear weapons.

The smallest nuclear weapons actually deployed have had yields around 10 tons (like the W54), and have been intended for short range tactical or nuclear demolition use (e.g. blowing up roads and bridges).

A low yield weapon can be made simply by taking an existing weapon and reducing its efficiency in some manner - like reducing the amount of explosive to create a weak implosion. But this likely result in a low-yield the weapon with unnecessarily high mass, volume, and cost.

A weapon designer will probably want to optimize a low yield weapon toward one of two design goals: minimizing its size or minimizing its cost (basically this means minimizing the fissile content of the device). Real weapons typically try to strike a balance between the two extremes. Minimum Size

A low yield minimum mass or volume weapon would use an efficient fissile material (plutonium or U-233), a low mass implosion system (i.e. a relatively weak one), and a thin beryllium reflector (thickness no more than the core radius). Since volume increases with the cube of the radius, a thick layer of anything (explosive or reflector) surrounding the fissile core will add much more mass than that of the core itself.

Referring to the Reflector Savings Table we can see that for beryllium thicknesses of a few centimeters, the radius of a plutonium core is reduced by 40-60% of the reflector thickness. Since the density difference between these materials is on the order of 10:1, substantial mass savings can be achieved. At some point though increasing the thickness of the reflector begins to add more mass than it saves, this marks the point of minimum total mass for the reflector/core system.

In general, minimum mass and minimum volume designs closely resemble each other. The use of a hollow core adds negligibly to the overall volume.

At the low end of this yield range (tens of tons) simply inducing the delta -> alpha phase transition in a metastable plutonium alloy may provide sufficient reactivity insertion. In this case a classical implosion system is not even necessary, a variety of mechanisms could be used to produce the weak 10-20 kilobar shock required to collapse the crystal structure.

Since the fissile core would be lightly reflected, and weakly compressed, a relatively large amount of fissile material is required: perhaps 10 kg for even a very low yield bomb. The efficiency is of course extremely poor, and the cost relatively high.

The absolute minimum possible mass for a bomb is determined by the smallest critical mass that will produce a significant yield. Since the critical mass for alpha-phase plutonium is 10.5 kg, and an additional 20-25% of mass is needed to make a significant explosion, this implies 13 kg or so. A thin beryllium reflector will reduce this, but the necessary high explosive and packaging will add mass, so the true absolute minimum probably lies in the range of 10-15 kg.

The W54 warhead used in the Davy Crockett had a minimum mass of about 23 kg, and had yields ranging from 10 tons up to 1 kt in various mods (probably achieved by varying the fissile content). The warhead was basically egg-shaped with the minor axis of 27.3 cm and a major axis of 40 cm. The W-54 probably represents a near minimum diameter for a spherical implosion device (the U.S. has conducted tests of a 25.4 cm implosion system however).

The test devices for this design fired in Hardtack Phase II (shots Hamilton and Humboldt on 15 October and 29 October 1958) weighed only 16 kg, impressively close to the minimum mass estimated above. These devices were 28 cm by 30 cm, Humboldt used PBX-9404 as the explosive. Minimum Fissile Content

The contrasting approach to minimizing size is to make a small explosion in the most efficient way as possible. This means applying the same principles as high efficiency design, but simply reducing the amount of fissile material to reduce the yield. The mass of the implosion system, and the tamper/reflector in this case will result in greater overall mass and volume, even though the fissile material weight is reduced.

Using an advanced flying plate design it is possible to compress a 1 kg plutonium mass sufficiently to produce a yield in the 100 ton range. This design has an important implication on the type of fissile material that can be used. The high compression implies fast insertion times, while the low mass implies a low Pu-240 content. Taken together this means that a much higher Pu-240 content than normal weapon grade plutonium could be used in this type of design without affecting performance. In fact ordinary reactor grade plutonium would be as effective as weapon grade material for this use. Fusion boosting could produce yields exceeding 1 kt with this system.

4.2.4 High Yield Weapons

A nominal yield fission weapon uses one critical mass of material (at normal density) and has a yield around 20 kt. HEU has a larger critical mass than plutonium, but its efficiency is lower so the yield of a nominal weapon of either material is roughly the same.

High yield fission weapons use more than one critical mass of material. These weapons necessarily use hollow core designs, since this is the only way to render the core subcritical. High yield designs are inherently more efficient than nominal designs (assuming complete assembly occurs) since the large core radius reduces neutron leakage, and takes longer to disassemble. The first factor experiences diminishing returns as the core size grows and leakage becomes small, eventually becoming negligible for the core as a whole. For this reason reflectors have little value in high yield designs, although by reducing the drop in neutron flux near the surface they help fission this outer layer more efficiently. The second factor (longer disassembly time) continues to enhance efficiency regardless of how large the core becomes, eventually though other factors begin to limit efficiency (see below). Tampers assist in retarding disassembly in high yield designs and probably significantly increase efficiency regardless of size. This is because they reduce the loss of the outer layers of material early in disassembly, allowing more of this material to fission.

A high yield core becomes critical comparatively early in the implosion process, perhaps before the imploding shell has even impacted on the levitated core. This means the period during which predetonation can occur is much longer. This considerably limits the usefulness of plutonium in a high yield bomb, since large masses also mean higher neutron emission rates. If the amount of explosive is limited, the large core implodes at a significantly slower rate as well.

A plutonium bomb similar to the Fat Man design, but containing four times as much fissile material (25 kg) would have a core diameter of 18 cm. To implode to the same final density (about 40) at the same velocity (2 km/sec) would take 18.7 microseconds, 4 times as long. The very low Pu-240 content of the plutonium produced during WWII (0.9%) would still give a reasonable chance of complete assembly but more economical grades (with higher Pu-240 content) would not. Such a design would have a yield in excess of 100 kt. The limiting efficiency of ~50% (see below) would give a yield of 210 kt. Higher implosion velocities are possible (permitting higher probabilities of optimum yield, or cheaper grades of plutonium), but this gives an indication of the practical limit for high yield plutonium fission bombs.

At a time when France had no access to enriched uranium, and had not yet developed fusion boosting technology, they developed plutonium bombs with yields of up to 120 kt (the MR31 missile warhead), probably the highest yield pure plutonium, pure fission device ever developed. The plutonium grades produced by the French had considerably lower burnups than US weapon grade plutonium (up 7% Pu-240), usually around 2% Pu-240, although "super-super-grade" plutonium (like the WWII US material) could have been produced especially for this weapon.

HEU can be used to make much larger weapons than plutonium due to its very low neutron emission rate. HEU pure fission weapons exceeding 1 megaton are possible. In very large fission bombs (hundreds of kilotons) the major disadvantage of HEU, its lower maximum alpha, disappears. This is because the race between the exponential growth in energy release and the disassembly of the core stops being the limiting factor in efficiency. Instead the problem of dilution of the fissile material by the fission products comes into play as the limiting factor. This limits efficiency to a maximum of about 50%.

An additional advantage in using HEU in large fission bombs is its cheapness relative to Pu-239 and U-233.

The largest pure fission bomb ever tested was the Mk 18F Super Oralloy Bomb (SOB) designed under the leadership of Dr. Theodore B. Taylor at Los Alamos. It demonstrated a yield of 500 kt in the Ivy King test at Eniwetok (15 November 1952 local). Predicted yield was 400-600 kt. 85% of the yield came from U-235 fission, the rest presumably from fission of a U-238 tamper. This bomb used the large diameter (60 inch) 92 point implosion system developed for the Mk 13 high yield fission bomb, and the Mk 6 bomb casing and components. The Mk 18 weighed 8600 lb, about 90 were eventually deployed.

A reasonable assessment of the Mk 18 design is that it had a core containing 75 kg of HEU with a pre-implosion diameter of at least 24 cm, the levitated pit probably had a mass of 15 kg or so. It likely had a natural uranium tamper weighing about 150 kg. A density increase over the normal value of 2-2.5 is probable.

