
Oli synkkä ja pimeä yö, kun ilotulitus alkoi.

Taktisten ydinaseiden käytöstä Euroopassa alkava Venäjän ja Yhdysvaltojen ydinsodaksi eskaloituva konflikti tappaisi yli 90 miljoonaa ihmistä jo ensimmäisten tuntien aikana, simulaatiossa arvioidaan.

Princetonin yliopiston tieteen ja globaalin turvallisuuden ohjelman (SGS) johtaja, fysiikan tohtori Alexander Glaserin johdolla laaditusta arviosta on tuotettu alla näkyvä video. Se perustuu itsenäisiin arvioihin amerikkalaisten ja venäläisten ydinaseiden sijoittelusta, sotasuunnitelmista ja kohteista. Käytettyä aineistoa kuvataan kattavaksi. Siinä on huomioitu molemmilla puolilla käytössä olevat ydinaseet ja niiden todennäköisimmät kohteet sekä missä järjestyksessä ja millä tavoilla minnekin iskettäisiin.

Uhrilukujen arvioinnissa on käytetty ydinaseasiantuntija, professori Alex Wellersteinin Nukemap-sivuston tuottamaa dataa. SGS:n kotisivuilla kerrotaan, että uhrimäärät perustuvat pelkkiin räjähdyksiin ja nousevat huomattavasti, jos arvioon lasketaan mukaan laskeuman ja muiden pitkäaikaisten vaikutusten aiheuttamat kuolemat.

Kolmivaiheinen simulaatio kuvaa, kuinka ydinsota kehittyisi taktisesta vaiheesta strategiseen ja siitä edelleen kokonaisiin kaupunkeihin kohdistuviin iskuihin.

Suomen kannalta arvio on synkkä. Ohjuksia lentäisi jatkuvasti Suomen yli ja jo alun taktisessa vaiheessa ohjuksia ammuttaisiin Suomen etelärannikolle ja itärajalle. Myös Baltiaan kohdistuisi suuret määrät iskuja. Suomi ei myöskään välttäisi lukuisiin Suomen ja Venäjän rajalla sijaitseviin kohteisiin kohdistuvien iskujen vaikutuksia. Tilanne pahenisi entisestään strategisessa ja kaupunkeihin kohdistuvissa vaiheissa. Tässä kohtaa ydinkärjet olisivat suurempia ja tuho laajempaa.


What do industry illustrations show about new GBSD ICBM capabilities?
1. Lockheed Martin: wider 2d stage (longer range), similar payload;
2. Boeing: same as MM3;
3. Northrup Grumman: wider 2+3 stages (even longer range), wider payload (larger RVs: MIRV W87-1, future warhead).
Mielenkiintoinen dokkari ydinaseista Euroopan puolustuksessa.

Niille joille tilaus on voimassa: https://dynamic.hs.fi/2019/rauhanpuolustajat/

Kylmän sodan veteraanit varoittavat: ydinsotaa pitää taas pelätä

Kylmän sodan veteraanit varoittavat: ydinsotaa pitää taas pelätä
Salaperäinen Styx-ryhmä seurasi ydinasevarustelua vuosikymmenien ajan. HS kokosi suomalaiset Styx-miehet saman pöydän ääreen. Heidän mielestään Suomi ei ole valmistautunut ydinaseiden toiseen tulemiseen.
A new nuclear weapons inspection technology could enhance inspectors’ ability to verify that a nuclear warhead has been dismantled without compromising state secrets behind the weapon’s design.

This new non-proliferation tool, its inventors argue, would greatly assist the often delicate dance of nuclear weapons inspectors—who want to know they haven’t been hoaxed but are also sensitive to a military’s fear that spies may have infiltrated their ranks.

While nuclear non-proliferation treaties have historically verified the dismantlement of weapons delivery systems like ICBMs and cruise missiles, there have in fact never been any verified dismantlements of nuclear warheads themselves (in part for the reasons described above).
Secrets projects foorumilta lähtöisin oleva lista Neuvostoliiton 80-luvun ohjusprojekteista.
Soviet Ballistic Missile Projects of the 1980s

Years: 1976-?
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Nuclear
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range:
The Koltso advanced ICBM was ordered from Yuzhnoye on 29 September 1976. Development was authorised on 31 May 1984 but the project was later cancelled.

Years: 1981-1991
Bilateral Designation: RSS-40
DoD Designation: SS-X-26
Designer: MITT
Launch Weight: 15,000 kg
Warhead: 500 kg nuclear
Propulsion: Three-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 11,000 km
Launch Vehicle
Designation: MAZ-7909/MAZ-7929
Weight: ?/60,000 kg
Load Capacity: 27,500/35,000 kg
Engine: YaMZ-8424.10 420 hp diesel
Crew: 3/3
The development of the Kurier small ICBM began at MITT in 1981 under the management of A.D. Nadiradze, replaced in 1987 by B.N. Lagutin. The draft design was finalized in 1984, and the system was approved for development. According to some sources the missile was first tested in 1986, whereas other sources claim that major system components were tested separately, and flight tests were to begin 1992. In any case the program was cancelled on 6 October 1991. The missile was launched from its launch container with a solid-propellant gas generator. The prototype of the MAZ-7909 8x8 wheeled chassis was built in 1987, and that of the MAZ-7929 10x8 wheeled chassis in 1988.

Years: 1985-1986
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Nuclear
Propulsion: Three-stage liquid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range:
The Kopye-R was designed by Yuzhnoye since July 1985 as a liquid-propellant alternative to the Kurier small ICBM. The draft project was completed in February 1986, but the Kurier was selected for further development.