Safety is a serious problem with high yield fission bombs. Since several critical masses are present, simply collapsing the hollow space inside the core can render it highly supercritical. This does not require accurate implosion. Any accidental detonation of the explosive layer would squash a hollow core like a stomped tennis ball, and could lead to a very powerful explosion (in the tens of kilotons). Much milder accidents could also create serious criticality events. For example the possible breakage of a levitated pit support, allowing the levitated core to fall onto the hollow fissile shell. This does not change the overall density of the core, but it could create a local region of criticality where the levitated sphere rested on the layer of fissile material. Four approaches are available to reduce these problems:

  1. Keep the bomb core partially disassembled, with the fissile material brought into its "implosion ready" configuration shortly before detonation.
  2. Fill the hollow core with something that will prevent its collapse, then remove the material as part of the arming sequence.
  3. Fill the cavity with a good fast neutron absorber (i.e. something containing boron-10) to provide an additional margin of criticality safety.
  4. Insert a continuous neutron emitter of sufficient strength to guarantee early predetonation.
All four of these methods can be used together. The Mk 18 used the first three techniques, while the British high yield devices (such as Orange Herald) also used a removable neutron emitter.
Like several other pure fission bombs designed after the war, the Mk 18 used an automatic in-flight insertion mechanism to assemble the core. Just as the Gadget was assembled prior to the Trinity test by inserting part of the pit and the covering explosive lenses by hand, a motor was used to insert part of the fissile shell high explosive layers.

To prevent collapse of the core, and to enhance the very marginal degree of criticality safety, chains made of boral (boron-aluminum alloy) were inserted in the core. These chains had the problem that they could not be reinserted once removed. British high yield designs used ball bearings for this purpose, which were drained out the bottom during arming (these offer the possibility of refilling from the top). Heavy inert liquids have also been proposed.

The British used neutron emitters as a safety in the Orange Herald test device, but this was never adopted in the US.

4.2.5 Special Purpose Applications Thermonuclear Primaries (Triggers)

Multi-stage thermonuclear weapons require as their first stage a fission bomb primary or trigger. The primary functions as part of a system to create the conditions for thermonuclear energy release. There are a number of possible primary design variations, partly due to the different design approaches that exist for thermonuclear weapons. Thermonuclear weapon and primary design is discussed in Section 4.4, but the essential feature of a suitable trigger is easily stated: energy must escape from the fissile core into the radiation case (surrounding the primary) very rapidly. This implies that the layers of material surrounding the fissile core must be transparent to the emitted thermal radiation. It is also desirable that the bulk of the radiation be emitted at a high temperature since the radiation implosion process is driven most efficiently by a high temperature photon gas. Rapid escape of the radiation also means that only a small fraction of the energy is deposited as kinetic energy in the trigger debris. This is very important because the impulse generated by debris collisions can potentially disrupt the implosion process.

In Subsection (Post Disassembly Expansion) the progress of the expanding shock from the core is described until it reaches low-Z material outside the tamper, like a beryllium reflector or a high explosive containing no elements heavier than oxygen. If the mass of this low-Z material is not too great, then it will quickly become completely ionized and transparent. The high temperature bomb core will not reach thermal equilibrium with the reflector and explosive layers, and radiation will escape through them without further substantial heating.

The ionization of the outer layers of the primary, and the subsequent radiation cooling of the core can be significant while the fission energy release is still going on. In this case the cooling of the core surface delays expansion and contributes to enhancing primary efficiency.

Once the core (and tamper, if present) begin expanding it quickly forms a thin shell of high density, high-Z material which radiates away the trigger's thermal energy into the bomb casing. Nearly all of this energy exists as a photon gas with a uniform high temperature in the low density region inside the expanding shell. A temperature gradient quickly becomes established across the shell thickness as this energy quickly flows from the interior of the fireball into the radiation case.

If the mass of material outside of the core and tamper is not small however, and worse still, also contains significant amounts of high Z material then this process of energy transport out of the core is not efficient. Instead the core reaches thermal equilibrium with the reflector and explosive, diluting the thermal energy with the large mass of material. The thermal energy diffuses out of the opaque mass relatively slowly, and a large percentage of the energy is converted into kinetic energy in the primary debris.

The original Fat Man design is good example of a poor trigger. A thick layer of high explosive surrounded the tamper and core, and this explosive contained large amounts of barium, a relatively high-Z material, due to the use of baratol as the slow explosive component of the lens. The explosive energy of the core, amounting to some 20 kt was diluted by about 2500 kg of HE in a volume 140 cm across before it could escape into the radiation channel.

The triggers of the earlier thermonuclear devices like the Sausage (Ivy Mike test) and Shrimp (Castle Bravo test) were similar to the Fat Man system, but had thinner, less massive explosive lens systems (100 cm across, 1000 kg of HE) due in part to the use of a larger number of explosives lenses (92 vs 32). But the most important difference was the use of boracitol instead of baratol, eliminating any atom with a higher Z than oxygen. The thermal radiation emitted by the core was thus able to completely ionize the explosive layer, rendering it transparent, and allowing the rest of the energy to escape the core unimpeded.

Modern boosted fission triggers take this evolution towards higher yield to weight, smaller volume, and greater ease of radiation escape to an extreme. Comparable explosive yields are produced by a core consisting of 3.5-4.5 kg of plutonium, 5-6 kg of beryllium reflector, and some 20 kilograms of high explosive containing essentially no high-Z material. Explosives lenses incorporating boracitol or inert filled plastic foams may be used or, more likely, the classical explosive lenses may have been replaced other advanced wave shaping techniques.

Light weight primaries of this type invariably use fusion boosting (see Subsection 4.3.1) to compensate for the limited degree of reactivity insertion that can be achieved with such small amounts of explosive and fissile material.

In these triggers, thermal radiation escaping from the core completely ionizes the low-Z beryllium and the explosive layers, even before the core disassembles (that is - while the fission reaction is still underway). The approximately 100-fold improvement in yield to mass ratio over Fat Man leads to a similar increase in achievable radiation density inside the bomb casing (and a greater than three-fold increase in temperature).

Within these general design guidelines, significantly different types of primaries can still be developed (discussed further in Subsection 4.4 Elements of Thermonuclear Weapon Design). Earth Penetrating Warheads

The destruction of hardened underground structures (like command bunkers, missile silos, sub pens etc.) is much more efficient if the explosion occurs underground. Surface bursts and air bursts do not transmit energy efficiently to the ground, giving a moderate sized explosion a relatively small radius of effectiveness. An underground explosion, even a relatively shallow one, converts nearly all of its energy into a ground shock wave. If the warhead can burrow down to the same depth as the target, its effectiveness if enhanced even more because it is closer to its target. A shallow penetrating warhead produces very high levels of local fallout contamination, although a deep penetration warhead can potentially reduce the amount of radiation found at the surface.

Designing a weapon that can penetrate deeply into the ground (which may also be paved with thick reinforced concrete) is a significant problem. The basic requirement for a ground penetrator weapon is to have a nuclear device inside a long, narrow, strong casing that is massive and strong enough to punch through concrete, rocks, and soil. The nuclear device must also be rugged enough not to be damaged by the shock of impact. Different device designs could be packaged in casing to meet this requirement, but spherical implosion systems would need to have a small radius to fit inside such a package. Thermonuclear systems have been hardened to withstand accelerations at least up to 3000 Gs.

This is an application to which gun assembly weapons are uniquely suited. These weapons are intended for destroying (like ICBM silos, and control bunkers etc.)

The requirement for a long thin, heavy, very strong bomb nicely matches the physical features of a gun tube. During Desert Storm conventional HE "bunker busters" were made by pouring TNT into actual artillery barrels. Such a bomb can penetrate as much as 100m into the ground, and can punch through several meters of reinforced concrete in addition. As a result earth penetrating bombs have been the major application of gun-type weapons since the 1940s. The US deployed gun-type earth penetrating bombs such as the Mk-8 "Elsie" and the Mk-11.

One possible problem with an earth penetrating gun weapon is that essentially all of the fissile material remains unchanged after the explosion. The material from one gun-type bomb is sufficient to manufacture 3-4 implosion bombs. Since earth penetrating bombs are inevitably targeted on enemy territory, this means a potential future adversary now has access to several bomb's worth of fissile material. Even though this is distributed through a few thousand tons of radioactive rock, mining and extracting would probably be relatively easy compared to setting up production facilities for fissile material. Soil normally contains 1-3 ppm of uranium, so the weapon grade material (50 kg, say) would be diluted by only several kg of natural uranium from this source. This problem could be reduced by including at least an equal mass of U-238 denaturing material at the far end of the bomb from the target, shielded by a neutron absorber.

The current US ground penetrating warhead is the recently developed B61-11 bomb. It was designed by repackaging a B61-7 thermonuclear warhead (which was inherently shock resistant) in a heavy high strength steel bomb body with a special nose. The depth of penetration is shallow (~6 meters).

4.2.6 Weapon Design and Clandestine Proliferation

A subject of considerable concern throughout the world is the problem of secret acquisition of nuclear weapons. Numerous treaties and agreements have been made between the nations of the world to restrict the spread and deployment of nuclear weapons, and to formalize the resolve by many nations not to acquire them. Even if all nations were to join these protocols, the concern would persist that one or more nations might break their agreement in order to gain an advantage over their neighbors. A number of regulatory regimes have been set up to circumvent this, but none of them are fool-proof.

The question arises then, what sorts of weapons could be acquired secretly or illicitly? International regulation and approbation towards proliferators impose significant restrictions on the types of activities in which a non-nuclear nation can engage in an effort to acquire weapons. The nuclear weapon states had the advantage of being able to pursue whatever weapons designs or technologies they wished, and to build the best weapons they knew how to build, in whatever numbers they felt they could afford. For nations seeking to develop weapons in secret, the technologies and industrial capabilities employed by the nuclear weapon states will be lacking in whole or in part. Design and development decisions must be made to circumvent these disadvantages.

Of course fears of clandestine proliferation is not limited to what a nation-state might do. There is reasonable ground to believe that any nation or national leader can be deterred from using weapons of mass-destruction, since the nation itself is also a hostage to others. This assurance does not exist if the party possessing these weapons is not a nation, and in fact has no identifiable address. Sub-national groups: rebels, guerrillas, criminals, and especially terrorists, are also cause for grave concern. Clandestine Weapons Development and Testing

For a clandestine program the principal problem is acquiring weapon-usable fissile material. Without this, no program is possible. The options are to manufacture it, or to acquire it ready-made.

Manufacturing weapon-usable material is by any means or measure a very expensive and difficult proposition. Even the lowest cost options for limited amounts of material (construction of a 20 MW breeder reactor, and plutonium processing plant) run to US$100 million or more (possibly much more), and require establishing an entire industry.

A number of different paths have been chosen by nations attempting to secretly manufacture weapons-usable fissile material: plutonium reactors (Israel, India, North Korea, and initially Iraq), gaseous diffusion plants (Argentina), gas centrifuges (Pakistan, Brazil, Iraq, India), aerodynamic separation (South Africa), laser isotope separation (Israel) and even calutrons (Iraq). The choice is largely determined by the resources and technical capabilities of the nation, and the peculiar advantages that the nation may be able to secure.

By "peculiar advantages", I mean such things as technical assistance from outside nations (from France to Israel; collaboration between Israel and South Africa; from China to Pakistan), the ability to disguise it as or within a civilian program (Brazil, South Africa, Iraq, India), or the ability to steal or illegally divert technology and materials (Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, India, Brazil). Most programs depend on a combination of these things.

Both highly enriched uranium and plutonium have been acquired in secret programs. But so far apparently no nation has acquired both. This simply indicates that the cost and effort is so great that a nation is likely to successfully pursue only one option.

The chief problem with acquiring weapons usable material ready-made is finding a supplier. This is perhaps not as big a problem for a nation engaging in clandestine proliferation as it might appear. There has been a long-established international trade in weapons usable material. Highly enriched uranium is used in certain types of research reactors, in naval propulsion reactors, and in certain prototype power plants. Small amounts of weapons grade plutonium have been exchanged for research purposes as well. The civilian production and trade in reactor grade plutonium is already large and growing.

No clandestine weapons program is known to have actually made use of acquired weapon-usable fissile material, but only just barely. Iraq actually initiated a crash program during the 1990-91 Gulf War to seize the HEU from an internationally safe guarded research reactor in Iraq, and build a single nuclear weapon with it. This effort never got so far as to actually begin making the weapon, although Iraq did abscond with the fuel rods and tampered with them.

Of the three classes of weapon-usable material available for illicit acquisition - HEU, weapon grade plutonium, and non-weapon grade plutonium - the scarcest and mostly heavily protected is weapon grade plutonium. While the possibility of theft occurring in the territories of the former Soviet Union remains a concern, this material is relatively unlikely to be obtained in sufficient quantity by anyone, with or without the permission of its owner. HEU has been available for civilian uses for many years, and has not always been well guarded. Recent efforts have been undertaken by the US to eliminate the civilian use of HEU, but it remains a serious cause for concern. The rapidly expanding civilian production and use of non-weapon grade plutonium is the major concern for the present and the future. Many nations have or soon will have substantial stockpiles of this material, and will be able to divert significant quantities secretly. Secret diversion could then be followed by an abrupt, open, large scale breakout of the regulatory regime once a weapon design has been perfected. Numerous stockpiles and a large volume trade in plutonium greatly increase the risk of theft. Special attention must thus be paid to the possibilities of using reactor grade plutonium in clandestine weapons.

Once weapons-usable material has been acquired, actually designing and manufacturing weapons is the next issue. Compared to the problem of manufacturing fissile material, this is comparatively easy however. The fundamental technologies to actually build a weapon is possessed by any nation with a significant arms industry (that is, virtually any country with a significant military). The technologies used to actually build the weapons employed by the US in WWII are crude by today's standards, and are widely available.

Some desirable technologies used in advanced weapons are restricted in their availability. A famous example of this are the krytron high-speed switches that were illicitly sought by Iraq, Israel, and Pakistan. Miniature pulse neutron tubes, high purity beryllium and beryllium fabricating equipment, and advanced wave shaping technologies are other examples. But none of these are actually necessary to manufacture weapons.

These technologies are especially valuable for minimizing weapon weight, which is a key consideration if the weapon is intended to arm a ballistic missile. Ballistic missiles typically have a payload weight limit in the range of 500-1000 kg. However, since South Africa actually manufactured a gun-type weapon with a weight of only 1000 kg, it is likely that this constraint is not too severe.

At one time computers, useful for numerical simulation in weapon design, were considered to be a restricted technology that limited the ability of other nations to develop weapons. However, this capability is most important for thermonuclear weapon design, not fission weapons. The computational effort required for the neutronic and hydrodynamic computations used in fission weapons is actually quite modest, easily within the capability of any commercial PC available today. Even with thermonuclear weapon design, computational requirements are not that extreme. The initial design effort on most weapons in the US arsenal (perhaps all of them) were completed before the first Cray 1 went on line in 1976. A high end workstation is comparable or superior to the best computers available when most current US warheads were developed. Even the lowest performance office computers now on the market are orders of magnitude faster than the computers that were used to design the first hydrogen bombs.

Of course raw computational power is not sufficient. Sophisticated codes, and extensive physical data are required to make use of them. Also the connection between weapon simulation and testing should not be forgotten. Sophisticated simulation capabilities permit nuclear weapon states to reduce or even eliminate the need for weapon tests to develop or prove a design. A country without an experience base in weapon design is at a significant disadvantage here. The lack of proven codes will substantially constrain the usefulness of computer technology.

A clandestine weapon developer will presumably use nuclear, hydrodynamic, and hydronuclear tests to the greatest practical extent as a substitute for full scale weapon tests. Hydronuclear testing is likely to be fairly expensive though, since great caution will be needed to avoid large yield overshoots that disclose the program prematurely. This will require numerous tests with scarce and costly fissile material to creep up to the desired test yield range. The fissile material can be reclaimed after each test of course (as long as it is not accidentally dispersed in an overshoot), but this takes time and either requires a large inventory of fissile material, or a very slow test program.