Years: 1983-1984
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Lenght: 10.7 m
Diameter: 1.6 m
Launch Weight: 24,400 kg
Warhead: 1,400 kg nuclear/six nuclear MIRVs
Propulsion: Two-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 7,500 km
CEP: 600 m
Work on the Krechet scientific research program for an air-based missile system began in July 1983 with V.F. Utkin of Yuzhnoye design bureau as chief designer. The primary aim of the project was to increase the survivability of nuclear counter-strike forces. The Krechet-R ALBM was a two-stage solid-propellant fourth generation missile with a liquid-propellant warhead bus. First stage was controlled by aerodynamic surfaces, and the second stage by a rotating nozzle. The warhead section contained penetration aids. It was proposed to use a Tupolev Tu-160 variant with an increased load capacity of 50 tons designated Tu-160K as the launch platform. Two missiles were to be carried in the bomb bays of the aircraft. Ground support equipment for the missile was designed by KBTM. Draft design of the system was completed in December 1984, but development was not proceeded with.

Years: 1982-1987
Designer: MITT
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Single/three nuclear or conventional
Propulsion: Two-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 4,000 km
Launch Vehicle
Designation: MAZ-7908
Weight: 60,000 kg
Load Capacity: 36,000 kg
Engine: V-58-7 710 hp diesel
Crew: 3
The development of the Skorost IRBM began at MITT in 1982 under the management of A.D. Nadiradze, and design work was completed in 1986. The first test launch on 1 March 1987 from Kapustin Yar ended in a failure when the first stage nozzle burned through and the missile had to be self-destroyed. No further tests were conducted, as the program was cancelled on 7 March 1987 due to the imminent INF treaty. A total of 10 missiles had been constructed. The Skorost was intended as an inexpensive theater strike weapon for both the Strategic Rocket Troops and the Army in the European theater. It was possibly made of the second and third stages of the RT-2PM (SS-25) ICBM. The guidance system was designed by Pilyugin.

Years: 1987-1991
Designer: Mashinnostrenya
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Nuclear
Propulsion: Three-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range:
The development of the Albatros ICBM was authorized on 9 February 1987. Chief designer was Gerbert Yefremov. Together with the Yuzhnoye RT-2PM2 Universal it was to be a cheap mass-produceable missile to defeat the American SDI system by sheer numbers.

RT-2PM2 Universal
Years: 1987-1991
DoD Designation: SS-X-27
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Lenght: 22.71 m
Diameter: 1.86 m
Launch Weight: 47,000 kg
Warhead: 1,200 kg nuclear
Propulsion: Three-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 10,500 km
CEP: 350 m
Work on the RT-2PM2 ICBM based on the RT-2PM Topol began in the late 1980s. The first missile was delivered to the Plesetsk test range on 30 December 1991, but the project was cancelled on the breakup of the Soviet Union. Two missiles had been completed, and they were handed over to MITT in March-April 1992, where they were used as a basis for the Russian Topol-M missile. Like the NPO Mashinnostrenya Albatros, the RT-2PM2 was to be an inexpensive mass-produceable missile to defeat the American SDI system by sheer numbers and deployable in both silo and road-mobile versions.

RT-23M Yarmak
Years: 1990-1991
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Ten nuclear MIRV
Propulsion: Three-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 11,000 km
The RT-23M Yarmak was an improved development of the RT-23 (SS-24) ICBM.

R-36M3 Ikar
Years: 1990-1991
Designer: Yuzhnoye
Launch Weight:
Warhead: Ten nuclear MIRV
Propulsion: Two-stage solid-propellant rocket
Guidance: Inertial
Maximum Range: 16,000 km
The R-36M3 Ikar was designed as a next-generation replacement for the R-36M2 (SS-18 Mod 5/6) ICBM. Work on the missile began in the early 1990s under the management of Stanislav Us. Unlike previous R-36M versions, the missile was to use solid propellants, and also nested rocket stages.

Main sources:
True Supersonics
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Russian Space Web
In a world exclusive, THIS WEEK reports from inside a Soviet ballistic missile base. As the United States and the Russians offer dramatic cuts in their nuclear arsenals, reporter Julian Manyon talks to the officers and men of a Soviet Nuclear Missile battalion deep in Siberia. With unprecedented access, THIS WEEK filmed in the underground command bunker where Soviet troops sit poised, 24 hours a day, still ready to fire their Intercontinental missiles at five seconds notice. First shown: 17/10/1991
USA, Kiina, ja Venäjä eivät ole luopumassa ohjussiiloista mikä on ymmärrettävää koska kyseessä lienee halvin tapa operoida mannertenvälisiä.

Artikkelista löytyy kuvia Kiinalaisten uusista siiloista. Venäjällä ja Yhdysvalloilla löytyy vanhojakin niin paljon ettei niitä tarvitse kuin modernisoida.
Chinese effort to develop the option to deploy some of its new solid-fuel road-mobile ICBMs – possible the DF-41 – in silos. According to the 2019 Pentagon report on Chinese military developments, “China appears to be considering additional DF-41 launch options, including rail-mobile and silo basing.”
Viimeksi muokattu:
Russia’s Strategic Missile Force will receive the first two intercontinental-range ballistic missiles (ICBMs) armed with a new hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) — the Avangard (Vanguard in English) hypersonic boost-glide warhead —in late November or early October, according to Russian media reports.
JL-2 SLBM nähtynä isossa paraatissa.

Putinin mukaan superaseprojekti jatkuu hinnasta riippumatta.
Five engineers and two others died when a rocket engine exploded at a test range on the White Sea on 8 August.

Defence experts think it was part of a nuclear-powered cruise missile.

"We will certainly be perfecting this weapon regardless of anything," Mr Putin told widows of the victims.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kohta puoleen eläkkeelle siirtyvän DF-4 ohjuksen laukaisu siilosta sekä maan tasalta.