Since every nation to develop nuclear weapons appears to have succeeded on their very first weapons test (with the possible exception of India, the information here is conflicting), and other nations have deemed it unnecessary to even test their arsenal in advance (the US with Little Boy; South Africa and Pakistan), there is legitimate grounds for doubting how essential full yield testing really is. The US did not experience its first test failure until 1951 with its 18th test. It is clear that weapons can be built without full yield testing (or even hydronuclear testing), but considerable information can be obtained with sub-yield testing - especially for nations without prior test experience. In the absence of testing a nation will be forced to make use of more conservative, and less highly optimized designs, and will have a higher level of uncertainty about actual weapon performance. Certain design options (perhaps fusion boosting, as an example) may also be infeasible.

While simply copying the Manhattan Project weapon designs will provide a nation with a workable weapon, it is very likely that any nation developing weapons today will seek to improve upon them (unless the nation feels itself under pressure to produce a weapon as quickly as possible). South Africa produced a very high reliability (and presumably highly safe) gun-type weapon weighing 1000 kg, compared to 4500 kg for the Little Boy design. Nations developing implosion weapons today will probably attempt to make much lighter lens systems than the Fat Man design, and employ levitated pits, even on their first weapon design. Terrorist Bombs

The prospect of terrorist acquisition of weapons has haunted the world since at least the late sixties, when international terrorism gained prominence. A variety of opinions have been expressed on the plausibility of these threats. Claims have been made that a terrorist weapon could:

  • Produce a yield of many kilotons;
  • Be made with reactor grade plutonium, perhaps even with unrefined plutonium reactor fuel;
  • Be made by a single individual in a matter of weeks, with commonly available materials (given that fissile material is also available);
  • Be made small enough to transport easily by car. These claims have even been conflated, so that it is asserted that most or all of them are true simultaneously.
These claims are all conditionally true: they may be valid, but only under a restrictive set of assumptions. And they also conflict strongly. Some are completely incompatible; others cannot be categorically eliminated as impossible in combination, but in any event it seems that no more two of them could be possible under any scenario.

What technologies are plausible for terrorist use? And what types of weapons are reasonable threats?

The most fundamental constraint on a terrorist group is the type of fissile material that is available, and in what quantity. The key problem is to obtain any fissile material at all, a terrorist is not likely to have any choice in the matter as too what kind it is. The breakup of the Soviet Union has brought about a worrisome trade in fissile materials. A significant amount of weapons-usable material has turned up, although intelligence agencies running sting operations are the only actual "market" so far identified. The quantities of materials that have surfaced so far have not been nearly enough for a weapon (even if it were all pooled), but the quantities have been large enough to cause considerable concern. At the moment the most frightening problem is Russian naval fuel. This contains highly enriched uranium (even higher than standard weapons grade!), and has been poorly secured at some locations. It can be hoped that in the near future the former Soviet fissile stocks will be secured sufficiently to eliminate this as an immediate concern.

In the long run, the availability of plutonium through commercial reprocessing for use in mixed oxide fuel (MOX) for commercial power reactors represents the major risk. Over one hundred tons of plutonium have already been commercially separated (an amount that will soon exceed the world's total weapons-grade plutonium production). This material will be in the hands of many nations, who will likely not all be equally vigilant in protecting their fuel stocks.

Clearly the most serious scenario is if weapons-grade HEU can be obtained by a terrorist group. Due to the very low neutron emission rate, very low technology can produce a substantial probability of full insertion and high yield detonation.

A weapon constructed from 40 kg of 93.5% HEU, with a 10 cm tungsten carbide reflector would produce a full yield of >10 kt. The required assembly time for a 50% chance of complete assembly is some 48 milliseconds, equal to a velocity of only 9 m/sec. This can be achieved by simply dropping the bullet 4.4 meters! Crude gun-type arrangements, along the lines of the IRA's makeshift mortars could easily achieve velocities of 100 m/sec or more.

A gun-type weapon is not a major concern if plutonium is used. Such a device might actually produce explosive yields in the range of a few tons, but would not be significantly more destructive than conventional truck bombs. On the other hand explosive compression, required for higher yields, is much more difficult to arrange. At the very least it requires a substantial quantity of good quality high explosive - at least a few hundred kilograms (unless the design and construction is rather sophisticated).

Now and in the future, reactor grade plutonium appears to be the material most likely to be available to a terrorist group. Given the spontaneous fission rate, and the limited technology for rapid assembly, predetonation is a foregone conclusion. In this scenario the yield of the system is not determined by the actual compression capability of the implosion system. Instead it is the rate of insertion that controls efficiency and yield. Any bomb design must emphasize making the insertion rate at the moment of criticality as fast as possible. In any case, rho (the density at the moment of disassembly relative to critical density) is going to be fairly small. Still, if insertion rates approaching those of the Fat Man design can be achieved then yields in the hundred of tons are possible.

Despite hints to the contrary (for example Ted Taylor's comments in _The Curve of Binding Energy_ among others), it is not plausible that true spherical implosion systems can be developed by a terrorist group. The difficulties in designing and making a working lens system appears to be simply insurmountable. Unfortunately, a spherical implosion system does not seem to be required for reasonably fast insertion at low levels of compression.

Consider an implosion of a system that may be in one dimension (linear implosion), two dimensions (cylindrical implosion), or three dimensions (spherical implosion). If delta represents the change in system dimension (i.e. size - radius or length) along the axis or axes of compression in n dimensions (n equals 1, 2, or 3), then the compression C achieved by the implosion is:

C = (r_0/(r_0 - delta))^n

At very low degrees of compression, this is roughly equivalent to:
C = n*(delta/r_0) + 1

That is, the excess density C - 1 is roughly proportional to the dimensional reduction ratio and the number of axes of compression. Thus for a given compression velocity, the actual rate of density increase for 3-D compression is three times faster than 1-D compression, but only 50% faster than 2-D compression. These differences are significant, but not dramatic.

Developing linear and cylindrical implosion systems fast enough to produce a highly destructive terrorist bomb appears to be feasible. The flying plate line-charge approach is sufficiently simple, and testable, that a low resource group could develop a workable system. Even plane or cylindrical explosive lenses are not out of the question, although they are probably more difficult.

Illicitly obtained plutonium would most probably be in the form of plutonium oxide, possibly as mixed oxide fuel. If the material were purified oxide powder, then it could be used directly in a bomb design. Fuel material, fabricated or not, would require chemical separation. A group sophisticated enough to attempt chemical processing would probably go on to reduce the plutonium to metal which is much more desirable for bomb construction.

Since the density of plutonium oxide is much since lower than plutonium metal, considerably more plutonium in this form would be needed. How much would depend on how highly compacted the plutonium oxide was at the moment of criticality. Although the crystal density of PuO2 is 11.4, the bulk density of unconsolidated oxide powder is only 3-4 (possibly even lower). To raise it as high as 5-6 would require compacting under substantial pressure.

The pressures generated by shock waves are much less efficient at compacting porous materials, compared to static pressures. This is due to the inherent strong entropic heating associated with large volume changes during shock compression. However the pressures in a strong high explosive shock (or generated by an explosive driven high velocity plate collision) are so high that densities approaching the theoretical crystal density are probably achievable. If it is assumed that a bomb builder could compress the powder to a density of 5 with moderate pressure, and that a density of 10 is achieved during implosion, then something like 50 kg of plutonium in the form of oxide would be required for a bomb without a reflector. Assuming a fairly good, readily available reflector (a few inches of iron or graphite), this could be reduced to 25-30 kg. Taking into account the explosive required, such a bomb (with a reflector) would be large - weighing on the order of a tonne.

Using plutonium metal would greatly reduce fissile material requirements, and lead to a much smaller bomb. A design might use the cylindrical collapse of a hollow ring of plutonium metal (as the delta or alpha phase), or cylindrical compression of a solid delta-phase aluminum-plutonium alloy disk. No more than about 10 kg of plutonium would be required in such a design, if a reasonably good reflector were used. Such a weapon might weigh as little as 200 kg.

Given that the system will disassemble well before compression is complete, an accurate symmetrical implosion is not really a necessity. Simply imploding the fissile material at a high rate even if imperfectly (that is, without a true plane or cylindrical shock wave), could produce the necessary rapid compression. For this to work, the fissile material would have to be fairly close to critical at the beginning of the implosion since an imperfect implosion would create unacceptable distortions if the compression factor were very large. As noted earlier in the discussion on nuclear testing, manufacturing a device that is close to critical is extremely hazardous and itself requires substantial sophistication.

Thermonuclear Weapon Designs

Since the various design elements of a thermonuclear weapon combine to form a complex integrated system, discussing the design space of these weapons involves complicated tradeoffs between design objectives and has many possible design variations.

In an attempt to address this in some kind of orderly fashion I first sketch out several basic structures for the overall weapon, in rough order of increasing sophistication (Subsection 4.5.1 Principle Design Types). Following this, I address a series of possible tradeoffs and the issues connected wit each.

4.5.1 Principle Design Types The descriptions of weapon designs, and the developmental sequence described is speculative, but it is consistent with all facts about weapons, weapon development programs, and physics of which I am currently aware. Early Designs The earliest radiation implosion designs seem to have used a single large cylindrical chamber encompassing both the primary and cylindrical secondary. The casing was hemispherical at one end, where the primary sphere was located. The thermonuclear weapon was integral to the bomb casing itself - i.e. the ballistic shell of the bomb was the support structure for the radiation case, and the physical structure that held the entire thermonuclear device together.

Both the US and UK initially used casings made of steel, which were lined with lead or lead bismuth alloy to form the radiation case (probably 1-3 cm thick). The secondary pusher, which made up the inner wall of the radiation channel, was made of either natural uranium or lead (possibly as a lead- bismuth alloy). Operational bombs probably all used uranium tampers to maximize yield, but some test devices were equipped with lead tampers to hold down yield and fallout production. A massive radiation shield (uranium or lead) was located between the primary and secondary to prevent fuel preheating by the thermal radiation flux. A boron neutron shield was used in some designs to reduce neutron preheating.

The secondary stage consisted of the exterior pusher/tamper, a standoff gap, and a cylinder filled with fusion fuel. Lithium deuteride, highly enriched in Li-6, was the preferred fuel for maximum yield but early shortages in lithium enrichment capacity lead to the deployment of bombs containing partially enriched lithium (40% and 60% Li-6 in the U.S.), or natural lithium. Down the axis of the fusion fuel cylinder was a solid (or nearly solid) rod of plutonium or HEU for the spark plug.

The design approach of these early bombs followed that of Mike and the test devices exploded during Castle: the use of a standoff gap to create the necessary gradual compression required a large diameter (Mike was 80 inches wide, all of the Castle series devices had diameters from 54 to 61.5 inches). The rapid energy release from the primary followed by a relatively lengthy implosion required a thick casing for radiation containment, making the entire bomb very heavy. Mike weighed an anomalous 164,000 pounds, but even the Castle devices all weighed in between 23,500 and 40,000 lb.

These early bombs were thus quite massive, and had high yields. The Mk 17 and Mk 24 (the weaponized version of Castle Romeo, using unenriched lithium deuteride) had a diameter of 61.4 inches and a weight of 42,000 lb (yield: 15-20 megatons). The relatively compact and light Mk 15, whose development was completed somewhat later (and used 95% Li-6 deuteride), still had a diameter of 34.6 inches and weighed over 7,000 lb (yield: 3.8 megatons). And all of these weapons *were* bombs, since no missile could carry them. In fact, only the very largest aircraft could carry them - one per plane.

Although the primaries used in these bombs were much improved over early fission designs, they were still relatively massive initially. The TX-5 primary used in the Mike device still weighed in at well over 1000 kg, and the comparatively thick tamper and explosive layers delayed the escape of both photons and neutrons significantly, by up to 100 nanoseconds. Modular Weapons

During the fifties the diameter of the bomb casing and the primary shrank as US and Soviet weapons became more compact, partly driven by improved primary designs. Lighter weight megaton-range weapons were desired for greater flexibility in the types of aircraft that could carry them, and for increased payload. Light weight high yield weapons were especially important for the early ICBMs, which had limited payloads, and low accuracy. Only a light weight, high yield weapon would give a reasonable chance of destroying a designated target when carried by an ICBM. It was also useful if the same basic weapon design could be used in different weapon systems (bombs, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, etc.)

This led to a modular approach to the weapon system. Instead of the aerodynamic casing of the delivered munition, the electronics, and the "physics package" being a single integrated entity - these three things were separated. The nuclear warhead proper (the "physics package") was self- contained, except for a cable connector to the electronics that detonated the explosives, and fired the neutron generator. The electronics package was separate, and could be different for each type of weapon (especially important for the varying fuzing requirements). These two components could then be fitted into different bomb or missile bodies to create multiple types of deployable systems.

Since the warhead casing no longer needed to withstand the environmental rigors of the completed weapon, it could be made out of lighter and less rugged materials. This led to the use of a light casing (aluminum alloy, or even plastic) that was lined with a high-Z material to form a radiation case. Compact Light Weight Designs More efficient implosion systems and the advent of boosting made primaries more compact and less massive without sacrificing yield of efficiency. At this point (which occurred in the U.S. around 1955-1956), there seem to have been different development paths available.

One path followed the existing design principles, harnessing the increased temperatures and pressures generated by boosted light weight primaries through greater radiation confinement by increasing the thickness of the radiation case at the primary end. This evolved into a separate radiation case for the primary, a spherical shell of uranium (for example) surrounding the high explosive shell of the implosion system, with an aperture for releasing the radiation into the secondary radiation chamber (the chamber made by lining the external casing). The energy absorbed by the primary case wall at a high temperature was reradiated as the temperature in the chamber dropped. This made confinement and channeling of the thermal radiation more effective. Baffles or other barriers could be added to modulate the energy transfer into the secondary radiation case.

It appears that an alternate path may have been followed by the US starting with the Hardtack I test series (although possibly first pioneered in Redwing). According to statements made by LLNL scientists Wood and Nuckolls, and LASL Director Bradbury, new design ideas were introduced at this time that extended the Teller-Ulam concept. This coincides with the development of the very light W-47 warhead for the Polaris missile (600 lb weight and 600 kt yield, later increased to 800 kt). I speculate that the design approach introduced here was the use of modulated primary energy release. Two Chamber Designs

At some point, the development trend toward a separate radiation case around the primary lead to a full two chamber design for the weapon, with some means of regulating radiation flow between the chambers (like a temporary radiation barrier). With better control over the radiation flux around the secondary, a reduced standoff with a reduced secondary diameter (and perhaps a lighter pusher/tamper) became possible.

This could also be conveniently combined with a spherical secondary design. This has been described as the "peanut design" - two spherical hollow chambers joined at the waist, with a primary sphere in one, and a spherical sphere in the other. Alternatively, a two chamber - spherical secondary design can be used with a modulated primary.

This approach offers the inherent advantages of spherical implosion - a smaller radius change for compression in 3-dimensions to attain a given density compared to two. Smaller radius change translates directly into faster implosion, an important consideration in a smaller, lighter, higher pressure weapon design which would be prone to disassemble faster.

In a spherical secondary the radiation shield between the primary and secondary would evolve into a baffle between the two chamber to prevent the primary from directly (and thus unevenly) heating the side of the secondary facing it, forcing the radiation flux to diffuse into the channel around the secondary.

The primary in a two-chamber design may be effectively encased in a heavy, close fitting uranium shell that can act as an implosion tamper. By trapping the explosive gases, this shell can act as the wall of a spherical piston, forcing the expanding gases to transfer all of their energy to the inward moving beryllium/plutonium shell, and minimizing the amount of explosive required. Such a primary may use a thin uranium or tungsten tamper between the beryllium and plutonium shell layers to enhance inertial confinement of the fissile mass. Hollow Shell Designs

It was pointed out earlier that it is difficult to efficiently compress more than the outermost layers of a solid cylindrical or spherical fuel mass. In any case, only the outermost layers actually *need* to be compressed, since they contain the lion's share of the fuel mass. It would be logical then to dispense with the idea of using a solid fuel mass in the center, and only use a hollow shell of fuel in the first place. A hollow spark plug shell could be nested directly inside the fuel shell, but a second tamper layer may be included between the two.

A hollow shell could be used with either a cylindrical secondary (making it "totally tubular"), or with a spherical design.

Several advantages are obtained with this approach.

The fuel near the center that would be inefficiently compressed is eliminated, improving overall fuel utilization.

The addition of the dense second tamper or spark plug on the inner side of the fuel layer can also directly enhance compression. Whenever a shock reaches the inner side of the fuel, it will be reflected back into the fuel at higher pressure, compressing the fuel further. If the compression gradient is continuous, it will tend to "pile up" at the inner interface, with the same effect of compression enhancement. The dense inertial tamper on the inner side of the fuel layer will also help keep it at a constant high density.

Finally, the hollow shell design allows the spark plug to accelerate to very high velocities before it goes critical. The implosion velocity at criticality could be even higher than the average maximum implosion velocity for the secondary, due to the effects of thick shell collapse and convergence. An implosion velocity exceeding 1000 km/sec is conceivable. This is so fast that densities much higher than those achieved by high explosive systems would be attained before energy production from fission becomes high enough to halt implosion. Even relatively small masses of fissile material (< 1 kg) could be fissioned efficiently.

Hollow shell secondaries would be essential for use with primaries that rely on modulated energy release to create efficient compression. High Yield and Multiple Staged Designs

The first thermonuclear devices were high yield by most any standard (10.4 Mt for Ivy Mike, 15 Mt for Castle Bravo). But they were also very heavy, and difficult to push to even greater yields. High yield weapons with greater yield-to-weight ratios, providing even higher yields in deliverable packages were desired.

As a rough approximation, we can say that the amount of energy required to implode a secondary is proportional to its mass, since the primary energy/secondary mass ratio defines the achievable implosion velocity. The yield of the secondary should also be roughly proportional to its mass. Thus there is a roughly proportional relationship between the primary and secondary yields, using similar design principles.

From available data (based on known trigger tests, and fizzles where only the primary fired), it appears that this range can be from 10-200, with 30- 50 being more typical ratios.

If a very large yield is desired, then we must obviously have a very large primary. Large fission primaries are expensive, heavy, and potentially dangerous (due to the large amount of fissile material present). Even in very heavy weapons, the yield of the primary is limited to no more than a few hundred kilotons, limiting total yield to a maximum of 10-20 megatons.

The high yield designs actually developed (mostly in the fifties and early sixties) seem to have used refined versions of the basic thermonuclear weapon design approach, as described above, with the addition of multiple staging to achieve even higher yields. The relatively light weight W-53 9 Mt warhead/bomb deployed by the US (still in service!), was one of the highest yield warheads the US ever deployed, and probably is a 3 stage weapon.

This is really large enough for almost any conceivable destructive use (except maybe blowing up asteroids). Nonetheless, military requirements for even larger weapons have been drafted, and in the case of the Soviet Union, actually built, tested, and deployed. At one point in the mid-fifties the US military requested a 60 megaton bomb! This military "requirement" was apparently driven by the fact that this was the highest yield device that could be delivered by existing aircraft. The Soviets eventually went on to develop a 100+ megaton design (tested in a 50 megaton configuration). To make such megaweapons, a bigger driving explosion is required to implode the main fusion stage. This has led to the design of three stage weapons, where a thermonuclear secondary is the main driving force to implode a gigantic tertiary stage.

Building gargantuan bombs is not the only motivation for adopting three stage weapons however. If the fusion neutrons are not harnessed to cause fission in the tamper (either because the bomb is intended to be very clean, or very dirty) then the ratio in yields between stages is correspondingly reduced - to a range of something like 10 to 15. This limits the practical maximum yield to 3 to 5 megatons. It may be doubted whether even this is much of a limitation since out of a current arsenal of over 10000 warheads, the US only has 50 bombs with yields over 3 megatons. In the fifties however this seemed unacceptably small, so "clean" weapons were deemed to require three stage design.

Three stage design can provide other advantages though. By offering the weapon designer additional freedom in design, it may be useful even if the bomb is not especially large, clean, or dirty. For example, in optimizing a weapon to minimize weight for a given yield, a designer can consider which type of driver for the main stage is the lightest - a large fission primary or a compact two stage device. If weapon-grade fissile material is very precious, then a two-stage driver might be chosen simply to minimize the over utilization of this material.

In a three stage weapon the radiation cases for the secondary and tertiary might be kept separate initially. The primary would implode the secondary but a barrier would prevent energy from reaching the tertiary. This barrier could be designed to ablate away during the secondary implosion, so that when the secondary energy release occurred, it would have become transparent.

Alternatively it may be useful to harness a portion of the primary's energy to create an initial weak compression shock in the tertiary to enhance compression efficiency.

4.5.2 "Dirty" and "Clean" Weapons

Whether to make a fission-fusion weapon into a fission-fusion-fission weapon is one of the most basic design issues. A fission-fusion weapon uses an inert (or non-fissionable) tamper and will obtain most of its yield from the fusion reaction directly. A fission-fusion-fission weapon will obtain at least half of its yield (and often far more) from the fusion neutron induced fission of a fissionable tamper.

The basic advantage of a fission-fusion-fission weapon is that energy is extracted from a tamper which is otherwise deadweight as far as energy production in concerned. The tamper has to be there, so a lighter weapon for a given yield (or a more powerful weapon for the same weight) can be obtained without varying any other design factors. Since it is possible to do this at virtually no added cost or other penalty, compared to an inert material like lead, by using natural or depleted uranium or thorium there is basically no reason not to do it if the designer is simply interested in making big explosions.

Fission of course produces radioactive debris - fallout. Fallout can be reduced by using a material that does not become highly radioactive when bombarded by neutrons (like lead or tungsten). This requires a heavier and more expensive weapon to produce a given yield, but is also considerably reduces the short and long term contamination associated with that yield.

This is not to say that the weapon is "clean" in any commonsense meaning of the term. Neutrons escaping the weapon can still produce biohazardous carbon-14 through nitrogen capture in the air. The primary and spark plug may still contribute 10-20% fission, which for a multi-megaton weapon may still be a megaton or more of fission. Significant contamination may also occur from the "inert" tamper radioisotopes, and even from the unburned tritium produced in the fusion stage. Reducing these contributions to the lowest possible level is the realm of "minimum residual radiation" designs discussed further below.

During the fifties interest in both the US and USSR was given to developing basic design that had both clean and dirty variants. The basic design tried to minimize the essential fission yield by using a small fission primary, and spark plug sizes carefully chosen to meet ignition requirements for each stage, without being excessive (note that although only part of the spark plug will fission to ignite the fusion stage, the essentially complete fission of the remainder by fusion neutrons is inevitable). These weapons appear to have all been three-stage weapons to allow multi-megaton yields (even in the clean version) with a relatively small primary. The dirty version might simply replace the inert tamper of the tertiary with a fissionable one to boost yield.

The three-stage Bassoon and Bassoon Prime devices tested in Redwing Zuni (27 May 1956, 3.5 Mt, 15% fission) and Redwing Tewa (20 July 1956, 5 Mt, 87% fission) are US tests of this concept. Clearly though, the second test was not simply a copy of the first with a different tamper. The fusion yield dropped from 3 Mt to 0.65 Mt, and the device weight increased from 5500 kg to 7149 kg between the two tests. The inference can be made that the tertiary in the first used a large volume of relatively expensive (but light) Li-6D in a thin tamper, which was replaced by a heavier, cheaper tertiary using less fusion fuel, but a very thick fissionable tamper to capture as many neutrons as possible.

The 50 Mt three stage Tsar Bomba (King of Bombs) tested by the Soviet Union on 30 October 1961 was the largest and cleanest bomb ever tested, with 97% of its yield coming from fusion (fission yield approximately 1.5 Mt). Assuming a primary of 250 kt (to keep the fissile content relatively low for safety reasons), we might postulate secondary and tertiary stages of 3.5 Mt and 46 Mt respectively. This fusion stages would require 1700 kg of Li6D (at 50% fusion efficiency), and something like 250 kt of fission for reliable ignition. If the initial spark plug firings were 25% efficient, later fission would release another 750 kt - placing the total at 1.25 Mt (close enough to the claimed parameters to match within the limits of accuracy).

This was a design though for a 100-150 Mt weapon! A lead tamper was used in the tested device, which could have been replaced with U-238 for the dirty version (thankfully never tested!).

4.5.3 Maximum Yield/Weight Ratio

Except for safety, the weight of a weapon required to provide a given yield is the most important design criterion. In the years since the first nuclear weapon was exploded, far more money has been spent in building nuclear weapon delivery systems than in the weapons themselves. The high cost of delivery for what is basically a rather small package is due to the fact that nuclear delivery systems are generally intended to be used only once. Clearly this is true for missiles, but it is true for bombers as well since recovery and reuse is not part of their nuclear mission profile.

Since the cost of the delivery vehicle is much greater than the cost of the warhead, making the warhead as light as possible for the intended yield quickly came to dominate the weapon design process. this is normally expressed in terms of the yield-to-weight (YTW) ratio (kt/kg).

Naturally it is easier to get a high ratio for a larger bomb. The highest ratio for any warhead in the US arsenal is the 9 Mt Mk-53/B-53 bomb, which happens to be the oldest weapon in service (operational since 1962), but also the largest. At 4000 kg, it has a ratio of 2.25 kt/kg. The Tsar Bomba, as tested, had a ratio of 1.7 kt/kg (its weight was 30 tonnes). As *designed* it had a ratio of 3.4-5 kt/kg!

Table 4.5.3-1. Yield-to-Weight Ratios of Current US Weapons

Weapon YTW Ratio Yield(kt)/Weight(kg) In Service Date
Mk-53 2.25 9000/4000 1962
W-88 1.5 475/330
W-80 1.31 170/130
B-83 1.10 1200/1090
W-87 1.0 300/300
W-78 0.96 335/350
W-76 0.61 100/165
The much earlier W-47 warhead seems to have achieved ratios of 2.2-2.7 kt/kg. However YTW ratio is not every thing. The W-87 and W-88 are said to use reduced amounts of expensive nuclear materials (deemed important when ambitious expansion of the US nuclear arsenal was planned in the early eighties) which, coupled with the much larger payloads of the MX and Trident II missiles, may account for the reduced (but still quite respectable) YTW ratios of these warheads.

Part of optimizing the YTW ratio is careful weight management. Very light weight primaries, the use of light weight weapon cases, and multiple radiation cases are innovations to minimize weight. Since the tamper is one of the heaviest parts of the weapon, squeezing as much energy out of this is very important too.

The end of surface testing of nuclear weapons after the atmospheric test ban treaty effectively removed "cleanliness" as a significant concern for designers. Complaints about fall-out vanished, and so did the ability of the international community to monitor weapon design through fall-out analysis. The cost-effectiveness of lighter weapons put great pressure on designers to extract weight saving however they could, and it is likely that the idea of using non-fissile tampers disappeared very quickly. There is scant evidence that so-called "clean" designs were ever deployed in any quantity.

The fission yield of the tamper can be increased even further by adding slow-neutron fissionable material to it. Basically this means using enriched uranium instead of natural or depleted uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is definitely known to be used in U.S. weapons. About half of the U.S. inventory of weapons-associated HEU is less than "weapons grade" (<93.4% that is). The probable use of most or all of this uranium (generally with an enrichment of 20-80%) was in thermonuclear weapon tampers.

The W-87 Peacekeeper warhead (to be redeployed on the Minuteman-III) has a current yield of 300 kt, that can be increased to 475 kt by adding a HEU sleeve or rings to the secondary. Whether this represents an actual addition to the existing secondary, or whether it replaces an existing unenriched sleeve is not known. The W-88 Trident warhead is a closely related design, and has a current yield of 475 kt indicating that it is already equipped with this addition. The 175 kt yield difference amounts to the complete fission of 10 kg of U-235.

Now, once one considers using substantial amounts of HEU in the secondary, the question of why the fusion fuel is needed at all arises. The answer: it probably is not essential. The idea of imploding fissile material is what set Stanislaw Ulam on the path to that led eventually to thermonuclear weapons. But with the availability of large amounts of HEU, and the trend toward smaller weapon yields (compared to the multimegaton behemoths of the fifties), the Ulam's idea of using radiation implosion to create a light weight high-efficiency pure fission weapon returns as a viable possibility. It is an interesting question whether all modern strategic nuclear weapons *are* in fact thermonuclear devices!

4.5.4 Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR or "Clean") Designs

It has been pointed out elsewhere in this FAQ that ordinary fission-fusion- fission bombs (nominally 50% fission yield) are so dirty that they merit consideration as radiological weapons. Simply using a non-fissile tamper to reduce the fission yield to 5% or so helps considerably, but certainly does not result in an especially clean weapon by itself. If minimization of fallout and other sources of residual radiation is desired then considerably more effort needs to be put into design.

Minimum residual radiation designs are especially important for "peaceful nuclear explosions" (PNEs). If a nuclear explosive is to be useful for any civilian purpose, all sources of residual radiation must be reduced to the absolute lowest levels technologically possible. This means elimination neutron activation of bomb components, of materials outside the bomb, and reducing the fissile content to the smallest possible level. It may also be desirable to minimize the use of relatively hazardous materials like plutonium.

The problems of minimizing fissile yield and eliminating neutron activation are the most important. Clearly any MRR, even a small one, must be primarily a fusion device. The "clean" devices tested in the fifties and early sixties were primarily high yield strategic three-stage systems. For most uses (even military ones) these weapons are not suitable. Developing smaller yields with a low fissile content requires considerable design sophistication - small light primaries so that the low yields still produce useful radiation fluxes and high-burnup secondary designs to give a good fusion output.

Minimizing neutron activation form the abundant fusion neutrons is a serious problem since many materials inside and outside the bomb can produce hazardous activation products. The best way of avoiding this is too prevent the neutrons from getting far from the secondary. This requires using an efficient clean neutron absorber, i.e. boron-10. Ideally this should be incorporated directly into the fuel or as a lining of the fuel capsule to prevent activation of the tamper. Boron shielding of the bomb case, and the primary may be useful also.

It may be feasible to eliminate the fissile spark plug of a MRR secondary by using a centrally located deuterium-tritium spark plug similar to the way ICF capsules are ignited. Fusion bombs unavoidably produce tritium as a by- product, which can be a nuisance in PNEs.

Despite efforts to minimize radiation releases, PNEs have largely been discredited as a cost-saving civilian technology. Generally speaking, MRR devices still produce excessive radiation levels by civilian standards making their use impractical.

MRRs may have military utility as a tactical weapon, since residual contamination is slight. Such weapons are more costly and have lower performance of course.

This leads to another reason why PNEs have lost their attractiveness - there is no way to make a PNE device unsuitable for weapons use. "Peaceful" use of nuclear explosives inherently provides opportunity to develop weapons technology. As the saying goes, "the only difference between a PNE and a bomb is the tail fins".

4.5.5 Radiological Weapon Designs This is the opposite extreme of an MRR. Earlier several tamper materials were described that could be used to tailor the radioactive contamination produced by a nuclear explosion - tantalum, cobalt, zinc, and gold. Uranium tampers produce contamination in abundance - but quite a lot of energy too. In some applications it may be desired that the ratio of contamination to explosive force be increased, or tailored to a narrower spectrum of decay times compared to fission by-products.

Practical radiological weapons must incorporate the precursor isotope directly into the secondary. This is because the high compression of the secondary allows the use of reasonable masses of precursor material. In an uncompressed state, the thickness of most materials required to capture a substantial percentage of neutrons is 10-20 cm, leading to a very massive bomb. A layer of 1 cm or less will do as well when compressed by radiation implosion.

Some radioisotopes that would be very attractive for certain applications are difficult to produce in a weapon. A case in point is sodium-24, an extremely prolific producer of energetic gammas with a half-life of 14.98 hours. This isotope produces a remarkable 5.515 MeV of decay energy, with two hard gammas per decay (2.754 MeV and 1.369 MeV) and might be desired for very short-lived radiation barriers. The most obvious precursor, natural Na- 23, has a minuscule capture cross section for neutrons in the KeV range (although it is a significant hazard from induced radioactivity in soil after low altitude nuclear detonations). The best for precursor candidate for Na-24 is probably magnesium-24 (78.70% of natural magnesium) through an n,p reaction.

4.6 Weapon System Design

4.6.1 Weapon Safety

Due to their enormous destructive power, it is extremely important to ensure that nuclear weapons cannot explode at either their full yield, or at reduced yield, unless stringent and carefully specified conditions are met.

Weapons must be resist:

malicious tampering, human error, component or systems failure (either inside or outside the weapon), and accidental damage. To meet these requirements elaborate provisions for weapon safety are required. This issue has been of major concern since the first nuclear weapons, and many of the major advances in weapon design are related to weapon safety.

Weapons are invariably designed with a series of disabling mechanisms, all of which must be successfully overridden before an explosion can occur. These include locking mechanisms requiring special keys or codes, redundant safeties that must be removed to arm the weapon, environmental sensing switches (disabling mechanisms that are overridden only when the weapon has experienced environmental conditions and stresses expected during operational employment), and sophisticated fuzing systems to detonate the device at the proper place and time. Often these multiple safety systems require cooperation by more than one person to complete weapon arming.

Scenarios that must be addressed include:

inappropriate activation of the weapon's firing system,and detonation of the high explosives by means other than the firing system (e.g. physical damage through fire or impact).
Viimeksi muokattu:
In the 1990s, the U.S. nuclear weapons program shifted emphasis from developing new designs to dismantling thousands of existing weapons and maintaining a much smaller enduring stockpile. The United States ceased underground nuclear testing, and the Department of Energy created the Stockpile Stewardship Program to maintain the safety, security, and reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent without full-scale testing.

This video gives a behind the scenes look at a set of unique capabilities at Lawrence Livermore that are indispensable to the Stockpile Stewardship Program: high performance computing, the Superblock category II nuclear facility, the JASPER a two stage gas gun, the High Explosive Applications Facility (HEAF), the National Ignition Facility (NIF), and the Site 300 contained firing facility.

"Heritage of Science" is a short video that highlights the Stockpile Stewardship program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Stockpile Stewardship was conceived in the early 1990s as a national science-based program that could assure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear deterrent without the need for full-scale underground nuclear testing. This video was produced by Los Alamos National Laboratory for screening at the Lab's Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, NM and is narrated by science correspondent Miles O'Brien.
Film from the Atlas Centaur Heritage Film Collection which was donated to the San Diego Air and Space Museum by Lockheed Martin and United Launch Alliance. The Collection contains 3,000 reels of 16-millimeter film.

The CIM-10 Bomarc (originally IM-99) was the product of the Bomarc Missile Program. The Program was a joint United States of America--Canada effort between 1957 and 1971 to protect against the USSR bomber threat. The Bomarc was a joint development with Boeing and Michigan Aeronautical Research Center. It involved the deployment of tactical stations armed with Bomarc missiles along the east and west coasts of North America and the central areas of the continent. BOMARC and the SAGE guidance system were phased out in the early 1970s since they seemed to be ineffective and costly. Neither of these systems was ever used in combat, so while their combat effictiveness remains untested, they are still perceived as having been an important deterrent.

The supersonic Bomarc missiles were the first long-range anti-aircraft missiles in the world. They were capable of carrying conventional or nuclear warheads. Their intended role in defence was in an intrusion prevention perimeter. Bomarcs aligned on the eastern and western coasts of North America would theoretically launch and destroy enemy bombers before the bombers could drop their payloads on industrial regions.

The name Bomarc was created by merging the names of two organizations: Boeing 'BO' and the Michigan Aeronautical Research Center 'MARC'. The Program was authorized in 1949 and originally designated F-99, a fighter designation but was quickly redesignated "IM" for Interceptor Missile, retaining the -99 series number.

The "Bomarc IM-99A" was the first production Bomarc missile, test flown in February 1955. It had an operational radius of 200 miles (~320 km) and was designed to fly at Mach 2.5-2.8 at a cruising altitude of 60,000 feet (18.3 km). It was 46.6 ft (14.2 m) long and weighed 15,500 lb (7,020 kg). Its armament was either a 1,000 pound (455 kg) conventional warhead or a W40 nuclear warhead (7-10 kiloton yield). A liquid fuelled rocket engine boosted the Bomarc to Mach 2, when its Marquardt RJ43-MA-3 ramjet engines would take over for the remainder of the flight.

The Bomarc relied on the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE), an automated control system used by NORAD for detecting, tracking and intercepting enemy bomber aircraft. SAGE allowed for remote launching of the Bomarc missiles, which were housed in a constant combat-ready basis in individual launch shelters in remote areas. At the height of the program, there were 14 Bomarc sites located in the United States and two in Canada.

Boeing built 570 Bomarc missiles between 1957 and 1964, 269 CIM-10A, 301 CIM-10B.

The BOMARC missile system was the only USAF ground to air missile ever deployed by the Air Force. It carried a nuclear warhead and was to used to protect against Russian bombers (or any other country that wanted to try their luck!)

These are my personal 8mm films I took as a Sgt. in the USAF working in the IMSOC (Interceptor Missile Operations Center) in the early 70s at the 4751st Air Defense Squadron (Missile). I maintained and monitored the computer launch systems.

The first part of the video shows a static test of the missile shelter and erector. Part two is an actual launch day video inside the IMSOC. Part three is a wide view of the launch area. Part four is the launch of a CIM-10B with a solid fuel rocket booster. Part five is the launch of a CIM-10A liquid fuel rocket booster. We actually fired the B version out over the Gulf, then launched the A version as a drone. We could then test the turning capability of the B.
Meet the Missileers that babysits the bombs.

The Air Force has bolted a large sign to the fence of the Alpha-01 Missile Alert Facility, clear white type announcing to any wayward traveler that this little patch of desolate Wyoming prairie belongs to the 319th Missile Squadron, 90th Missile Wing, Global Strike Command. A sergeant stands at attention behind the gate. An American flag is snapping violently at its mast, but the sergeant’s billed cap, high at the top of his head, is perfectly still. He takes my ID through the fence and disappears into what looks like a little house. When he returns, he hands it back. I have been told that he is going to ask “What is your status?,” which he does, and I have been told that I am to answer “I am all secure,” and that if I answer with any other phrase or make no answer at all, I will be thrown to the ground and handcuffed. (“Nothing to do but hold your ID above your head and wait for the pain,” one of the maintenance guys back on base had told me.) I tell the sergeant I am all secure. The gate opens skyward, we step in, and it closes again like a guillotine.

One hundred and fifty nuclear missiles live in the ground in the high plains outside Cheyenne, Wyoming, scattered across an unpopulated area the size of Houston. Alpha-01 controls ten of them. Buried directly beneath the Missile Alert Facility is the cramped capsule where pairs of officers, called missileers, keep watch over the weapons. It’s late morning, and I’m here to meet the crew that will soon be coming off duty.

The following footage was released by the French Air Force.It shows a Force de Frappe‘s nuclear strike mission flown by a Rafale B multirole jet carrying an ASMP-A nuclear missile (weirdly blurred in the video) belonging to the EC (Escadron de chasse) 1/91 Gascogne at Saint-Dizier.The video is extremely interesting as it shows the entire mission profile, from the take-off to the return to base, including the aerial refueling from a C-135FR aerial refueler and the simulated attack on the ground target. It lets you hear some radio comms as well.The attack run is performed at high-speed and ultra low-level: 1,000 km/h at 100 meters.Last October, the French Air Force celebrated 50 years of French deterrence by the Forces Aériennes Strategiques which are responsible for Paris’s nuclear weapons.Whilst most countries are a bit “shy” and they usually don’t make their nuclear attack training public, the French are quite proud to showcase their special strike capabilities.
Kohtuullisen jämäkkää tavaraa tuo ranskalaisten video ydinaseen kotiinkuljetuksesta rafalella. HD tasoisena perilletoimitus ja havainnollistavat kuvat niillekkin, joilta ranska ei ihan ykköskielenä suju. Vaihdatte vaan rafalen tilalle jonkun itäpommittajista ja alle itämeren ja johan ollaan syvällä pelissä.

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